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Author Topic: Look At What This Guy Is Selling On Ebay  (Read 413 times)


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Look At What This Guy Is Selling On Ebay
« Reply #15 on: October 28, 2003, 03:21:00 PM »

I wouldnt call it exploiting, you go to school to learn something.

School is free..

on the same token I saved that guy $37 from purchasing live

No, you stole $12 off him for what would otherwise be a free product..

You all dont like what I do, write your own guide, spend your own money marketing and put me out of business.

You havent been listening.. have you?? Why the FUCK would we make our own guide and sell it?? The stuff we do is free..

You will never win this debate - especially here.. Now fuck off before I start trying to think of ways to shut you down..




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Look At What This Guy Is Selling On Ebay
« Reply #16 on: October 28, 2003, 03:23:00 PM »

As TD said, it's all a matter of personal opinion.

If the guy wants to sell something on eBay, let him do it. A professional scammer would be trying to sell digital cameras / laptops etc and get more money than $12.95. And it's not as if he won't send you the CD or whatever if you buy it.

Fair enough you can find this information for free, and fair enough I've written a fair bit of it on the XLink site for free. He's just selling a guide and I see plenty of computer guide books at the bookstore that retail for 2 - 3 times as much as what he sells this CD for, and I can find everything plus much much more on the Internet for free...

I do have one objection to the item. Perhaps make it implicitly clear that you are intending on playing games through their system-link option, and not XBox Live.

I remember buying the Flash 4.0 Bible ages ago. Worst $AU48 I've ever spent. I found out more stuff on my own and through the macromedia flash newsgroup than in the book itself. I gave it to my friend who was just getting started with DTP and he wanted to get into it and he loved the book. He wasn't prepared to go around hunting tutorials from all over the internet, sign up to the MM flash newsgroup adn sift through 30000+ posts to find what he wanted etc etc...

So, if you don't want it, don't buy it. As someone who's been scammed of $AU1200 for a laptop that never came, I think those sort of people should be shot.

My 2 cents.


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Look At What This Guy Is Selling On Ebay
« Reply #17 on: October 28, 2003, 03:29:00 PM »

I'm not trying to take sides on anything here, just telling me opinion.

TD, school's free in the UK, yep. I even went to school in England so I know first hand. But not everywhere else. My school cost my parents $AU 3000 (about $US 2100 / year, and that's not a private school or anythign like that. You're looking at $AU10000 for a posh private school.

Unfortunately, not very free ;/


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Look At What This Guy Is Selling On Ebay
« Reply #18 on: October 28, 2003, 04:01:00 PM »

Well, I dont live there so I dont know - but I was always under the impression that school in Aus wasnt just free, it was mandatory.. because it's based (loosely) on the UK model..

Anyway, I'm not here to argue semantics.. the guy is pedalling crap and its a scam. The idea has been around in one form or another for years - I remember someone doing it about getting "Free Music" - and just giving a couple of links / screens for Napster.. back in the day...

Look at the wording on his ad - and on his site.. The whole things is a total fucking con..

Also, savagegerbil, before you start challenging people to "know what its like to support someone", I suggest you make sure that the person you're challenging is single with no dependants - because in jz28's case - I know for a fact you've just fallen flat on your face....

I'd politely ask shana to close this topic - but I think the more people who see this dickheads rubbish for what it is, the better..



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Look At What This Guy Is Selling On Ebay
« Reply #19 on: October 28, 2003, 05:06:00 PM »

I have sold numerous guides already, and people have thanked me. Those people will tell their friends and friends will tell friends and I am not stopping them

ROFL  laugh.gif honestly, if YOU BOUGHT that information, WHY would you tell your Friends to go and spend money on ALSO buying that information, that YOU already know, ??

its acts like this, that i am sure TD thinks fuck this, WHY should someone ELSE make money off this work, and not him, its intended as FREE software, its shit like this that might make him have 2nd thoughts about charging, THEN what ya gonna do ??

In fact -
What are we ALL gonna do ?, HAVE to pay out for a service we could otherwise enjoy for free, and what, coz of the guy that wanted to make a quick buck ?


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Look At What This Guy Is Selling On Ebay
« Reply #20 on: October 28, 2003, 05:35:00 PM »

Alls im gonna say is you shouldn't bite the hand that feeds you.

- Simple


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Look At What This Guy Is Selling On Ebay
« Reply #21 on: October 28, 2003, 06:28:00 PM »

QUOTE (savagegerbil @ Oct 28 2003, 11:09 PM)
QUOTE (BigGanja @ Oct 29 2003, 03:35 AM)
Alls im gonna say is you shouldn't bite the hand that feeds you.

- Simple

And I'm saying I asked for permission and I got it, I didnt just go and do it. I made my intentions known and I went with it. Hell, I even offered to buy the xbox live units they needed and said I would find a way to pay them a percentage per guide sold so they could get funding so they wouldnt have to ask for donated equipment. And I didnt have to do any of that cause I was well within the law to have just made my guide and sold it without telling anyone. It's not like I am selling thier code and passing it off as my own.

Hey dude, you dont know me, or who I provide for. Its shitty what you are doing, but its a free country (assuming you live in one).

You have zero respect of the people who's stuff you are "selling a guide to" (ie, scamming). That should mean something to you, but alas, it does not, because you are scum.

I dont know who you got permission from, but I know it wasnt TD, and he MADE xlink.

SuperDaimyo, yer wrong in this case man, this is a scam, and by any other color, its still a scam...

what people decide to do as far as modding their boxes, is their business, and obviously none of your concern...You do realize that even though it is a grey area, people mod boxes for legitimate reasons? and that it is totally legal in many places?

get a clue man...and stop yer damn trolling once and for all.


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Look At What This Guy Is Selling On Ebay
« Reply #22 on: October 28, 2003, 06:44:00 PM »

QUOTE (SuperDaimyo @ Oct 28 2003, 10:10 PM)
I wouldnt waste time copying and pasting what i say to try and rip on me (and omg that sad) , coz I dont plan and rechecking this post.

That's called bombthrowing, and its a tactic of cowards...

"lemme say what I wanna say and then close my ears and go NAH NAH NAH CANT HEAR YOU!!!"

how mature.


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Look At What This Guy Is Selling On Ebay
« Reply #23 on: October 28, 2003, 06:47:00 PM »

that's fuckin bogus
dude, it's wrong to sell stuff like this especially without asking the creators first
could be a nice person and give a link to the info for free but nooooooo, gotta be an ass and profit off of someone else's hard work which they managed to do for free, if it's free, it's meant to stay free
aol keyword: FREE!!!!


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Look At What This Guy Is Selling On Ebay
« Reply #24 on: October 28, 2003, 06:53:00 PM »

QUOTE (savagegerbil @ Oct 28 2003, 07:34 PM)
QUOTE (alf @ Oct 29 2003, 12:10 AM)
Some people are really dumb.  They'd rather pay someone to hold their hand instead of trying to figure it out for themselves.  The world is built on exploiting idiots.

I wouldnt call it exploiting, you go to school to learn something. You could easily look it up and learn it yourself but you go to learn from someone else. That could be explaoiting someone going by what you said.

Does sony, compaq,hp,dell [insert company here] exploit people who dont know how to build their own computer? People have options, I'm sure there was one point or another when everyone here didnt know it was possible to play outside of xbox live, to say I am a scammer for taking advantage of people who dont know is wrong. I sell information to people who dont know, if someone wanted to know bad enough how to get xbox online for free then they will find it, for those who want to take a shortcut they go through me.

You all dont like what I do, write your own guide, spend your own money marketing and put me out of business.

nah, it would be much easier to expose you for what you are, by throwing up free websites with links to the info, and pointing you out as the scammer you are.

If you could make a site directing people to your guide, you could provide info for free to help others out there.



simply pathetic.

But, as I said, its a free country, do what you want, but you have zero respect of the community, especially the one you are trying to "sell".


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Look At What This Guy Is Selling On Ebay
« Reply #25 on: October 28, 2003, 06:57:00 PM »

You wouldnt know that I take care of my sick mother and pay my sister & her family’s bills and the only thing I can work with is a retail job. When it comes to making sure my family has a roof over their head's and food to eat then yeah, I got no shame.

boo fuckin hoo, my moms needs a new leg, so im gonna sell XLink on ebay!!


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Look At What This Guy Is Selling On Ebay
« Reply #26 on: October 28, 2003, 07:01:00 PM »

QUOTE (jz28 @ Oct 29 2003, 04:53 AM)
QUOTE (savagegerbil @ Oct 28 2003, 07:34 PM)
QUOTE (alf @ Oct 29 2003, 12:10 AM)
Some people are really dumb.  They'd rather pay someone to hold their hand instead of trying to figure it out for themselves.  The world is built on exploiting idiots.

I wouldnt call it exploiting, you go to school to learn something. You could easily look it up and learn it yourself but you go to learn from someone else. That could be explaoiting someone going by what you said.

Does sony, compaq,hp,dell [insert company here] exploit people who dont know how to build their own computer? People have options, I'm sure there was one point or another when everyone here didnt know it was possible to play outside of xbox live, to say I am a scammer for taking advantage of people who dont know is wrong. I sell information to people who dont know, if someone wanted to know bad enough how to get xbox online for free then they will find it, for those who want to take a shortcut they go through me.

You all dont like what I do, write your own guide, spend your own money marketing and put me out of business.

nah, it would be much easier to expose you for what you are, by throwing up free websites with links to the info, and pointing you out as the scammer you are.

If you could make a site directing people to your guide, you could provide info for free to help others out there.



simply pathetic.

But, as I said, its a free country, do what you want, but you have zero respect of the community, especially the one you are trying to "sell".

You lecturing me on respect? Here is a letter I just got from one of the people I supposedly scammed

"I have reviewed the material that I received and I am very pleased with it.  Although I have already left positive feedback for you, I wanted to send this e-mail to say thank you and that I look forward to doing business with you in the future.  Thanks again and any return feedback would be greatly appreciated."

Yeah, I'm a scammer. I'm tricking them into being happy with their guides, and fixing their xbox and saying if you dont use my guide you will never be able to fix it hahaha!!!

So if I wrote a book about the xbox using shared information, would you all have the same opinion?


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Look At What This Guy Is Selling On Ebay
« Reply #27 on: October 28, 2003, 07:03:00 PM »

Topics > eBay Policies > Prohibited and Restricted Items > Compilation and Informational Media
The listing may not offer information on how to receive specific items for free outside of eBay.

heh, goodbye lame fucker


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Look At What This Guy Is Selling On Ebay
« Reply #28 on: October 28, 2003, 07:09:00 PM »

One, this is not what the xbox-scene is about.... Ripping off people shit all the stuff any of us have done has been put into FAQ and is free for everyone.  Shit the software we create that has thousands of hours in coding and testing is free.   So why do you thing just because copied and pasted some crap that you should get paid for it.  


What are you giving back to the people that give to you for free.  Scamming NOOBS that we all end up helping everyday.   This is FUCKED UP!!!!

Team Avalaunch

This is my own opinion and not the opinion of the other Avalaunch Team Members but I am sure they too would agree with me!!!!


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Look At What This Guy Is Selling On Ebay
« Reply #29 on: October 28, 2003, 07:17:00 PM »

QUOTE (r0wdy @ Oct 29 2003, 05:09 AM)
One, this is not what the xbox-scene is about.... Ripping off people shit all the stuff any of us have done has been put into FAQ and is free for everyone.  Shit the software we create that has thousands of hours in coding and testing is free.   So why do you thing just because copied and pasted some crap that you should get paid for it.  


What are you giving back to the people that give to you for free.  Scamming NOOBS that we all end up helping everyday.   This is FUCKED UP!!!!

Team Avalaunch

This is my own opinion and not the opinion of the other Avalaunch Team Members but I am sure they too would agree with me!!!!

K, ya know what? why dont you read earlier posts or read my guide's before you accuse me of copying and pasting anything k? all of you?

It's obvious most of you are just going by the consenus and beleiving what everyone else is saying, if you like being a follower be my guest.
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