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Author Topic: Look At What This Guy Is Selling On Ebay  (Read 420 times)


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Look At What This Guy Is Selling On Ebay
« on: October 27, 2003, 03:14:00 PM »



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Look At What This Guy Is Selling On Ebay
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2003, 03:41:00 PM »

What?  $12.95 isn't a good deal?   tongue.gif


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« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2003, 03:27:00 AM »

QUOTE (dfunked @ Oct 28 2003, 12:42 AM)
I know the person selling this. It's obviously going to use a third-party tunnelling application (to the best of my knowledge, he shows how to use XLink).

The exe you pay for is not the actual program (dur), but a complete guide on how to get gaming online for free. This means, videos / photos / diagrams the works. I've seen this guy's work before over at

He's legitimate. It's more for the "noob" than the experienced, but you can always find out some stuff you didn't know. Check out his website if you don't believe me.

Personally, I think it is the gheyest thing ever to sell information "guides" like that on ebay. I think people that do it are shameless, and making money off of the ignorant. If someone wants to "help" people, they shouldnt be making money off of folks for showing them how to use xlink or any other tunneling app...

I think its disgraceful myself.


after checking his site, I think its safe to say, that the guy is a jackass too. I dont agree with any of that crap and hope that others wont be stupid enough to check that link and end up buying something.


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« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2003, 09:59:00 AM »

Lol, you make me laugh. Whats the differance between my guides and pc's/windows/unix/insert your title here for dummie's books? I have to invest thousands of dolllars of money I dont have to gain a little respect? face it, there is no difference but the reason you single me out is because I am an individual instead of a publisher and I make due with what I got.

I dont see you singling out xbox-scene, you dont think their getting payed from all the banner advertisements? I guess one could stick up for it and say they give you meaningful content. Well I see all the content is supplied by the community. So, I am up front about what I do but the subtle things people use to make money, that gets your respect. I see... TD, whats your deal? I was under the impression you were all for it.

Tell me the hypocrisy in this, you write code on your computer and compile it with an illegal sdk, and then go and point the finger at me for making my own guide with my own words (No i didnt steal anything from any forums, posts, website) what about M$? They invested a lot more time and money into developing that sdk, and developing xbox live. What was that about raping hard work?

And as for me being ghey? If your gonna insult someone learn to use the right spelling. You dont know a thing about me, your just judging me by the cover and whomever does that is a very shallow person. As far as having a "real job" I did have one once and I gave my heart and soul to it but I got shitcanned because some know it all asshole who makes $400k a year doesnt like the way I tell him what he's doing wrong on his network. You wouldnt know that I take care of my sick mother and pay my sister & her family’s bills and the only thing I can work with is a retail job. When it comes to making sure my family has a roof over their head's and food to eat then yeah, I got no shame.

The guide was based on Xlink so why the thread is in the xbconnect forum is beyond me. I guess motocross assumed it was for xbconnect, since he obviously didnt read it. Why you guys make a big deal about it is beyond me, whether they hear it from me, here, your website, word of mouth, it means more player's to join the community. But you guys dont see that do you, you just see this guy trying to make a buck and for shame! Sorry, helping people from the kindness of my heart doesnt pay the bills.

go fuck your rightious selfs


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Look At What This Guy Is Selling On Ebay
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2003, 10:27:00 AM »

Best comeback ever.



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Look At What This Guy Is Selling On Ebay
« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2003, 10:37:00 AM »

I agree with mod7


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« Reply #6 on: October 28, 2003, 10:56:00 AM »

QUOTE (savagegerbil @ Oct 28 2003, 02:59 PM)
Lol, you make me laugh. Whats the differance between my guides and pc's/windows/unix/insert your title here for dummie's books? I have to invest thousands of dolllars of money I dont have to gain a little respect? face it, there is no difference but the reason you single me out is because I am an individual instead of a publisher and I make due with what I got.

I dont see you singling out xbox-scene, you dont think their getting payed from all the banner advertisements? I guess one could stick up for it and say they give you meaningful content. Well I see all the content is supplied by the community. So, I am up front about what I do but the subtle things people use to make money, that gets your respect. I see... TD, whats your deal? I was under the impression you were all for it.

Tell me the hypocrisy in this, you write code on your computer and compile it with an illegal sdk, and then go and point the finger at me for making my own guide with my own words (No i didnt steal anything from any forums, posts, website) what about M$? They invested a lot more time and money into developing that sdk, and developing xbox live. What was that about raping hard work?

And as for me being ghey? If your gonna insult someone learn to use the right spelling. You dont know a thing about me, your just judging me by the cover and whomever does that is a very shallow person. As far as having a "real job" I did have one once and I gave my heart and soul to it but I got shitcanned because some know it all asshole who makes $400k a year doesnt like the way I tell him what he's doing wrong on his network. You wouldnt know that I take care of my sick mother and pay my sister & her family’s bills and the only thing I can work with is a retail job. When it comes to making sure my family has a roof over their head's and food to eat then yeah, I got no shame.

The guide was based on Xlink so why the thread is in the xbconnect forum is beyond me. I guess motocross assumed it was for xbconnect, since he obviously didnt read it. Why you guys make a big deal about it is beyond me, whether they hear it from me, here, your website, word of mouth, it means more player's to join the community. But you guys dont see that do you, you just see this guy trying to make a buck and for shame! Sorry, helping people from the kindness of my heart doesnt pay the bills.

go fuck your rightious selfs

dont be a tool with selling your scammer guide...anyone can find this stuff for free. period.

i dont really care about your family myself, and I fail to see the relevance. I hear people cry bloody murder all the time about how they got a raw deal, well suck it up, and get a real job and quit yer bitchin.

no sympathy here...

there are better ways to make money (ie, respectful) than selling a freakin gay little guide to people who dont know better to find it on the web for free themselves.


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« Reply #7 on: October 28, 2003, 11:01:00 AM »

oh and one more thing...

you obviously missed why this pisses people off, so let me let you in on a little secret...

TD busts his ass to make this stuff for free. Thats right, free...And you come along and expect to make money off it? He has no ads, nothing on his site...

And so that would mean...hrm....YES! that you shouldnt be able to make a buck on his hard work, dumbass.

I can't believe you even try to defend the crap you are pushing.

it makes me sick to my stomach every time I see a guy like you calling this an "honest living"


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Look At What This Guy Is Selling On Ebay
« Reply #8 on: October 28, 2003, 11:14:00 AM »

I agree.  This is a complete scam.  It even comes across as getting xbox live for free.  I compare this to the guy who sold people a box with an x on it two years ago and only told them in the fine print.  You try to sell us a sob story about trying to feed your family well guess what?  Some dad can't afford xbox live for his kid for his birthday so he says wait i can afford this for him.  You just ripped off that guy and his kid...You are a scammer...plain and simple.


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Look At What This Guy Is Selling On Ebay
« Reply #9 on: October 28, 2003, 12:48:00 PM »

Theres a simple way of knowing if you are scamming someone... you gotta ask yourself a question..

"If i sell this product to someone, will they be regretting buying it afterwards? Also will they be angry at me for selling it to them?"

I would bet 95% of the people you sell your "info" to will be pissed at you for selling the information. Theres no doubt once they get on Xlink or whatever program you tote, they will learn about Xbox-Scene and become mighty upset in a little amount of time.

So ask yourself that question..

Also.. you gotta be a lowlife to profit off of a free product. Especially when you go against the wishes of the original creator.


... Jackass


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« Reply #10 on: October 28, 2003, 01:23:00 PM »

TD gives it away for free, that's his business. People make money off of linux everyday also, cry me a river. Oh dont worry, I changed the guide to reflect XBConnect now so TD and his free code can do whatever.

I have sold numerous guides already, and people have thanked me. Those people will tell their friends and friends will tell friends and I am not stopping them, I am not cramming this down their throat. If someone who doesnt know about it or doesnt know how to look for it on x-s wants to break down and pay me the $12.95 for me to hold their hand and walk em through it, to support them instead of them emailing the support team than all be it, I'm not tricking them or scamming them. I'm not promising gold and giving them bronze. And shit, I am bringing more people to the network to play on, I am supporting them, and I am spreading awareness so if XBConnect would rather have the bigger better community then by all means.

And let's make one thing straight, I asked for permission and I got it so you wanna go call me a theif, go fuck yourself! And even still I didnt take shit from any forum, you all havent even read it so how can you stand there and make accusations? Assholes

And Jz28, when you learn what it's like to be responsible for another persons life and the options you have then give me your opinion, until then fuck off!


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« Reply #11 on: October 28, 2003, 02:02:00 PM »

QUOTE (eyric101 @ Oct 28 2003, 09:14 PM)
I agree.  This is a complete scam.  It even comes across as getting xbox live for free.  I compare this to the guy who sold people a box with an x on it two years ago and only told them in the fine print.  You try to sell us a sob story about trying to feed your family well guess what?  Some dad can't afford xbox live for his kid for his birthday so he says wait i can afford this for him.  You just ripped off that guy and his kid...You are a scammer...plain and simple.

Nice analogy, but on the same token I saved that guy $37 from purchasing live and from dissapointing his kid, and if he is like a lot of non technical parents he probably likes the idea of being able to be walked through picture for picture and explained what exactly to do, what to look for and how to do it.

It's pretty easy to justify something when you can make up any scenario in the world to fit your opinion.

And as far as using the SDK, no I dont instruct them on how to use it because that would be illegal and too complicated. But I think you just admitted to illegal activity in a public forum so if I were you, and thank god I'm not, I would contact a mod and have this thread removed before MS see's it.

Who is the theif again? SDK in one hand (or should I say your hand?)...... or my guide I made myself with MY words and MY screen captures?


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« Reply #12 on: October 28, 2003, 02:08:00 PM »

You're a douche bag dude.


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« Reply #13 on: October 28, 2003, 02:10:00 PM »

Some people are really dumb.  They'd rather pay someone to hold their hand instead of trying to figure it out for themselves.  The world is built on exploiting idiots.


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« Reply #14 on: October 28, 2003, 02:10:00 PM »

doubled, sorry
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