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Author Topic: Xbox Boss Chris Lewis Defends Anti-Piracy Crackdown  (Read 1111 times)


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Xbox Boss Chris Lewis Defends Anti-Piracy Crackdown
« Reply #60 on: November 13, 2009, 09:47:00 AM »

QUOTE(shage @ Nov 13 2009, 11:12 AM) View Post

 how many of you still have the 8bit, and how many of you could plug it in and turn it on and play it right now if wanted, you come to me in 20 yrs and show me your box do the same fucking thing, rant done lol

Nintendo had flaws too, remember you had to push the game down with a pen?  biggrin.gif colecovision still works though.


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Xbox Boss Chris Lewis Defends Anti-Piracy Crackdown
« Reply #61 on: November 13, 2009, 02:30:00 PM »

I too am hoping now that we have 1 million banned 360's that hacker's worldwide will come up with "portable LIVE servers" where 4-16 of us can connect to play a LIVE game.
1 million 360's is a lot of people so we can create "LIVE-type" place to play our LIVE games.
That would be a good counter-move. smile.gif
99 percent of games have Live built into them and not that many have system link built into them and their is 10ms ping limitation on 360 for system LINK, so we have to figure out how to make "portable LIVE servers".  
Then we never have to worry ever again about being banned and we form our own Mini-servers, by state/country/town and connect to closest one.

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Xbox Boss Chris Lewis Defends Anti-Piracy Crackdown
« Reply #62 on: November 13, 2009, 02:51:00 PM »

QUOTE(tactical @ Nov 13 2009, 11:30 PM) View Post

I too am hoping now that we have 1 million banned 360's that hacker's worldwide will come up with "portable LIVE servers" where 4-16 of us can connect to play a LIVE game.

I thought there were no dedicated live servers for the games? I was under the impression that a users console was the server; saving MS money and making the players lag out all the time in the process. In this case wouldn't someone just have to find a way of hijacking MS software for linking the consoles and then set up a similar system?

Cloud Xtrife

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Xbox Boss Chris Lewis Defends Anti-Piracy Crackdown
« Reply #63 on: November 13, 2009, 05:20:00 PM »

QUOTE([email protected] @ Nov 13 2009, 05:51 PM) View Post

I thought there were no dedicated live servers for the games? I was under the impression that a users console was the server; saving MS money and making the players lag out all the time in the process. In this case wouldn't someone just have to find a way of hijacking MS software for linking the consoles and then set up a similar system?

Yeah, all it takes for the xbox to create/join a multiplayer game is internet access, so what does ms really charges you for on live? avatars? what a joke.

I just bought a new PS3 and i have to say the avatars on playstation home put xbox's to shame. Not like it even matters anyway. But also the whole interface/menu looks better and more mature than the xbox dashboard which, with all the green shiny colours look pretty childish IMO.

And on top of that, while MS shows the "AWESOME" news about the upcoming facebook/twiter/blahblah update (so they can finally justify part of what they charge you for the xbox live service), i found out the PS3 has a pretty good web browser. I mean come on, having to pay for xbox live is retarded if you really think about it.

Im really considering just throwing the xbox away and buying my games for the PS3... thing would be the games...  i really got into Lost Odyssey and Magna Carta 2 none of which are available for ps3 >>


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Xbox Boss Chris Lewis Defends Anti-Piracy Crackdown
« Reply #64 on: November 13, 2009, 05:29:00 PM »

QUOTE(CardnalSyn @ Nov 12 2009, 10:07 PM) View Post

"Clearly it's important for us to be able to stamp down on that to protect the 10 million people that are already on Xbox 360 in Europe for instance."

Protect them from WHAT?!?!

FROM a worlwide virus called piracy...

piracy steals boats and may steel your xbox too  ph34r.gif


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Xbox Boss Chris Lewis Defends Anti-Piracy Crackdown
« Reply #65 on: November 13, 2009, 05:59:00 PM »

but what does "innocent until proven guilty mean"?  For everyone that jumps onthe Hell Yeah bandwagon, what about the people being wrongly banned?  Aren't these one side of the story readers reading on othr sites that there are reports of unmodded cases being banned in which MS/XBOX won't give any reason or second thought at looking into it.
On the Xbox forums several people ( and I don't believe them all) say they were wrongly banned, just for the moderators (who are jokes withn themselves) to point out a link that directs them tot he actual terms of use page.. No help, no c"all this person", no "we'll look into it". the only thing you can do is PM a person going bu TATSU24 or something. you leave your console ID and serial number and they re-verify it for you.

I've PM'ed about 80+ people that said they sent them that info. Out of the 80+ no one has had the ban lifted OR even heard back from them.

They don't give 2 rats asses over the people who worked their tails off and decided to buy their console over spending their money on anything else. I hope there is an error inthe bannings and MS has to reimburse the people who were wrongfully banned whatever the cost was to have a new consoel bought - Or if they bought a different console (PS3/WII) reimburse that too. I'd also love to see a lawsuit if this ban is goofed.
I know of 2 people personally that got the axe and 1 has NEVER had a mod done to his... the only thing that could of gotten his banned was playing from a hard drive from a modded console. He's already looked into the legality of it. Hope he gets his day and sues for big bucks.

Cloud Xtrife

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Xbox Boss Chris Lewis Defends Anti-Piracy Crackdown
« Reply #66 on: November 13, 2009, 06:18:00 PM »

i find it funny how people seem to think pirates "take advantage" of the rest of the people as if they couldnt pirate stuff just the same way. I mean, its crazy how much hate people show towards pirates, hate from people that are in no way linked to the games/console producers/manufacturers. As if piracy hurted them in any sense.

Some even say that game publishers lose so much money cuz of pirates that they are "forced" to rise their prices. In my opinion, if games were cheap enough, i think they'd sell a lot more and piracy wouldnt even be worth it, which would still allow them to make lots of money.


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Xbox Boss Chris Lewis Defends Anti-Piracy Crackdown
« Reply #67 on: November 13, 2009, 07:12:00 PM »

Meanwhile MS continues to "copy" Apple's OS, ideas, and business plans!

"Simon Aldous, partner group manager with Microsoft, told PCR that the graphical style of Windows 7 -- which he calls "Vista on steroids" -- was inspired by the look of Apple's Mac OS X. The new Windows operating system launched in October."


Microsoft Store Looks Eerily Similar to Another Store
Wood floors - check
White walls - check
Employees with T-Shirt and black pants - check
Tables in the center with notebooks - check
Employees with lanyards - check
Ad with tons of app icons on a white background - check

They even open the stores the same way. With clapping employees giving high fives.

We half expect to see iPhones being sold.

This is your grand plan Microsoft? To copy Apple in every way possible?


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Xbox Boss Chris Lewis Defends Anti-Piracy Crackdown
« Reply #68 on: November 13, 2009, 07:15:00 PM »

STFU Microsoft !!!  
WE! get the picture... all the news headlines are all the same, i want more info on JTAG and stuff that will make my 360 Experience more better.


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Xbox Boss Chris Lewis Defends Anti-Piracy Crackdown
« Reply #69 on: November 14, 2009, 09:17:00 AM »

QUOTE(CardnalSyn @ Nov 12 2009, 10:07 PM) View Post

"Clearly it's important for us to be able to stamp down on that to protect the 10 million people that are already on Xbox 360 in Europe for instance."

Protect them from WHAT?!?!

QUOTE(rossmac @ Nov 12 2009, 10:08 PM) View Post

Rising prices of games caused by others not purchasing it?

LMFAO.  You mean, 'Rising prices of games caused by rising levels of game studios' greed'.

+1 for your modified statement.  love.gif

QUOTE(BEVEL @ Nov 12 2009, 10:45 PM) View Post

stop the crying lol

That's what I told your momma last night.  *internet five*

QUOTE(turk3y @ Nov 12 2009, 11:04 PM) View Post

no but it does help to increase thoes ever so important holiday sales figures for the board and general propaganda. The only thing it protects is their pocket whilst showing the likes of EA they are trying to fight it.

I agree with this of course, but surely EA must be aware of this, for instance.  I.e. if we realise this, I'm sure EA does. Therefore, why would EA be appeased?  It doesn't really make sense when you think it through fully.  If anyone knows about cut-throat business tactics it is EA.  So, they won't be hood-winked by MS, just like we haven't been.  Discuss... smile.gif

QUOTE(bucko @ Nov 13 2009, 12:12 AM) View Post

+1 just hope they have all been banned now, so I can read some decent topics on X-S without it going down with stupid "zomg i'm banned posts"...

You clearly don't like piracy, yet you choose to moderate a forum filled (and if you think it isn't filled you need a serious reality check) with pirates. I think you should consider a career move (assuming moderating this forum is your full-time job, which sadly wouldn't surprise me).

Seriously, people need to stop making out like xbox-scene is a moral place to hang out.  LMFAO.  Total hypocrisy.  In fact, why not rename it 'hypocri-scene'?  C'mon, that was good.  No?...

Go somewhere else and bring down some other forum instead of preaching support of piracy on behalf of XS or trying to get a rise out of one of the mods. make another account again and lose that as well.


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Xbox Boss Chris Lewis Defends Anti-Piracy Crackdown
« Reply #70 on: November 14, 2009, 09:20:00 AM »

QUOTE(Cloud Xtrife @ Nov 13 2009, 06:20 PM) View Post

Yeah, all it takes for the xbox to create/join a multiplayer game is internet access, so what does ms really charges you for on live? avatars? what a joke.


woah...wait a sec there...lets not forget the stupid cartoons and useless download-able backgrounds...


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Xbox Boss Chris Lewis Defends Anti-Piracy Crackdown
« Reply #71 on: November 14, 2009, 10:05:00 AM »

QUOTE(d-range @ Nov 13 2009, 11:07 AM) View Post

They'd have to embed each and every check directly into the dashboard then, without a way to verify CRC's, SS's etc. online, since you wouldn't be going on XBL anymore. They'd have only 2 ways of detecting a modded box left: direct inspection of the firmware, or some kind of indirect check on response times, disc jitter, that kind of stuff. The first seems very unlikely, the drives aren't made to have easy access to the firmware from software, in fact they are made to make it as hard as possible. The second could always be faked by hacked firmware as soon as the actual detection method is known (which it will be eventually). Also it seems to be a little thin to go on, crippling a console just because the disc doesn't look like a pressed one. Last but not least I think they might get into legal troubles crippling a console just by inserting a disc, instead of crippling it because you're using said disc on their online service.

That said, I don't even think Microsoft is out to get all pirates, they just want to wipe the XBL service clean of modders. There's little to gain disabling the <1% of modded consoles that will never, ever be able to go online, right now about 3% of the consoles appears to be modified, but that number will certainly drop when XBL + modded console is effectively made impossible.

Well, they could have set a flag in the console during this latest ban wave to stop the console allowing its dash to be updated.  That would be as easy as the HDD install feature flag.  Maybe somebody has already managed to successfully update their banned console's dashboard, though.

QUOTE(MyDogAteIt @ Nov 14 2009, 02:12 AM) View Post

Meanwhile MS continues to "copy" Apple's OS, ideas, and business plans!

"Simon Aldous, partner group manager with Microsoft, told PCR that the graphical style of Windows 7 -- which he calls "Vista on steroids" -- was inspired by the look of Apple's Mac OS X. The new Windows operating system launched in October."


Microsoft Store Looks Eerily Similar to Another Store
Wood floors - check
White walls - check
Employees with T-Shirt and black pants - check
Tables in the center with notebooks - check
Employees with lanyards - check
Ad with tons of app icons on a white background - check

They even open the stores the same way. With clapping employees giving high fives.

We half expect to see iPhones being sold.

This is your grand plan Microsoft? To copy Apple in every way possible?

LOL.  You think Apple are better than MS?  They are both just greedy organisations.  Get a grip.  Also, if Apple's business plan is better than Microsoft's, it makes sense for MS to copy it.  The converse is obviously also true.  You think Apple fanboys are better than MS fanboys?  Wrong.


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Xbox Boss Chris Lewis Defends Anti-Piracy Crackdown
« Reply #72 on: November 14, 2009, 10:34:00 AM »

QUOTE(Miguell @ Nov 13 2009, 02:46 AM) View Post

Fuck You MS you will never stop PIRATE. WINDOWS have been ALWAYS OURS..

all you have is just xboxlive..

but one day soon we will rule it

suck in my finger:


you really are a dreamer. Another pirate kiddie who thinks it is so cool to buck the system.
You really believeyou or the "we" you talk about will stop this banning and detection and "Rule Xbox Live"
Get a job, pay for your stuff and then come to terms with the fact that MS will blow you apart when and where they see fit.
I really doubt they are worried by childish rantings of the piracy promoters.


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Xbox Boss Chris Lewis Defends Anti-Piracy Crackdown
« Reply #73 on: November 14, 2009, 05:58:00 PM »

QUOTE(smn70 @ Nov 13 2009, 12:22 AM) View Post

I dont understand how banning somebody from playing xbox live in anyway stops piracy.  Not being able to get online with an xbox doesnt stop people from downloading games and playing them for free.  Kinda sounds like lame excuse.

Very true! The reason they ban people is not what the say about piracy because thats bullshit after selling 30 odd million consoles game developers arent gonna run away from the 360. Its about the Christmas rush to boost there sales. Its funny how m$ have the biggest ban wave when a few months earlier the PS3 dropped in price and went slim.

QUOTE(rocky5 @ Nov 13 2009, 02:03 AM) View Post

If C4eva does release a firmware that is the ultimate firmware MS are screwed so are all the game developers they will just turn to PS3, fine example is PSP its so damn easy to hack and pirate games on it that no Devs want to make games on it its dieing out and now that the new PSPGo is fully hacked lmao its definitely going to die so im with MS on this one i don't have any modification to my 360 nor am i going to as i want games to continue to be made for it so i can play online with my m8s and not need to worry in a couple of years when no devs want to make games for it as there is no point no one buys them any more.

and nearly every one out there who has a custom firmware pirates games they don't buy them because they don't need to its human nature to take stuff if they can get it for nothing (greed) only a small few will actually go buy the real game if they love it.

so at the end of the day Piracy does hurt every one in the long run if it does get to the point where firmwares are perfect and ms cant detect anything then prices will go up as any one that makes games will want paying and if no one is buying them then they have no choice to up the price so that they can make some profit or break even.


That is totally untrue. Game developers make way too much money already either way if there was an ultimate f/w they wouldnt run away (as a said above). Piracy happens purely because of the greed of companies wanting to make as much profit as possible. £40 a game 40 x 1,400,000 = £56,000,000 on the release of call of duty modern warfare 2 thats how much they made roughly. That alone would probably pay for everything needed to make the game. A recent survey showed that pirates spend more than non-pirates Pirates Spend More Link.

Piracy on small game developers and people who are only trying to get a bit of money now i find that greedy and stupid.

At the end of the day piracy will continue to happen. Theres ways to reduce it though and that is by lowering prices or giving the consumer more for there money.

Im not for piracy. I pay for my games but because there expensive I backed them up and I get banned for not doing anything illegal in my country (UK) I can understand why people do pirate them. Just the way i see it though when m$ and music companies start complaining about piracy like they dont make enough already!


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Xbox Boss Chris Lewis Defends Anti-Piracy Crackdown
« Reply #74 on: November 14, 2009, 06:08:00 PM »

First off, I love seeing chancer's footprint on some kids face after stupid comments.

Second, none of this matters now!  New firmware, wont unban you, modding a new machine will get you caught again, and all the tears and crying in the world wont stop anyone- pirates or M$ from pushing forward as each sees fit.   MAN UP, you modded, you got banned!  END OF THAT STORY!

Third, M$ knows about scene, and they know everything we know, AND MORE!

I'm afraid M$ cooked that grenade you just picked up and it will blow up in your face before you even rear back to toss it!
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