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Author Topic: Plea For Stance Against Dashboard Exploit  (Read 504 times)


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Plea For Stance Against Dashboard Exploit
« Reply #15 on: July 03, 2003, 09:43:00 PM »

I like this, just got my xbox today was about to order a x-lite 2.2... not anymore...

I have been trying to support the dead dreamcast for a while but, I fell in today when I saw one at target for $180 with jet set and gt 2002.  

I had one question, you can do this with the 007 hack or you can do it by putting your xbox Hd in your pc right?

oh and will action replay work with the 007 hack?


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Plea For Stance Against Dashboard Exploit
« Reply #16 on: July 03, 2003, 09:57:00 PM »

I understand why we shouldn't pirate games (otherwise developers stop making them) but the business model of video games is pretty poor.  M$ sells these consoles at a loss and in order to make up for that charges game companies huge licensing fees, which in turn mean that xbox games have to cost ~$50.  If xbox games cost $20, fewer people would bother with mod-chips, but the exhorbitant price of games causes the piracy.  It's the same for computer games.  If they cost $10, nobody would wait a week on k*zaa to download it.  Reduce the prices and people will stop "backing up" games they rent from Blockbuster.


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Plea For Stance Against Dashboard Exploit
« Reply #17 on: July 03, 2003, 10:00:00 PM »

QUOTE (rzyzzy @ Jul 4 2003, 12:42 AM)
just because someone has 50 ripped games does not mean they would have paid $50 each for them if chips didn't exist.

Exactly.  There have been sooo many games that I've tried out that weren't even worth the time to download and FTP to the xbox, let alone renting them for a couple of bucks.

The only games that will get my money are the really good ones that I actually enjoy playing.  After all, when I pay $50 for a game, I fully expect to be entertained for more than a few hours.

I don't care how much money it cost, or how long it took to for a developer to make a game - If it's not fun, I'm not gonna pay for it.


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Plea For Stance Against Dashboard Exploit
« Reply #18 on: July 03, 2003, 10:09:00 PM »

QUOTE (alexkraemer @ Jul 4 2003, 06:57 AM)
I understand why we shouldn't pirate games (otherwise developers stop making them) but the business model of video games is pretty poor.  M$ sells these consoles at a loss and in order to make up for that charges game companies huge licensing fees, which in turn mean that xbox games have to cost ~$50.  If xbox games cost $20, fewer people would bother with mod-chips, but the exhorbitant price of games causes the piracy.  It's the same for computer games.  If they cost $10, nobody would wait a week on k*zaa to download it.  Reduce the prices and people will stop "backing up" games they rent from Blockbuster.

You're looking at it from the "why should I pay for something I can get for free" angle. Why should developers have to justify their efforts to people buying the games? The games are there for the entertainment value they provide. They don't come with a gaurantee of playtime and they are in no way saying you will enjoy what you buy. But to suggest that a game 'a' is worth less than game 'b' because you don't enjoy it as much is just ridiculous. I hate sports games in all their entirity but I know people who will take time off work to play these games.

The real bottom line is.. if you look at it.. if you're saying people are pirating the games because they can't afford it.. maybe you should look at it spinning on the other axis.

"Games are so expensive because people pirate them"

or maybe you should think about this this way

"Computer games are aimed at a specific market as is anything else commercial in the world, if you can't afford to pay for the games you play, find a new hobby"



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Plea For Stance Against Dashboard Exploit
« Reply #19 on: July 03, 2003, 10:15:00 PM »

you can't stand there and tell me it wasn't the straw that broke the camels back. How can you write a post saying that the lack of a second joystick is a contributor? I have never heard in all my time suggest something so trivial to be a contributor to a consoles demise. I play Unreal Tournament with my _official_ keyboard and _official_ mouse and its fucking flawless.

The lack of a second thumbstick is a valid criticism.  Look at the number of people who complained about the original Xbox controller - the interface is a *critical* part of a user's experience, and people _will_ complain about such petty things dry.gif.  Sure you could buy the official peripherals and play with a keyboard and mouse...but that costs extra, and face it, the game is virtually unplayable without a mouse and keyboard.  And when you have the same games appearing on P$2 that don't require these peripherals..well...

I've never even suggested that Dreamcast was an inferior unit, just that there were a number of forces working against say that piracy killed the DC is a gross oversimplification.


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Plea For Stance Against Dashboard Exploit
« Reply #20 on: July 03, 2003, 10:20:00 PM »

Yes but look at the words that guy used lol he said the "ONLY TWO" reasons was the joystick and sega's anouncement lol. Literally saying their were only two factors is unsane and saying that one of thsoe is the joystick seems wrong haah. not to give u a hard time guy


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Plea For Stance Against Dashboard Exploit
« Reply #21 on: July 03, 2003, 10:29:00 PM »

Yes but look at the words that guy used lol he said the "ONLY TWO" reasons was the joystick and sega's anouncement lol. Literally saying their were only two factors is unsane and saying that one of thsoe is the joystick seems wrong haah. not to give u a hard time guy

Ok, my bad. beerchug.gif It is my opinion, after all.  Who knows what actually killed it?  Consumers are very fickle creatures and often have odd reasons for choosing one product over another.  I could name reasons all day, in the end it's just conjecture.  The point is moot - Dreamcast is dead, God rest its soul... ph34r.gif


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« Reply #22 on: July 03, 2003, 10:47:00 PM »

You said it yourself.. games are all about *entertainment*. A game that's a lot of fun is definitely, without a doubt, worth more than a game that's only mediocre. That's why a game like Halo will always command a higher price than a game like Super Bubble Pop (or some other game that most people would consider sucky).

Contradiction.. not at all. Just because you don't enjoy a game doesn't mean someone else out there wont love it to death and pay full price for it.

Half the chicks I know would play puzzle bobble for hours and wouldnt touch halo with a 10 foot pole. The other half would tell me to get out of the house smile.gif


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Plea For Stance Against Dashboard Exploit
« Reply #23 on: July 03, 2003, 10:48:00 PM »

the Dreamcast is not dead....actually there is a portable unit selling in Hong  Kong....with a  screen with mp3 and vcd support built in..called Treamcast..
Sega found that making games was more lucrative than supporting one console not because of piracy...also Sony wasn't cutting them any slack(competition wise) at the time .. they thwarted Bleemcast....could've kept DC going.
The hacker scene made the dreamcast greater than it would have been.
If this exboxploit reaches it's potential than modchip makers will just sell memory cards with the hacks and still make some money....probably more...less production costs...I admire the spirit of innovation of the people who bring us all these goodies and thank them for their effort.


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Plea For Stance Against Dashboard Exploit
« Reply #24 on: July 03, 2003, 10:50:00 PM »

the Dreamcast is commerciallt dead. Although some homebrew stuff still comes out and the Treamcast


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Plea For Stance Against Dashboard Exploit
« Reply #25 on: July 03, 2003, 10:52:00 PM »

IS Treamcast official Sega?
and does it have their new copy protection system?

(Sorry, can't follow the link where I am, its filtered)


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« Reply #26 on: July 03, 2003, 10:53:00 PM »

Tramcast is not official. Not even infringes on a TON of sega copyrights

i don't think it has copy protectno but who knows


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Plea For Stance Against Dashboard Exploit
« Reply #27 on: July 03, 2003, 10:57:00 PM »

QUOTE (bzchi @ Jul 4 2003, 01:47 AM)
Just because you don't enjoy a game doesn't mean someone else out there wont love it to death and pay full price for it.

well, of course that's true.  But you still basically said that the entertainment value of a game has nothing to do with its worth.  when in fact, it has EVERYTHING to do with it.


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Plea For Stance Against Dashboard Exploit
« Reply #28 on: July 03, 2003, 11:23:00 PM »

QUOTE (bzchi @ Jul 4 2003, 07:52 AM)
IS Treamcast official Sega?
and does it have their new copy protection system?

My guess was that the Treamcast is little more than a DC 'case mod' - someone bought a big batch of un-sold original DCs, and put em in a new case with an LCD...

If any 3rd-party was responsible for killing the Dreamcast, it was EA - their lack of support for the console stopped it becoming very mainstream. All the best DC games were 'games for gamers', not games aimed at today's average console owner - who plays mainly sports and driving games...


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Plea For Stance Against Dashboard Exploit
« Reply #29 on: July 03, 2003, 11:51:00 PM »

Ok people..... i know i'm gonna get some shit for sayin this here , but i cant help myself..... " a guy i know" (wink wink, nudge nudge.) has bought every gaming console starting from commadore 64 , to xbox... he buys on average 3- 4 games for the most current console every year... and gives around $150 a year to BlockBu$ter to rent every other game he wants to play, not to mention the FUCKING LATE FEES  ... even though he has a SHIT LOAD of copied games for PSone,DC, PS2, and the xbox.... he still buys the same amount of games ..... and i bet MY LIFE that 99.9% of people in this "scene" do the same fuckin thing....even those yuppie hypocrites that bitch about piracy....MODDING IS ALL ABOUT PIRACY... whether its as straight forward as copied games .. or more burry with emulators and homebrews made with xdk. which let you watch different region DVD's among alot of other things....  and guess what...... M$ (sony, nintendo, ALL game developers ) know this as well, and they dont CARE!!! this is a bussiness and the potential for piracy HAS BEEN TAKIN INTO ACCOUNT! ESPECIALLY when you put a Harddrive in a if you people are worried that this new "exploit" is going to open the flood gates of piracy , relax. you might get some new dumb ass's to jump on the band wagon for alittle while, only to fall off because they dont have the patience,drive,and grey matter to hang on. the scene is GOING TO GROW just like it has been for the past year or more .. but not because of this new hack... it's because of all the HYPE that M$ itself has been dishing out... Tech TV OWNED by a M$ board member (and co-founder of M$) has had a week long special on how to mod the xbox... WAKE UP PEOPLE.... and enjoy everything that these great people have brought to the scene and toss out all your hypocritical "modding-morals" which you and i both know is BULLSHIT... and if you are worried about xblive, DONT... M$ will not let XBLive go down the drain .... it's there ticket to greatness. online gaming is the future . My hat's off to the free-x team ... although i will never use this hack i have nothing against it being out there for for "my friend" he'll be happy as long as people like the Xecuter team keep up the good work.....
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