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Author Topic: Clock Loop Experiments And Possible Solutions  (Read 900 times)


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Clock Loop Experiments And Possible Solutions
« Reply #135 on: December 12, 2003, 03:51:00 AM »

good day boys and girls, todays word is clock loop, can you say clock  loop DOH!!!!
I got this xbox off of fleabay, yeahyeah I know.
I have checked all the solder jump point and they are spotless, if this box had a mod chip installed, the dood was a soldering GOD. It appears that the PREVIOUS owner tried a audio hack and failed.
here's the low down so far:
VER1 xbox no modchip (yet!!!! hurry up UPS)
has it hooked via cat 5 network cable to my router to the net
the power on/off button doesnt do nadda push it till you get hungy and leave it wont do anything.
the led is solid steady green. I have left it on the network cable running now for almost 12 hours no love.
I have tried pulling the cable for the HD off and booting it, this does make it get the error #07 messae, when I replace the IDE cable back to the INFINTE CLOCK LOOP(curse you billy gates)
other than the fact this box DONT RUN, the entire deal appears shiny and new, dont think they got to play it much, prolly killed it day one from the look of it.
oh yeah, tried swapping my ports left to right to test if it was a bad port, no luck there. Reseated the daughter board to try that and see if it would make it see the controller, nadda.

NOW if I was to pull the hot swap trick by pulling the dvd cable loose, what would I need to do the hard drive to fix this?
I can just make it back to stock xbox I be happy till my modchip comes in from da Llama. Any help appreciated, and please break it down in noob terms, I am great on PS2 xbox this is my first one.


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Clock Loop Experiments And Possible Solutions
« Reply #136 on: December 12, 2003, 04:05:00 PM »

smoke77, you should search the forum for your answers, you are WAAAAAY off topic here.


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Clock Loop Experiments And Possible Solutions
« Reply #137 on: December 12, 2003, 07:06:00 PM »

if not clock loops then what would you be inclined to believe this is?
I am staring at a big clock been there for days now.
If this is off topic do please suggest an appropriate one.
I am after all here to learn.


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Clock Loop Experiments And Possible Solutions
« Reply #138 on: December 14, 2003, 01:53:00 PM »

i got the loop thing going on.  Well the crossover method does not seem to work no matter what.   Now....i do have a router.  I plugged it in waited for a day and nothing.  Now this makes me think that the xbox is not recieving time from internet.  I tried getting xboxconnect going b4 all of this crap happened and i could never get it to work.  Do i have to configure the router or should it really just pick up time.


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Clock Loop Experiments And Possible Solutions
« Reply #139 on: December 14, 2003, 01:56:00 PM »

The xbox DOESNT get the time from the net, its EvoX that gets the time from the net. So it will only update the time once EvoX is loaded.

Plugging the network into your xbox just gives it a signal to try and setup network settings, to hopefully get the fonts to run.


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Clock Loop Experiments And Possible Solutions
« Reply #140 on: December 14, 2003, 02:01:00 PM »

evox was installed..running great..then i through some new fonts in and then this happened.  any other ideas?


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Clock Loop Experiments And Possible Solutions
« Reply #141 on: December 14, 2003, 02:22:00 PM »

Your fonts must be looking for evox or pbl in a different location.

Boot with 007/MA and put your old fonts back.


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Clock Loop Experiments And Possible Solutions
« Reply #142 on: December 14, 2003, 03:47:00 PM »

cannot boot MA or any media....I am trying to unloop..... i plugged my xbox to pc....crossover way....let sit for hour didn't work....plugged into router...let it sit for luck...plugged it direct into modem...let sit for 1 luck...something i am doing wrong?????????

i mean people tell me to let it sit for 2 days but i can't see how that would make any diff....evox either fixes it or not...

also....i do own a working modded xbox if thr something i can do thr

does the game have to be in or out or does it matter??



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Clock Loop Experiments And Possible Solutions
« Reply #143 on: December 14, 2003, 08:34:00 PM »

xboxfanz.....LET IT SIT! Yes...that does work...and is currently the ONLY known cure.  You have no control of how's not 100% working software (evox that is) it's all beta....and beta has FOR MORE THAN AN HOUR!!!!

Mine took about 3 days...others have taken 3 never know...but all you can do is let it keep going! So have patience and let it keep going!


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Clock Loop Experiments And Possible Solutions
« Reply #144 on: December 15, 2003, 12:44:00 AM »

ok.. i am in the loop right now.... it has been looping while i read every reply in the thread.  It appears that to get out to the loop ppl have either b and e reloaded or bigfonts.  Well I was in the process of modding an xbox and had started the ma exploit i loaded 'bert is cheating on ernie' fonts but hadn't yet installed evox.  

Am I still going to be able to get out of the clock loop and if I do is it just going to boot back to the MS dash like it was before this happened?  The box does have live installed on it.  Nothing from the router, nothing from ddaddy's cable, so I am just letting it do its thing.  I am hoping that it is going to boot up the original MS dash once it comes out... then pop in MA and use the exploit to gain FTP access...

keep ya posted.


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Clock Loop Experiments And Possible Solutions
« Reply #145 on: December 15, 2003, 06:25:00 AM »

I accually got it to unloop.  with using the not inserted It was able to hang at the screen where u see the clockt hing in the corner.  Then when i put the game in and waited 1.5 hours i back to the evox screen all working. With the crossover cable, i have had absoluetly no luck yet..not sure why???  anyone know?  also how do i avoid the clock loop when thr some setting i change or??


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Clock Loop Experiments And Possible Solutions
« Reply #146 on: December 15, 2003, 07:09:00 AM »

I recently came up with an idea but I am not quite sure if it is possible. let me explain. Basically the problem is that the msclock kicks in to reset but the fonts then kick in cuasing a reboot loop. Now I admit I have no idea how one would go about this but isn't it fesible that one could have it setup so we could hit a button combo as we boot to disable the fonts therefore letting the clock load. maybe doing some hex editing in the msdash.xbe. its probably been thought of before but i figured whats the harm in asking.


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« Reply #147 on: December 15, 2003, 11:24:00 AM »

ok, so if someone gets in the loop... couldn't i just take out the HD put it in my chipped box format it and then restore all the old files via ftp?


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« Reply #148 on: December 15, 2003, 12:29:00 PM »

joeyjermiah, you can not hex edit the dash xbe as we dont have the signiture to re-sign it afterwards, so it wouldnt run.

jareditbe, yes you can just swap your hard drive and rename the orignal fonts back to normal so your xbox boots normaly and you can set the clock.


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« Reply #149 on: December 15, 2003, 01:27:00 PM »

ddaddy.  I think ur wrong man cause i tried that and i 2 different HD errors...would not get past em no matter what i put in dvd
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