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Author Topic: Clock Loop Experiments And Possible Solutions  (Read 907 times)


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Clock Loop Experiments And Possible Solutions
« Reply #105 on: December 01, 2003, 12:59:00 PM »

I have a 1.0 and I couldn't get out of the clock loop using cat5 hooked up to a network.. I let it run about a day then broke and did a hotswap/fix.  (I found using the linux bootdisk was a lot easier then using hddriver)

I do have a live enabled dash (not sure what version it is though.. prolly a little old, I bought the xbox used).. and when I get into a clock loop I get the green circle for a second before it restarts with or without the network.



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« Reply #106 on: December 03, 2003, 02:52:00 PM »

If you wanna take your Box some were your gonna have to unplug it right? SO would this method work if you just kept then lil Gizmo plugged in at all times? while your box is not connected yo your pc.


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« Reply #107 on: December 03, 2003, 06:27:00 PM »

QUOTE (scooby_dooby @ Nov 29 2003, 01:14 PM)
edge? could you test the 1.0 boxes with the original dash, as well as a live enabled dash?

My friends have not been around lately... busy with life and all haven't had time to invite them over...

If they come over I will try it.


Dave B

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« Reply #108 on: December 04, 2003, 12:13:00 AM »

I had this problem on a friends Xbox, told him to just leave it rebooting and see if it comes out, it never. He left it on for about a hour and a half. I picked it up off him this morning and plugged it in my house (no network cable attached). It rebooted once then booted into Evox! I then check the network settings and plugged my network cable in (proper cable to my router) and rebooted the Xbox and it was stuck in the loop again. It looped for about 5 mins and I thought ah well I might as well check my email while waiting. As soon as I booted my PC and it logged onto the internet (through the same router) the Xbox came out of the loop and had the right time displayed etc...

Dashboard Version: 4817
No Live software installed.

It's weird how some get into the loop and some don't. I left one unplugged for 24hrs and it booted straight into Evox without a network cable in with no looping.



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« Reply #109 on: December 04, 2003, 03:41:00 PM »

Ok heres how the box works for those of you who think its a network fix which i have tested the network fix on many of the xbox's and none have set the time.  

Original Xbox works as follows to an extent.

1.  Bios loads and tells xboxdash.xbe do your thing.

2. Code in xboxdash.xbe says hey if date =< 11/15/01 load settings_clock.xip "this is where you reboot" then do me a favor load the first xtf files you find so they can tell us what we do next.

3.  Clock either loads for setting or xbox.xtf and xbox book.xtf says hey load dashboard or d:default.xbe

Modified xbox with with PBL and Evox/mxm/whatever flavor you like works as follows to an extent.

1. Bios loads and tells xboxdash.xbe do your thing

2. Code in xboxdash.xbe says hey if date =< 11/15/01 load settings_clock.xip "this is where you reboot" then do me a favor load the first xtf files you find so they can tell us what we do next.

3. Clock tries to load (machine reboots due to no where does the settings_clock.xip get loaded) or Bert.xtf and ernie.xtf says hey load evoxdash.xbe so we can get the unsigned party going.

The network thing from what i can tell with everyone of the boxes I have done does not work.  So from what I can see its just luck that they come out.  Everyone that i have done has came out of the loop after an hour to an hour and a half of reboots and these were just left on looping and they came out of it.  

From what im reading from this post people are looking at how do I patch the problem.

Patches are nice but why should we patch the issue.

We should be looking at how do I stop this problem from happening!

Also I have noticed that if the xbox does not go through a few hours with out regular power thats the only time the clock seems to reset to xbox release day and then I get clock loop issues.

PS the quickest fix i have seen is plug in your original HDD if you have a swapped out HDD set the clock power off plug in the big drive and your back in buisness.


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« Reply #110 on: December 04, 2003, 04:04:00 PM »

The folder you speak of is xboxdashdata.1012A700 is created when you installed live or someone else did.

You probably have a folder with fonts in them also.

The 4920 Dash board is one of two flavors

LIVE enabled

LIVE never been installed

The only possiblity that the box does a network check on yours versus others is due to the fact your xboxdash.xbe has been updated with Live where as the people with the same dashboard as yours and it dont I would put money they do not have a Live tab in there Dashboard where as I put money that you do.


and again I believe that we should be working to a fix of the problem not a patch you make with a network cable.


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« Reply #111 on: December 04, 2003, 04:09:00 PM »


This is what im asking of people to report!!!

Yes i have a live enabled dash as it was when i bought my xbox. I have since updated live to live2 by clicking the live tab and letting it update, then replacing the xboxdash.xbe and xboxdashdata folder with the xboxdashdata.1012A700 version. Some xbox's i have seen have had the 4920 dash with live enabled but a different xboxdashdata folder, so maybe if they try xboxdashdata.1012A700 and the suitable xboxdash.xbe it may work for them.


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« Reply #112 on: December 04, 2003, 04:15:00 PM »

and again I believe that we should be working to a fix of the problem not a patch you make with a network cable.

I'll tell you what, why dont you go and find a fix to the problem, while i try and help those out that have been stuck in loops. It seems i have already helped some people and that is good enough for me to justify this thread.


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« Reply #113 on: December 04, 2003, 04:40:00 PM »

I'll tell you what, why dont you go and find a fix to the problem, while i try and help those out that have been stuck in loops. It seems i have already helped some people and that is good enough for me to justify this thread.

Now I have modified 30 xbox's and used your cable also and guess how many it has pulled out of the loop on 3 reboots better yet 30 reboots lets say 40 reboots.  

NONE so thats why im saying the only thing that may even remotly say that your little cable thingy works is the fact you have a live MSDASH.  

Cause I guarrentee thats the only way it could possibly check the network and do it.


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« Reply #114 on: December 04, 2003, 06:43:00 PM »

dismantle, your negative feedback is neither appreciated or valid... this quick fix has helped a few people including myself... seenig my xbox reboot 50 times, deciding that's enough... turn it off and plug ddaddy's network fix and seeing it boot the first time is good enough for me... just because we can't explain it, it doesnt mean it doesnt work(on a limited basis as it seems). People believe in God... yet no one can prove his existance... yet they believe and also believe that he performs miracles... yet no proof...

This analogy is not a very good one but it only states that if it works for some and doesnt work for others... then thats the way it is... For my xbox I have a quick fix for my clock loop.... DO YOU??? I'm affraid not... you have to take your xbox appart, and swap out the hard drive...

ddaddy is only trying to help the few people that this actually works for... he never stated it WAS going to fix it... its something you can try and see if it helps.

So thanks for your feedback... It did not work for you... thats all we needed to hear.



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« Reply #115 on: December 05, 2003, 04:15:00 AM »



Oh btw just curious has anyone tried bert killed ernie or reloaded and do you get the same thing?



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« Reply #116 on: December 05, 2003, 03:58:00 PM »

It doesnt matter what fonts you are using. The reason it comes out of the loop is because the fonts kick in before the xbox gets a chance to go into the whole clock setting thing. Some of the fonts DO the set date/time, but this has no effect on the loop whatsoever, they set the clock once theyve loaded, so by then your already out of the loop. Its really just incase you cant access the original dash to set the clock once out of the loop. Not every has configured there msdash to work from evox.


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« Reply #117 on: December 05, 2003, 06:12:00 PM »


He's been trying to get it to loop for about 4 hours now....wait...5.... uhh.gif

Any help? I plugged it up to my network, but that didn't he never had XBOX guess all we can do is wait?

And...has anyone ever had a box that DIDNT come out of the loop? Wondering if I should just give him my box and stick with his until it decides to either DIE...or boot up properly.


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« Reply #118 on: December 06, 2003, 12:20:00 AM »

QUOTE (Thing2 @ Dec 6 2003, 03:12 AM)
How do you configure your MSdash to work from EVOX?
And will this top the loops?

Plenty of tutorials about, try this one http://freexevoxtut....m/xbdashtut.htm

No it wont stop the clock loops.

2nd...when trying to get it to come out of the you just turn it on and let it keep going?

just sit and wait


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« Reply #119 on: December 06, 2003, 03:17:00 AM »

I have been watching this thread with interest. I must say well done on your find.
I made a loopback plug using an RJ45 and a couiple of wires (I am on IT engineer, so I have these things liying around), and BAM!! Xbox 1.2 that was causing trobles out of the loop.
Now to some Ideas about why it works...
I believe that the primary concept is time delay for the fonts hack to load. This may well be correct.
The delay will be caused by the Xbox seeing it has a valid network connection on the network port, and therefore it will try and communicate with the server (or modem or router) to obtain a valid IP address and various other details. Because it only has a loopback cable fitted obviously this will not happen. However it will try for a few seconds before failing.
My train of thought on your discovery is:
The Xbox boots, realises the clock is wrong, sees it has a valid network connection (loopback cable) and boots anyway because it thinks it can get the time / date from the network.
Maybe you are correct, maybe I am, however the main poit is IT WORKS!
Excellent find

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