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Author Topic: Hamas Chief Killed In Air Strike  (Read 270 times)


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Hamas Chief Killed In Air Strike
« on: March 22, 2004, 09:35:00 AM »

It's about time Israel eliminated this known terrorist leader.  Israel needs to clamp down on these terrorists, because if the palestinians have tought the world anything, it's arabs don't understand diplomacy and negotiation.


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Hamas Chief Killed In Air Strike
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2004, 12:13:00 PM »

The picture of the burning cripple.. definitely appeals to my twisted sence of humour. smile.gif

As for the incident.. ever since it happend. and later I saw this post.. I've been struggling with what or how I would post as a reply to this topic.

We've got a squabble over land, different philosophies and religion, etc that have gone on for far too long.  The Israeli Army/Police (more or less one and the same in that country) use pre-meditated lethal force to take out a known criminal and leader of an organziation that commits murder daily/weekly.

I'm still not sure what to think. Did it change anything.. likely not. In fact.. It'll likely incite the small amount of radical/fanatical muslims/arabs and others into escalating the issue.

However.. it's become clear ISRAEL cannopt sit by any longer.  They run the country.. and they need to get it back under control.

If I had to place a bet.. down the road.. ISRAEL will have a crater on a map where their name used to be.


One side or the other will continue to escalate the violence.  Something biggers than a missile or a car bomb will be used and poof. The dispute will be over. Course.. then their neighbors will then pick up arms.. and claim the crater as theirs.. and the fighting will start all over again.

What blows my mind.. being a Canadian in a metropolis.. is seeing scenes of city streets.. malls.. shops.. etc. Even McDoanld's sotres.. then.. seeing bombed out restaurants, threattre, and buses in those same scenes.

I won't pick sides in that dispute.  the time to point finger is long gone. Decisive and swift action one way or the other appears to be the only real solution.  

Negotiations just don't work in some parts of the world. IMO.  It might be a trait that is bred into the people.. or a product of environment and the times.. but it does seem clear that negotiations just don't cut it anymore over there.

Wong Hung Lo

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Hamas Chief Killed In Air Strike
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2004, 02:56:00 PM »

QUOTE (Colonel32 @ Mar 23 2004, 12:54 AM)
We all don't realize that 9/11 probably wouldn't have happened if Israel wasn't getting shipments of weapons every week to kill arabs, you just can't pick sides in a hundred year war and think you are not a part of it.

I always get a grin when people claim that the USA supplies Israel with all of their arms. They do a pretty good job at making their own arms.

Israel Military Industries Ltd.

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Wong Hung Lo

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Hamas Chief Killed In Air Strike
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2004, 04:47:00 PM »

QUOTE (Colonel32 @ Mar 26 2004, 07:10 PM)
Does this dispute the fact that we supply them with arms? Certainly there has been more than a few helicopters delivered.

I don't see anywhere that I said the US supplied Israel with all their arms but it seems to be a popular spin to discredit a valid point. wink.gif

The US voting record at the UN is enough to show anyone with a head that Israel is a strong Ally of the US, I'm not talking about this recent vote either... it goes back to the eighties.

So what is your point?

When you say "we supply them with arms". Are you speaking of Canada since that is where you live? If the answer is yes. Then I have yet to see any hockey stick attacks on the arabs.  jester.gif

I know you didn't say that the USA supplies Israel with all of their weapons but I was able to read between the lines since all the anti Israel/USA folks love to say how the USA supplies Israel with all of their weapons. I wonder why they don't say anything about France's arms deals with the arabs?


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Hamas Chief Killed In Air Strike
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2004, 09:24:00 PM »

QUOTE (Arvarden @ Mar 26 2004, 11:31 PM)

America sponsors terror.  A few examples are Bin laden, Saddam, Israel and the IRA.

I didn't see America helping us when the IRA and other fanatic splinter cells bombed the fuck out of us Britains for god knows how many decades.

That sounds like a beginning for a new thread.. not this one. smile.gif


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Hamas Chief Killed In Air Strike
« Reply #5 on: March 26, 2004, 10:38:00 PM »

When you say "we supply them with arms". Are you speaking of Canada since that is where you live? If the answer is yes. Then I have yet to see any hockey stick attacks on the arabs. 

I know you didn't say that the USA supplies Israel with all of their weapons but I was able to read between the lines since all the anti Israel/USA folks love to say how the USA supplies Israel with all of their weapons. I wonder why they don't say anything about France's arms deals with the arabs?

I say "we" because I was born in the United States but moved to Canada for the education system....

Again, you reply to fact with generalizations about me and opinions with no basis. You misread what was "between the lines".... If I hated the USA why would I work for change. I am also not pro-Israel or pro-Palestinian, both sides are doing their best to escalate all the hostilities and Israel is no better or worse therefore they should not be rewarded. If someone supplied the palestinians with helicopters would it still be terrorism...

The reason I didn't mention the French arm trades is because that was not the topic we were discussing..... Also "arabs" is a fairly vague reference....Certainly we can agree that the US has shipped a large share of the arms to Arab states as well.... so again, I don't see what your point is.

You can attack the messenger and resort to france references but it's nothing more than rhetoric.... Your Canada insult was cute but if you knew the first thing about the country you would know that they have taken the money out of the army and built a superior education system for a reason. The cold war is over

haven't you ever questioned why 9/11 happened or why the US is so hated around the world? rolleyes.gif  


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Hamas Chief Killed In Air Strike
« Reply #6 on: March 26, 2004, 11:45:00 PM »

QUOTE (Colonel32 @ Mar 27 2004, 03:38 AM)
haven't you ever questioned why 9/11 happened or why the US is so hated around the world? rolleyes.gif

Looks like an awesome new topic for another thread...

(I don't know about you guys.. but this new forum has revived my interest in at least reading about these differing politicalpoints of view.. if not actually putting my balls out their and replying.)

Another idea for another thread.. is it easy or hard for people to jump into heated POLITICAL discussion on XS or other sites?  ( if this is an interesting topic worth replyin to.. start a new thread and we can hammer at it. smile.gif


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Hamas Chief Killed In Air Strike
« Reply #7 on: April 04, 2004, 01:53:00 AM »

I think Israel is doing the Palestinians a favor by killing their leadership. I only wish the Palestinians would do the same for Israelies.


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Hamas Chief Killed In Air Strike
« Reply #8 on: April 05, 2004, 05:03:00 AM »

any type of terrorist whether they are labelled a freedom fighter or not is a total twat.    thank god that that hams prick was killed.  it mihght flare up more terrorists good as  these terrorists need to be flushed out and killed  the cells will lay dormant for years and all of a sudden boom.  if it brings the bastards out while getting rid of a leader i say its worth it.  

it would be interesting to see if america would be supportive to britain if the IRA flared up again seeing as though the IRA are terrorists after all.  and seeing as though britain has supported america in afghanistan and in iraq.
Yes i am British

peace griff

ps im glad wen any terrorist gets a bullet between his eyes.  if i was in the armed forces i would be glad to kill any terrorist.


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Hamas Chief Killed In Air Strike
« Reply #9 on: April 17, 2004, 11:02:00 PM »

Rantisi, Yassin's successor also got fragged last night.
IAF strike kills Hamas chief Rantisi
This one didn't last long. Who's bext in line?


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Hamas Chief Killed In Air Strike
« Reply #10 on: April 17, 2004, 11:28:00 PM »

God, I'm getting sick of hearing how Israel keeps barring out the Palestinians. Israel would get owned if it was even infantry combatics, but unfortunately, the palestinians are mostly unarmed, with the exception of a few hundred, but the US should definetly stop supporting Israel. In a few years, Israel wil belong to the Arabs, I can guarantee it.   How'd you like to get kicked out of your homeland, in which you and your family had been living in for hundreds of years, etc...

Anyways, it just angers me to see such a sad battle.


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Hamas Chief Killed In Air Strike
« Reply #11 on: April 18, 2004, 04:32:00 AM »

QUOTE (Videogamebuyer14 @ Apr 18 2004, 03:28 AM)
God, I'm getting sick of hearing how Israel keeps barring out the Palestinians. Israel would get owned if it was even infantry combatics, but unfortunately, the palestinians are mostly unarmed, with the exception of a few hundred, but the US should definetly stop supporting Israel. In a few years, Israel wil belong to the Arabs, I can guarantee it.   How'd you like to get kicked out of your homeland, in which you and your family had been living in for hundreds of years, etc...

Anyways, it just angers me to see such a sad battle.

Oh, geez... that's so wrong, it's not funny.

First off, THOUSANDS of Palestinians cross into Israel every day to work and shop. Nobody, but the terrorists are targets of "barring". The fence prevents easy access to Israel by BOMBERS from PA territory. IT's no less than what a LOT of countries have at their borders.

Secondly, Israel has agreed to completely leave Gaza - and leave the settlement communities INTACT - buildings, water, sewage, electricity all INTACT - ready for Palestinians to take advantage of.

Thirdly, get some history lessons. The Israelis have kicked ass on several overwhelming Arab attacks in the last 60 years. This is WHY those territories are occupied in the first place - as a buffer zone.

Personally, when I look at it from BOTH sides, I cannot justify the actions of Palestinian terrorists. They send their CHILDREN as human bombs, attacking CIVILIAN busses with innocent women and children (many are hard working Palestinians, Israeli Arabs, or Israeli Christians). The people who send them are the people Israel has been trying to kill.

Remember the US convoy of scholarship officials attacked in PA territory a while back? Turns out ARAFAT gave the order to attack them.

These are the people you "sympathize" with. Real nice.

Think about it, will you?


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Hamas Chief Killed In Air Strike
« Reply #12 on: April 18, 2004, 05:18:00 AM »

oh god.... the term "terrorist" is thrown around so much these days.... according to Bush... we are all terrorists for modding our xboxs... but thats not the point...

This simply is surivial of the fittest....

Israel has the military power and the technology to crush the attacking Arabs.... but they don't.....


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Hamas Chief Killed In Air Strike
« Reply #13 on: April 18, 2004, 05:34:00 AM »

Well, if you really want to think about a people being banished from thier lands, the Israelis are a good candiate.  Do you remember why there is an Israel again?  After WWII w/ all the Jews feeling vulnerable, they decided to re-establish thier homeland ..meaning that they were there thousands of years ago, along with the predecessors to todays Palestinians.  So it is thier land as well, they just seem to need alot of land, more to the point, they want land everyone else wants over there as well.

As far as the elmination of another Hamas leader, I say go for it.  Kill every single one.  Not because your chopping off the head of a terroist organization, but also to let Hamas know, Hey guys, we know where you are, when your there, and where your going to be.  We will find you and take you down at any point.  Its not the actual killing that is the wanted outcome, it is the uncertainty it instills into the terrorists, hopfully helping to defeat them as well.  Plus its a HUGE demoralizing accomplishment to kill the 2nd Hamas leader in as many months.


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Hamas Chief Killed In Air Strike
« Reply #14 on: April 18, 2004, 06:12:00 AM »

QUOTE (RuFf rYdA @ Apr 18 2004, 08:43 AM)

What terrorists?
You are saying that just walking into peoples land and stealing it isnt terrorism?
A little example is if a someone walks into your house and locks you in your room and lives in your house with your family

What would you do?

And you thinks its right to that?

Ordinary palistestinians do it NOT because someone is telling them to
But the anger that is brought by the israelis

Israelis got the land in a war that was made UPON THEM. It's "occupied" territory, and they didn't just "walk in"

In fact, if you bothered to read or study ANY history, that land is being given BACK to the Palestinians, but that's not enough. They also want Israel to be destroyed, utterly - they WANT ALL OF IT - the goal of the Arab attacks in 48, 67, et al....

As for who is sending the bombers, it's the parents and leaders of HAmas and the PA who are sending them. The parents out of ignorance, the PA and Hamas out of a desire to gain political power.

You haven't got a CLUE as to what is really going on. Open your eyes and maybe, just maybe, you'll see past the hype and media misrepresentations and see the truth.


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Is not an act of a civilized people. It is the act of people driven into rage by ignorance and manipulation. Apparently, you share their rage. That is VERY sad indeed. Rage over the death of a man who is responsible for hundreds of dead women and children. Rage that a simple fence helps prevent more attacks against women and children.

Sad indeed.

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