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Author Topic: Twelve Days Of Xmas!  (Read 502 times)


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« Reply #30 on: December 16, 2004, 07:01:00 AM »

mdfirefighter -

I'm sorry but the statement


Install, it works. Done.

is *not* true.  Not if you want to run any XDK-based apps.  If you want to run Linux or stare at the red screen, great, but otherwise, if you want to use the Xbox for what 99.9% of the modded xbox users use it for, you're not *Done* until you go find a bios (be it Xecuter, EvoX or Ind), and get that up and running.

Does the Xenium make it a little easier to install that bios once you get it?  *Maybe.*

But I'm willing to wager that somewhere on your xbox you have a modded bios that's *not* legal and that you're using to run these apps.  Am I wrong?


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« Reply #31 on: December 16, 2004, 07:50:00 AM »

QUOTE (IvanK @ Dec 16 2004, 10:04 AM)
If you want to run Linux or stare at the red screen....

The latest XOS versions (Including the current 2.0.1) Have blue backgrounds wink.gif

As for features and things you can do 100% legally without flashing a BIOS:

Upgrade your HDD for one, flash a cromwell BIOS (From a DVD, from the network, via HTTP, via USB any works fine) and run linux (Which you can install on that new HDD, which can be used with the stock M$ BIOS on your xbox)...

Backup your eeprom to the chip (And restore it from the backup, as well as from a .bin on the HDD/DVD)

Change your video region settings (NTSC/PAL, etc)

You can FTP into your xbox, use it to store files from your PC... You can SMB in and do the same, you can copy your game saves off... You can reboot/shutdown the xbox remotely from any PC...

You can use it to transfer linux over to your machine without even needing to burn a CD or DVD!

And all of this? 100% legal! No need to go IRC hunting, no need to flash an illegal BIOS...

Of course, that's not what most people buy modchips for, but for those whoi want a cheap PC, an xbox running an Xenium and a modchip is one of the easiest ways to go! And its copletely legal!

Providing a chip and OS as easy and powerful as the Xodus team has is no small feat, and providing a completely legal and feature full alternative to the competition is a great asset to the scene in my opinion. If all chip manufacturers released illegal software, M$ would have far more legal standing to take action.. And then guess what? No more modchips... Hmmmmm...

While I'm not one to condone the "bashing" of others, I feel we have to give credit where credit is due.



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« Reply #32 on: December 16, 2004, 08:08:00 AM »

No, and your post is probably the best and most coherent summary of why the Xenium chip is good.  Now you should apply for the Marketing position on Team Xodus.  smile.gif

My point is, most people use any modchip to run illegal bioses.  Sure you can run Linux on your box, and if you wanted to create the proverbial Slashdot Beowulf cluster of Xboxes then the Xenium is the way to go.  However, given the audience on this forum versus the xbox-linux forum I think it's safe to say that almost everyone here is interested in using the Xenium or Xecuter or Smartxx or Aladdin, etc, chip to run M8+ or X2 4981 or X3 1959 or Ind 5003 so they can launch Avalaunch, XBMC, EvoX, UnleashX, game backups, etc.

Our own signatures confirm this.  smile.gif

My own point is that yes, XeniumOS is a legal solution, but it's not a legal solution that will do all the heavy lifting that users on the scene will want, and to market it as an "install and it works no searching on IRC" solution on xbox-scene is not entirely true or honest.  It'd be perfectly fine on the xbox-linux site, because that's a different crowd.  Based on that advertising, newbie users who buy the Xenium are going to be just as irritated/confused/whatever at having to look for bioses as users of other products.  It is a technical achievement, and as a programmer I respect the effort that was put into it, but from my consulting days I became acutely aware of the "say anything" sales method, and how clients respond much better to disclosing the limitations of your solution than to go all out and tell them it's a "total package" when it's actually missing a few key components that the client requires.

And if you make the statement that you want to make sure you're being legal, respect intellectual property, then I'd hope you *never* make a hypocrite of yourself by firing up one of those other bioses.  Stick to Linux, port BSD or whatever.

I just want to keep it real, yo.  biggrin.gif


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« Reply #33 on: December 16, 2004, 08:22:00 AM »

The xenium os isn't the only on that's legal. Smartxx os is legal too, cromwell based, but legal.


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« Reply #34 on: December 16, 2004, 09:01:00 AM »

get a grip everyone, it's just a mod chip, so get over it.  it's stupid to argue over who's chip is better than theirs.  i for one thing agree with the team xodus guy saying that i wouldn't want to spend time in jail (would you want to???), so i commend him, and the rest of the team for trying to stay as legal as possible.  but honestly, you guys bitch and bitch and bitch about this and that, but have you honestly tried to write code?  if you think you guys can do a better job, please be our guest and try.  has anyone even attempted at writing a NON-illegal bios that DOESN'T use MS code??  the only thing i think the x3 has over the xenium is the fact that you can change the flubber colors and the xbox logo colors on the fly, but if you're buying a $60-$70 chip just for that, damn thats sad.  i would rather see a non illegal bios be made (either by xodus or someone else) then have people bitch on and on about how xodus sucks, xecuter rocks, etc....THAT'S getting old.  you guys should read on xecuter's forum about everyone flamming xodus for this whole thing.  i must also say one thing, there is more documentation/support for first time users of the chip for the xenium, than there is for the x3 (the x3 n00b guide sucks ass, and doesn't cover every feature), and forget about asking xecuter for support, they wont help you.


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« Reply #35 on: December 16, 2004, 09:17:00 AM »

QUOTE (mrjkwik @ Dec 15 2004, 09:32 PM)
i believe these complaints to be petty and ridiculous.

its advertising people.  coke says they are better than pepsi, pepsi says they are better than coke.  subway says they are better than mcdonalds.  on and on. 

look at car manufacture commercials.  some how they are all "best in class".  amazing isnt it.

and all the chip makers have their own egos to float.  smartxx was saying how great they were just a month ago after the rash of bans.  xecuter has always said they are the best.

big deal, its annoying, so are the 20 minutes of other commercials you watch during any hour long program.

c'mon guys, of course its all ridiculous, but sometimes the "high road" isnt the money road. 

if you really wanna x3, go ahead.  i've been to their forums.  enjoy dealing with xecuter.  i'd rather deal with a bit of an ego here rather than go there and be cussed at and berrated by him.  just like anything else in life, its all a game.

Sure, it's advertising. But it's misleading. Like others have said, you still need a bios to do anything worth doing with a chip. I have two Xbox's, a Xenium Box and an X3 Box. I personally love the Xenium OS. I think it's awesome.  But I still use Xecuter and iND Bios' on it. Why? Because I can't do shit without them.

This part just irks me as well:
Install, search through underground scene for an OS after learning the ins and outs of IRC, get into illegal sites and choose a hidden OS (one that is not a virus), download to PC, burn a cd (if you have no CDRW go out and get one), transfer to Xbox and pray like hell it accepts the file, flash the OS without destroying the chip. MAYBE NOW YOUR CHIP MIGHT WORK

There are plenty of tutorials (on this very site) that tell you how to do all these things. And also, when do the usual places have virii? Never in my experience. There are tutorials telling you how to burn it perfectly with a variety of programs.

One final thing is, as others have said, the thing about web flashing. There is a gen3 chip (X2.6) that can be web flashed. You guys weren't even the first to do web flashing. You've got a great OS, but no right to trumpet features that others have/ blast others for making users doing things that your users generally must do!

//end rant

Anyhow, I agree with the other people, everyone likes a new OS! Also, I respect you for not wanting to rip off others code and not wanting to go to jail. You guys have a great chip... I just don't like your PR.


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« Reply #36 on: December 16, 2004, 09:45:00 AM »



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« Reply #37 on: December 16, 2004, 09:53:00 AM »

QUOTE (vindiesel @ Dec 16 2004, 06:41 PM)
Just to add to Artifex point.

If Xecuter is trully the leader of this scene;

A) they would not have the issues they are having with their below average product. ohmy.gif

B ) they would not have been 4th (last) to have released a software controlled (aka 4th gen) chip on the market. ohmy.gif

C) lead by example and not spread false rumors and have their *fag boys* diss up others work/products grr.gif

I have purchased and worked with several modchips.  The only ones I recommend, use and don't consider a mistake are the Xenium's.



A. What issues ? Below average product ? You really talk rubbish.

B. Last to release the FIRST full hardware/bios controlled mod - not just hardware controlled. Think before posting

C) This is a moronic statement. Have you not read what this entire thread is about. Its not about Xecuter bashing anyone or making lame comments which are completely misleading. You know what these mods are used for. The X3 Bios blows any other bios away. We are hackers - I couldnt care less about legalities. The mod works out of the box in order for you to get funky with your Xbox - we dont really cater to the 0.1% Linux market - however they can install Linux too if they wish. We concentrate on giving you the most pimped out mod and bios available - along with high quality accessories and addons - like we have always done way way before any of the other competition was even involved. If there was no hacked bios available for a new version - lets see who most of the scene (inc most of the bashers in this thread) would be looking to - thats right Xecuter and Evox.

Enough of these childish flame wars. Just play with your Xbox - I couldnt give a fuck about arguing like kids over who's BMX is better  sleeping.gif


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« Reply #38 on: December 16, 2004, 10:48:00 AM »

Hmm... *fag boys*... from a guy who calls himself "vindiesel"?



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« Reply #39 on: December 16, 2004, 11:55:00 AM »

QUOTE (ncaissie @ Dec 16 2004, 11:54 AM)
If you upgrade the OS.

He commented on this statement:

New chips come with 2.0.1 wink.gif


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« Reply #40 on: December 16, 2004, 12:16:00 PM »


New chips come with 2.0.1

Now you get to upgrade your OS to 2.0.2.  I hope that won't be a problematic upgrade.


The fact that my post enticed such a vulgar response indicates that you are frustrated and are aware that there is some truth to the fact that your product sucks and you’re over zealous fan boys are a gay as you are.

You sure do like tossing around the "gay" comments, *and* you seem to like the whole Vin Diesel thing.  You sure you're not just lookin' for a man-date to fornicate?

BTW: I don't normally like being a grammar Nazi, but since you're into the whole *gay* scene you might want to look up what a "homophone" is.  You're grammar may benefit from it.


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« Reply #41 on: December 16, 2004, 12:21:00 PM »



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« Reply #42 on: December 16, 2004, 12:29:00 PM »



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« Reply #43 on: December 16, 2004, 12:49:00 PM »

Thank you appleguru. Your the only person here that has made any sence and has actually done your homework.



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« Reply #44 on: December 16, 2004, 01:21:00 PM »

QUOTE (anbe @ Dec 16 2004, 05:25 PM)
The xenium os isn't the only on that's legal. Smartxx os is legal too, cromwell based, but legal.

Yes.... based on Cromwell, which is licensed under the GPL....

Because smartxx has not released source for their OS, they are in violation of the GPL....

If you read the GPL, you'll notice that if the GPL is violated the rights extended to the use of the GPLed work are revoked.  In other words... smartxx loses their right to use Cromwell by not releasing the source to their use.

Having lost that right, they are now in violation of the copyright placed on cromwell by it's developers and maintainers, and the developers and maintainers of all of the other GPL works from which the Cromwell codebase drew... such as the Linux kernel, and the Grub bootloader....

Distributing a work which is in violation of copyright is pretty illegal.  wink.gif

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