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« Reply #45 on: August 03, 2007, 01:07:00 AM »

When I read the part about having the whole stuff off-site I thought "wow, what a clever dude, he'll get away with it easily". Then he showed them to the real deal, told them they could take everything they wanted and basically admitted to the charges right there.
That was a really non-smart thing to do. As pointed out before, they are not your friends. They can not offer you deals, they won't "put in a good word". Without the evidence they would have nothing but he handed himself over on a silver plate.
Sad really but everyone should take this opportunity and read up on how to behave when in contact with the police (under charges).


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« Reply #46 on: August 03, 2007, 01:32:00 AM »

@FallsInc, I feel for you man. Helping people out by installing a chip is not illegal! But, because of the nature of this, I'm sure they'll be able to prove at least (1) crime was committed (it's not hard to do, just about everything is illegal). I hope you get a lawyer, because if you explain everything to a lawyer they will know the Feds have no case. As long as your aren't a habitual law breaker, I'd say your odds are pretty good at making a deal with the Feds and maybe paying a fine and/or probation as well... It isn't illegal to order a wii modchip, nor is it illegal to install it in a wii. The DMCA is b.s., and just about every Judge knows it. It's so broad, you could prosecute grandma for recording commercials of the radio for the love of God.

@appleguru, your story reads just like mine bro.  I barely even play games. The enjoyment I have got out of modding FAR exceeds any enjoyment I have got out of any of these lame games... The only reason I even bought an Xbox was to try and mod it. I actually bought a 360 and some games, when no mod was available, because I supported MS$ product so f'ing blindly. Now, after this, I must admit, I look at my 360 and feel a little like puking... Ugh. And buying a Wii? I was thinking about it for the kids, but that'll never happen now, screw Nintendo, these press releases make me sick to my stomach.

I actually have made friends modding, people I would have never met before too. Modding isn't some haneous act. There are a lot of us out here who like the tinkering with hardware, the emulators, etc and that is why we are into this scene.

What makes me even sicker, everyone that has CLOSETS full of pirated DVD movies and no one does anything about that. But the Feds are worried about some guy installing chips? Give me a break! Why don't they start F'ing raiding everyone on the doom9 forums! Jackasses...


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« Reply #47 on: August 03, 2007, 12:56:00 AM »

i wasn't under charges. there is no court date or anything. i am just in limbo waiting.

2 donate links on my site now. one for credit card paypal, and 1 for non credit card paypal


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Raid casualty comes forward to tell his story
« Reply #48 on: August 03, 2007, 01:36:00 AM »

jwhazel if thats your opinion your in the wrong forum buddy sleep.gif


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Raid casualty comes forward to tell his story
« Reply #49 on: August 03, 2007, 01:37:00 AM »

If fallsinc had his rates that he charged purely based of labor with a customer provided (and paid for) modchip, and he didn't flash any bios at all to the modchip, then anyone will have a hella hard time convicting him for anything.  As he said, it will be a while before soldering becomes illegal here in the US.

On the other hand, if his rates covered the modchip and/or labor and/or bios (or he didn't explicitly say otherwise) then it may be possible to bring up some sort of charge against him.

I mean if selling modchips is illegal and we argue against it (which we obviously do here), what can we do?  Follow Martin's philosophy of Civil Disobedience?  Certainly even with the rather large fan base here at XS, we wouldn't even be able to get a single zip codes worth of compassion for our cause.  Perhaps TSOP flash and softmodding will have to be the only alternatives.  It would be a shame though because even though retailers like Xecuter don't "sell softmods", the benefits of their research and products trickle down to other modding forms.  All we can do is let the hummer continue running over mice...


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Raid casualty comes forward to tell his story
« Reply #50 on: August 03, 2007, 01:09:00 AM »

@jwhazel, you're right dude. FallsInc was such a horrible law-breaking bastard. I'm so glad my tax payer dollars is going to hunting down hardened criminals like FallsInc. He deserves to rot in jail, after all, he KNEW this was illegal. /sarcasm huh.gif

If you read FallsInc's post, he clearly meant the packages were being sent to his Grandma's because it was a RELIABLE place to receive packages. That is what he meant by "SECURE". He wasn't saying he was using his Grandma's house as a front for his criminal enterprise you MORON.

200 Billion dollars wasted in Iraq per year, and you are worried about the $500 FallsInc made on the side and MAYBE didn't pay taxes on? GIVE ME A BREAK! At least he was generating revenue for his city by all the purchases of consoles, discs, etc. in his area? Look at the damn bright side, people chipping consoles and not reporting that income to Uncle Sam isn't some big problem!

As far as "learning lessons", I'm sure FallsInc has learned something from this. His tone and words suggest that. HOWEVER, those of us living in the real god damn world understand that someone getting raided for chipping f'ing consoles is ludicrous. It's one thing if you setup shop at the Mall, another if you do this crap on the side for supplimental income, or hell, JUST TO HELP PEOPLE OUT WHO CAN'T DO IT THEMSELVES.

I never respond to posts like this, or get into "flame wars", but people like you are what's wrong with this world. I'm so sick of people on high horses preaching like this. You know what is 10,000 times worse than what FallsInc did, and people do it every second? Driving drunk. I bet you've done it, and if you have, in my eyes you are a worse criminal than FallsInc ever will be for chipping consoles... You see the point now? Everything is relative, and when you look "at the big picture", AS YOU PUT IT, people like FallsInc getting raided is RIDICULOUS. END OF STORY.


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Raid casualty comes forward to tell his story
« Reply #51 on: August 03, 2007, 01:09:00 AM »

QUOTE(jwhazel @ Aug 3 2007, 02:31 AM) View Post

I've been purusing this sites news coverage over the recent modchip raids with little interest. But when I read this story, I absolutely could not believe the seeming praise for this guy. I'm outraged at his outcry for sympathy and the people willing to support him. Whether or not you believe modchips are constitutional or not can be argued back and forth until the end of time. What is an absolute, as it currently stands, is that it is illegal, and FallsInc knew that. You know what? I don't agree one bit with the governments stance on what they consider "illegal drugs". But you don't see me thumbing my nose at the law by growing pot in my back yard or running a meth lab in my garage. I don't agree with a lot of the seemingly inane and arbitrary laws deemed nececssary by our government. But my disagreement doesn't constitute any plausable excuse as an attempt to circumvent them. In short, s�t happens, deal with it.
I'm sorry, but how spineless do you have to be to do this. Regardless of "legal grey areas" you know that what you were doing was illegal.  You've clearly indicated that you know it was illegal. And you're attempting to circumvent this by involving your grandmother and letting her take the fall for it? What the hell type of person are you? I'm not above condemnation. I've done some pretty stupid things out of my own volition before, but to involve an innocent person... your grandmother of all people, is probably one of the worst possible things I can think of. I mean seriously, what were you thinking? "Well... if the Feds come knocking, at least it won't be my door."
So let me get this straight? This guy was making a living all the while circumventing the IRS and not paying taxes. His girlfriend had a child in a hospital sponsered by tax dollars. His kid will grow up and most likely go to public school, paid for by our tax dollars. He drives a car on roads that are maintained by our tax dollars. He enjoys a plethora of things made available by taxes paid from common blue collar workers such as myself and many others on this board, and yet his "business" contributes nothing in return? I don't care whether your a single proprietor running  a modchip company skimming hundreds of $ or a large international company laundering millions. It's dishonest and hypocritical. And you want our sympathy for it? BS.
Cry me a river. I've been in this situation several times. You wake up and go to work like everything is peachy and tommorow is another day, only to find out that, for whatever reason, you're without a job, out in the cold, no source of income, and no security. You know what? McDonalds is always hiring to flip burgers.  Restuarants are always hiring people to wash dishes. The city is always hiring to haul garbage. Don't like it? Tough.  I look back and shutter at the many jobs that I had to pick up when times got rough and I had to swallow my pride and do what I had to do in order to take care of myself and the ones that I love. But you know what? Thats part of responsibility. Sometimes you have to do things in life that you don't want to in order to get by. You know why I also don't buy the BS "I don't have money to pay for bills" excuse? Because of stuff like this:

So you have problems paying your bills, but no problems keeping a plethora of video games and electronic accessories which are non staple items? You may not have been living a cushy life, but I refuse to believe the "you were hard off" spiel.
It's stuff like this that makes me feel pity for you. Instead of being able to own up to your mistake and admit that you know what your were doing was illegal (despite whether you agree with it or not), you can't simply accept the blame like a man. You can't simply say "You know what? I f&*#@ed up. I shouldn't have done that, and now I need to work on getting my life straight". No.... instead you pass the buck. Blame others for there mis-doings as if their iniquities overshadow your own and absolve you from all accountability. At what point in your life were you thinking about sitting down and saying "you know, I can't keep blaming other people because of stuff that I do".

And for anyone reading this who think that I am cold hearted or have no compassion, I feel for the the guy. I really and honestly do. I sincerely hope that things get sorted out so that he has the chance to be a responsible provider for his family. But I hope that in doing so, he is able to learn that when he has such a great responsibility, you have to make wiser decisions. I don't mind the fact that some people will side with him, as happpens in any situation. But I can't believe that nobody seems to be seing the bigger picture here.  grr.gif

i'm gonna keep the breif cause your an idiot, but just to clarify, i sent packages there for security of them. meaning: so they won't get stolen when i'm not there to receive them. but my retired grandma is. and everything they took, was almost all free, or nearly. it's taken me 4 years to pile up what they fit into 3 medium sized boxes.

i did not consider this illegal... no one did. why else do you think SO many people would be running mod stores and installer threads?

and as for the taxes part, 2 words buddy: sole proprietorship. i file taxes at the end of the year, just like everyone else.

and fuck you about why i am not working. you don't know me, or my health conditions, so don't even start.

i stopped making excuse a little while after i got out of high school, i accept responsibily for what i did, but i still think it's unfair since i don't put a dent into MS+N's bottom line, and i am not involved in piracy.


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« Reply #52 on: August 03, 2007, 01:51:00 AM »

@FallsInc, don't worry about that douche. You know how the internet is, there are just random morons floating around posting on threads on forums all over the world... Don't give it 2 seconds of your time, the vast majority of sane people, especially other people who love modding and are into the scene, 100% understand what is up and sympathize with what happened to you and the others...


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« Reply #53 on: August 03, 2007, 01:53:00 AM »

Look.. the point is 'if you cannot do the time, don't do the crime'.

I know the law is stupid, but its the law.. For example.. the speed limit is 70mph in the UK, but its a stupid law on a clean motorway in a dry day, and loads of people speed, accepting the risk that they could get points/fine if they are caught.

Loads and loads of laws are stupid.. but unfortunately once they are law, they are law.. thats it.. Anyone moaning against this is ridiculous. He knew what he was doing was illegal, but self justified, and assumed he wouldn't get caught.

let me ask you one question (rhetoric), did you know what you were doing was illegal? "did not consider this illegal... no one did." - thats not the point. You KNEW it was, but morally chose to ignore the law, due to your own moral code, which is fine, but unfortunately doesn't trump the actual law. Its the same with the speeding example, I could say morally, to me on a dry clear empty motorway doing 100 is fine, but for me 110 is too much, that could be my cut off. Its totally illegal, but I morally justify it to myself that 100 is fine, but 110 is not? why?

Unfortunately even thou he is on the bread line, that just way it is.. Look at the crooks in your government lying to the senate etc.. but they get away with it. If history tells you anything, its always the little man that gets it.

I do feel sorry for you, and not seeing your child is stupid (and not legal), her mum cannot stop you legally seeing your child.. (unless on her property).

Good luck.. I do mean that..

/even though i do question the point (from above)of what you were doing with all the games/console if you cannot provide for you family(housing/food etc..)


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Raid casualty comes forward to tell his story
« Reply #54 on: August 03, 2007, 01:21:00 AM »

Puh! Well done Micro$soft! I was sooo worried that Bill and Co was not going to earn there $9000000/month this year but only 7900000! Now it feels a little bit better! After this raid you have realy proven your point and i am REALY happy! Also a big shoutout to George W and Co! Hope the "sponsore" money from the industry came well in hand for you! God nows you deserv it! We all know how hard time you had with the war in Iraq and everything so you REALY deserv this and not to have a CRIMINAL like Fallinc stealing $10 and $10 of dollars from you! Shame on him! Hope your lobster dinner tastes sweet tonite coz we ALL know that you deserved it! GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!

(for you that dont understand the irony in this text please seek help! smile.gif


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« Reply #55 on: August 03, 2007, 02:00:00 AM »

I don't think people realize how many laws there are. You can walk down the street and literally catch someone breaking a law every 10 seconds. We don't charge everyone. There are tons of laws on the books that are not enforced. Why? Because they aren't practical... Saying that someone deserves to be punished "because it is against the law" is insane. I guarantee every one of these soapbox commentors has a copy of a DVD, a downloaded movie, a pirated MP3, a flashed console, or some other illegal item in their possession. Does that mean they should be charged? NO. Let's let the boys in blue spend their time shutting down methlabs and catching murderers, rapists, and illegal immigrants, PLEASE.


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« Reply #56 on: August 03, 2007, 02:00:00 AM »

QUOTE(zest @ Aug 3 2007, 09:57 AM) *

Puh! Well done Micro$soft! I was sooo worried that Bill and Co was not going to earn there $9000000/month this year but only 7900000! Now it feels a little bit better! After this raid you have realy proven your point and i am REALY happy! Also a big shoutout to George W and Co! Hope the "sponsore" money from the industry came well in hand for you! God nows you deserv it! We all know how hard time you had with the war in Iraq and everything so you REALY deserv this and not to have a CRIMINAL like Fallinc stealing $10 and $10 of dollars from you! Shame on him! Hope your lobster dinner tastes sweet tonite coz we ALL know that you deserved it! GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!

(for you that dont understand the irony in this text please seek help! smile.gif

ah its good that others share my concern i thought i was the only one laugh.gif


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« Reply #57 on: August 03, 2007, 02:03:00 AM »

you kinda screwed yourself. never talk to the cops and never give them anything unless they have a warrent. they had knothing sence you said they didnt have a warrent where your shop was. and you gave it to them thats the end right there. mounting a defence is going to be dam near inpossable now. if they didnt find the shop and you kept your mouth shut there evdance woulda been weak and probly thrown out. correction you can say 1 thing to the cops when they question you i whant a layer present. you have rights and when your in a situation like that you better dam well use them or you wind up like you are now. as everyone said befor when the cops are arresting you or searching with a warrent they are not your frend.

sorry man you relly did shoot youself. i fell for your situation but not using your rights was just plain dumb.


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« Reply #58 on: August 03, 2007, 01:28:00 AM »

QUOTE(joe90 @ Aug 3 2007, 02:53 AM) View Post

Look.. the point is 'if you cannot do the time, don't do the crime'.

I know the law is stupid, but its the law.. For example.. the speed limit is 70mph in the UK, but its a stupid law on a clean motorway in a dry day, and loads of people speed, accepting the risk that they could get points/fine if they are caught.

Loads and loads of laws are stupid.. but unfortunately once they are law, they are law.. thats it.. Anyone moaning against this is ridiculous. He knew what he was doing was illegal, but self justified, and assumed he wouldn't get caught.

let me ask you one question (rhetoric), did you know what you were doing was illegal? "did not consider this illegal... no one did." - thats not the point. You KNEW it was, but morally chose to ignore the law, due to your own moral code, which is fine, but unfortunately doesn't trump the actual law. Its the same with the speeding example, I could say morally, to me on a dry clear empty motorway doing 100 is fine, but for me 110 is too much, that could be my cut off. Its totally illegal, but I morally justify it to myself that 100 is fine, but 110 is not? why?

Unfortunately even thou he is on the bread line, that just way it is.. Look at the crooks in your government lying to the senate etc.. but they get away with it. If history tells you anything, its always the little man that gets it.

I do feel sorry for you, and not seeing your child is stupid (and not legal), her mum cannot stop you legally seeing your child.. (unless on her property).

Good luck.. I do mean that..

/even though i do question the point (from above)of what you were doing with all the games/console if you cannot provide for you family(housing/food etc..)

i interpret it as this: if they do no expressly forbid modchips, then they are not illegal. cd burners violate the DCMA...


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« Reply #59 on: August 03, 2007, 02:07:00 AM »

QUOTE(feflicker @ Aug 3 2007, 09:00 AM) *

I don't think people realize how many laws there are. You can walk down the street and literally catch someone breaking a law every 10 seconds. We don't charge everyone. There are tons of laws on the books that are not enforced. Why? Because they aren't practical... Saying that someone deserves to be punished "because it is against the law" is insane. I guarantee every one of these soapbox commentors has a copy of a DVD, a downloaded movie, a pirated MP3, a flashed console, or some other illegal item in their possession. Does that mean they should be charged? NO. Let's let the boys in blue spend their time shutting down methlabs and catching murderers, rapists, and illegal immigrants, PLEASE.

feflicker.. thats  fair point, but not justification when you get caught..  You need to understand how government works. There are different departments in the law to go after certain types of crime, its just the way it is. Do you suggest you remove all the police from cybercrime or copyright branches and put them all on the street to catch illegal immigrants.. it just simply doesn't work like that, come on.. you should know that.

Tel me, what law branches would you create and how would you divy up the workforce. You cannot ignore one area becuase it doesn't suit you.. I totally agree 100% no-one is whiter than white, especially the police, it sucks if you get caught for whatever, but the law (no matter how crap) is the law.
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