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A Couple Questions For Knowledgable Christians
« Reply #30 on: April 01, 2006, 07:27:00 PM »

"Chemist Turns Lead Into Gold."
Really? When? Oh, in 1980? Maybe?
"Is Alechemy Real?"
Is it? I don't know. If you're going to ask a mind numbing question to lead into your article then at least take the time to answer it properly.

This post is insidiously stupid. Not only is it blatant spam for but it also contains NOTHING even close to news... unless I'm mistaken and we are in the middle of the Cold War. This is nothing but a few minutes from a 9th grade chemistry lecture from a fake chemist on a crummy site. This is slashdot for special eds and an offense to the digg community as a whole. Marcelo should have his account suspended for posting this pile.

"from a fake chemist on a crummy site."

Seaborg was a great man who in addition to his scientific breakthroughs, made major contributions to the University of California in various areas. He visited my Chemisty 1A class one day and afterwards he would gladly sign periodic tables featuring such elements as seaborgium, californium, and berkelium. Also a proponent of athletics, Seaborg would be excited about Saturday's Big Game -- Go Bears! I'm joyed to seem him mentioned on Digg, albeit for this odd article.

"albeit for this odd article"

About dot com is a circus of information with lots of advertisements

Speaks for itself.

leegleechN: Sure they are, if you consider chemists to work with subatomic and nuclear particles. It's just that the majority of chemists do their work at a higher level.
This is really pretty old, and I don't expect that it would be a very stable gold atom, probably an isotope

The smartest comment yet ..

I wonder why no patent exist for this revelation of yours.

Did cornor the Scientic Information markets since they are the only source of this scientific revelation.

I wonder why...


Whats the name of the process?

Did it produce a stable isotope of gold?

Who witnessed the procedure.

Who independantly verified the results ?

What was the upper threshold of the production yields?

Who wrote the BOGUS article?

Why are they the only ones to present this information.

What (respected) technical journal has reported these findings?

The sky is falling  rolleyes.gif



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« Reply #31 on: April 01, 2006, 09:40:00 PM »

QUOTE(puckSR @ Apr 1 2006, 12:17 AM) View Post

Umm...there is no infallible evidence of most things
what I believe you meant to say was there is no accurate or trustworthy which case...
there is plenty

QUOTE(puckSR @ Apr 1 2006, 03:08 PM) View Post

OOOOh....Im a complete jerk....trsut them on that
I will call you an idiot when you say something stupid
And...if you just start posting random information...and dont corroborate it....I will call you anything I please

QUOTE(puckSR @ Apr 1 2006, 04:52 PM) View Post much do you want to bet....because on this thread alone i can find several where i either corroborated my claims with either biblical passages, encylopedia entries, or books by historians.

can you give a source or evidence that wasn't written by a guy in the past 5 years?
What objective evidence do you have to support your claims?
Do you have a 2000 year old "year in revue" newsletter?
Where are these letters paul wrote? Who has them?
So here's a chance to put all your critics to rest. But...

You can't use the bible a truth. You can't use the internet as fact. Encylipedias don't count as evidence.


a particle accelerator can add individual electons/protrons/nuetrons.
Scientists can make any atom they want. Even gold.
I'm not sure exactly what you guys are argueing but science can make gold out of wood. (so to speak)

BTW puckSR can you give a link to the gravity theory thread? I've heard it mentioned a couple times


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« Reply #32 on: April 02, 2006, 10:38:00 AM »

QUOTE(_iffy @ Apr 1 2006, 11:47 PM) View Post


a particle accelerator can add individual electons/protrons/nuetrons.
Scientists can make any atom they want. Even gold.
I'm not sure exactly what you guys are argueing but science can make gold out of wood. (so to speak)

BTW puckSR can you give a link to the gravity theory thread? I've heard it mentioned a couple times

Scientists can make any atom they want. Even gold.
I'm not sure exactly what you guys are argueing but science can make gold out of wood. (so to speak)

In theory yes. Atomic structure isnt quite as trivial as that however.

In theory I can fly but in praticallity you know that this is just theory.

I find it highly suspect that no real source has substantiated these findings.  I attended a University which had an operating research reactor. The story of lead shields transmutated to gold is simple science fiction.

Why can noone else reproduce his reasearch. A key procedure in the release of scientific discoveries.

Independant verification.

DNA analysis are independantly verified and "reproducable" hence science fact.

Cloning people isnt, hence science fiction. (At the moment)

Making "real" stable gold isnt either. Scientific zealots are a dime a dozen. And this hoax is quite commonplace, and it is the reason there are checks and balances in the scientific community.

BECAUSE people make BS up. I have seen respected scientist go on shows and say how there are alien corpses in Roswell and how these aliens made stealth bomber.


P.S. There are hundreds of nuclear reactors worldwide why has no other facility substantiated this claim?

@ PUCKSR Hey I got a bigfoot toenail for sale on EBAY I will give you 500 shipped PAYPAL......



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« Reply #33 on: April 02, 2006, 01:32:00 PM »

In theory I can fly but in praticallity you know that this is just theory.

According to what theory exactly can you fly?
unless we are being really loose with the term "i can fly" which case...of course you can...its called an airplane...

I find it highly suspect that no real source has substantiated these findings. I attended a University which had an operating research reactor. The story of lead shields transmutated to gold is simple science fiction.

I wasnt referring to the lead shield part of that article...I was referring to the experiment at Berkley...
Now...did i ever claim that he created "stable" gold?

find it highly suspect that no real source has substantiated these findings.

Except you ignored the multiple accounts of this claim....
Does the New York Times count as a "real" source?..
Google will find plenty of sources...

Why can noone else reproduce his reasearch. A key procedure in the release of scientific discoveries.

Independant verification.

DNA analysis are independantly verified and "reproducable" hence science fact.

No one "reproduced his research" because it wasnt research....
if you can create Einsteinum...then you can create Gold....
He didnt do this as research....he did this to "do it"...
it got his school some attention...and it allowed them to claim that they had finally accomplished the great mystery of alchemy...
Im sure anyone else could do this...but why?
Its completely within the known laws of science to be possible
it requires a great deal of money and time to accomplish...
it doesnt produce anything near viable for the synthesis of gold
Someone else already did it first.....

You keep acting like this would shake up the scientific world....
Everyone knew you could do it...especially this guy....since he discovered 5 elements using the same process.
Didnt I post a link to the American Chemisty Society...or some similiar group


It was Jesus that forced apostles to eat traditionally unclean foods like swine after they had prayed over it.

Your interpretations are contadictory to the christian beliefs I was raised with.

Ummm...since this entire thread is on religion...
mind explaining this one


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« Reply #34 on: April 02, 2006, 02:38:00 PM »

QUOTE(puckSR @ Apr 2 2006, 02:39 PM) View Post

Except you ignored the multiple accounts of this claim....

Post them they are probably as lacking on the specifics as you are.

QUOTE(puckSR @ Apr 2 2006, 02:39 PM) View Post

No one "reproduced his research" because it wasnt research....

I am going to start calling you Semantic BOY.Then what was research, experiment, felder garb.

QUOTE(puckSR @ Apr 2 2006, 02:39 PM) View Post

Except you ignored the multiple accounts of this claim....
Does the New York Times count as a "real" source?..

Yeah it was next to the article on the big foot sighting. How about a recognized, credible scientific journal.

QUOTE(puckSR @ Apr 2 2006, 02:39 PM) View Post

if you can create Einsteinum...then you can create Gold....

Funny, since know one else has observed documented or reproduced this "revelation"  wink.gif

QUOTE(puckSR @ Apr 2 2006, 02:39 PM) View Post

Im sure anyone else could do this...but why?
Its completely within the known laws of science to be possible
it requires a great deal of money and time to accomplish...

So let me get this right I have a nuclear reactor, like Iran, I use my nuclear reactor to produce an alement like Plutiniuom 239 (Pu -239) That doesnt exist in nature. So that I can make bombs plus I get gold from the shielding around the reactor.

1) The electricty that I generate and sell from the nuclear power plant,
2) Coupled with the Pu that I generate to blackmail Americans, sell to Al Qaeda or just sit on to keep Bush from invading.  You do understand that Pu is the most expensive mineral on the face of the earth.
3) And I get Gold also.
4) Lets see back of the envelope calc.

 Electricity $.07per kw-hr
 The typical power reactor produces 3000 Mega Watts
 Given the heat engine effiecency 1000 Mega Watts of sellable energy.
 That amounts to about a million dollars a day in revenue.

Sounds like a f*ing lottery to me.

QUOTE(puckSR @ Apr 2 2006, 02:39 PM) View Post

Didnt I post a link to the American Chemisty Society...or some similiar group

Now you know the answer to that.

P.S. I know you probably dont grasp the significance of the above. So let me just add one final caviat. Most knowledgable  physicist and nuclear scientist attribute these claims to the little known fact that there are trace amounts of gold in Lead Ore.   .

P.S.S. And given the fact that your "claim" mentions an upper threshold on the mass fraction or mass ratio of Gold to Lead, that is probably the likely explanation of his research/experiment or whatever.

P.S.S.S. I would gander to guess that the concentration he "detected" was not in excess of the natural abundance.  



It was Jesus that forced apostles to eat traditionally unclean foods like swine after they had prayed over it.

Your interpretations are contadictory to the christian beliefs I was raised with.

Ummm...since this entire thread is on religion...
mind explaining this one

Now wouldn't that kill all the fun, Senior Thread Crapper. I am really enjoying you making a total baboon of yourself.


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« Reply #35 on: April 02, 2006, 05:59:00 PM »

transmuted several thousand atoms of lead into gold at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. His  
 experimental technique, using nuclear physics, was able to remove protons and neutrons from the lead

I know you are probably not familiar with mass spectroscopy, mass spec is a tool used to analyze samples to the part per trillion (ppt) this is currently the lower end of resolution. TODAY...

1 part per trillion is one atom in 10^9

1000 atoms, there are Avogadros Number (Na = 6.023*10^23) atoms/mole-gram.

10^23 atoms in one gram. A pack of M&M's is a little less than 100 grams.

That is one hell of alot less than 1 ppt. With  1980's technology. And you insist he counted 1000 atoms.

With what technology... Bomb detectors at the airport arent that sensitive.


You sound like a politician now. Trying to understand science. Google want give you understanding....

I am going to talk so you can understand me. Imagine curling a 50 lb bar, I walk by and flick a booger on it
and you notice a discernable difference in the weight of the now

.1  lb dumbell.

You really dont get it.


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« Reply #36 on: April 02, 2006, 06:26:00 PM »

10^23 atoms of lead isnt 1 gram, its about 207 grams, plus he said "several thousand" not just 1000, granted this doesnt change the numbers much, but if your going to argue about moles at least learn how to use avagadros number properly


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« Reply #37 on: April 02, 2006, 06:52:00 PM »

QUOTE(lordvader129 @ Apr 2 2006, 07:33 PM) View Post

10^23 atoms of lead isnt 1 gram, its about 207 grams, plus he said "several thousand" not just 1000, granted this doesnt change the numbers much, but if your going to argue about moles at least learn how to use avagadros number properly

Let me clarify

Avogadro's number can be applied to any substance. It corresponds to the number of atoms or molecules needed to make up a mass equal to the substance's atomic or molecular mass, in grams. For example, the atomic mass of iron is 55.847 amu, so Avogadro's number of iron atoms (i.e. one mole of iron atoms) have a mass of 55.847 g. Conversely, 55.847 g of iron contains Avogadro's number of iron atoms. Thus Avogadro's number NA corresponds to the conversion factor between grams (g) and atomic mass units:

You are correct I mispoke in my hast  10^23 is one mole gram. Nice of you to dissect my words and find a small flaw in my argument. or just a type O since I said Na= X mole-gram on the line before.

And one gram of a substance is Na * AMU

@PUCk 1 amu = Atomic mass The red number on the chart   wink.gif

"several thousand" not just 1000, HUH???

So, in other words you dont sh*t to add.  That really changes the conclusion.

@ Vader (Real original)

New "smart guy"

Either you are also of the opinion that a detector that has  a sensitvity of 10^9 atoms
can resolve a "few thousand" atoms out of 10^23.


You just have a big mouth. And are trying to save face for your buddy.

Either way....

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« Reply #38 on: April 02, 2006, 07:06:00 PM »

These are all man made using a partical accelerator
IPB Image
...sorry it's not in english.
a partical accelerator is different from a nuclear power plant. In fact it's huge! Acre's huge! America has one, Russia has one, and i think france is building one. (i know it's in europe) They are extreamly expensive to own and operate. Thats why people aren't makeing gold. And if they were, the value of gold would decrease,
making it even less economical.

FYI - uranium does exist naturally in nature. The US, China, and Russia each have a mine.
All nuclear power plants are sourced from those three. Russia has said they will sell some to Iran if they can prove they will only use it for power generation.(another topic)

@puckSR just tell me were the original letters are, and who has them and i'll be happy(proof of existance)
jha'dhurNice pic, but  don't underestimate the powers of the emporer...


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« Reply #39 on: April 02, 2006, 07:10:00 PM »

QUOTE(puckSR @ Apr 2 2006, 07:44 PM) View Post


You have completely missed the point....
if the point were in my would be on the moon at this point....

Why are you making such a big deal out of this.....?
I dont have any vested interest in the accuracy of being able to turn lead into gold....
Hmmm.....maybe this will make you happy....

jha'dur is correct....this never happened...the burden of proof was on me...and because i lack the time and energy to grab an obscure research paper that probably doesnt exist....I will concede...
No one has ever...ever...and never will....turn lead into gold....

Does it matter?
Did it have anything to do with the conversation?
There....i read some articles on the net...they were obviously lies....and i completely retract my comment

Now....lets get back to the topic

I realized shortly after my first post why you selected Puck as a username.

You and your little brother (Vader) are amusing.  
( Padme',  He didnt say 1000 he said 3 thousand 492)


I know a little bit more about you than you think (thanks to the other users that you commonly antagonize.) I even was sent links to of your MUG and fetishes.

If you dont like the message don't shoot the messenger.

I am suprised you apoligized for your "BOGUSITY" <- new word  jester.gif

I dont require an apology. You believe one thing I believe another.  

But, why are you so obsessive. You have pulled this "same game" with a few people.

Google said so, gotta be right.


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« Reply #40 on: April 02, 2006, 07:47:00 PM »

QUOTE(_iffy @ Apr 2 2006, 08:13 PM) View Post

These are all man made using a partical accelerator
IPB Image
...sorry it's not in english.
a partical accelerator is different from a nuclear power plant. In fact it's huge! Acre's huge! America has one, Russia has one, and i think france is building one. (i know it's in europe) They are extreamly expensive to own and operate. Thats why people aren't makeing gold. And if they were, the value of gold would decrease, making it even less economical.

From the original BOGUS article.

There is an earlier report (1972) in which Soviet physicists at a nuclear research facility near Lake Baikal in Siberia accidentally discovered a reaction for turning lead into gold when they found the lead shielding of an experimental reactor had changed to gold.

This would insinuate that neutron bomabardment of lead and the resulting decay chains would produce a daughter element namely gold. Which isn't true.

QUOTE(_iffy @ Apr 2 2006, 08:13 PM) View Post

Thats why people aren't makeing gold. And if they were, the value of gold would decrease,
making it even less economical.

Given the nature of paper currency I beg to differ.  If N. Koreas was to launch a preemptive strike against US the dollar would go to shit. Our only tangible wealth internationally would be our gold stockpile and a promise to pay(Which Bush is reuning). Originally money was merely a silver certificate. But that is impratical today as a result of inflation.

This is why in times of war people sell paper money for gold certificates and gold skyrockets So.

What is a dollar worth. A U.S. government promise. Therefore the value of gold is inmaterial, the value of the dollar is the kicker.

QUOTE(_iffy @ Apr 2 2006, 08:13 PM) View Post

Thats why people aren't makeing gold. And if they were, the value of gold would decrease,
making it even less economical.

I beg to differ read my last statement.

QUOTE(_iffy @ Apr 2 2006, 08:13 PM) View Post

FYI - uranium does exist naturally in nature. The US, China, and Russia each have a mine.
All nuclear power plants are sourced from those three. Russia has said they will sell some to Iran if they can prove they will only use it for power generation.(another topic)

I said Plutonium not uranium. And to my knowledge US doesnt have any existing Uranium mines. I could be mistaken. And China is trying to negotiate uranium ore purchases from Australia.

Dude I work at a Uranium/ Plutonium facility. I will leave it at that, although I am a new guy I do have the academic credentials to hold my own against PuckSR on nuclear physcis/science.

I would point out your misconceptions in gravity/gravitational force/gravitational theory ramblings but I dont have 3 pages in me, nor do I desire your further apologies.

@_iffy or @Vader Question for you:

Is there a limit to the mass number of an element that can be produced by this manner. As illustrated in the chart you posted. (i.e Why has noone surpassed Uun or 110 or more exactly 110 protons) If this entire sysnthesis procedure is a simple as you and Puck suggest.

Everything decays to LEAD.  

The answer to that question and consideration of the hint will demonstrate why making gold is simply scientific "foolishness" the reason why noone with an IQ above 30 gives it any real credance.

I am not trying to insult you or anyone elses intelligence(well maybe Vader), but that is for cock grabbing by proxy. My only allegiance is to the truth.

@DAMAN I haven't forgotten about you. Your qoutes are on the way.


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« Reply #41 on: April 02, 2006, 08:14:00 PM »

QUOTE(puckSR @ Apr 2 2006, 08:52 PM) View Post

It just that Electrical Engineers dont get much of a chance to use chemistry....LOL

I had heard you were an electrical engineer. What cast a shadow of a doubt on the curriculum of your particular university. I that you as an EE student DO NOT GRASP the concept of lower threshold limits in electronics.

The reason you can always beat a 5 mph over speeding ticket is not that radar theory is flawed the detector cant see down to that resolution the electronics arent that efficent.

Anytime you perform any measurement you calibrate your instrument. To determine the error or instrument bias. Thats why counting 3000 atoms from an "X" g sample is just comical.

QUOTE(puckSR @ Apr 2 2006, 08:52 PM) View Post

Im a fair and honest guy...
but you really have to watch IrishBastard/Bluedeath/xmedia....they will pull a Bill O'Reilley....
They dont even bother to "google" it....they just make it up and hope they are correct.....

Funny since one of those guys presented very similiar arguements as I just did to you concernig "making" gold and they just simply gave up on arguing with you.

I am not saying anything they said, I just sat here coach ridden recovering from an ankle injury with a few beers.

I probably come across as an obsessed a hole like you.

They dont even bother to "google" it....they just make it up and hope they are correct.....

Anyone can (in your case) read information(not facts) on the internet and present them without really understanding them and when met with scrutinity not respond.

(God help Us) but when you complete graduate studies you will have to verbally defend your thesis. All those numbers are out the window, and your basic understanding of the science will show. GOOD LUCK Google is not going to be there.  ohmy.gif

It is my contension, that you and DAMAN are wrong about the Jesus thing also. And you are going to spin it off an a side tangent as well.

Claim #1
I claim that there is a new testament story where Jesus presents an apostle with unclean meet, and he will not eat even after he has seen Jesus walk on water, and he is rebuked.

Claim #2
I do remember also a new testament story where Saul/Paul while accompanied by some of the apostles is beaten by a Greek soldier, he replied to the soldier that he was a "Greek" and that stop beating him

That is my recollection, The fact that I dont have my annotated personal bible is the only reason you can cling to the last straw of credibility that you have.


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« Reply #42 on: April 02, 2006, 08:25:00 PM »

QUOTE(jha'dhur @ Apr 2 2006, 08:54 PM) View Post

From the original BOGUS article.
actually it's true. those elements are man made. Partical accelerators are not nuclear power plants, and they are big structures.
QUOTE(jha'dhur @ Apr 2 2006, 08:54 PM) View Post

What is a dollar worth. A U.S. government promise. Therefore the value of gold is inmaterial, the value of the dollar is the kicker.
Gold is bought and sold every day. the value of gold is set by the worlds supply aswell as demand. If a "gold makeing factory" was built, it would flood the market with gold - lowering it's value.
QUOTE(jha'dhur @ Apr 2 2006, 08:54 PM) View Post

I beg to differ read my last statement.
why quote me twice? Does it make you sound smart?
QUOTE(jha'dhur @ Apr 2 2006, 08:54 PM) View Post

I said Plutonium not uranium. And to my knowledge US doesnt have any existing Uranium mines. I could be mistaken. And China is trying to negotiate uranium ore purchases from Australia.
America does have a mine. I was wrong about china.
appologie - sorry. plutonium. my mistake
QUOTE(jha'dhur @ Apr 2 2006, 08:54 PM) View Post

Dude I work at a Uranium/ Plutonium facility.
dude, ask your boss were you get your uranium.
QUOTE(jha'dhur @ Apr 2 2006, 08:54 PM) View Post
@_iffy or @Vader Question for you:

Is there a limit to the mass number of an element that can be produced by this manner. As illustrated in the chart you posted. (i.e Why has noone surpassed Uun or 110 or more exactly 110 protons) If this entire sysnthesis procedure is a simple as you and Puck suggest.
They were man made but highly unstable.
This planet, with it's gravity and atmospheric pressure, is not adequate to support their existance. They can make them but they don't "live" very long. Oh and they don't exist naturally here on earth.
QUOTE(jha'dhur @ Apr 2 2006, 08:54 PM) View Post

Everything decays to LEAD.
even diamonds?

jha'dhur I appologize if i've offended you, but if your not willing to listen and think, then conversation is meaningless. It's not always important to be right.

A partical accelerator can be used to make gold. It's fundamental design let's you do just that.
That's not to say it's a good idea though.


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« Reply #43 on: April 02, 2006, 08:39:00 PM »

QUOTE(puckSR @ Apr 2 2006, 09:09 PM) View Post

Physics isnt a weak point for me....

Just Solid State(Detector) physics HUH.  blink.gif

QUOTE(puckSR @ Apr 2 2006, 09:09 PM) View Post

Remember, however, when you are reading those posts...that I was arguing with a complete idiot....
Not a guy who was misinformed, not a misunderstanding....he was a complete idiot....

OHH, The irony........

QUOTE(puckSR @ Apr 2 2006, 09:09 PM) View Post

Which...if you go back will see my discussion of the famed Dr. Seaborg....
the guy who discovered/created plutonium....along with a few others....

1 for "several thousand" you are on your way, BROTHER........

[in Darth Vaders voice]
Padma, (takes long breath, more of a weeze) He said several thousand, not 1000.
[/in Darth Vaders voice]

Raise arm[initiates Sith force choke]

[in Darth Vaders voice]
BITCH, Please........ ph34r.gif
[/in Darth Vaders voice]



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« Reply #44 on: April 02, 2006, 09:04:00 PM »

QUOTE(_iffy @ Apr 2 2006, 09:32 PM) View Post

actually it's true. those elements are man made. Partical accelerators are not nuclear power plants, and they are big structures.
 Gold is bought and sold every day. the value of gold is set by the worlds supply aswell as demand. If a "gold makeing factory" was built, it would flood the market with gold - lowering it's value.
why quote me twice? Does it make you sound smart?
America does have a mine. I was wrong about china.
appologie - sorry. plutonium. my mistake
 dude, ask your boss were you get your uranium. They were man made but highly unstable.
This planet, with it's gravity and atmospheric pressure, is not adequate to support their existance. They can make them but they don't "live" very long. Oh and they don't exist naturally here on earth.
even diamonds?

jha'dhur I appologize if i've offended you, but if your not willing to listen and think, then conversation is meaningless. It's not always important to be right.

A partical accelerator can be used to make gold. It's fundamental design let's you do just that.
That's not to say it's a good idea though.

#1) Dude you havent offended me.

#2) A nuclear reactor is in essence a neutron(particle) accelerator. The concepts of fission/fusion is what lead to there development (Particle accelerators)  

#3) My excollege roommate works for the largest Uranium mining outfit in the world Framatone. The vast, vast majority of nuclear fuel service is bought from abroad. That doesnt not exclude domestic Uranium mining I can not say for 100% so I will abstain. But whats the point

#4) The statement "Everything decays to lead implies that the atom is radioactive. Although daimnds can be bombarded by particles to produce exotic colors and increase their value they are not naturally radioactive.  

This planet, with it's gravity and atmospheric pressure, is not adequate to support their existance. They can make them but they don't "live" very long. Oh and they don't exist naturally here on earth.
even diamonds?

Dude, please dont repeat this statement ever, ever again. It is highly inaccurate. And you probably pulled it out of your backside. In fact I know you did. Not to be offensive.

A partical accelerator can be used to make gold. It's fundamental design let's you do just that.

That is just not true in the "real world". That is more Star Trek than science fact.  

Gold is bought and sold every day. the value of gold is set by the worlds supply aswell as demand. If a "gold makeing factory" was built, it would flood the market with gold - lowering it's value.
why quote me twice? Does it make you sound smart?

You really really really are starting to sound like a kid now. No insult intended. I am going to agree to disagree with you, I now have a headache from reposting the same widely accepted scientific theories.

Partical accelerators are not nuclear power plants, and they are big structures.

Funny, the particle accelerator I conducted experiments with took up the space of a small lab or maybe 2-3 offices.

Dude this is really starting to sound like " I know you are, what am I"

I tell you what you find a "credible" scientific publication that details the manufacture of gold from lead in excess of its natural abundance endorsed by the scientific powers that be"I will send you $100.00 USD paypal."
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