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Author Topic: Jews  (Read 396 times)


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« Reply #15 on: January 04, 2005, 01:59:00 PM »

Judaism is a religion.  Of course you can convert to Judaism.  It is not ok to claim to hate all muslims or use racial slurs when discussing any ethnicity or religion or race.  If you were truly offended by this type of remark, you should be offended when it is directed to any group be it one you identify with or not.  This is not an educated debate about religion or politics or news, nor is it an educated debate about racism.  I recommend this topic be closed.


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« Reply #16 on: January 04, 2005, 02:05:00 PM »

er maximum have you read these forums? A lot of people are very happy to label every Muslim because of the actions of a few "terrorists".
I havnt come in contact with a Jew for a while (not many in northern England), its just the Anne Frank house got me thinking.



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« Reply #17 on: January 04, 2005, 03:34:00 PM »

Even if I hadn't known any jew, I wouldn't hate them anyway. However, I REALLY dislike they think they're God's chosen people (making them think they should be treated better), and I REALLY dislike when jews are defending Israel. But I know a few jews who, eventhough being zionists, I like them anyway. I just don't talk about the conflict with them and they're like anyone. If jews in general complain more than others, I can't say. It's very possible, but I have no fact supporting this, so I won't accuse them for it either.

It's very easy to label jews with all their distinguished features. Apart from the conflict there's one thing I really can't understand about them; their sick interest in economy. Seriously, check the names of lawyers, producers and economics. Very many of them have jewish names. I don't really care, but it's a strange "phenomena". And that was *not* labeling all jews as lawyers (if anyone felt like picking).

But as Melon said, many can easily label muslims, but get all crazy when you mention jews. I think one should refrain from labeling people at all.

I don't know if anyone agree with me(don't get me wrong now), but the word jew feels like something of a curseword. I really can't say why, but it does to me. Saying "He's a jew" feels like saying something negative about him, wheras saying "he's a christian" doesn't (believe me, I dislike both religions eqaully).

Melon: It's possible to convert to judaism, but you won't be a "real" jew, as you don't have their "blood". It's very rare to convert though.

In conclusion: There are a-holes in every race and religion, just as there are "saints" in every race and religion.


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« Reply #18 on: January 04, 2005, 04:09:00 PM »

I agree with so many people here regarding minorities having better opportunities and greater freedom to do what they want - the other day I was saying that just because I'm white, male and middle-class my chances of employment in the UK are less than others.  It is also annoying that whenever the BNP (British National Party) gains a seat there's a media uproar, but only the other day PM Blair was smiling at a Muslim boy talking about the opening of a Muslim school in London, taught in Arabic, where Muslims could learn the importance of the Koran etc etc.  Its all fine having a multi-cultural society, but what people seem to forget is in areas where there is notable segregation (e.g. Bradford), it is primarily the minorities who segregate themselves from the rest of society - we don't have Chinatowns because the evil white people keep all the Chinese stuck in the same area.

Most of this thread seems to be based on the Jews and melon's views, which I generally agree with, whilst trying not to seem anti-semitic (because of the stigma some idoits attach to it) and can't really relate to much as where I live there isn't a large Jewish community.  While it is easy to define the Jews as a race as they are the main populace of Israel and have kept the same physical features and customs over thousands of years whilst living in different areas of the globe, it is of course possible to become a Jew a la Sammy Davis Jr. , but I agree that most people are pretty much either born a Jew or not.


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« Reply #19 on: January 04, 2005, 04:44:00 PM »

Since Judeisum is passed down the mothers side how can it not be a race(just an observation).


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« Reply #20 on: January 04, 2005, 08:52:00 PM »

Jesus fucking Christ, what a bunch anti-semitic bigots, go jump off a fucking bridge.


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« Reply #21 on: January 05, 2005, 03:44:00 AM »

I find it even more perplexing that Israel and the Jewish religion is so strongly defended by non Jews. Why is this?

This thread is not meant to bean attack on Judiasm I just find the double standards bizzare.


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« Reply #22 on: January 05, 2005, 04:04:00 AM »



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« Reply #23 on: January 05, 2005, 10:08:00 AM »

QUOTE(EverythingButAnAnswer @ Jan 4 2005, 11:21 AM)
rotfl.gif I guess we can agree the Nazis succeeded at one thing. It seems that majority of the world now view "Jews" as a race, not a religious group. You can't change your race, but you can change your religious affiliation. By being accepted as a race, you cannot hide, enabling the Nazis to institute their macabre sense of justice, exterminating the entire "Jewish" race. You fuckers disgust me.


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« Reply #24 on: January 05, 2005, 10:49:00 AM »

The thing is people have been brainwashed to think that only Majorities can be racists, which will be our fall. If I state how it's wrong for Black(oh wait! I can't say that... African-Americans, But me... call me white, call me a cracker... call me a nigger for one reason or another, and it's completely ok)  people to have thier own Tv station, I'll be marked a racists for "limiting thier freedoms", and if I make my own White Tv station, I'm marked a racists for leaving others out. You know what, Fuck Niggers!

What was the first thing you thought when I said that? "Oh my! He's putting down the black community! Racists!" I'm with Gc, Fucking tools.


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« Reply #25 on: January 05, 2005, 10:51:00 AM »

You are all sick people.


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« Reply #26 on: January 05, 2005, 11:00:00 AM »

I do not think you should have said fuck Israel.  That's a rather broad generalization.   

My main beefs are with the NAACP and the anti-Defamation League.  Black people and Jews can make fun of whoever the hell they want but the minute a white comedian makes a racial joke, those organizations are crawling up their ass.  The NAACP asnd anti-Defamation League were created to rid racism from the world.  But the organizations in themselves, are racist.

BTW...if anyone cares, I am half Jewish so please watch what you say.

When he said fuck Israel I doubt he refered to all the people living there(perhaps he did, but I doubt it). I suppose he refered to the state of Israel in itself(maybe I'm wrong).

All I wanted to say to you XBFNoodles is that I like how you can have a distance to yourself. For example, very many refuse to accept anything can be wrong with themselves or their believes. Some people defend christianity/judaism/islam at all costs and refuse to accept anything can be wrong with it. No matter what your political stance is I admire people who can look at themselves and not automatically defend everything about it. People who dare to criticize themselves are strong. I refer to you being a jew/half jew, yet you dare to point out double standards from other jews. If people started showing that mutual respect we'd have less problems.

I might disagree with you heavily on other issues, but I was merely pointing out a positive feature more should have as it has nothing to do with politics.


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« Reply #27 on: January 05, 2005, 11:04:00 AM »

QUOTE(XBFNoodles @ Jan 5 2005, 06:39 PM)
The Jews are a race.


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« Reply #28 on: January 05, 2005, 11:14:00 AM »

You are all sick people.

Cause we dare to step over the line that was set and not be touched? Cause we aren't afriad to challenge the ways we have been living? Would you consider the blacks as sick people when they fought for thier equal rights? What about women?
I'm not fighting for White's rights, but rather equal rights for everyone. The world became too scared to give equal rights to people. So they had to make them happy andgive them more rights, and still are to today. Everything... you're are just to immature to discuss a topic like this, so you turn to making small remarks that explain nothing. You have nothing to input on sketchy subjects like religion, racism, or homosexuality. You resort to a smilie face, a short retort, and a link to a random link no one cares about. (and a picture when applicable) If you don't have any of your own views, don't post at all. There is a forum called "The Dump" for people like you, go post your bullshit there.


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« Reply #29 on: January 05, 2005, 11:56:00 AM »

You don't dare to step over shit; this is the internet you are a fucking coward, using the internet as an outlet for your bigotry and hate. You wouldn't dare, you wouldn't fucking dare to say any of the things you say here on the internet in the real world, in front of real people, because you fear their reaction to your foolish ideology. Where is your fucking integrity? Who gives a shit what someone thinks? If you think the way you feel about this topic is excusable in the least bit you are sadly mistaken. What always starts out as "complaining" quickly finds itself in the form of uncontrollably violent persecution.

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