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Author Topic: Conservative Trend In America  (Read 628 times)


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Conservative Trend In America
« Reply #15 on: November 22, 2004, 08:38:00 PM »

so just because some people use drugs and commit crimes or take them irresponsibly and kill themselves they should be illegal? alcohol, guns, cars, tobacco, how many more do u want me to list? if someone commits a crime while under the influence im all for locking them up, because it was their choice to take those drugs and their choice to do those reasoning focuses around choice, and my choices shouldnt be limited because of the bad choices of a small proportion of drug users...most users dont become addicts and most dont commit crimes against other people, and again a lot of those that do are a result of the illegality of drugs.....if u dont want to use drugs thats your choice and your choice alone, but if u do the same should apply...all drugs were legal before 1883 and society didnt collapse, great things happened before then, what makes u think today is an different? ive never tried pcp but i really doubt there is any drug that would make me go out and commit a crime if i used it responsible, and if i did it would be my own fault...and no, i don't think i will become braindead from using drugs longterm, because i use them RESPONSIBLY...and besides, im more interested in psychedelics, which despite being, i think, the most amazing and enlightening drugs are among the most harmless...they are non-physically addictive and it is almost impossible to OD...ud really have to try pretty hard to OD on basically any psychedelic...thats not to say u wont go crazy, and trust me, ive been there, but even at the brink of insanity when i took way too much lsa i was able to control myself...


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« Reply #16 on: November 22, 2004, 08:45:00 PM »

The main reason alcohol and tabacco aren't banned is because of tradition, and because they can be regulated, the same goes for guns. Also cars don't inhibit a person from making a responsible and sound decesion. So I challange you to take PCP and then come back here and preach your bullshit about how in control you are, you are full of shit.


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« Reply #17 on: November 22, 2004, 09:01:00 PM »

ok, have u ever tried PCP, cuz if u havent dont start saying pcp will make u crazy, and if i every tried pcp i wouldnt be an idiot and take tons of it my first time, id take a small amount, see whats its like and go from there....and why is being in control full of shit? do i sound like a drugged-out crackhead to u, and don't say yes...i havent used drugs for weeks, but god damn is thanksgiving going to be fun lolol, dont use drugs all the time and ull be find, if ur an adult and cant control urself go to rehab or go to jail, it truly isnt anyoens problem but THAT persons, thats why we need to tell people the true dangers of drugs and let them decide what to do from there...look at the netherlands, weed is LEGAL there and they have a lower teen use than america, whats that tell u?  they respect the drug and know what it can and cant do, and their society isnt collapsing...even shrooms r legal there....i shouldnt even tell u this but i have actually have to go to drug counseling this wednesday cuz some rat bastard smelled weed coming from my room a couple weeks ago...first time in 2 months and i fuckin get caught lol...i can't wait to argue with those motherfuckers, tho maybe i should just play stupid and agree that "drugs r bad..........mmk"...yeah thatll be fun....oh yeah, they took my cacti too, i forgot to mention mescaline...hands down my favorite drug...absolutely amazing..not like anything ive ever tried...highly recommended...go to and order some peruvian torch cactus, trust me...respect it and u will have an incredible experience...


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« Reply #18 on: November 22, 2004, 09:26:00 PM »

wink.gif. That reminds me, you should try meth sometime, I hear it's wonderful, and powerfully addicting. wink.gif.

Here's to the future.

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« Reply #19 on: November 22, 2004, 09:48:00 PM »

you in the right light she really doesnt look all that bad lol, and posting pictures on stupid crackheads doesnt prove anything, as i said those r the people that ABUSE drugs and thats whats happens when u abuse something that powerful, i could show u many more pictures of people that do drugs that look perfectly normal, as i know many people, and actually i haven't even met someone that uses drugs who is that grotesque, those r the extreme cases...and u wanna try a drug more addicting than cocaine(not sure about meth)try tobacco some time...i belive only opiates are more addictive....the things u post are exactly what im talking about, al u ever hear of is those extreme cases where people have ruined their lives, you never hear of people like me, the majority of drug users....and meth, yeah i stay away from that kind of stuff, watch a movie called spun, its all about meth and its an awesome movie, but i have nothing against meth users cuz ITS THEIR CHOICE to use meth, or at least it should be...theres times when i wish i had some coke or meth around for those late nigths when i have a paper to write and using them like that is fine and ur not going to turn into that..thing...why dont u just gives drugs a chance, i once thought the same way u did, and i cant imagine ever thinking like that again, it makes me sick...u could be the same..try them out, as i said u can order them legally and its not going to kill u or make u braindead, it might just help u realize something u never could before...and unless u truly believe u have an addictive personality and could not control yourself(u said i have a weak mind?) then just try them and see if u think about drugs the same way...


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« Reply #20 on: November 22, 2004, 10:01:00 PM »

I've never heard of someone sucking dick for a cigarette.


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« Reply #21 on: November 22, 2004, 10:06:00 PM »

ask everythingbutananswer, i dont know about the cigarette part tho...


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« Reply #22 on: November 22, 2004, 10:36:00 PM »

QUOTE (brandogg @ Nov 23 2004, 07:04 AM)
I've never heard of someone sucking dick for a cigarette.

That is odd, neither have I. Of course that is because cigarettes are cheap, legal, and readily available. Tupac is right though about nicotine being addictive, and it is probably the most if not one of the most addictive drugs out there. Fortunately because it is so readily available people have not had to result to offering sexual favors in exchange for cigarettes, at least not to my knowledge (it seems like you can apply economic philosophy to just about everything). Anyway what I'm trying to say, and what I've been trying to say is that not everyone is YOU, and YOU don't know how everyone will react to those types of drugs, and that is why they are illegal. Maybe you should start documenting all of your highs and trips, over a period of 10-20 years (that is if you survive that long) and then submit that research to the FDA wink.gif.


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« Reply #23 on: November 22, 2004, 10:58:00 PM »

its been done, do some research on this..whether you are for or against drug legalization it is very interesting...i like researching drugs as much as i like doing them....PHIKAL: A Chemical love story(the authors are absolute geniuses and have had more experiences than i can imagine, yet they can write such great books? again, responsible..), TIHKAL: The Continuation are great books, and Aint nobody's business if you do:the absurdity of consensual crimes in our free still dont understand what im saying...its not the harmful effects(both physical and possibly psychological), the possible negative effects on society, or the "morallity" of it all...its the choice....i can do tons of things that will kill me eventually or immediately, and it is my choice to decide whether the risks are worth the benefits...tell me this...if drugs were legal would you use them? one would be forcing u, it would be your choice, it would be up to u....i dont understand why u think it is your responsibility to make choices for other people.....right or wrong, we are adults and we should be able to decide the direction of our life....if i wanted to do nothing but drugs and what u would call "ruin my life", and maybe i would be, why do u think its your decision to decide whether i can do that? doesn't waht im saying make sense to u? honestly, this country was founded upon freedom of individual one is forcing u to use drugs, so why do u care? a very small portion of people are true addicts, and most fade out their drug use by themselves over time, why cant u let them? putting good people in jail for what they have chosen to do to themselves ruins peoples lives...if i went to prison my life would basically be scholarships gone, chance at ever becoming a pharmacist gone, life gone, i doubt i would even want to live if soemthing like that happened...u tell me who would be ruining my life? i know everyone is not me, but everyone is not u either....everyone is unique and that is why they must make decisions for themselves and nobody, not u, not me, not our govt, can make those choices for them....


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« Reply #24 on: November 22, 2004, 11:18:00 PM »

rolleyes.gif You sound a lot more like a libertarian than a democrat, might I ask why you didn't vote for Badnarik?


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« Reply #25 on: November 22, 2004, 11:28:00 PM »

because kerry is was the only chance we had....and haha im not that extreme but that doesnt even compare to what im saying about drugs, stuff like that endangers the lives of other people...drugs do not...yet u still cannot understand that..


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« Reply #26 on: November 22, 2004, 11:50:00 PM »

I'm sorry that you felt that way, Badnarik although a nut job, he is a man of principle, like Ralph Nadar (principle seems to be absent from both the democratic party and the republican party as the seem more and more to be controlled by the extremes of each party, although I feel that this extreme is more prevalent in the democratic party than the republican, since the extreme democratic base is progressive, while the extreme republican base is traditional). As for the drugs, I understand exactly were you are coming from, as I know of few a people who one could consider "responsible users" (who don't take serious drugs like XTC, Cocaine, PCP, etc.). However I also live only a few blocks away from one of the shit parts of the city, which doesn't lead me to recalling all the great things drugs have done for society (although they aren’t the reason that part of town went to shit, they certainly aren’t helping). Drugs inhibit judgment, which in turn can put people's security in jeopardy, what happened in Vietnam should be proof enough of that (some dumbasses would get high at their post, and their base would end up getting overrun and they would get killed, a perfect example, of how everyone is not a responsible user, and how THEIR CHOICE, put other's lives in jeopardy).


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« Reply #27 on: November 23, 2004, 12:10:00 AM »

oh come on, this is not Vietnam, i think i can leave it at that, of course someone fighting in a war shouldnt being drugs, we dont have the vietcong waiting for us to get high, we have talking about everyday life and the average, peaceful drug user....and not all drugs inhibit judgement many heighten it, ever hear of WW2, amphetamines? as for the shitholes of our country, i live in columbus and am also only blocks away from it, however i dont attribute it to drugs, nor do i any of the problems in our society, i attribute them to people, our society is set up to have the rich, the middle class, and the poor bums u see wandering the streets and with or without drugs do u really think things would be any different?  there would still be homeless people, beggars, etcetetc....and u still havent told me whether uve ever used drugs? and havent really answered my question about choice....


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« Reply #28 on: November 23, 2004, 10:10:00 AM »

QUOTE (EverythingButAnAnswer @ Nov 23 2004, 08:53 AM)
I'm sorry that you felt that way, Badnarik although a nut job, he is a man of principle, like Ralph Nadar (principle seems to be absent from both the democratic party and the republican party as the seem more and more to be controlled by the extremes of each party, although I feel that this extreme is more prevalent in the democratic party than the republican, since the extreme democratic base is progressive, while the extreme republican base is traditional). As for the drugs, I understand exactly were you are coming from, as I know of few a people who one could consider "responsible users" (who don't take serious drugs like XTC, Cocaine, PCP, etc.). However I also live only a few blocks away from one of the shit parts of the city, which doesn't lead me to recalling all the great things drugs have done for society (although they aren’t the reason that part of town went to shit, they certainly aren’t helping). Drugs inhibit judgment, which in turn can put people's security in jeopardy, what happened in Vietnam should be proof enough of that (some dumbasses would get high at their post, and their base would end up getting overrun and they would get killed, a perfect example, of how everyone is not a responsible user, and how THEIR CHOICE, put other's lives in jeopardy).

It's the first logical thing you've said, sorry about the bashing but nazi propaganda is nazi propaganda dry.gif Whether you call someone a nazi or not, spreading those images is propaganda and instead of helping the solution you are clearly part of the problem.

Strong nationalistic pride is only one step away from fascism, so it gets me a little edgy when someone clearly doesn't read the post and calls someone a nazi. You wanted a reaction and so you got it. I especially like this:
How do you think the Nazis came to power? It was by scaring the people into thinking the Weimar Republic was a corrupt and weak government and one that wasn't in the best interest of the people.
Isn't the Bush Administration's main focal point since 9/11 been scare tactics? National Alert Systems that don't mean shit, false reports of supposed terrorist attacks that never take place.Weapons of Mass Destruction that don't exist. The campaign against Sen. Kerry was all scare tactics that focused on Sen. Kerry's past and his decision making process instead of focusing on the issues that affect our daily lives. I saw the new Boogie man being portrayed by the neo-cons, and a new level of smoke and mirrors. If economy was the subject then the response would be gay marriage, diversion and tricks, just like the nazi's. The world didn't like the nazi party either, but the people of Germany still elected Hitler.


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« Reply #29 on: November 23, 2004, 11:14:00 AM »

because kerry is was the only chance we had

That made me smile. I love thinking back when Kerry first made the scene. I used to think the same way you do, that he was our best bet. Then I begin looking deeper into what he had to say(or what little rather). His shallow plans, plans for Iraq, and ridiculous plans didn't appeal to me. I'll explain:
1. Stated that he wanted to better supply our troops at home and abroad(we all know that costs money), and also wanted to move the troops out of Iraq, and persue Bin Laden. Ok, that sounds good, but he wanted to do this, while saving money on the war on terror and with cut backs on funding. Anyone else see how that wouldn't have happend?
2. Wanted to send another 2 brigades of troops to the Middle East(If I remember right, a brigade is somewhere between 7 - 10 thousand troops). While Bush wanted to increase our reserves, yet the Demos arguement was the Bush wants to reenact the draft. Kerry's plan would result in a draft being reenacted.
3. "I voted for the Patriot Act, before I voted against it" I never did like his voting record, especially on tax increases, and how it clashed with his tax cut plans.

National Alert Systems that don't mean shit

If the Bush Admin. didn't create a way of warning the people of a probable attack, the people would be angered. He supplies the people with what they want, and they still get mad. Not much he can do about that.

I just glanced over the topic, don't have the patience to read it all. As for your first reply to my post tupac, I feel that this has gotten far off topic, but if you want me to respond to it, I will.
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