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Author Topic: Conservative Trend In America  (Read 621 times)


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Conservative Trend In America
« Reply #30 on: November 23, 2004, 11:17:00 AM »

QUOTE (pepsik @ Nov 23 2004, 07:13 PM)
It's the first logical thing you've said, sorry about the bashing but nazi propaganda is nazi propaganda dry.gif Whether you call someone a nazi or not, spreading those images is propaganda and instead of helping the solution you are clearly part of the problem.

Strong nationalistic pride is only one step away from fascism, so it gets me a little edgy when someone clearly doesn't read the post and calls someone a nazi. You wanted a reaction and so you got it. I especially like this:  Isn't the Bush Administration's main focal point since 9/11 been scare tactics? National Alert Systems that don't mean shit, false reports of supposed terrorist attacks that never take place.Weapons of Mass Destruction that don't exist. The campaign against Sen. Kerry was all scare tactics that focused on Sen. Kerry's past and his decision making process instead of focusing on the issues that affect our daily lives. I saw the new Boogie man being portrayed by the neo-cons, and a new level of smoke and mirrors. If economy was the subject then the response would be gay marriage, diversion and tricks, just like the nazi's. The world didn't like the nazi party either, but the people of Germany still elected Hitler.

rotfl.gif Do you think the Democrats are innocent of all of this? They are just as bad, if not worse. Let's us see, first they attempt to scare voters into not voting for Bush by saying there will be a draft (Charles Rangel (R-D) brought that legislation hoping it would scare people into voting for that bullshit excuse for a leader, Kerry), then they try to scare seniors into believing their medicare/social security will be dissolved in order to help cut back on the deficit (which might happen, after all it was suggested by Alan Greenspan, and he knows his shit), some even went as far as to say 9/11 was staged. Shit like that really makes me sick, to disgrace the 3000+ people that died with some bullshit like that, have some fucking respect for the dead. So don't for a fucking second, tell me the Democrats are innocent of that same bullshit. Ralph Nader was right about one thing, we all seem to be tools of a corrupt two-party system, and although he his a man of principle, he is a socialist/communist, so no one really gives a shit about what he says, even though at times he does have some valid points. As for the Nazi deal, I clearly read his post. He appeared to be one of those weak minded conspiracy theory nut jobs and a bigot, a tool to his fear, just like the Nazis, who were fucking tools. So if someone's acting like a Nazi I have no fucking problem pointing that out. Also the rest of the world didn't hate Hitler; in fact there were many Nazi sympathizers in the US, and throughout other parts of the world. I honestly feel, and it not been for Pearl Harbor, we probably would have set that war out, and today the rest of the world would be sprechen sie deutsch. Europe is so fucking ungrateful for what we have done, I hope they realize their economies rely almost solely on the US (as they rely almost solely on exports which make up nearly 80% of their GDP), so when the dollar tanks, their economies will go to shit. Fortunately because we are capitalist our dollar will be able to make a quick recovery, while those socialist fucks end up becoming 3rd world nations (that is of course if we don't offer any aid, and I hope we don't, because they are ungrateful fucks, and we are capitalist not communist/socialist, let them deal with their own fucking problems).


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« Reply #31 on: November 23, 2004, 11:26:00 AM »

Nazi Sympathizer


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« Reply #32 on: November 23, 2004, 11:30:00 AM »

That certainly means a lot coming from you, someone who threatened to use violence to institute his ideology, and to discourage decent to his will. The only Nazi here is you. Go burn something.


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« Reply #33 on: November 23, 2004, 11:36:00 AM »



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« Reply #34 on: November 23, 2004, 02:16:00 PM »

QUOTE (EverythingButAnAnswer @ Nov 23 2004, 08:21 AM)
You sound a lot more like a libertarian than a democrat . . .

I almost thought the same thing - then I read his posts a little closer - he wants the government to teach the "truth" about drugs.

no self respecting libertarian is ever going to want the government to do something like that.


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« Reply #35 on: November 23, 2004, 06:19:00 PM »

and why not? the truth will set us free...i wish religions would tell the truth, i wish our president would tell us the truth, and wish they would tell us what drugs do and don't makes me laugh when i listen to all these people that r so sure drugs r evil and the world is better off illegalizing them....our society in roughly the past 100 years was the first to start illegalizing drugs, and before that the world didnt come to a hault, America wasnt full of drug addicts, and yet u believe every society before us was wrong in believing drugs


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« Reply #36 on: November 24, 2004, 05:59:00 AM »

100 years ago drugs weren't as availible, you didn't have the large cities you ave today, and people didn't need to use drugs to "get away". People didn't have the debits we have, the times were different. The people who did need something to wash down the problems, looked at the much more potent alcohol. Now, the creation of large cities created quicker lifestyles, and people wanted to experiment with their free time. This was followed by street bums buying the drugs, and gangs using drugs to make money.


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« Reply #37 on: November 27, 2004, 05:22:00 PM »

QUOTE (Baner @ Nov 24 2004, 02:02 PM)
100 years ago drugs weren't as availible, you didn't have the large cities you ave today, and people didn't need to use drugs to "get away". People didn't have the debits we have, the times were different. The people who did need something to wash down the problems, looked at the much more potent alcohol. Now, im a dumb nigger and the creation of large cities created quicker lifestyles, and people wanted to experiment with their free time. This was followed by street bums buying the drugs, and gangs using drugs to make money.

100 years ago we still had humongous cities, and it isnt really the size of the population that matters...its the percentage and that basically stays the same..and drugs were readily available u could go to legal pubs/smokeshops/headshops and pick up all the drugs u need. and what does "people not needing drugs to get away"?, like people have changed that much since then that makes our generation "in need if drugs to get away"? i doubt it, times change, people dont. I didnt know quicker lifestyles and being able to experiment with your FREETIME was a crime, i guess u think it should be. what i do on my freetime, not bothering anyone else, is my business alone..there have always been bums, and even without drugs they would be there, our society was set up to always have the poorest of poor and richest of rich..and lol, the only reason gangs and criminal orginizations make so much money selling drugs is because they are illegal, if they were legalized legitimate businessmen would take up the business, drug related crime would drop, and most of these gangs and orginizations would dissappear...


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« Reply #38 on: November 28, 2004, 11:29:00 AM »

^^ agreed. Same thing happened when prohibition was lifted on alcohol. Gangsters went away almost overnight. So druglords today would just die away as there is no market for drugs.

I saw something recently in passing on TV about modern bootleggers, and how the lack of regulation on it was the reason it was so unsafe. Of course, that's how the bootleggers make such great profit...
I haven't sorted out how exactly I feel about legalization of a lot of drugs out there. I've tried weed, but it never did much for me. Honestly, I feel the same way about tobacco and alcohol.  Games are more than satisfactory as far as escapism goes in my life.
The case I've got against regulation of MJ has to do with looking at the models the tobacco and alcohol industries have set so far. If marijuana isn't terribly addictive now, it certainly will become so if Phillip Morris is selling it.


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« Reply #39 on: November 28, 2004, 11:44:00 AM »

..while we're at it, let's pull all western forces out of the mideast and make Islam the state religion of the USA...that'll stop terrorism.


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« Reply #40 on: November 29, 2004, 12:23:00 AM »

QUOTE (nemt @ Nov 28 2004, 08:47 PM)
..while we're at it, let's pull all western forces out of the mideast and make Islam the state religion of the USA...that'll stop terrorism.

Only if the Saudis tell us to


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« Reply #41 on: November 29, 2004, 11:03:00 AM »

100 years ago we still had humongous cities, and it isnt really the size of the population that matters...its the percentage and that basically stays the same..

Learn some history, 100 years ago our humongous cities were begining to grow. America was more centralized on your nieghborhoods and communities, and national problems didn't affect the average Joe as much. As far as the problems I was talking about were the massive lay-offs, increasing divorce rates, and the such. If you lookat the numbers, people didn't have those many problems in the past.

and drugs were readily available u could go to legal pubs/smokeshops/headshops and pick up all the drugs u need. and what does "people not needing drugs to get away"?

I'm all for legalizing the natural growing drugs(opium, Mary Jane, and the few others), but I don't feel the need to allow people to make pcp and Xtc legally.

like people have changed that much since then that makes our generation "in need if drugs to get away"? i doubt it, times change, people dont.

That, i don't agree with. Times change, and people change with them. It's not hard to see, look at our "view of beutiful"(or the one that public media feeds down our throat), skinny, tanned, with curves. Look back to medieval times, they liked their women fat and pale, cause that showed that they had money and didn't have to work. Sure, some people like thier women fat, but the majority follow the "trend".

I didnt know quicker lifestyles and being able to experiment with your FREETIME was a crime, i guess u think it should be. what i do on my freetime, not bothering anyone else, is my business alone..there have always been bums, and even without drugs they would be there, our society was set up to always have the poorest of poor and richest of rich..and lol, the only reason gangs and criminal orginizations make so much money selling drugs is because they are illegal, if they were legalized legitimate businessmen would take up the business, drug related crime would drop, and most of these gangs and orginizations would dissappear...

I don't think it should be a crime, like stated above. I agree that we could rid America of many of the gangs and cartels who smuggle and sell drugs in our cummunities. The thing is, many drugs don't allow you to experiment on your freetime, and not bother other people. I've done my fair share of drugs, and can handle them pretty well, but every now and then, anyone can get a bad trip. People kill themselves and others while on drugs, and when, or if, they come down off their trip, don't even realize anything happend.

I'm all for being able to see herb baggies being sold in our convient stores, but if it has to be made in a lab, I'd rather not see it.


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« Reply #42 on: November 29, 2004, 01:48:00 PM »

QUOTE (Baner @ Nov 29 2004, 07:06 PM)
Learn some history, 100 years ago our humongous cities were begining to grow. America was more centralized on your nieghborhoods and communities, and national problems didn't affect the average Joe as much. As far as the problems I was talking about were the massive lay-offs, increasing divorce rates, and the such. If you lookat the numbers, people didn't have those many problems in the past.

I'm all for legalizing the natural growing drugs(opium, Mary Jane, and the few others), but I don't feel the need to allow people to make pcp and Xtc legally.

That, i don't agree with. Times change, and people change with them. It's not hard to see, look at our "view of beutiful"(or the one that public media feeds down our throat), skinny, tanned, with curves. Look back to medieval times, they liked their women fat and pale, cause that showed that they had money and didn't have to work. Sure, some people like thier women fat, but the majority follow the "trend".

I don't think it should be a crime, like stated above. I agree that we could rid America of many of the gangs and cartels who smuggle and sell drugs in our cummunities. The thing is, many drugs don't allow you to experiment on your freetime, and not bother other people. I've done my fair share of drugs, and can handle them pretty well, but every now and then, anyone can get a bad trip. People kill themselves and others while on drugs, and when, or if, they come down off their trip, don't even realize anything happend.

I'm all for being able to see herb baggies being sold in our convient stores, but if it has to be made in a lab, I'd rather not see it.

learn some history, lol, have u done any research into this? from what uve said, i really doubt it..."national problems didn't affect the average Joe as much", i agree, because drug were not a "national problem" till racist bastards and biblebent nutjobs made it our problem.  And id really like to see some of ur stats relating drug-use and drub abuse to divorce rates, massive lay-offs, and such...

Why are u for all the naturals and none of the synthetics? is natural somehow always better? id agree that for the most part natural drugs are healthier(and this would be a great first step in our country)but synthetic ones like lsd, xtc, cocaine(kind of), etc hold a lot of power and we shouldnt punish people for using them if they choose to. drug orginizations will not stop until all drugs r legalized...

And no, times will always change, but people NEVER will....and i don't mean whether a guy thinks your fat or beautiful, tastes and trends can change, but the basics of mankind, power, lust, greed, evil, good, oppressing others, etc. will always be here as long as people are.

you said "but every now and then, anyone can get a bad trip. People kill themselves and others while on drugs, and when, or if, they come down off their trip, don't even realize anything happend." people do not kill other people on drugs or themselves as much as ud like us to believe...most drug related crimes involve dealing the drugs...and wow u had a bad trip, ive known plenty of people that have done plenty of drugs and not one, including myself, has ever tried to kill themselves or others....thats not what drugs do, again, thats what people do...and if u start going on a killing spree cuz of a bad trip then u were already crazy, and should be locked up.


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« Reply #43 on: November 29, 2004, 09:21:00 PM »

yes, but those dumbasses will always exist, whether drugs existed or not...and i disagree that all synthetics are very unhealthy and addictive...once again, anything is unhealthy if u abuse it, and maybe if every drug was abused equally there would be a slight edge for naturals, but most psychedelics including lsd(which btw is non physically addictive, as r all the psychedics i know of) are almost IMPOSSIBLE to overdose on, and even drugs like xtc are pretty hard to od on unless ur really trying to or dont know wtf ur doing...and with heroin, odd but tree, most ods are caused because of the impurities in the drug,sometimes around 70 isnt really heroin, and it wouldnt be a big deal if u ate it or snorted it, but injected that crap can be lethal...also i know of some, ok i do know some u can die from, naturals drugs that u can od on very easily, and most r legal..deadly nightshade can kill u very easily......anyway, as for other drugs like pcp and all those other hard drugs, i still dont know of a non-opium based drug that is more addictive than tobacco...those r the top 2, and they r both natural....either way its all mind over point, u said that there always has to be those few idiots that ruin it for everyone, and what im trying to say, except that it doesnt have to ruin it for everyone, let the naturally idiotic idiots be themselves and get locked up, but dont make it legal for most of the other law abiding citizens...there will always be morons, criminals, etc. and there will always be some of them that use and abuse drugs, but(same as for alcohol)dont take ALL of it away because of these actions of a few....


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« Reply #44 on: November 30, 2004, 11:49:00 AM »

And id really like to see some of ur stats relating drug-use and drub abuse to divorce rates, massive lay-offs, and such...

Yuo misunderstood me, I said that divorce rates are rising, along with lay-off rates, which causes stress, anger, adn depression... which are the leading causes of drug abuse.
So I'm saying divorces lead to drug abuse, not the otehr way around.

racist bastards and biblebent nutjobs made it our problem.

I don't understand how racisms plays a role in this, and I agree that biblical nutjobs can ruin many things for everyone.

but the basics of mankind, power, lust, greed, evil, good, oppressing others, etc. will always be here as long as people are.

The thing is with that, is that all those are different with every person you meet. Not everyone is going to be power hungry, so really, everything you listed above, changes quite often, but you are right, they are characteristics of humans, just like intelligence. some poeple have it, some people don't.

drug orginizations will not stop until all drugs r legalized...

I agree that legalizing drugs will rid us of many crimes, but I'm not sure if it's worth every nutjob being able to buy cocaine, the most addidctive substance I know of. Take alcohol for an example, we legalized it (after banning it), but it is still the leading cause of death in America.

people do not kill other people on drugs or themselves as much as ud like us to believe

I'd much rather have only the people who are buying the drugs now, be in risk of getting a bad trip and killing themselves or others, rather than any everyday guy buying a bag of coke to try out, and tripping out. They say weeb is the gateway drug, which it is. It's easy to get, and cheaper than most other drugs. for the most part, it teaches the user how to control themselves with drugs, before they encounter something stronger. I know I was an herb smoker long before I did other drugs, and was able to control them better because of that. But imagine if your first drug experience was some acid, you wouldn't know how to react. I'd rather someone buy the stronger drugs illegally, cause that would mean that they are experienced with drugs if they know where to go to get it, or are doing the drug with people that are experienced, and know how to take care of something that might happen.
You're right, jsut because you're on a bad trip, doesn't mean you wanna kill yourself, or someone else, but everyone is different, maybe they had a horrible day, and can't get that off their mind. I know this can happen when it's illegal, but the drug won't be as available, so lesser people have a chance to have this bad trip. 100 people have less of a chance of something going wrong than a 1000.

xtc are pretty hard to od on

xtc is one of the most dangeous drugs out there, it slowly eats away your brain, leaving it looking like swiss cheese. Don't take me like I'm all anti drugs, I'm often doing xtc, acid, and smoking herb. I've tried ice, and a few other drugs, but didn't like the high. I would rather see drugs kept to the smaller percent of the population it is now, rather than letting everyone be able to get their hands on it, by driving up to their gas station 24 hours a day.

...and with heroin, odd but tree, most ods are caused because of the impurities in the drug

Agree, it usually involves an air bubble in the needle that gets caught in your blood stream, or an impurity in the drug, but herion is highly addictive, and shouldn't be released to the public, for that reason.

because of these actions of a few

again, I agree. The actions of a few shouldn't reflect the rest, but it does, and you can't change that. I'm all for the selling of drugs you can grow in your backyard, but once it has to touch a lab to get created, I don't agree with it being legal.
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