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Author Topic: Kerry Hates "old Glory"  (Read 361 times)


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Kerry Hates "old Glory"
« Reply #30 on: October 15, 2004, 09:38:00 PM »

QUOTE (baner)
Many poeple would agree with you for burning a nazi flag, considering their always synonomis with hate, anger, and genocide.

and many people would think the same about the us flag... im not saying they are correct but why should they not burn a flag of a country they dont believe in because other people associate positive things with it?

Actually I am surprised you havent said the same to me considering my nick and avatar, but then again your not the sharpest either.

strangely enough, i dont think about you that much... your just one of those persons whos posts cause me to either laugh or hit my forehead with my palm...


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Kerry Hates "old Glory"
« Reply #31 on: October 16, 2004, 02:25:00 AM »

why cant burning a flag be a symbol of how unhappy you are with your country at that paticular time in history?
Im sure there was flag burning at the time of the Vietnam war, because of what the government was doing. People have a right to voice there disconsent and if they feel like burning a flag then so be it.
Your flag which represents both the good and bad of America.


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Kerry Hates "old Glory"
« Reply #32 on: October 16, 2004, 10:23:00 AM »

It works the same way as burning the picture of someone's mother.

or tearing a picture of the pope on a sketch comedy show... wink.gif

i do agree that its fairly pointless and uneffective though, but most protest actions are...


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Kerry Hates "old Glory"
« Reply #33 on: October 16, 2004, 08:10:00 PM »

if you want to think so black and white you're correct.  But in the real world things are so B&W.  Free speech has not changed at all in the past 200 years..... but guns and other weapons have.  Did they have AK47's and other assult rifles back then?  Didn't think so.  It's like 200 years from now it's ok for people to own small nukes.  Is that ok?  explain why or why not



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Kerry Hates "old Glory"
« Reply #34 on: October 16, 2004, 10:34:00 PM »

Free speech has not changed at all in the past 200 years.....

Ok so they burned flags back in the 1800s or whatever. Did they have hippy protestors, or the mass media we have today?  

but guns and other weapons have. Did they have AK47's and other assult rifles back then? Didn't think so. It's like 200 years from now it's ok for people to own small nukes. Is that ok? explain why or why not

Did the govt have ak-47s back then? No. They had the same guns as the colonists had. Citizens have just about kept pace with the govts guns. Purpose of the second amendment isn't simply to just own guns, it's to keep the people free and not under tyranny. The govt knows we're armed, atleast some of us, so it wont oppress us.

Lol about the owning nukes that is about the most retarded thing I've ever read to say guns should be taken away. The amendment says "keep and bear arms" not bombs, ships, tanks, subs, and cannons.

Don't throw everyone with Liberal leanings into the same pile, K98. I don't want to reverse the 2nd amendment at all. I think there should be limits on what weapons people should be able to buy. I think people who buy guns should have serious background checks. Most liberals I know feel that way.

"Shall not be infringed" only quote needed there. Adding limits is an attempt to reverse the 2nd...slowly. Slowly they ban certain guns, then ammo, then a few more guns, add restrictions, until it's too much of a hassle to own guns. That's what gun control is.

What the hell u mean serious background tests? They have instant checks. 5 days waitign period for pistols. What will these serious background tests look for that these other tests won't?


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Kerry Hates "old Glory"
« Reply #35 on: October 16, 2004, 11:06:00 PM »

QUOTE (K98 @ Oct 17 2004, 09:14 AM)

When did I say i was trying to take away someones right? I was saying it's just the wrong thing to do.

I would like to ask you about the second amendement. I know most of you want that right taken away BUT when it comes to free speech rights it so protected. So don't go around fucking complaining about burning a flag being illegal is infirnging on your rights, when all of you want to disarm all the citizens in the US. Hypocrites

My point is yes it is their right to express their speech in such ways.  If they can currently do and be legal, and you pass a law to make it so it is no longer legal, then yes you just took a right away.  I dont see how people can see it any other way.  Being "patriotic" has nothing to do with this.  This is more about silencing dissent.

Edit: As for gun rights, I don't think we should take them away, even though I have no guns myself.


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Kerry Hates "old Glory"
« Reply #36 on: October 17, 2004, 12:17:00 AM »

I don't think i said it should be illegal but I wouldn't support anyone burining a flag. It's just a dumb way to protest in my opinion. Disrespectful to the fallen. Maybe i did say it should be illegal but hell i dont feel like looking at my past posts. I dont remember saying outright to make it illegal. I guess it depends on what the proposed amendment says.


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Kerry Hates "old Glory"
« Reply #37 on: October 17, 2004, 03:04:00 AM »

The amendment says "keep and bear arms" not bombs, ships, tanks, subs, and cannons.

those are 'arms'... your contradicting yourself... you say the founders were talking about one thing (firearms), but not another(nukes), but it encompasses anything that came after it(assault rifles)... at what point would a chain gun not be covered? when its mounted in a pickup truck?

your arguments make no sense... you cant  just say "its an ammendment so it shouldnt/cant be changed"


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Kerry Hates "old Glory"
« Reply #38 on: October 17, 2004, 03:13:00 AM »


Btw, the flag is a piece of cloth. But what it represents is much more than that. I don't think everyone who has ever burned a flag in the history of this country is automatically unpatriotic. There is a time and a place for everything. We can all agree/disagree on when those times where/are  wink.gif


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Kerry Hates "old Glory"
« Reply #39 on: October 17, 2004, 06:47:00 AM »


The U.S. flag is more than a piece of cloth it is a symbol and to burn it is to say that you hate our country (alot of anti U.S. protests in other countries involve burning our flag). It is a symbol of what I feel to be the greatest concept and ideals that a country could be founded on ... Freedom.


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Kerry Hates "old Glory"
« Reply #40 on: October 17, 2004, 09:41:00 AM »

the problem here is that people are just using the constitution like the bible.  Things change and if we use outdated laws and ideals we'll never progress as we should.  Do you really believe slave owning, pot smoking (not that there's anything wrong with that), wooden ass teeth having, wig wearing tools from 200 years ago know what is best for our country now.  That's like us having a law banning people from owning flying cars for the rest of eternity.  Then in 200 years we have a major crisis on the ground.


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Kerry Hates "old Glory"
« Reply #41 on: October 17, 2004, 07:44:00 PM »

QUOTE (websters)
Main Entry: 3arm
Function: noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: Middle English armes (plural) weapons, from Old French, from Latin arma
1 a : a means (as a weapon) of offense or defense; especially : FIREARM b : a combat branch (as of an army) c : an organized branch of national defense (as the navy)


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Kerry Hates "old Glory"
« Reply #42 on: October 17, 2004, 10:08:00 PM »

History has shown only the unarmed are the easy ones to rule over.

You can look at Afghanistan and see how true that is.

What do i need to look at? The northern alliance only took out the taliban with the US helping. Other examples czarist russia, 1930s Soviet Union where Stalin burned all the crops in Ukraine causing 1000s of people to starve in the winter, Nazi Germany, China, or North Korea. Need others?

By your "arms" definition, do you think someone will stand up to the government without any artillery?

War for Independence defeated the most powerful nation in the world. Vietnam even with us bombing, defoliating, and sending thousands of troops still held out to win. I think we would of won in a few more years. Boer war still lost but were overwhelmed by the Bits. If theres a determined effort it is possible. you also seem to think the 2A only applies to a sole individual. It applies to the people to be able to revolt against the govt. You dont get that at all.

If you hunt with it, you'll destroy the target well beyond being able to eat it, much less display it's shredded corpse. Unless you like that sort of thing.

Wow you just showed you know ABSOLUTELY nothing about these "assault weapons". They are a caliber between a pistol round and a rifle round. You can't hunt deer with these guns. Small game though. You fell for the antis ploy of showing how they are more deadly than anything when infact they aren't.

I'm glad you get kicks using it, and don't use it for killing people. You haven't mentioned where the line is drawn in your mind.

You've got the wrong attitude to even begin to understand anything about me or guns. No I wouldn't ever go shoot someone with a gun unless if i absolutely have to for self defense.

Lastly this is too far off topic so I'm done posting about guns on this topic.


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Kerry Hates "old Glory"
« Reply #43 on: October 18, 2004, 12:18:00 AM »

QUOTE (K98 @ Oct 17 2004, 10:11 PM)
Lastly this is too far off topic so I'm done posting about guns on this topic.

convieniently ignoring my last post... wink.gif


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Kerry Hates "old Glory"
« Reply #44 on: October 18, 2004, 01:19:00 PM »

1 a : a means (as a weapon) of offense or defense; especially : FIREARM

It says especially a firearm. What point are you trying to make here? That's mainly why your post just got ignored.

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