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Author Topic: Abortion.....  (Read 424 times)


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« Reply #15 on: June 25, 2004, 03:33:00 PM »

one thing about it is that liberals, on a whole and in my opinion, look at the whole picture and argue points... conservatives generally just proclaim others as wrong and refuse to listen past that...

I asked for opinions on this subject.  What does that mean?  Simply put, it means I was wondering how people felt towards abortion. I have not once said that any of you are wrong.


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« Reply #16 on: June 25, 2004, 03:49:00 PM »

That's true.

You are wrong and I refuse to hear anymore. Actually the only thing that I hear is blah blah blah I'm a dirty tramp.

It is in my opinion, as well as some other people I know, that liberals rant and rave to get their point across.  If there were any more conservative Republicans on this message board I think they would agree with me.

With that said, I don't think many people are going to like this next statement I am about to make (which is fine with me, you have the right to feel that way).

Take a look at the people on this message board.  It is the democrats and liberals that respond with "your a moron" and constantly want to criticize the conservative people who are being courteous.  In fact, you haven't once seen me retaliate at all in this topic.

And here's another example I want to show you...

Church going people tend to have good morals, right? (I know not all of them do...but you'd be lying if you don't think church going people, on a whole, are good moral citizens.)  A recent study showed that 2/3 of church going people vote Republican while 2/3 of non-church going people vote Democrat.  This alone shows that Republicans have better morals.

So, you democrats can think anything you want.  And as a nice, courteous Republican I'm not going to criticize you for how you believe.  As you can see, I just wanted to know your opinions on abortion.  But, you have proven that it will be democrats that want to rant and rave back at you. (And no, not every democrat is like that.  And yes, there will be some Republicans are like that too but not every one.)

If you can't admit that, you're being bias towards your democratic party.  And honest people on this message board will agree with me.



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« Reply #17 on: June 25, 2004, 04:41:00 PM »



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« Reply #18 on: June 25, 2004, 04:43:00 PM »

as a nice, courteous Republican I'm not going to criticize you for how you believe.


wtf are you talking about? heres a quote of yours from another thread that you started...

For you left wing democratic liberal baby killers.....

i know most people wouldnt find being called baby-killers courteous... and "baby-killers" is an obvious negative term, which you lumped with liberal related terms, implying a negative view towards liberals... also not courteous...

Church going people tend to have good morals, right? (I know not all of them do...but you'd be lying if you don't think church going people, on a whole, are good moral citizens.)

church going people, in my experience, are the largest group of hippocrits and unaccepting people... most go to church to seem like "good christians" while they dont act like it the rest of the week...

A recent study showed that 2/3 of church going people vote Republican while 2/3 of non-church going people vote Democrat. This alone shows that Republicans have better morals.

this is some skewed logic on your part... even if church going people were good, moral christians, this is hardly proof the republicans have better morals... you dont need to go to church to have morals or be religious...

you have proven that it will be democrats that want to rant and rave back at you. (And no, not every democrat is like that. And yes, there will be some Republicans are like that too but not every one.)

you just contradicted yourself... 'the democrats will be the ones to rant and rave.. not all but some... and some republicans...'

so all you basically said was people of both parties rant and rave... good point...


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« Reply #19 on: June 25, 2004, 04:57:00 PM »

For you left wing democratic liberal baby killers.....

Well, if I was saying that in real life, face to face, it wouldn't sound as bad as it does when you type it out.  It was feeling friendly when I said it. smile.gif

The unProfessional

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« Reply #20 on: June 25, 2004, 04:58:00 PM »


people like to argue...? one thing about it is that liberals, on a whole and in my opinion, look at the whole picture and argue points... conservatives generally just proclaim others as wrong and refuse to listen past that...

Let me just say this.  Both sides are equally guilty of fallacious arguments and negative terms... is that so hard to see?  Take off the spin goggles... I've met people of all shapes and sizes who "generally just proclaim others as wrong and refuse to listen past that...".

I'll stick to the topic by saying I disagree with partial-birth abortions, or actually any abortions past the first trimester.  unfortunately, people aren't responsible for their own actions in many cases.  Just for the sake of responsibility, I think avoiding late abortion is a serious issue.  Regardless of your stand on abortion, you can admit that it's always better to preserve life than destroy it.  So, if you have an enjoyable night of drunken sex, take the morning after pill.  If you chicken out and wait too long, get an abortion as early as possible.  The abortion process should shake your world enough to teach you a nice lesson.

Oh, and guys, never say "I hate wearing condoms because they ruin the feeling... the girl can take the pill".  It makes you sound like a selfish bastard.  Or... maybe you are.  It's the responsibility of both parties... or all three, whatever.

I guess the biggest problem is that the ones who can't handle the responsibility are the ones who keep the babies.



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« Reply #21 on: June 25, 2004, 05:04:00 PM »

Guns don't kill people; abortion clinics kill people.


Church going people tend to have good morals, right? (I know not all of them do...but you'd be lying if you don't think church going people, on a whole, are good moral citizens.) A recent study showed that 2/3 of church going people vote Republican while 2/3 of non-church going people vote Democrat. This alone shows that Republicans have better morals.

Firstly your republican friend nemt calls people a moran more than any other person on this forum.

Secondly take a look at the southern states of America. The sourthern states are seen as backward and very stupid, yet the southern states are the most religous. Using your logic this would make church goers more stupid than people who dont go to church. Thus Republicans are less inteligent than Democrats.

I dont belive what I just wrote is true, im just trying to show your logic makes as much sense as Jessica Simpson doing quantum physics.



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« Reply #22 on: June 25, 2004, 05:22:00 PM »

The unProfessional:  That was a pretty good post.  I agree with some of the points you made.

The unProfessional

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« Reply #23 on: June 25, 2004, 08:04:00 PM »

I've got an idea.  Let's discuss abortion without using the term "baby killer" or marking one political party as less moral than the other.  It does nothing for a perfectly good argument that has time and time again split the country in clean halves.  Debate is supposed to be fun.


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« Reply #24 on: June 27, 2004, 05:32:00 AM »

Melon your wrong, I call more people idiots/liberals (same thing) than Nemt.  Idiot.

*Im of course joking.  Truth is you guys are some of the smartest people ive met.  Even a few of you liberals.


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« Reply #25 on: June 27, 2004, 06:50:00 AM »

I didnt even realise abortion could turn into a republican v's democratic argument. Clinton was against abortion, He stopped or cut funding for domestic and overseas projects if the organisation was pro abortion.
It doesnt work that way over here.

You could start a thread on what ice cream flavour is the nicest, choclate or vanilla and people woud still start.

Nemt would be like you liberal flag burning hippy, choclate is the nicest. Bush loves it and so should you!

Raptor would be like open your eyes stop sounding like a Bush ass licker, you know vanilla is the best!

personally I like vanila with choclate sauce.

Sorry back on track.
Ive seen peoples lives ruined because they had a baby at a young age and there parents were catholic and wouldnt let them have an abortion. My friend was 16 when he got his girlfriend pregnant and it ruined both there lives. He had to drop out of education and ended working at mcdonalds. They never got the chance to grow up themselves. It was his first girlfriend and it was an unfortunate accident.

I have seen  how an unwanted baby can be treated, even as it gets older. My own auntie never wanted kids but got pregnant and she treated them like they were a hinderance.

Then I belive men should not tell a woman what to do with her body.

These are the reasons I belive abortion is right and they are not political.

It mat not be the same in the US but i have found the people who lean politically to the right in this country are from more affluant backgrounds who have led a more sheltered life. They usually havn't seen what the world is really like.

Sorry for such a fragmented post.


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« Reply #26 on: June 27, 2004, 08:23:00 AM »

tongue.gif That's beside the point. I had a girlfriend for months and we were having sex all the time. Her period was late for about 3 weeks. In the mean time I'm flippin out about it. (she ended up not pregnant but her period was late because she had an eating disorder)I would never kill another person unless I absolutely had no choice so I thought why am I even considering taking this child's life? I told myself that it wasn't even a real person until whatever trimester but that's bullshit and we all know it because even if it's not technically alive yet... it had a chance to be and we took that chance. I had one of those moments of clarity that you get when things are too late to go back and change. It was that if I hadn't fucked this chick that I didn't wanna have a baby with, that I wouldn't even have to worry about it. No-brainer right.. well here I am a couple of years later and have had the same worry countless times since because when there's a quality piece of tail to tap... I'm probably gonna go ahead and lend her the hips... but it's stupid.
It's like walking up to vitor belfort and saying FUCK YOU VITOR... and then when there's that chance that he's gonna fuck your face up real good you try to talk your way out of it or pay your way out of it or try to get someone to kill him... why did u do the shit in the first place? maybe a bad analogy but it can sort of illustrate my point that we are all missing the point about abortion in that we should really never let it come to that... and if we do we're fuckin up.
Abortion IS black and white... sure I was gonna do it but it's wrong. I don't look down on someone for opting to have an abortion but it is clearly not a morally sound option. You did the deed and you're trying to get out of the consequences. We all do it and I feel for the guys that are faced with the decision. (I myself am one constantly.) Sorry if this post makes no sense but this topic hits real close to home because of a few experiences I've had so I get a little emotional and ramble.


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« Reply #27 on: June 27, 2004, 09:11:00 AM »

QUOTE (melon @ Jun 27 2004, 10:50 AM)
It mat not be the same in the US but i have found the people who lean politically to the right in this country are from more affluant backgrounds who have led a more sheltered life. They usually havn't seen what the world is really like.

its the same way here...  wink.gif


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« Reply #28 on: June 27, 2004, 11:39:00 AM »

its the same way here... wink.gif

That could be another thread.


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« Reply #29 on: June 27, 2004, 12:35:00 PM »

As I posted in the previous forum about abortion, unless the fetus can survive outside of the womb, the mother has every right to terminate it, because the fetus is directly living off of the mother's body.
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