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Author Topic: Coinops Ignite R2 Source  (Read 866 times)

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Coinops Ignite R2 Source
« Reply #15 on: July 09, 2009, 03:17:00 PM »

It seems like you have a lot to work on with CoinOPS. And that being the case, if you have made some genuine improvements to the FBA-XXX frontend why not share those changes with kenshiro to integrate into the upcoming build?

I believe that kenshiro is really taking the project in the direction it needs to go. He has the right vision and the support of some of the most talented coders in the scene. In all likelihood his build is going to be the future of FBA on the Xbox. I would think it better to see your work become a part of that than to keep it to yourself.

Ultimately none of this should be about egos. No one developer can single-handedly sustain the Xbox emulation scene. And since you've released the CoinOPS source so that others may contribute I'm sure you realise that a community spirit is the best thing to keep this scene alive and take it forward.


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Coinops Ignite R2 Source
« Reply #16 on: July 09, 2009, 10:31:00 PM »

this has been discussed elsewhere and all sources will be handed over I would work on his build but at present its to buggy for what improvements it offers. When this stuff is sorted for sure ill merge the 2 or he can. It nothing personal at all it just at present id prefer full 720p stuff with no issues. His work is all good and one day who knows... im actually hoping I will someday speed up mame stuff so I dont require 2 builds for arcade games... I live in hope. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

PS ive released the sources at least 5 times before has anyone actually put it in a place so it doesnt dissapear and nag me about these again? its allways fun listening to stuff about yourself from misinformed information. (this is second ignite source released)

This post has been edited by BritneysPAIRS: Jul 10 2009, 05:45 AM


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Coinops Ignite R2 Source
« Reply #17 on: July 10, 2009, 03:29:00 PM »

Mouse/Trackball Support!!!!??

Holy crap, I never thought I would see that! Thank you!


This post has been edited by DarthMingus: Jul 10 2009, 10:30 PM


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Coinops Ignite R2 Source
« Reply #18 on: July 11, 2009, 07:17:00 AM »

CoinOPS Ignite R3 is out now and so are the sources...unless someone is going to help or put them somewhere permanant I wont be posting them here they are availble and around its just wasting time as R4 is on its way. If your serious about helping the sources and help are availble via PM if not they can be found if you look.



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Coinops Ignite R2 Source
« Reply #19 on: July 11, 2009, 10:41:00 PM »

I got the source as soon as you uploaded it.  Like I said in the other forum it's about 15 months or more too late for me since I gave up MAME coding a long time ago, but it won't disappear since I grabbed it.

Why are you being so mean and defensive in all your posts here man?   Honey works much better than vinegar.   There's a lot of noobs out there that are annoying and ask dumb questions but that hasn't happened here.  

At this point, all I can help out with are sample videos for the Video Support.  I'm not skilled enough to implement it, and the guy who did on both the ZSNESXBox and XPORT emus won't talk to me.  (He posts here on very rare occasion, but my posts must not mean anything to him since he never replies to me.   He did reply to me one time to tell me how busy he is.)

You're just not an easy guy to work with BP.  People who offer limited help and just want to help improve your vision seem to have little problem with your methods.  Somebody who has their own vision, like me, quickly finds it impossible to work together.  I've put out enough and worked with enough people in here to say that I know exactly what I'm talking about and have about 2,000 plus posts in here to illustrate that.   We've done a ton of work together.

When I wanted your source we got in a flame war that spanned three pages of a thread.  When nobody is around that wants to work on code you release it and then insult everyone for not jumping right on it and fixing stuff.  I'm just trying to understand where you're coming from.

I think you need to relax a bit.  Everyone appreciates all of the hard work you've done, but nobody can understand why you talk to people the way you do.



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Coinops Ignite R2 Source
« Reply #20 on: July 11, 2009, 11:23:00 PM »

Im being this way cause for year ive seen critisism and have been let down so ofter then ive been blamed for it so im making it as clear as I can its up to you guys to sort this side out, I stated this nicer time and time again and it achieved nothing but critisism and people saying I didnt do stuff.... it as simple as that.


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Coinops Ignite R2 Source
« Reply #21 on: July 11, 2009, 11:45:00 PM »

Fair enough man.  Here's hoping you just relax a bit in the future.  Who cares about the haters.  I've put them in their place when I could and moved on.   There are plenty of good people and hard workers on the scene and we don't want to isolate them from the work by being unapproachable or mean in general.  

I know a lot of people have had negative things to say about you and I'll admit I've been one of them in the past, but the truth is you get a lot done on your end and the whole time I've done this project you've kept pushing the limits of MAME on XBox.  

I'm not saying I get hundereds of people helping or anything, but I've made some great friends in this project who are able to do things on the side that I would probably eventually have gotten around to but can't afford to spend time on now.  I know the desire to control a vision and micromanage every single little thing, but that would require me to work on this alone the next 15 or 20 years to do that.  I'm hoping to cut that down to just another year or two by being flexible and working with others who have their own ideas (for example, Stupot1 adding 150 plus games to NES after I put my final version out.... He provided all the boxarts and videos with perfect names so they'd work right after FTPing them.  When he wasn't doing that, he finished the Gameboy videos and is now starting to work on Atari 2600 videos.)  Now I will have to make synopsis entries for all of them after testing them myself and making the Titleshots and Action shots.

These are all things that I could have done myself someday, but if people are interested I'm happy to let them help with the project.

I'm one of your biggest defenders now, even though you and I had a bigger blowout than you've had with anyone else in these or the other forums.  I'm coming to you as a friend and saying that you need to just chill a bit.  We're all friends here, for the most part, and those that aren't can just be ignored.



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Coinops Ignite R2 Source
« Reply #22 on: July 11, 2009, 11:46:00 PM »

In short this is just to let you guys know sources are out thats it dont say like times before that they arnt out its as simple as that really (I dont post hear at all really I have heard rumors about stuff said that is plain wrong and misinformed) so .... take it nicely or bluntly, you can do with it whatever you want and I do hope it helps and can be improved on the sources.

If you have your own vision you must do it yourself as ive done I have no issues there RX and never have. I must move forward you once told me platium 2 was as good as you needed to me I saw a different direction. Im sorry I dont have time for nice talking but I have so much stuff to do with my project. I am actually very relaxed and mostly am amused by this stuff. I just snipe from a comfortable position cause I allready know where im headed and its fun to remind people of theres. But hey im out again this is really to say the sources are availble take up the chalenge and make your dreams excuses. If you want to move along with CoinOPS vision and can offer, help you or anyone will get the support and love you guys need .

Sorry guys i will support CoinOPS on my threads this thread is just what the title says. Peace and good luck everyone there is definatly some good stuff coming from here, if anyone wants into the CoinOPS teams and has some skills all the help is actually welcome, google the threads.


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Coinops Ignite R2 Source
« Reply #23 on: July 11, 2009, 11:49:00 PM »

Since you posted that one minute after my post, I'm just posting this to let you know that I posted before you did in case you didn't see it.


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Coinops Ignite R2 Source
« Reply #24 on: July 11, 2009, 11:58:00 PM »

all good... this is why I posted the sources here to let you guys know and maybe help. I know this is an HK mame area (if you search the threads you will find that its been discussed for along time at times). I dont have any hate at all im just allways heading along with my vision and have never been sidetracked, if I had CoinOPS would be vastly different than it is now im sure. I do it this way cause my family and friends like it this way and I actually do as well.

Trust me I am short on this forum because I know people support different views than CoinOPS and I hear alot about people wanting the source and saying it not released. Even though it is. Just wanted to clear the air and get it put into a well know place for everyone. I do actaully wish the HK / Mame people good luck in there vision it has its advantages but I cant stay to far from my vision as I believe its the best one for me.


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Coinops Ignite R2 Source
« Reply #25 on: July 12, 2009, 12:16:00 AM »

I actually came after the HK MAME era.  Prolly a lot of people did, but maybe there are some that didn't that you know about that I don't.

I think it's great what everyone who has worked on this stuff has done, but personally, right now, I'm only concerned with those who are currently working on projects and those who have worked on projects with me in the past.  

I could be wrong, and I certainly don't mean any offence to him and his friends, but I'm thinking that most of the people who were friends with HK just don't post here much anymore either.  

So.... It's cool that you like the other forum better than here and do your posting there.  Just don't be like you've been being when you do post here.  

Hopefully somebody decides to help out on that code.  Can't beat anybody into doing it though.  I put out little "projects" all the time as bait and hope somebody jumps on them.  It's about the presentation man.  More often than not I get somebody who wants to help.  Bummer when nothing comes of it, but I try to focus on what everybody is doing instead of what people aren't helping out with and move on.

Check out this thread man: WIDE ICON PROJECT

Nate1579 just did an awesome and totally underrated thing here.  I'm hoping his work will inspire more people to help out with that end of the total project.

That was something I wanted to do at some point, but I'm too busy doing other things.  It's only one of the many things that people have done to contribute.

Later, and thanks for your work,



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Coinops Ignite R2 Source
« Reply #26 on: July 12, 2009, 12:40:00 AM »

ive long since given up on expecting help...... it comes at times from somewhere random but mostly I get tire kicking and have to do it myself. That doesnt mean I havent recieved help and at time people have been a big help. But its unpredicable (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) I put stuff out there and there is more uploaded like sources for the skins that I havent seen here but I hope people one day do stuff for themselves and pass it on in this project or another. I have recently had more renagrade people wanting to do it there way and get pissed when I wont come with them and I actaully get blammed for being hard when im the one coding, Design and feature thoughts in most cases. If they were actaully better at helping they would have there stuff in it just has to go in a way im happy with.. I am happy with stuff that people hate about my project and have never once changed my opion on it
1) I dont want the Tail to Wag the dog
2) Unless its for a good reason I wont update the Dats (will do for games to get them working or fix major issues otherwise all your old games will work in new builds)
3) I dont release stuff It up to others to release stuff, this includes sources. I hand them over but its up to others to distribute.

if you notice ive budged on so much other stuff but never these things and I actaully never will I would guess

Never say Never :S

PS RX when you wanted to add every game I was opposed to do this due to 2 reasons the code didnt support quick filtering very well and the time to go though every game. When your ready to do this project im sure you will and ill patch it in but I know the massive time it will require and also the massive time it will require for me to insert it and go though it all. Its allways been up to you if you wanted it in and as said the code is now ready for it when it comes but I know its not an easy job or I would have embarked on it by now (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

This post has been edited by BritneysPAIRS: Jul 12 2009, 07:52 AM


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Coinops Ignite R2 Source
« Reply #27 on: July 12, 2009, 05:56:00 AM »

Sounds good man.  

In the mean time, if you need some videos for testing .XMV's let me know which ones you need (a reasonable amount) and I'll see which ones I have and what I can get to you.



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Coinops Ignite R2 Source
« Reply #28 on: July 12, 2009, 06:28:00 AM »

just sfa3 (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) will be good for now and maybe aliens vs predator also the wmv so I can see if there is any issues between them.... cheers


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Coinops Ignite R2 Source
« Reply #29 on: July 12, 2009, 09:25:00 AM »

Sure thing....

What are the MAME file names for those roms?  The videos are already matching the romnames, but I'm not sure which are the ones you have included in your set.
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