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Author Topic: Mameox128 - Working Romset Project  (Read 2673 times)


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Mameox128 - Working Romset Project
« Reply #285 on: April 24, 2008, 02:07:00 AM »

Nope.... lol.  Mid to late 20's here man.   cool.gif

Lots of great new fixes on Coin Ops, so I'd try that new version and see what's still missing.  Too bad it doesn't have perfect Game/Manufacturer names, the 2 player alternating fixes, and the perfect control for the 20+ games I've totally fixed in the source though.   I'd love to combine his GUI manipulation with my source changes.  

Still working on mine though.  Maybe I'll figure that stuff out on my own.



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Mameox128 - Working Romset Project
« Reply #286 on: April 24, 2008, 08:24:00 AM »

I think I just figured out how to disable the screen flipping in cocktail mode for the rest of the games that are 2 player alternating so the control will flip from joystick 1 to joystick 2 now.  I'll have to do it within the drivers for each of the games individually, but it just worked on Mr. Do and Mad Alien just fine.  It will be quite a bit of work, but I will do it when I'm making other fixes to the drivers.



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Mameox128 - Working Romset Project
« Reply #287 on: April 24, 2008, 04:56:00 PM »

Add the game then go search for new roms its supported in any version of mame over .77 which is mameox, mamedox, hk128, plat 1 and 2, arcades, coinops ....

alot went down there and you picked a name that looked exactly like the releasers name I was instructed to keep an eye on things.... with that name you wont get any help over there sorry


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Mameox128 - Working Romset Project
« Reply #288 on: April 24, 2008, 05:44:00 PM »

Heh.... you're a favorite at 1emu too, huh?   cool.gif   I don't get my posting privelages back there until May 2nd and I wouldn't be suprised if they take them away shortly thereafter again.

Hope that that explanation made sense to you and you can figure that one out there.  BP definately knows what he's talking about.  But I read that explanation 3 times and still don't get what you're supposed to do.

Good luck,


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Mameox128 - Working Romset Project
« Reply #289 on: April 24, 2008, 07:30:00 PM »

QUOTE(BritneysPAIRS @ Apr 24 2008, 08:39 PM) View Post

Its eactly the same name as the releasers with xxx at both ends (this makes people jumpy due to history stuff) if it wasnt for this as stated in the forum there would have been no issues, it seemed to be suspicous. Just add the game to the rom folder, then press start in the EMU to select scan roms or scan for new games. This will add it

This is the wrong forum for this stuff....ill stay out of thread for this stuff as its off topic really

well bonk's adventure does run in the versions of mame i have, it's just it's all scrambled and garbled and everything. I think the driver was corrected for this in verision .94 or something like that, my question originally was only is there a way to implement an updated driver to run the game correctly, that's all.

I don;t know much about mame coding, my experience is still learning how to work with xport's nes emu and the like. All i want to know is there a way to actually play bonk's adventure and it run correctly.



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Mameox128 - Working Romset Project
« Reply #290 on: April 24, 2008, 07:48:00 PM »

I cant add this to coinops full build sorry as it requires new dats (should be pretty easy to update standealone). But im starting a new FBAxxx total remake and I see bonks adventure can run in that if the core is updated so cross your fingers.


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Mameox128 - Working Romset Project
« Reply #291 on: April 24, 2008, 08:00:00 PM »

QUOTE(BritneysPAIRS @ Apr 24 2008, 10:24 PM) View Post

I cant add this to coinops full build sorry as it requires new dats (should be pretty easy to update standealone). But im starting a new FBAxxx total remake and I see bonks adventure can run in that if the core is updated so cross your fingers.

how could you do this standalone? so there is a way to play this. Please keep this game in mind in the fbaxxx remake if you can get it in, this game and fixeight both run in mame but both have problems displaying correctly.

thanks for the info, this was all i was asking you in the other forum. Sorry to get off topic in your thread rx, just wanted some input as if we will ever see new games in builds of mame and other xbox arcade emus.



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« Reply #292 on: April 24, 2008, 09:27:00 PM »

Don't sweat using my thread for some intelligent discourse.  1emu is full of idiot frat boy buddies and BP arselickers so it's hard to get any info over there, especially once they've put a target on your ass.  Don't know what you did to piss 'em off, but I wouldn't doubt that it was something as innocient as having a name similar to some other guy they had a hard on for, for whatever dipshit reason.

Hope he figures it out for you, because adding games that aren't already in the source at this point is way out of my league.

Good luck,

UPDATE:  I'm at work now, so a few days off of this for me now.... but I had an update on the screen flipping.  While what I did works perfectly for "Mad Alien", I spoke too soo and it didn't fix the entire problem for Mr. Do.  This problem is also the same with Pac-Man and all of the other games on the Pac-Man.c driver.  The first person plays just fine, but when it goes to the second person, the background is unflipped (like I want it) but pacman and all the ghosts are upside down.  It's the weirdest thing eating pellets upside down on the left side of the screen and seeing them disappear from the right side of the screen.  Same for Mr. Do as well.  This one is real tricky, as it's not readily apparent why the background fipped but the sprites didn't, but I'll figure it out with trial and error.  Hopefully when I figure this out I can get the rest of the 2 player alternating games working right.


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Mameox128 - Working Romset Project
« Reply #293 on: April 24, 2008, 09:42:00 PM »

Don't sweat using my thread for some intelligent discourse. 1emu is full of idiot frat boy buddies and BP arselickers so it's hard to get any info over there, especially once they've put a target on your ass. Don't know what you did to piss 'em off, but I wouldn't doubt that it was something as innocient as having a name similar to some other guy they had a hard on for, for whatever dipshit reason.

It's quotes like this, made by you, that prolonged you and Bp's and 1emulation's argument to the point of utter ridiculousness... quotes like this that just won't let crap go when there is no need to bring it up. Look at Bp's past 4 or so responses, all helpful, why bring this crap up again? Though who knows, maybe it would have gone unnoticed without a dipcrap quote like mine to fuel the flames, but I'm just making an observation and I'll quit now.

Anyhow, Rx, seems like you are indeed making progress and that is commendable, looking forward to seeing your builds.

@BP -  In my opinion, It's actually great that you are working with FBAxxx now, since that is the emulator that usually plays my favorite neo geo fighters the best, I love some of those games... Just recently got into double dragon. Anyhow best of luck.


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« Reply #294 on: April 24, 2008, 10:01:00 PM »

It's what you don't see behind the scenes my friend.  BP likes drama and he likes things being public.  If he'd work behind the scenes with people, none of it would need to be dragged into a public forum.  Funny how he won't answer any of my PMs since February, but the second I say anything to him on 1emu (when I'm not banned) he will spend 8 hours of his night going tit for tat with me.  It's cool though, because when we've done that I've been at work and I'm getting paid.  

And actually, that wasn't an insult at all to BP anyhow.  Go ahead and re-read it.  It was pretty much insulting everybody else at 1emu.  Only a handful of them are even worth talking to at all.  The rest of them can kiss my ass.  They've had plenty of practice.



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« Reply #295 on: April 24, 2008, 10:25:00 PM »

Please BP.... for once.  Use proper english when you write something.  I'm growing tired of getting out my Little Orphan Annie decoder ring every time you post.


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« Reply #296 on: April 25, 2008, 12:06:00 AM »

SOMEBODY SAYS TO BPM$:  Ok I have 1 small problem, when I rescan for my roms on v2 and try to play them, it doesn't allow me to play any roms? Is that another bug as well?

To which BPM$ flatteringly replies:

Nope its limited now to add only 40 or so games thank RX for that I was going to add a message but just to surprise RX I didnt

Now... correct me if I'm wrong, because I never understand what the hell this guy is talking about whenever he posts in BASIC English or whatever the hell BPM$-speak is, but I do believe that on my behalf he crippled his own emulator and then told people to thank me for it when they weren't happy about it.  That's sweet BP.  I'm truly touched by that.   love.gif

While they're at it, they could probably thank me for all the work he's done in the last few months too.  I've got him so worked up over all this that he's been cranking out the hits more intensely than ever.  Love me or hate me, there's no doubt that BPM$ has been working doubletime cranking out the emu and the updates since I've been around to make his life a living hell.



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« Reply #297 on: April 25, 2008, 04:25:00 AM »

The truth the way Xyteam sees it....

And I do applaud you for speaking your mind.

Let me give you some truths.

1)  Ever since my first interaction with BPM$ on instant message, he was abrassive, insulting and arrogant.  I've personally never spoken with anyone in what should have been a friendly atmosphere like that who was so full of himself and would take any oppurtunity to insult those who he felt was beneath him.  I know you were around since this thread and you are aware of how much testing I did on MAME roms, both testing them thouroughly on MAMEox128 Plus! and then on Arcades when I first used it and decided that it was by far the superior emulator.  Then, instead of telling me that some of my testing was wrong because I was not using the VMM feature (which I honestly only figured out about 2 weeks ago since he or anybody else didn't tell me that), he started calling me useless and said my testing was flawed and useless.  

So.... sorry if I had pride in a project which had taken probably 200 to 300 hours of my life up until that point just to have it pissed all over by BPM$ simply because some of the data was flawed because I was unaware of the VMM feature.  In truth, at the time, I thought BP was working some mysterious magic on those roms I was testing with "OUT OF MEMORY" errors that he got working.

2)  The only reason this ever went public is because BPM$ never replies to my PMs.  He never has, unless it's to make some smart ass insulting remark.  But you and I see how eager he is to jump head-first in a public despute with me, sometimes even going on for 5 to 10 hours at a time.  Funny he has all that time to bicker with me, but he can't answer a few stupid questions I have.

3)  As far as what they called XT over at 1emu, I didn't even see that.  At this point I still don't even know what he was called.  I'm just going off of his post and my own experiences over there.  There's a little "in crowd" thing going on over there and I wasn't suprised to see how he was treated over something he didn't even do.  You got your little boys club over there and BPM$ is right in the middle getting BJ's from ya'all everytime he puts an update out.  I may have disobeyed an "order" from an overzealous moderator over there, I didn't break any rules over there, and now I'm silenced.  That's fine.... I only post over there for source anyhow.  With the exception of a few who I would NEVER publically name, I would never consider anyone over at 1emu a friend.  

4) The only reason that I bothered sending you that PM is because I know that we used to get along and at some point that went away.  I don't like fighting with you, but when you mindlessly defend that jerk I'm not going to sit here and take it and say he's right.  He's not, he abused me first, and I could have been a great asset to his project.  But BPM$ works better alone, when he has total control of the project, when he gets all the "glory" and when he has a few others around so excited about his release that he can dish out orders to them.  I'm not a follower, and that's all he wants is followers.  

BPM$ has no peers in BPM$'s eyes.

LOL... last post is ego, you're damn right.  

BPM$ putting a limit to 40 additional games just to spite me and ruin the emulator for me no matter how much he inconvienced anyone else in the process, and then further ruining his own suprise by not being able to keep his mouth shut and brag about what he did, and THEN coming out and telling people to thank ME for the crippling he put on an otherwise pretty damn decent emu......

What don't I have to be flattered about?  That was all about me.  

IT was pathetic.... IT was full of ego... IT was packed tight full of fail.  




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« Reply #298 on: April 25, 2008, 05:57:00 AM »

QUOTE(xyteam @ Apr 25 2008, 06:01 AM) View Post

everything competes2win just said was true.
now for some truths. were the one who started all of this in the public forums by being the first one to complain about it and bring it to the attention of others.go back and take a look at your very first post.
2.only one person over at the forum called xtecuterx73 that name.the word troll wasnt even why call everyone else arselickers. sent me a pm over at 1emu asking me if i hated you,2 things you need to know.
first-you ruined the threads i had by constantly demanding sourcecode and getting them closed.
second-remember you pmd me about where to get sourcecode and i told you where everything was available,
then just hours after that in this forum you were calling members of 1emu "your personal ballwashers",and no one up until that point had stepped in and said anything to you,but yet you managed to alienate yourself over there by making comments like that.
so to answer your pm,make your own mind up.
4-remeber every time i made a thread and i specifically stated in the first post no sourcecode releated questions,well what happened,it got brought and you wouldnt leave it,bringing up the mame liscence and all that stuff you did in both threads was too much.
you go by what you post rx and it comes down to this,you shot yourself in the foot and you have no-one else to blame but yourself for getting silenced from there.

ps/by the way that last post you made rx is full of ego and fail.

just to clarify something with you guys, i'm not here to argue with anyone. I was called a "tire-kicker" in the public forum in 1emu and a troll in a private message. That is why you can't see the other name being called in open. And BP was not the member sending me the pm calling me a troll. All i did in reality was just ask a simple question and while at first i may have felt apprehensive towards BPs reaction, it's ok, it's not like he cussed me out. I'm not one for drama, i just think we all should all keep our heads straight for future xbox releases.

So with that said, Bp no hard feelings, i never had any to begin with. And rx, i hope you and bp can bury the hatchet somehow. I bet the 2 of you together could really do some great things. I just wanted to clear this up so there is no confusion as to why i posted what i was called over there.




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« Reply #299 on: April 25, 2008, 07:08:00 AM »

I had help from at least 4 people and no credits are on the EMU at all... I dont see any names on it. (There are many people here that helped Cospefogo was great help...but there was quite a few more that speed up the process and saved me hours of work and also had some nice ideas)

Also the tire kicker statement only said with that name you will look like a tire kicker, as its eactly the same as the releasers name with xxx on both sides, this made people nevous due to past history, so I recommended a name change if you wanted to be taken seriously...

We can never work together due to there being to much water under the bridge. There are actually quite a few people wanting to help with patchs now and they will soon be helping people out, they have all the info so its good that they will, as I will be trying some pretty tricky other stuff that people have asked for and naming keymap fixes etc takes up time and is all very basic stuff. We allready have a full Cab keymap availble and I may add a switch for people if they like it.... and will be testing keymaps for diff configs soon by looks (Handed over to other people that are more interested in Cabs)
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