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Author Topic: The Todd Bertuzzi Incident  (Read 820 times)


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The Todd Bertuzzi Incident
« Reply #15 on: March 09, 2004, 11:49:00 PM »

Saying just because it's Hockey and has an aggresive nature is pretty silly trying to defend Bertuzzi for coming up behind Moore, punched him in the head, tackled him to the ice using Moore's face to break the fall and continued trying to hit him.


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The Todd Bertuzzi Incident
« Reply #16 on: March 10, 2004, 01:55:00 AM »


Had Bertuzzi just left it at a cheap shot and not knocked Moore down and fallen on him, I don't think people would be shitting their pants so much over the incident. Hockey is not figure skating, it's a tough game. You play it long enough, you're going to get hurt. It's the nature of the game. Moore should have had the sense to know thatthe 2 things you NEVER do is take down a goalie or a team captain.

No, it's not, but what Bertuzzi did is a disgrace tot he sport in every way. A fair fight did NOT happen, so what we are left with is a big man sucker punching a little man who didn't even get a chance to defend himself. If goons want to throw gloves, then it should be a face-to-face, glove throwing fist fight. Punching him when he's not looking, then riding him into the ice and continuing the assault? Thats disgusting - a travesty.

Instead of taking the advice of the many experienced commentators, fans, players, Bettman will ignore the root causes and instead just crack down on fighting in general, which is also wrong, and will only lead to more incidents like this. Crawford and Bertuzzi are helping RUIN the sport of hockey by cheapening one fo the proud traditions of a hard-fought sport with dirty, foul play.


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The Todd Bertuzzi Incident
« Reply #17 on: March 10, 2004, 02:32:00 AM »

QUOTE (shanafan @ Mar 9 2004, 11:20 PM)
No.. Moore is not in coma, and he is not going to die. He suffered an concussion, and had some internal injuries, but nothing life-threatening.

Actually.. anyone who has had a concussion.. especially a serious one.. know that it has long spanning effects.  Some of which you won't feel till many years later.

Being beaten into a concussion.. is always a life threatening situation.  We've lost alot of athletes to concussions.. or have watched careers slip because of them.


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The Todd Bertuzzi Incident
« Reply #18 on: March 10, 2004, 02:38:00 AM »

Retaliation is a part of the game

Being a Canadian.. I love Hockey.. but we don't need this in the sport.  I watch Hockey for Hockey.. not for Boxing.  I got HBO for that.

I hope maximum fines and penalties are handed out for blatant attackes like these.  I also think that Off Ice Referees should be used toi hand out such fine/penalties when it is clear attacks are premeditated.

Hockey can be played well into the 40's professionally.. but not if people are taking these kinds of shots.


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The Todd Bertuzzi Incident
« Reply #19 on: March 10, 2004, 05:34:00 AM »

go to and download ESPN Motion, it'll take a while to take effect but then you'll be able to watch all the movies and stuff.  or you could try a search



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The Todd Bertuzzi Incident
« Reply #20 on: March 10, 2004, 07:35:00 AM »

Bertozzi and defence team are in front of ther NHL VP today I think.  Gonna plead his case.



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The Todd Bertuzzi Incident
« Reply #21 on: March 10, 2004, 08:21:00 AM »

i'm in a lab and don't have time to comment like i would like to but here are some suggestions.

Depending on his case AND a more thourough assesment of the injuries, i think he should be banned for the rest of the regular season and post-season or a 1 year.  I think just being suspended would be almost as bad as a year because it is a direct relation to letting his team down for this years playoffs because van is a good team with a good chance of winning the cup.  It would be discraceful for him to have to hang up his jersey for his discraceful cheap shot.  Don't get me wrong it's a tough game and cheap shots are part of it.  But just look at the video, that isn't your common retailiation.



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The Todd Bertuzzi Incident
« Reply #22 on: March 10, 2004, 09:46:00 AM »

Well, I will reiterate what his punishment SHOULD be:

He's out until/if Moore returns plus 20 games.

Anything less will only encourage this type of crap on real stars. Imagine somebody sending a minor league callup goon after Forsberg or a goalie, just to end their career.

Crawford would do it in a heartbeat if he thought he could pull it off.

user posted image
Does this look "fair" to anybody?

user posted image
Then he proceeds to smash his face into the ice (real classy!) and continue thrashing the unconscious Moore.

user posted image
This was a fair fight... even stats for size, weight, face-to-face. Cooke started it, Moore won it.

What Bertuzzi did sunk to new lows. I'm not fond of any Avs player, particularly a "tough guy" call up like Moore, and I love my Red Wings, but what happened here was worse then the Lemeiux boarding of Draper.

I won't call the guy a no-talent hack, but it's the persona he's taken. I've heard the incident referred to as classic "roid rage" - perhaps so. At any rate, the guy has been using his size to take out a LOT of players in the NHL. It's a pattern, with Crawford as the ring leader. It's got to stop.


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The Todd Bertuzzi Incident
« Reply #23 on: March 10, 2004, 10:07:00 AM »

I got some questions from a non hockey fan but

1.  Why does hockey need all this revenge type fighting or fighting period? doesnt that just slow the game down. Now i dont watch hockey at all but pay attention whenever sportscenter or anything sport related and I dont get it. Seems brutal enough without the fighting so why do it?

2.  Also i did watch the olympics hockey and have to admit it was entertaining and fast pace. I always felt that really hockey is just football on ice and i ve been hearing a lot of sports writers wishing that the NHL would base it rules on the international rules. Do you think that will help favor NHL better and increase non hockey fans like myself  interest in the sport?

Ive seen the video and that just plain looked bad any way you slice it. He didnt at least face moore he just bag him from behind and fell on him on that hard ice. he had to know he wld mess him up seriously.he got a good blow and should of left it at that. Now i m not sure if i did see that hit moore gave to the guy that started this but still why does NHL condone it anyway? Just messing up the sport and stopping it from at least gaining more attention to the masses dont ya think?


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The Todd Bertuzzi Incident
« Reply #24 on: March 10, 2004, 10:08:00 AM »

He should be banned from the sport for at least a couple years.

And Canadians should be forced to watch the NFL, NBA, and MLB.


frozen lake

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The Todd Bertuzzi Incident
« Reply #25 on: March 10, 2004, 10:33:00 AM »


Moore will miss the rest of the season with a broken neck, the result of a sucker punch from Bertuzzi. Moore also sustained a concussion and deep facial cuts, and he will remain hospitalized in Vancouver indefinitely.


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The Todd Bertuzzi Incident
« Reply #26 on: March 10, 2004, 10:59:00 AM »

QUOTE (scorpionking77 @ Mar 10 2004, 03:07 PM)
I got some questions from a non hockey fan but

1.  Why does hockey need all this revenge type fighting or fighting period? doesnt that just slow the game down. Now i dont watch hockey at all but pay attention whenever sportscenter or anything sport related and I dont get it. Seems brutal enough without the fighting so why do it?

Well, there's a difference between "revenge" and "retaliation" - The game is very physical - far more than Football because you where far less protection and travel much faster. Hits are a part of the game, but "cheap hits" sometimes require more than a 2 minute penalty (if there was even one). Moore delivered a clean, but brutal open ice check to Marcus Naslund that knocked him out of 3 games; he didn't recieve a penalty. Vancouver didn't retaliate in the following periods, nor even the following game. Had it ended with the Cooke-Moore fight, there never would have been an issue - but Crawford and Bertuzzi's demand for "revenge" instead of mere "retaliation" carried it too far.

Hockey, like Rugby, and perhaps American football, are some of the last bastions of the "retrosexual" - hard driving fast and sometimes punishingly physical games.


2.  Also i did watch the olympics hockey and have to admit it was entertaining and fast pace. I always felt that really hockey is just football on ice and i ve been hearing a lot of sports writers wishing that the NHL would base it rules on the international rules. Do you think that will help favor NHL better and increase non hockey fans like myself  interest in the sport?

Well, there is a lot to argue for opening it up on olympic-sized rinks, but the game loses some of it's flavor without the physical action. Kind of like Professional flag football. sad.gif


Ive seen the video and that just plain looked bad any way you slice it. He didnt at least face moore he just bag him from behind and fell on him on that hard ice. he had to know he wld mess him up seriously.he got a good blow and should of left it at that. Now i m not sure if i did see that hit moore gave to the guy that started this but still why does NHL condone it anyway? Just messing up the sport and stopping it from at least gaining more attention to the masses dont ya think?

Well, nobody knows what NHL Commisioner Bettman (who attended that game, BTW) thinks. He's made a lot of questionable decisions during his "reign"



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The Todd Bertuzzi Incident
« Reply #27 on: March 10, 2004, 11:02:00 AM »

biggrin.gif, love the wings wink.gif
Anyways remeber when they were playing vancouver and evey chance bert got he was trying to kill chelios? i think this clown should go into boxing or football, nopt hockey, he's got no self control.


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The Todd Bertuzzi Incident
« Reply #28 on: March 10, 2004, 11:11:00 AM »

I ok then i did see the moore hit that started this. Moore was the guy that knock that dude oout and he bled on the ice. Am i right? cause yeah that was a hard hit but look like part of the job to me at least moore squared up on and didnt rack his ass from behind. and apparently benjeremy your saying the coach and Bertuzzi are just dirty player/coach?  That berty has a habit of mob enforcing guys eh?  I mean his he even a great player or what?  oh yeah another why does NHL deal with points? why cant they just have wins and losses like any other sport well besides nascar and that should be a poll ... IS NASCAR CONSIDER A  SPORT?


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The Todd Bertuzzi Incident
« Reply #29 on: March 10, 2004, 11:12:00 AM »

QUOTE (socrates @ Mar 10 2004, 04:02 PM)
Hey BENJEREMY: remeber the 2002 season when the wings won the cup? ya ya i know your like me, how could you forget biggrin.gif, love the wings wink.gif
Anyways remeber when they were playing vancouver and evey chance bert got he was trying to kill chelios? i think this clown should go into boxing or football, nopt hockey, he's got no self control.

Yes, and he actually "GOT" Chelly this season... that's why he was out for so long, because of Bertuzzi. MacGinnis was also a Bertuzzi victim. The asshole has been all over the place trying to injure players left and right. Out of control? No.... Crawford has him doing exactly what he wants. Bertuzzi is his 'roid-pumped goon who happens to have a scoring touch (not hard on a team as shallow as the Canucks). If he merely used his physical size to make plays, instead of throwing it around to injure people, this whole thing would never have happened.
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