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What Do You Think Of Pro-immigrant March?
« Reply #30 on: April 13, 2006, 04:57:00 PM »

QUOTE(Kira Yamoto @ Apr 13 2006, 03:35 PM) View Post

I'm in the United States of F'in America, I shouldnt HAVE to learn Spanish to cater to illegals.  FUCK THAT.  Don't go tell me to learn Spanish just because these people hopped the border and practically took over Glendale and Phoenix.  Why don't YOU learn spanish, wait, maybe you already know spanish because you're a hispanic yourself.

What needs to happen is that they need to learn English, which is the standard language in the US.  Learning a language is NOT easy and takes A LOT of time and money.  Which is probably why a lot of the immigrants have not learned English and a lot of us who are more educated have not learned Spanish.  But English is a requirement, so don't go tell me to learn Spanish because I shouldnt have to.


It sounds like the both of you are hispanic of origin and already know the language.  To you, Spanish is the easiest thing in the world, and that you could just go out get some books and bam you know Spanish, which is simply not true.  Language doesnt come easy for a lot of people including English.  Theres a lot of people out there in the international community that finds English to be the hardest language they've ever encountered.

You can't just simply tell somebody to go learn a language like learning how to ride a bike.   You just can't.

Are you too stupid to realize you're in a state that was once part of Mexico? Do you also realize that not all "hispanics" crossed the border? We were already here when these territories became part of U.S. (Under the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo). English is not the official language of the U.S. Although people have attempted to pass a bill to declare it so (but failed).

All you've done here is shown your true colors as a racist bastard. You see everything through the eyes of your own race and fail to acknowledge the hard work of any other race and/or culture.

To you, Spanish is the easiest thing in the world, and that you could just go out get some books and bam you know Spanish,

There's something called school. Pay a visit there sometime and maybe you can enroll in some spanish classes (like I did in high school AND college).

Kira Yamoto

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What Do You Think Of Pro-immigrant March?
« Reply #31 on: April 13, 2006, 05:15:00 PM »

We were already here

You've shown yourself to be hispanic, thus, biased in everything I say.  The fact that you ignore that I'm from an immigrant family and that you also ignore the fact that Arizona being a part of Mexico is not taught in US High Schools or Junior High Schools because we're taught US History, as in, how our country got started.

English is not the official language of the U.S.

But it's the most widely spoken and is one requirement if you want to work a job that pays much higher than minimum wage.  Thus why English is a requirement to learn if you want to live in the US. Just like how you need to learn Japanese if you want to survive in Japan, or French if you want to survive in France.

All you've done here is shown your true colors as a racist bastard.

Being racist means that I discout the merits of a race as a whole and not the merits of the individual.  Where did I discount the merits of a race as a whole, I'd like you to point out one of my posts and give me a detailed explaination supporting this fact.

You are only calling me racist because you're Hispanic yourself and everything I say is basically Heresy because I'm not agreeing with you.

It seems like I'm bitching, but do I not have the right? Does hundreds of thousands out there not have the right in which we will take action when we go and vote?  Theres a reason why this is brought up.  And guess what, its because of people bitching.  But the government is seeing how severe it is becoming and finally doing something about it.

There's something called school. Pay a visit there sometime and maybe you can enroll in some spanish classes (like I did in high school AND college).

It's called money.  Maybe you don't have bills to pay and babies to take care of but I do.  There's something else called time.  Maybe you have it to sit there and play videogames and such, but I don't.  Before you go and try to debunk that, I'll save you the time.  You can't.  You just can't tell somebody to go and do something like its the easiest thing in the world because you do not live that persons life.

I can easily say that you're stupid for ignoring the hard facts of life, and that you labelled me stupid because I didn't know your country's history due to the American Schooling system and what it teaches.  I can just as easily call you stupid because you didn't look up the word racist to find out what racist really means.

I really don't have a problem with any race in our community.  I live in this community and you don't, as such, I'm entitled to my opinion because of my experience here.  All you're doing is sitting there and giving me what you think, is the answer to all my problems and any problems anyone else might encounter here.  Like its as easy as riding a bike.  I know your kind of people and I always find that people like you end up being complete jackasses, ignorant fucks, and smart mouthed wanna be knowitalls that really doesnt know wtf theyre talking about in the end.

fail to acknowledge the hard work of any other race and/or culture.

Oh yeah? Since when was the topic brought up? Since when did I have to acknowledge it? I know full well that immigrants have been the backbone of the US, and not only the immigrants, but the locals as well.  Did you forget that my family are immigrants as well? Did you forget that they are hard working people in which you speak of?

I'll acknowledge when its time to acknowledge.  This isnt the current topic here and because you didnt see me acknowledge the hard work of a group of people does not mean I'm racist.  This kind of thinking would make anybody a racist.  So you think our President and the ones before him are huh?


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What Do You Think Of Pro-immigrant March?
« Reply #32 on: April 13, 2006, 05:19:00 PM »

@puck: im from corpus... how would being able to speak french or vietnamese affect anything? i never met any french or vietnamese during my 18+ years in the area...


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What Do You Think Of Pro-immigrant March?
« Reply #33 on: April 13, 2006, 05:35:00 PM »

QUOTE(Kira Yamoto @ Apr 13 2006, 04:22 PM) View Post

We were already here

You've shown yourself to be hispanic, thus, biased in everything I say.  The fact that you ignore that I'm an immigrant and that you also ignore the fact that Arizona being a part of Mexico is not taught in US High Schools or Junior High Schools because we're taught US History, as in, how our country got started.

You're such a retard. Here's a little backgrouond for you. You can't say I'm biased towards one specific race.

Growing up, I was best friends with a puerto rican. I adapted their slang and ate their food (still do).
While in college, I also made friends with a couple people from Guatemala and a few from El Salvador. Great people and again, I picked up some of their slang and did my best to understand their cultural differences.
During this time, I also dated a filipina. I learned to speak tagalog (took about 3 months by reading several books in my spare time and interacting with her family). Eventually, after college, I married a "white" woman. She's of Irish & german descent so I've been studying and learnng pieces of their cultures as well. I currently work for a company who's primary customers are Mexican, Arab, and Indian. Guess what I'm doing now? I'm learning from my experiences.

2 years ago, my wife gave birth to my son. Guess what's gonna happen here? We're gonna do our best to teach him spanish, english and possibly german. Learning and understanding other cultures is a very important part today's society. If you choose not to learn another language, that's your own fault... but don't knock other races/cultures because you can't speak their language.

Don't be so quick to say that because I'm Mexican, I dont' make any efforts to understand other cultures because it seems like that's what you're doing.

Oh, by the way... I live in California so there's more Mexicans here than where you live.
Bakersfield, Califáztlan to be exact.  smile.gif
If you would have bothered to take a look at my profile (look under the jumping mouse), you'd already know where I'm from.


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What Do You Think Of Pro-immigrant March?
« Reply #34 on: April 13, 2006, 05:37:00 PM »

QUOTE(Kira Yamoto @ Apr 13 2006, 07:22 PM) View Post

We were already here

You've shown yourself to be hispanic, thus, biased in everything I say.  The fact that you ignore that I'm an immigrant and that you also ignore the fact that Arizona being a part of Mexico is not taught in US High Schools or Junior High Schools because we're taught US History, as in, how our country got started.

English is not the official language of the U.S.

But it's the most widely spoken and is one requirement if you want to work a job that pays much higher than minimum wage.  Thus why English is a requirement to learn if you want to live in the US. Just like how you need to learn Japanese if you want to survive in Japan, or French if you want to survive in France.

All you've done here is shown your true colors as a racist bastard.

Being racist means that I discout the merits of a race as a whole and not the merits of the individual.  Where did I discount the merits of a race as a whole, I'd like you to point out one of my posts and give me a detailed explaination supporting this fact.

You are only calling me racist because you're Hispanic yourself and everything I say is basically Heresy because I'm not agreeing with you.

It seems like I'm bitching, but do I not have the right? Does hundreds of thousands out there not have the right in which we will take action when we go and vote?  Theres a reason why this is brought up.  And guess what, its because of people bitching.  But the government is seeing how severe it is becoming and finally doing something about it.

There's something called school. Pay a visit there sometime and maybe you can enroll in some spanish classes (like I did in high school AND college).

It's called money.  Maybe you don't have bills to pay and babies to take care of but I do.  There's something else called time.  Maybe you have it to sit there and play videogames and such, but I don't.  Before you go and try to debunk that, I'll save you the time.  You can't.  You just can't tell somebody to go and do something like its the easiest thing in the world because you do not live that persons life.

Dude you are coming across as a little racist. Not to jump your shit. And you are casting the entire mexican community in a very negative light.

Why do you feel that your pride in AMERICA, something that you didnt build and really have no tangible claim in other that is where you live should count more than all the other americans.

Did you serve the country in time of war.

Did anyone in you country serve this country in a time of war.

Have you sacrificed for your country.

You come across as a lazy ugly american. (No insult intended) And the fact that you are probably a white male offends me even more.  You are really representing the Southern white male sterotype to the T.

Do you drink Bud or Bush?

You have a right to your opinion but spouting that "same old" 100 year old KKK propanganda line that has been assigned to every migratory ethnic group from Germans to Mexicans just isnt very smart.



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What Do You Think Of Pro-immigrant March?
« Reply #35 on: April 13, 2006, 05:49:00 PM »

QUOTE(puckSR @ Apr 13 2006, 04:14 PM) View Post

I once lived in a town named Rockport, TX(home of Dat Nguyen).  

What a great athlete he was too. The cowboys lost a great linebacker due to injuries.
Despite his size, he proved to be one of the best linebackers in cowboys history.
Too bad his career with the cowboys was cut short due to injuries.

Kira Yamoto

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What Do You Think Of Pro-immigrant March?
« Reply #36 on: April 13, 2006, 05:52:00 PM »

Don't be so quick to say that because I'm Mexican, I dont' make any efforts to understand other cultures because it seems like that's what you're doing.

I never accused you of ignoring other's cultures.  What I am accusing you of is ignorance towards

-US Schooling system and it's curriculum.  You bashed me for not knowing AZ is a part of Mexico in which this was NOT TAUGHT in AZ High Schools NOR Junior High Schools.

-That you ignored I was an immigrant and you just called me a stereotypical white guy when I specifically said I was Asian

not only this, you called me a retard, stupid and a racist without justification.  Not only did I prove that you're biased, puckSR just proved that you did not read my post whatsoever which goes in conjunction towards me calling you biased, in which the only reason why you're saying what you're saying, is because you don't agree with it.  In fact, your latest post just told me you're biased due to the people that you grew up with and stuck around.

Dude you are coming across as a little racist. Not to jump your shit. And you are casting the entire mexican community in a very negative light.

No i'm not.  Read the definition, I'm not coming across like anything.  And I'm casting the Mexicans in a negative light? Well maybe that's because what's currently in discussion IS negative and there's nothing I can do about that.  If you want me to praise them and their contributions, I can, but that's not what this topic is about.  

The Pro-Immigrant march is about wanting the legality status for current illegals, now while they've tried to show us their contributions (in which those who live in such areas know), in the end, its not about the contributions, its about the legality issue.  That is what the government is attempting to work out right now.

You can twist it or believe whatever you want, but fact of the matter is, jumping the border illegally is not viewed positive in any way when it comes to the American people, especially the government.  Because this is the topic at hand, of course what I'm saying is gonna come across as negative, if I'm against these marches and FOR the bill.

By a lot of peoples logic here, George Bush is basically evil if he passes this bill and to some, already are because of even bringing it up in the 1st place.  That is simply not true and only said by people who only see one side of the argument.


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What Do You Think Of Pro-immigrant March?
« Reply #37 on: April 13, 2006, 05:56:00 PM »

QUOTE(Kira Yamoto @ Apr 13 2006, 04:22 PM) View Post

I know your kind of people and I always find that people like you end up being complete jackasses, ignorant fucks, and smart mouthed wanna be knowitalls that really doesnt know wtf theyre talking about in the end.

Wow, you just defined yourself and you don't even know it. Ignorance is bliss....


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What Do You Think Of Pro-immigrant March?
« Reply #38 on: April 13, 2006, 06:00:00 PM »

QUOTE(Kira Yamoto @ Apr 13 2006, 04:59 PM) View Post

-That you ignored I was an immigrant and you just called me a stereotypical white guy when I specifically said I was Asian

Not only did I prove that you're biased, puckSR just proved that you did not read my post whatsoever which goes in conjunction towards me calling you biased, in which the only reason why you're saying what you're saying, is because you don't agree with it.  In fact, your latest post just told me you're biased due to the people that you grew up with and stuck around.

Haha... funny.

Read my posts again and you'll see Not once did I call you a racist white guy. You're saying I didn't read your post, but it's obvious from the quote above that you're the one who's not paying attention to the details.


Kira Yamoto

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What Do You Think Of Pro-immigrant March?
« Reply #39 on: April 13, 2006, 06:03:00 PM »

QUOTE(Alex548 @ Apr 14 2006, 01:03 AM) View Post

Wow, you just defined yourself and you don't even know it. Ignorance is bliss....

You can scream as much profanities as you like but what you say is defined by how others percieve you.  Yeah what I said is touchy and I can be called a racist for saying it, but that doesnt mean its true.  I gave my opinion, observations, and experience from where I am, instead of trying to shove what you think, are answers down somebody else's throat.

Here you are, calling me all these names w/o justification, and w/o knowledge of who I am in the 1st place.  Am I calling you any names? No, calling somebody biased isnt name calling.  How does it look to these people when you're calling me all these profanities, yet, I'm attempting to let you know where I'm coming from?

True, a lot of things I say could be rephrased, so that it may better be understood, but I apologize if a person takes it the wrong way.  I don't mean any disrespect or anything.


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What Do You Think Of Pro-immigrant March?
« Reply #40 on: April 13, 2006, 06:03:00 PM »

QUOTE(puckSR @ Apr 13 2006, 05:05 PM) View Post

Dont get me involved...
The white redneck comments came from jha'dhur
The racist comments came from Alex548

I agree with puck here. You're just pulling crap out your ass without reading who you're replying to.

Kira Yamoto

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What Do You Think Of Pro-immigrant March?
« Reply #41 on: April 13, 2006, 06:04:00 PM »

QUOTE(puckSR @ Apr 14 2006, 01:05 AM) View Post

Dont get me involved...
The white redneck comments came from jha'dhur
The racist comments came from Alex548

edit: I only pointed out that you pointed out.

Alex, I debunked everything you said and now you're just grasping for straws because you have nothing left.

and yes, you did call me a racist bastard.  Don't cover somebody else's stereotype because you made a mistake before thinking.


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What Do You Think Of Pro-immigrant March?
« Reply #42 on: April 13, 2006, 06:05:00 PM »

I'm in the United States of F'in America, I shouldnt HAVE to learn Spanish to cater to illegals. FUCK THAT.

Who's the one screaming profanities?  blink.gif

Kira Yamoto

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What Do You Think Of Pro-immigrant March?
« Reply #43 on: April 13, 2006, 06:09:00 PM »

QUOTE(Alex548 @ Apr 14 2006, 01:12 AM) View Post

Who's the one screaming profanities?  blink.gif

Grasping for straws like I said.  Those comments are generally not considered directed towards anybody but venting frustration.  You directed obscene and hateful comments towards me w/o any real proof or reason to do so except that you don't like my opinions.

I did not call you stupid.  I did not call you a retard.  I did not call you a racist, end of story.  We all know who did all that.


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What Do You Think Of Pro-immigrant March?
« Reply #44 on: April 13, 2006, 06:15:00 PM »

Grasping at what straws?

You posted a comment stating you weren't the one saying profanities, then I pull out one of you quotes to prove you wrong. Now you're trying to make excuses rather than address the comment directly.  blink.gif
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