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Author Topic: Racism  (Read 544 times)


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« on: September 08, 2005, 10:00:00 PM »


   1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.

   2. Discrimination or prejudice based on race.



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« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2005, 10:16:00 PM »

QUOTE(puckSR @ Sep 9 2005, 06:14 AM)
thank you


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« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2005, 10:44:00 PM »

QUOTE(chorizo1 @ Sep 8 2005, 10:27 PM)
I wasn't agreeing with you. Read what you posted and compare to both the defenitions.


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« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2005, 11:31:00 PM »

I really dont know how to make my point any clearer within the confines of this html code.

You could sing us a song and then upload and link to it.  Or perhaps you could write us a poem.  You could make a flash movie.  You could hire an analyst to construct a series of charts and graphs and then screen capture them.  Maybe you could just make sense.

It is a stereotype nintendo players are young


Your at the grocery store, you see two open checkouts. One has an old lady the other has a younger man. You cannot see either of their carts.
Experience tells you that the old lady will probably be slow, and that she may have a large cart
Experience also tells you that men purchase less goods normally, and they rarely have large full carts, and all other things being equal, they probably wont take as long as the old lady.
This is stereotyping
Its not evil, its just your brain making assumptions to save time
Your dont have the cognitive capacity to deal with the world. You live through symbolic assumed realization of the world.

All that happens with all of these cries of racism is that people keep putting themselves and others into groups. Stop it. Unless its a problem, ignore the problem of one group disliking another group.

That sounds oddly like Jim Breuer's Rant on Half Baked.

First of all to understand what happened to killer, you gotta understand who killer the dog was. Now killer was born to a three-legged bitch of a mother. He was always ashamed of this, man. And then right after that he's adopted by this man, Tito Liebowitz he's a small time gun runner and a rotweiler fight promoter. So he puts killer into training. They see killer's good. He is damn good. But then he had the fight of his life. They pit him against his brother nibbles. And killer said "no man that's my brother, I can't fight nibbles" but they made him fight anyway, and killer, he killed nibbles. Killer said "that's it!" he called off all his fights, and he started doing crack, and he freaked out. Then in a rage, he collapsed, and his heart no longer beat. wow.


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« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2005, 11:54:00 PM »

i understand somewhat your point about labeling people, but the stereotyping you listed as an example is not racial stereotyping.

 If someone is old = they are slow--regular stereotype

 Nintendo and ps2....wha????

 Racial stereotypes are:

 If someone is Latino = they swam over from mexico

 If someone is black = they  speak ghetto and shoot everyone

 If someone is White = they're parents are related, and listen to country music

 If someone is Asian = They know Kung-fu, and drive a nissan

There is a HUGE difference from what you listed as an example, to what RACIAL stereotypes really are. Also, when you use a racial slur the purpose of it IS to put another race down, therefore claiming yours as better. When you say you don't like black people, you are lumping them all together, not seeing any difference between them because ALL you see is their skin color. I don't like some black people i know, but it's not because they are black it's cause those particular people are pricks who happen to be black. In that other post you were refering to, a couple of guys typed the "N" word with such disregard or understanding that it makes their true colors shine through. I know they are gonna claim they were "quoting" someone else, but it's called common courtesy and mutual respect.


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« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2005, 05:58:00 AM »

1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.

2. Discrimination or prejudice based on race.

saying you dont like black people because they are black indicates that you believe thier race determines thier character(1)... if you dont like blacks because of this but you do like whites based upon the same assumption, you are defining whites as superior to blacks(1)... and obviously not liking someone based purely on skin color is prejudice(2)...

there doesnt have to be malice for someone to be a racist, im not sure where you get that from... theres plenty of racist people who get through every day without lighting a cross on someones yard...


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« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2005, 08:23:00 AM »

QUOTE(chorizo1 @ Sep 9 2005, 08:05 AM)
If someone is Latino = they swam over from mexico


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« Reply #7 on: September 09, 2005, 08:43:00 AM »

Im sorry but in my real opinion

Black people in general are the most racist people i remember in high school how most thought they were better in sports and in general and they would be the first to call you a cracker when mind you im hispanic and was called that based on my skin color which is the same steroetype whites are acussed of
which to me is the same as niger and im not racist i admire people who stick together and became friends with many backgrounds and they opened their home to me vice versa.

I will never kiss no ones ass and as for this kanye charactor i cant stand him

who does he think he is.he is no j-z,tupac,or biggie who cares what he says

he has an album out so he wants attention

im tired of people claiming racism

he doesnt win an award or get that job ....racism...get over it life is hard dont look for excuses just move on to the next..


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« Reply #8 on: September 09, 2005, 08:45:00 AM »

QUOTE(TheLovingSoundsofStatic @ Sep 9 2005, 10:34 AM)
Why would they be swimming?


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« Reply #9 on: September 09, 2005, 08:56:00 AM »

sad.gif sorry. Here goes...

Ok the white people up here are all different. There are white people that like rap and wear saggy pants and stuff (this would be me) and there is the redneck type that blatantly says I hate niggers and listens to country and drives a "big ole truck". There are the white people that are pretty, wear polo and american eagle, abercrombie and fitch, and stuff like that and listens to pop music. There is also the type that smokes, normally has scruffy hair, wears smelly cloths that havent been washed, doestn bath regularly, and listens to rock. I have alot of friends in each category so dont think Im playing favorites, as far as Im concerned nothing matters except personality.

Then there are the black people around here. Now remember this is a hick town and majority of it is white. But the few black people that I have ran into act one of three ways. There is the street thug that smokes and goes around thinking he is the biggest drug dealer ever, but in reality the big drug dealer is the white rocker type. He listens to rap and drives a crappy car with cheap 20 inch rims and plays the race card anytime someone says anything about him. then there is the type that is cool and laid back, doesnt smoke and doesnt cus but still has that rapper type of style. Im talking about smoothness, black rappers (becuase the only good white rapper is eminem and he has no style becuase he's mentally insane) have style and confidence, something all white people wish they had. Now there is a kid (he's 16) that goes to my church, he is black and he wasnt sure if people at our church would accept his family because... well they are black. Ok this is normal, he just moved here not too long ago so he understands that some people especially older people dont like certain things and types of people. He and his family still go to our church btw. But anyway, he wears abercrombie and fitch but also wears sean jean and south pole, and his pants arent nearly as baggy as mine, mine arent really baggy because  I wear a belt and I never have to pull my pants up, but he doesnt dress that screams "hey I wanna be a rapper when I grow up". I would call him the conservative type, he has never even once tried to use the racist card anytime Ive said anything about him and in turn for his niceness about the whole things Ive never made a racial statement or used a racial slur not even as a joke. I like him, he's one of my friends but I dont go around saying "my black friend". Then there is the what I like to call, "know it all nigga". This black guy thinks he is the smartes guy in the entire world. He's usualy always skinny, always wears glasses, and is normally wrong about alot of things. Just picture the guy from 8 mile that everyone always complains about.

Now the first type of black guy, if he says something stupid I will normaly call him on it with a swift and just comment, but in no way refering to his blackness. But the second he uses that "its because Im black" excuse to get out of an arguement because just about every argument a black person has ever won was usually won by them saying this because most white people dont want to fight, I must be the exception. Just last weekend we went out to eat, me and 4 other friends of mine and they invited a few people. We were talking about where we were gonna go and I said something like Chilli willi's and so did a few other friends, and the black guy that one of them brought got mad and said all yall white people just wanna eat burgers. So me being a smartass I said "ohh ok lets go get some KFC then we can swing by Kroger and get some watermelon so everyone will be happy" This ended in an arguement where he called me "nigga" about 90 times in 5 minutes. The argument ended when he said "thats some racist bullshit" and he walked away becuase I was laughing hysterically and while he was wakling I just kept laughing and laughing.

The second type of black person I dont have a problem with, as you can see. Actually, any type of black person I wouldnt have a problem with, but the second they use the race card to try and win an argument thats when the racial slurs start flying. Its all in personality. Same with white people. Ive made fun of countless white people for being inbred and Im white, so I use racial slurs that are also pointed towards me and it makes them mad still.

Anyway, I lived in North carolina with my dad for 3 months one summer and thats the only time Ive really ran into any spanish people. The only thing I didnt like about them was that there were so many of them and none of them spoke english, and o coarse they all worked at walmart so buying things was a feat.

Asian people, not really had any problems with any of them but Ive also never been around them much, I do hate when I go to an oriental place to eat and they say things in their language and I cant understand it, becuase I know they are saying "ohh I pissed in his coke watch him drink it and smile" and once I learn their language... I will prove it...

Also as for dating out of your own race, thats fine. I find many white girls, and black girls attractive. But latino girls and aisna girls.... omgosh they are soo hot.

Wow that was a long rant, I hope someone reads it all.


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« Reply #10 on: September 09, 2005, 08:59:00 AM »

QUOTE(hugoboss1 @ Sep 9 2005, 04:56 PM)
hey my parents are cuban and have been here for over 50 years.


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« Reply #11 on: September 09, 2005, 09:15:00 AM »

Ha, I know about all of that.  Really I dont consider myself racist, but there are too many damn mexicans around my parts, Around my parts they spawn like ring worm. But they get mad when al I know to tell ther daughters is "YOu are beautiful come with me to my house"  I cant help it if they would speak english I would tell their daughter, you are a fine bitch lets fuck.. damn language barrier.

I dont really seee why anyone would have a problem with any race. I have a problem with people that expect me to know their language. and Really black people are the least of my worries, I understand what they are saying no matter what they talk like..  NOw as for other "ethnicities" I cant really say that.  I jsut dont get why someonw can be like they are inferrior to me.....

cause even using stereo types I can prove that all races are better than another.. this is comical, not serious be here's how i prove all races are better than one another:

Blacks: God damn they can make some cajun /fried Chicken, Sports, Big....
Mexicans: They can build anything... For cheap, How do you always get things across borders even when they are on lock down.
Asains: Why the fuck are all of you so damn smart. And how is it possible you make such fine hos.
Whites: Well we can have naything we throw enough money and missles at.  It's jsut a fact.


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« Reply #12 on: September 09, 2005, 09:20:00 AM »


Race - A local geographic or global human population distinguished as a more or less distinct group by genetically transmitted physical characteristics
Racism - discriminatory or abusive behavior towards members of another race or discrimination or prejudice based on race
Discriminatory - being biased or having a belief or attitude formed beforehand
Predjudice -  An adverse judgment or opinion formed beforehand or without knowledge or examination of the facts
Abusive - Using or containing insulting or coarse language
Behavior - The manner in which one behaves
Behave - To conduct oneself in a specified way
Stereotype - an often oversimplified or biased mental picture held to characterize the typical individual of a group or of a certain group of individuals
Racist - one who conforms to racism

So now that I broke it down.
Racism is not disliking a race
rotfl.gif Really, to not like a whole race, you would have to make an adverse judgment or opinion formed beforehand of the entire race(seeing as you will never be on a personal level with the entire race). This would also be know as prejudice based on race, or for short, Racism.
Racism is not saying bad things about a race
 laugh.gif This would be known as abusive behavior because it contains insulting language towards a race. This is also known as racism.
If you use a racial slur, you are not a racist.
rotfl.gif You are funny. This would be an insult, known as abusive behavior and since it is dealing with a race.........Racism.
If you apply stereotypes to certain ethnic groups, you are not a racist.
This would be a judgment or opinion formed beforehand, which is predjudice and since race is involved......Racism.

Once again  rotfl.gif  rotfl.gif  rotfl.gif I can't believe you said any of that. rotfl.gif


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« Reply #13 on: September 09, 2005, 09:36:00 AM »

QUOTE(EverestX @ Sep 9 2005, 11:26 AM)
Ha, I know about all of that.  Really I dont consider myself racist, but there are too many damn mexicans around my parts, Around my parts they spawn like ring worm. But they get mad when al I know to tell ther daughters is "YOu are beautiful come with me to my house"  I cant help it if they would speak english I would tell their daughter, you are a fine bitch lets fuck.. damn language barrier.


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« Reply #14 on: September 09, 2005, 09:57:00 AM »

--I didn't say that I had a shit load of hispanics, No I said they were all mexicans.  About 1 out of 40 people in my town that is of hispanic origen is anything other than mexican.  

And youare right about labeling them all mexicans..  Man I called a cubin a mexican once.. Man I thought he would never shut up..   The funny thing is White people are the only people who dont give a fuck, you can call me whatever racial slur you want.  I dont care. At all.  It doesn't bother me.  Racial slurs humor me more than bother me.   I am bothered by people that call all black people Niggers,and the like Ie, Mexicans wet backs etc etc..  But really stereo types exist becasue to a large degree most of them have basis in reality.  But there are shitty types of all people.. There are some good mexiacns, some are just wet backs, there are bad ass black people, there are some that are niggers, there are nice white people,and some of them are rednecks/white trash...
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