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Author Topic: Support The Troops?  (Read 1238 times)


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« Reply #15 on: September 05, 2005, 01:22:00 PM »

"We" didn't do anything that warented the taking of civillian lives, but our intrussion into other countries and our arrogent foreign policy are some of the reasons why terrorists target us.  They don't attack us just for the sake of terror.  They dissagree with our policies and our culture just as "we" disagree with theirs.  In their eyes we are the "evil dooers" and vice-versa. We by no means deserved to be attacked, but we gave them a reason to attack us (regardeless of how wrong that reason was to warrent an attack of such magnitude).  
The way I see it is to either try to stop giving "them" reasons to attack us or completely obliterate them (which is difficult because that involves genocide which is terribly wrong).  What I said is not contradictory, it meerly takes into account different points of view.


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« Reply #16 on: September 05, 2005, 03:14:00 PM »

  The fact of the matter is that both George Bushs have heavy Saudi ties.
  Ronald Reagan and Bush Sr started the Taliban and are killing Americans with  
  the same guns we sold them 15 years ago.

  All this BS is about greed, not freedom, not democracy.

  Its not any mystery why Bush just awarded his cronies with the whopping
  tax breaks.

  I have come to understand from my travels abroad that Americans are just
  f*ing dumb. No beating around the Bush.

  We elect president the guy who skipped out on war over guy that served with

  Why didn't we invade England when they were starving out the Irish and killing  
  them off like Saddam.
  Why didn't we invade England when they were starving, torturing and infecting S.
  Africans with Aids.

N. Korea has no vast energy resources but have nuclear weapons and ballistic missile to carry them, yet Iraq is an imminent threat.

You can email the Pakistani consulate with a paypal recieot and buy Uranium enrichment technology, yet Iraq is an imminent threat.

Iran is enriching Uranium and producing plutonium in its nuclear reactors,
yet Iraq is an imminent threat.

China is on the verge of invading Tawain and Bush administration is begging
the Tawian government not to seek democratic elections,  yet Iraq is an imminent threat.

You be the judge.



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« Reply #17 on: September 05, 2005, 03:38:00 PM »

QUOTE(Heet @ Sep 5 2005, 03:00 PM)
Well at least you admit that you think the institution of government is a conspiracy, most liberals wont admit that.  People that dont understand the way things work are most often afraid of them. Kind of like if you flashed fire in front of a dog.  And where do I stand?  Have you been reading the thread?  I think its quite obvious.  Just collect everything in your head that you believe in, and then think of the opposite.  Thats what I believe in.


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« Reply #18 on: September 05, 2005, 04:00:00 PM »

Oh why oh why cant we save everyone *sounds of crying in the background with soft violin music*  why did Bush give all the rich who pay taxes tax cuts and not the poorer americans who dont *sniff sniff* oh why do we pinpoint some countries that are in our interests and not attack others that arent *sniffle*  He hates the poor, he hates the blacks *blowing nose*  He is satan, he is the antiChrist, he is Adolf Hitler, but the stupid republicans and all of the people that pretend to care for the world and their country just cant see it *grabs another kleenex* why cant W save the whales and the rainforests, why does he want to drill in alaska and kill the precious little deer and bunnies even though if you threw a dime into a 12X12 bedroom that would represent the area taken up by the drilling *looks and clutches picture of his mother* why oh why does this bastard want to steal the middle easts oil even though its impossible to do it, why oh why cant we get another lying cheating president in the office, a president who cheats on not only his country but then his wife and daughter over, and over again *blows nose again and wipes the snot from his chin* why cant he prevent hurricanes and then force poor people to leave their homes, why God why (oh wait Im liberal and dont believe in God), why oh why cant people stop using aerosol hairspray, why cant cows stop farting releasing methane that depletes the ozone layer even though scientists for years have proven that the earth goes through climate change every couple hundred years or so *sniff sniff* why cant we listen to the other countries that dont live here that know more than us about our own country, why cant we quit sending more aid to countries than any other country in the world, why cant we take out every single countries dictator if we can take out one or two of the world *uncontrollable sobbing* why do the republicans think that people should fend for their own families and cease to depend on the government to sustain life, why do they still oppress them and keep them poor even though the democrats ideas of giving them 400$ checks every month really does *accidental squirt of diarheea because you sneezed so hard*  why cant we just be like the canadians and offer socialized medicine, why cant we be just like the english and not carry guns even though it would mean that only the criminals would then have them and not honest citizens who would not use them to hold up conveinience stores and mug people*goes to wipe ass and nose once again* why oh why couldnt bill and hillary save the snow owl, why do we kill them with such impunity, why do we still allow Mcdonalds to sell hamburgers when we know that meat is murder while we also know that there are a billion served, a billion served for Christ's sake, why cant there be no weapons in the world, why cant my dreams of every Christian, Muslim, and Jew sitting around a giant campfire strumming guitars and singing koombya my lord, why why why why why!!!!  *breaks out into huge crying fit and pummles fists on the floor like a small child having a tantrum* its just not fair, its just not fair, my mom really did tell me there is a santa claus, I did believe in the easter bunny, I heard of a place called utopia, but its not real, its not there, George Bush blew it up to get oil, *Bwahahaha bwahahahahhahaha*

This is what I hear from you guys and what I see on the bumper stickers of cars all around town.  Get your heads out of your asses.  If you dont like it, there is a land for you.  They will take you with open arms and listen to the crying.  Its called Canada.  If you really disagree that much with what your country has become, then fix it.  There are these people as statecowboy said it best.

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« Reply #19 on: September 05, 2005, 04:57:00 PM »

QUOTE(Heet @ Sep 5 2005, 08:11 PM)
This is what I hear from you guys and what I see on the bumper stickers of cars all around town.  Get your heads out of your asses.  If you dont like it, there is a land for you.  They will take you with open arms and listen to the crying.  Its called Canada.  If you really disagree that much with what your country has become, then fix it.  There are these people as statecowboy said it best.


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« Reply #20 on: September 05, 2005, 04:58:00 PM »

QUOTE(Heet @ Sep 5 2005, 07:11 PM)
Oh why oh why cant we save everyone *sounds of crying in the background with soft violin music*  why did Bush give all the rich who pay taxes tax cuts and not the poorer americans who dont *sniff sniff* oh why do we pinpoint some countries that are in our interests and not attack others that arent *sniffle*  He hates the poor, he hates the blacks *blowing nose*  He is satan, he is the antiChrist, he is Adolf Hitler, but the stupid republicans and all of the people that pretend to care for the world and their country just cant see it *grabs another kleenex* why cant W save the whales and the rainforests, why does he want to drill in alaska and kill the precious little deer and bunnies even though if you threw a dime into a 12X12 bedroom that would represent the area taken up by the drilling *looks and clutches picture of his mother* why oh why does this bastard want to steal the middle easts oil even though its impossible to do it, why oh why cant we get another lying cheating president in the office, a president who cheats on not only his country but then his wife and daughter over, and over again *blows nose again and wipes the snot from his chin* why cant he prevent hurricanes and then force poor people to leave their homes, why God why (oh wait Im liberal and dont believe in God), why oh why cant people stop using aerosol hairspray, why cant cows stop farting releasing methane that depletes the ozone layer even though scientists for years have proven that the earth goes through climate change every couple hundred years or so *sniff sniff* why cant we listen to the other countries that dont live here that know more than us about our own country, why cant we quit sending more aid to countries than any other country in the world, why cant we take out every single countries dictator if we can take out one or two of the world *uncontrollable sobbing* why do the republicans think that people should fend for their own families and cease to depend on the government to sustain life, why do they still oppress them and keep them poor even though the democrats ideas of giving them 400$ checks every month really does *accidental squirt of diarheea because you sneezed so hard*  why cant we just be like the canadians and offer socialized medicine, why cant we be just like the english and not carry guns even though it would mean that only the criminals would then have them and not honest citizens who would not use them to hold up conveinience stores and mug people*goes to wipe ass and nose once again* why oh why couldnt bill and hillary save the snow owl, why do we kill them with such impunity, why do we still allow Mcdonalds to sell hamburgers when we know that meat is murder while we also know that there are a billion served, a billion served for Christ's sake, why cant there be no weapons in the world, why cant my dreams of every Christian, Muslim, and Jew sitting around a giant campfire strumming guitars and singing koombya my lord, why why why why why!!!!  *breaks out into huge crying fit and pummles fists on the floor like a small child having a tantrum* its just not fair, its just not fair, my mom really did tell me there is a santa claus, I did believe in the easter bunny, I heard of a place called utopia, but its not real, its not there, George Bush blew it up to get oil, *Bwahahaha bwahahahahhahaha*


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« Reply #21 on: September 05, 2005, 05:18:00 PM »

Everything that you just said is reflected in the crying post.  And if you dont know what a liberal is and that you are one evident by what you believe, dont blame me for it.  Go look up the liberal cause and then go look in the mirror.  Go find out why people (especially black people) remain poor.  It has to do with dependence on government to sustain life (a check a month) for those that refuse to work.  It has to do with people having 5-8 kids and no way to pay for them.  It has to do with black leaders and democrat white leaders who tell them that that is ok.  Alright my fingers are starting to hurt.  But seriously, go find out where you stand politically.  Who are you voting for?


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« Reply #22 on: September 05, 2005, 05:40:00 PM »

QUOTE(Heet @ Sep 5 2005, 08:29 PM)
Everything that you just said is reflected in the crying post.  And if you dont know what a liberal is and that you are one evident by what you believe, dont blame me for it.  Go look up the liberal cause and then go look in the mirror.  Go find out why people (especially black people) remain poor.  It has to do with dependence on government to sustain life (a check a month) for those that refuse to work.  It has to do with people having 5-8 kids and no way to pay for them.  It has to do with black leaders and democrat white leaders who tell them that that is ok.  Alright my fingers are starting to hurt.  But seriously, go find out where you stand politically.  Who are you voting for?


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« Reply #23 on: September 05, 2005, 05:49:00 PM »

"well that means you are a pretty straight forward person. YOu think everything has a reaosn and explanation. You bleieve the president and the government are ultimately in it for teh best interest of the people. And you dont bleieve in aliens i take ti  

Thast teh opposite of me.

Im a deep complex person. I think some things cant be explained and shouldnt be explored by humans. I beleive the government DOES very well in deed have its own agenda. And i beleive in aliens. "

That is a quote by you.   You go from "best interest of the people", "think everything has a reason and explanation", to "and you dont believe in aliens i take ti"  

Then you go "im a deep complex person", "i think some things cant be explained and shouldnt be explored by humans", "and i believe in aliens".  

We werent discussing space exploration or aliens.  No offense dude, but I rest my case.



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« Reply #24 on: September 05, 2005, 06:47:00 PM »

QUOTE(Spency234 @ Sep 5 2005, 09:19 PM)


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« Reply #25 on: September 05, 2005, 06:52:00 PM »

spency234, please elaborate what is wrong with what you quoted (in reference to never taking an english class).  I know what it is, but I want you to say it, thanks.

BILLS, who in the US are you reffering to that makes locking doors needed?  Who uses the guns?  Why is our crime rate higher?  You posed the questions, now give me the answers.  Is it because hard working people are going around robbing people?

"And I understand aliens arent part of this thread...
"We werent discussing space exploration or aliens. No offense dude, but I rest my case."
thats a cheap shot in debate, veering off topic to call a persons weaknesses, a person with low self esteem would look at that and give not one of those kinds of people though "

Dont get mad at me because I stayed on topic and you didnt.  Its one of the reasons that its difficult to have a constructive conversation with liberals.  You will be talking about urban sprawl and they will start talking about sea turtles.  What if I did the same but instead of aliens I said say, bigfoot?


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« Reply #26 on: September 05, 2005, 07:01:00 PM »

QUOTE(Heet @ Sep 5 2005, 10:03 PM)
spency234, please elaborate what is wrong with what you quoted (in reference to never taking an english class).  I know what it is, but I want you to say it, thanks.


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« Reply #27 on: September 05, 2005, 07:06:00 PM »

all i got to say is this
Fuck war.  Waste of money.
I will supoport the troops if they assasinate Bush and all his deciples.
he can waste all this money on Iraq and let our gas prices soar.  
he cant help the ones at home.  maybe if there was oil in new orleans bsuh would be down there.
as they say Money is the root of all evil..  Bush is money hungry = evil bush


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« Reply #28 on: September 05, 2005, 07:15:00 PM »

QUOTE(BoNg420 @ Sep 5 2005, 10:17 PM)
all i got to say is this


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« Reply #29 on: September 05, 2005, 07:17:00 PM »

You guys are just proving my point with every post.

And this is what I just heard you say this bong420

Oh why oh why cant we save everyone *sounds of crying in the background with soft violin music*  why did Bush give all the rich who pay taxes tax cuts and not the poorer americans who dont *sniff sniff* oh why do we pinpoint some countries that are in our interests and not attack others that arent *sniffle*  He hates the poor, he hates the blacks *blowing nose*  He is satan, he is the antiChrist, he is Adolf Hitler, but the stupid republicans and all of the people that pretend to care for the world and their country just cant see it *grabs another kleenex* why cant W save the whales and the rainforests, why does he want to drill in alaska and kill the precious little deer and bunnies even though if you threw a dime into a 12X12 bedroom that would represent the area taken up by the drilling *looks and clutches picture of his mother* why oh why does this bastard want to steal the middle easts oil even though its impossible to do it, why oh why cant we get another lying cheating president in the office, a president who cheats on not only his country but then his wife and daughter over, and over again *blows nose again and wipes the snot from his chin* why cant he prevent hurricanes and then force poor people to leave their homes, why God why (oh wait Im liberal and dont believe in God), why oh why cant people stop using aerosol hairspray, why cant cows stop farting releasing methane that depletes the ozone layer even though scientists for years have proven that the earth goes through climate change every couple hundred years or so *sniff sniff* why cant we listen to the other countries that dont live here that know more than us about our own country, why cant we quit sending more aid to countries than any other country in the world, why cant we take out every single countries dictator if we can take out one or two of the world *uncontrollable sobbing* why do the republicans think that people should fend for their own families and cease to depend on the government to sustain life, why do they still oppress them and keep them poor even though the democrats ideas of giving them 400$ checks every month really does *accidental squirt of diarheea because you sneezed so hard*  why cant we just be like the canadians and offer socialized medicine, why cant we be just like the english and not carry guns even though it would mean that only the criminals would then have them and not honest citizens who would not use them to hold up conveinience stores and mug people*goes to wipe ass and nose once again* why oh why couldnt bill and hillary save the snow owl, why do we kill them with such impunity, why do we still allow Mcdonalds to sell hamburgers when we know that meat is murder while we also know that there are a billion served, a billion served for Christ's sake, why cant there be no weapons in the world, why cant my dreams of every Christian, Muslim, and Jew sitting around a giant campfire strumming guitars and singing koombya my lord, why why why why why!!!!  *breaks out into huge crying fit and pummles fists on the floor like a small child having a tantrum* its just not fair, its just not fair, my mom really did tell me there is a santa claus, I did believe in the easter bunny, I heard of a place called utopia, but its not real, its not there, George Bush blew it up to get oil, *Bwahahaha bwahahahahhahaha*
This is what I hear from you guys and what I see on the bumper stickers of cars all around town.  Get your heads out of your asses.  If you dont like it, there is a land for you.  They will take you with open arms and listen to the crying.  Its called Canada.  If you really disagree that much with what your country has become, then fix it.  There are these people as statecowboy said it best.
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