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Author Topic: Conservative Trend In America  (Read 622 times)


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Conservative Trend In America
« on: November 22, 2004, 12:53:00 AM »

This is my response to the question "What is a prevelant trend you see in our society" and the second part is a response to some Republican bastard who disagreed with me  biggrin.gif , feel free to counter any or everything, i always like a good debate...

A trend is something that is popular among people, whether it is a way of thinking, dressing, acting, etc.  I think there is a conservative trend throughout much of the middle and southern parts of America, which was clear from the election results.  I believe it’s mainly from the uneducated, incest-ridden rednecks hardcore religious groups, mainly Protestant, throughout those areas and the older population, who are probably more religious and are more conservative.  These older people are less likely to support change, like the conservatives were during slavery, women’s rights, and civil right’s movement in America.  They want, for the most part, the world not to change, and stay as it was in the biblical times.  The younger generation is more able to adapt to change and be in favor of issues like gay rights, stem cell research, minority rights, etc. instead of listening to a 2000 year old book that should have no say in a “land of the free.”  I believe this trend seems to suggest that Americans do not want change.  Our economy is doing horrible, we are going to war with countries that have more association with oil than they do terrorism, oh, and basically the entire world, other than the U.K., Poland, and half of Africa’s countries, think we are idiots, or at least our President is.  I hope this all remains the same for the next for years, just as the conservatives want, and maybe that will break this trend and help people realize that change is good.  

    Good, someone to argue with…and by the way I was joking about the uneducated incest-ridden redneck part, but I have heard that Democrats are generally more educated.  They don’t get into Yale with 1100 SATs like our President….anyway, I think there is a time and place for religion, though I’m not religious, but it should not have anything to do with the direction of our country.  We made clear when this country was founded that there should be a separation between church and state, and George W. Bush obviously has a religious agenda, especially for gay rights, stem cell research, abortion, etc.  The majority of people in America believe that Bush has better morals than Kerry, but these morals are based on faith, and that is wrong.  Him being Christian, or anyone being Christian, should not affect your political views about the above issues.  It needs to be looked at from a human rights standpoint as if you were an atheist.  You say sem cell research is great, but “open the dam's gate on the matter could cause a
disaster,” such as?  Stem cell can now be made through therapeutic cloning, which has nothing to do with unborn fetuses, or human cloning.  Scientists can now take a cell from a disabled person, and clone that cell the create a “synthetic” fetus and use those to cure disabilities.  You say Christians invite change, my argument was more focused on conservatives, but how do they?  Conservatives are called conservatives because they are more weary of change, and for you and our President this weariness is based on religion, which should not be part of politics.  I don’t believe in a higher power, so why should I and all those that don’t or believe is some other religion be represented by Christian morals?  I also strongly disagree with what you said about the war and and how “we cannot go wrong with morality and God on our side.”  What makes you think morality and God is on our side?  Islam is the most popular religion in the world, I’m pretty sure it’s around 1/5 of the world’s religious followers, and MUCH older than Christianity and you think God is on our side.  It doesn’t seem like the Iraqis’ God agrees.  And morality?  Yes, the world is better off because Saddam is out of power, however it has been proven that he had nothing to do with the 9/11 and had no WMDs, so I ask you, why did we go to war with Iraq?  What others reasons would he have?  Saddam was bad but there were and now still are many other countries that we know support terrorism and we know have WMDs.  Why didn’t we go to war with Iran or North Korea before we attacked Iraq?  We had and have solid cases against those two countries, yet Bush chose Iraq, which was just a speculation at best and an outright lie and worst.  I believe it’s because Bush had a lot more to gain politically, economically, and personally with Iraq, and those are not reasons for going to war.  Even today, after all this has been proven, Bush still makes the war on terror synonymous with Iraq.  Bush’s term has been nothing but deception, he literally stole the election in 2000 and he tricked the American people into going to war.  That isn’t someone I want to represent my country, and I don’t understand how you believe, religion aside, he is.  Kerry won all the debates, he won the intellectual war on issues, but Bush, a former drunk and cokehead who started a war, won the moral war.  And that is why I will always be a Democrat.  Ok, I’m done…


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« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2004, 08:59:00 AM »

I'm just going to post about how Bush "stole the election in 2000" - that's ridiculous. He WON the election, and the democrats went for recount after recount, trying to steal the election from him, after CNN falsely reported that Florida had been won by Gore, which made many people turn away from the polls.


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« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2004, 11:17:00 AM »

i always like a good debate...

You won't find one here.  wink.gif

from the uneducated, incest-ridden rednecks hardcore religious groups, mainly Protestant, throughout those areas and the older population, who are probably more religious and are more conservative.

Ok, so you're saying the majority of Conservatives are old stupid religious redneck southeners, I'll agree that some might be stupid, while other might be rednecks (whatever your definition of redneck is), and some are religious. Being all of them probably isn't likely (you won't find too many religious rednecks, not true religious people anyway). I don't tend to like people who discriminate against groups by the actions of a few people, I'll just leave it at that.

These older people are less likely to support change

I'll agree, but the same goes for liberals, and people in general. Once they find what they feel reflects their wants and needs, they don't want to or need to change.

stay as it was in the biblical times.

I wouldn't mind people haveing their hands cut off for stealing, tongues cut out for being a traitor, and for rape... well you get the point. But to stay that we want to keep it the same as it was in biblical times is so far from the truth. I, for one, enjoy my electricity, health care, education systems, freedoms, cars, central heating, national money system, government.

Our economy is doing horrible, we are going to war with countries that have more association with oil than they do terrorism

Sure, our economy is in the crapper right now, but it's been worse, in worse times, with a worse president.
As for going to war with a country that has more to do with oil than terrorism, that's hard to believe. Considering Saddam would pay families of suicide bombers. If that's not a terrorist action, or a terrorist leader, I don't know what is.

basically the entire world, other than the U.K., Poland, and half of Africa’s countries, think we are idiots

Stats don't lie, our IQ is one of the lowest in the world. The other countries don't just think that, they know that.

I hope this all remains the same for the next for years, just as the conservatives want

You would think that would work, but with Bush's reelection, the conservatives have received a large majority in congress, meaning that more and more people are voting for republicians. You can't base the votes for president, as the number of republicans and demos in the states.

George W. Bush obviously has a religious agenda, especially for gay rights, stem cell research, abortion

Bush never says, "Because the Holy Bible says there should be no gays, I agree", he states his views, which are equal to those in the bible. He is not basing his ideals on the bible, or we'd have stricter laws on pre-marital sex and the like. He bases his ideals on the teachings of the bible, but doesn't take it word for word.

but these morals are based on faith, and that is wrong.

Why? If I don't murder a man because I believe I will go to hell, does that mean I'm not murdering someone for the wrong reason? Religion helps keeps the peace, people don't wanna sin against the bible, so they don't break the laws that were created around the teachings of the bible. We are what we are because of the protistants that created the first civilizations on the new land, and helped spread their teachings.

should not be part of politics.

Religion allows people to find out what their morals are. I'm sure a Muslim will have different morals than a christian, but that's what they feel comfrotable with. Even if you take their religions away, they will be left with the same morals. And you can't say morals aren't a part of politics.

I believe it’s because Bush had a lot more to gain politically, economically, and personally with Iraq

Politically: Having people calling you out on a lie, and losing many votes due to that isn't the best political move...
Economically: It can, but looking at our economy right now, it doesn't seem to have an effect.
Personal: Sure, his dad didn't like Saddam, I'm sure he was brought up around that.

but Bush, a former drunk and cokehead

Do you believe we should have jails? They are created as a form of rehab, not just punishment. We release people becuase, supposely, they are better people after their term in prison. I don't think him being a drunk and a cokehead in the past affects any of his decisions today, much like Kerry's mistakes in Vietnam don't have an effect on him now.

I’m done…

Me too. wink.gif


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« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2004, 02:44:00 PM »

ok, for one, the whole incest ridden redneck...etc was meant as a joke, and if you think jails are a form of rehab, you are truly is rehab, and i have a whole other opinion on the drug laws in this country that i could go on and on about...murders, rapists, thiefs, etc. rarely come out of prison better people..and as for drug users, they are probably more likely to be good people in the first place that are turned bad...the drug laws in our country are rediculous and its my opinion that all drugs should be doing a research paper roughly on that btw....that might sound pretty far out there, but if you look at how and why drug laws were created in the first place and what has happened since you might agree....drug prohibition is a breeding ground and major financial source for the true scumbags of the earth...someone who uses drugs is not a bad person, it is a choice they choose to make and it is a choice that should be left up to them, legalizing all drugs would cripple the drug trade industry as well as many other organizations, and maybe then the govt could start educating people about the TRUE dangers and benefits of drug use so that they can make an informed decision.......and what you were saying about religion, no, not all religions have the same morals..and of course thing like murder are wrong, but you don't need to have "religious morals" to see that, common sense can see point is this, no matter how correct you think the morals of a religion are, in America, they should not be the reason for any kind of legislation, and with Bush they obviously are....this country is supposed to be free of religious bias especially in our government and whether you believe in a god or not(i dont) you should understand that thats what our country was founded on...the bible should not be taken as what is right in part or in whole...oh, and there is a BIG difference between sin and crime, and the ladder should not be made out of the former....what you see as sin as a Christian doesnt mean everyone should follow the teachings of the bible, case and point again with drug use, and religion had a large part in illegalizing it, as did racism, misinformation, and outright lies..... and look, i'll agree with you that saddam was a horrible person and a horrible leader, but there are leaders out there that are much, much worse and id like to know the real reason we didnt go after them, though i think i already know.... bush lied to us into going to war and to now say that that was all ok because "hey saddam was a bad guy anyway" is insane, using that reasoning we could go to war tons of countries that actually did support terrorism and had ANYTHING to do with 9/11....


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« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2004, 02:56:00 PM »

QUOTE (brandogg @ Nov 22 2004, 05:02 PM)
I'm just going to post about how Bush "stole the election in 2000" - that's ridiculous. He WON the election, and the democrats went for recount after recount, trying to steal the election from him, after CNN falsely reported that Florida had been won by Gore, which made many people turn away from the polls.

lol, when i say he stole the election, i mean it quite literally...he is a thief...the "recounts" were nothing more than i way for that racist bastard and his brother to take the election, i say stole because there were a large amount of precincts whose votes did not count, and i guess it was just a coincidence that these precincts were mostly black, and ,of course, mostly democrat...did they appeal? Yes, but unfortunately all of the Senate members required to sign the petitions(even a single petition) could not be inconvenient...and so the moron that didnt even win the first election has actually won two.....amazing.


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« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2004, 03:50:00 PM »

rotfl.gif You conspiracy theory nutjobs crack me up. Don't you weak minded fools understand you are no different from the Nazi's you claim everyone else to be? user posted image
Here are a show of hands of the people who agree that 9/11 was staged, and that the US is the evilest and most corrupt country on the planet. rolleyes.gif Don't be a tool to fear, and I'm sorry you still feel the world is rascist. I guess it won't ever change, because there are still fuckers like you out there promoting racial pride, and saying the world is rascist, and playing the fucking race card every chance you get. No one is forcing you to stay here, you can always leave.


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« Reply #6 on: November 22, 2004, 04:50:00 PM »

nice job, u said all that without bringing up a single valid the fuck can u compare me with a nazi....and i never said the rest of the world is nazis, but if you actually believe that racism isnt still at work in America then u r a fucking idiot and i cant even argue with wasn't so much of racism that won the election for bush, as was knowing that most blacks(i think around 90%) vote democratic, knowing that, he was able to get a lot of those ballots thrown out and steal the election...what ive said is based on facts, why don't u come up with not even black, but i can still realize what was going on.....and id much rather change our country and make it better than ignore whats going on and the way, i never said that 9/11 was staged and people like you that eat up all the shit our government throws at u make me sick...why dont you actually do some research and educate urself and make an informed decision...our history has been full of lies and conspiracy and if u just take a minute to look at the facts u can see that.............


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« Reply #7 on: November 22, 2004, 05:13:00 PM »

QUOTE (EverythingButAnAnswer @ Nov 23 2004, 12:53 AM)
rotfl.gif You conspiracy theory nutjobs crack me up. Don't you weak minded fools understand you are no different from the Nazi's you claim everyone else to be? user posted image
Here are a show of hands of the people who agree that 9/11 was staged, and that the US is the evilest and most corrupt country on the planet. rolleyes.gif Don't be a tool to fear, and I'm sorry you still feel the world is rascist. I guess it won't ever change, because there are still fuckers like you out there promoting racial pride, and saying the world is rascist, and playing the fucking race card every chance you get. No one is forcing you to stay here, you can always leave.

I still don't see the connection between what Tupac said and the nazi party. Honestly if you can't say something constructive then STFU. Nobody asked for your right wing propaganda and your image is on other threads where all you do is bash teh poster and call them a nazi when in reality, you my friend are the real nazi. If you care to disagree you can PM this nazi hating Punk Rocker with a place to meet and I'll be happy to kick your face in.


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« Reply #8 on: November 22, 2004, 05:29:00 PM »

How can I not compare you to a Nazi? You are a bigot, you are a weak minded tool of the Democratic Party, and you feel everyone in this nation who voted republican or independent is a racist and is unfit to vote (maybe even unfit to live). You feel its ok for say blacks to promote their race, and joke about every other race, but not for whites. The minute someone (a white man) says something about blacks or any other minority or tries to promote their race, you feel it’s racist and ok for the offended for to play the race card. People like you are the reason racism still exists; there can't be a double standard. Racism is present on both sides, I know of few a black racists who think the "white man" should be eradicated from this planet, just like the Nazis intended to do to the Jews. You also believe every conspiracy you hear. How do you think the Nazis came to power? It was by scaring the people into thinking the Weimar Republic was a corrupt and weak government and one that wasn't in the best interest of the people. There was no need for you to state that 9/11 was staged, it was implied through your post about the faults of the current administration. Also why don't you try to make a complete, coherent, structured sentence before posting again?


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« Reply #9 on: November 22, 2004, 05:30:00 PM »

QUOTE (pepsik @ Nov 23 2004, 02:16 AM)
If you care to disagree you can PM this nazi hating Punk Rocker with a place to meet and I'll be happy to kick your face in.

You sound a lot like a Nazi to me. You will threaten me with violence; perhaps even kill me if I don't conform to your ideology? That sounds an awful lot like the tactics used by the Nazis to discourage dissenters. Go fuck yourself, Nazi.

Hercules Q Einstein

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« Reply #10 on: November 22, 2004, 05:40:00 PM »

QUOTE (pepsik @ Nov 23 2004, 02:16 AM)
I still don't see the connection between what Tupac said and the nazi party.

Taken out of context i think this quote is hilarious  laugh.gif .


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« Reply #11 on: November 22, 2004, 06:06:00 PM »

QUOTE (EverythingButAnAnswer @ Nov 23 2004, 01:32 AM)
How can I not compare you to a Nazi? You are a bigot, you are a weak minded tool of the Democratic Party, and you feel everyone in this nation who voted republican or independent is a racist and is unfit to vote (maybe even unfit to live). You feel its ok for say blacks to promote their race, and joke about every other race, but not for whites. The minute someone (a white man) says something about blacks or any other minority or tries to promote their race, you feel it’s racist and ok for the offended for to play the race card. People like you are the reason racism still exists; there can't be a double standard. Racism is present on both sides, I know of few a black racists who think the "white man" should be eradicated from this planet, just like the Nazis intended to do to the Jews. You also believe every conspiracy you hear. How do you think the Nazis came to power? It was by scaring the people into thinking the Weimar Republic was a corrupt and weak government and one that wasn't in the best interest of the people. There was no need for you to state that 9/11 was staged, it was implied through your post about the faults of the current administration. Also why don't you try to make a complete, coherent, structured sentence before posting again?

wow, did u even read what i posted? absolutely nothing of what uve said makes any sense whatsoever....why the fuck are you going on about this racism was one point i brought u not think that INTENSE racism existed in the late 1800s? How stupid are u, honestly? The roots of the drug prohibition today ARE based on racism, religion(mainly radical christian values, look up mr. anslinger, u want a nutjob, read about your fellow christian)and how can u imply that i said 911 was staged, absolutely nothing of what i said even remotely pointed in that direction, and id like u to quote where u think i did...let me say what i said before, without using the word racism, and u can take it for what it the 2000 election it all came down to florida, and if all the votes had been counted, al gore would have won, period...however, bush and his brother were able to dispuite many( at least over 20) districts that have a history of voting democratic and are mainly made up of minority voters....when those districts appealed all of the senate members were absent and none got a signature, so all of the votes in those districts did not not calling it racism, it was probably more aimed at getting rid of democratic votes which are usually cast by blacks...those are the facts, that is what happened and it takes anyone with half a brain, which i doubt u have, to figure out what was going on.....i didn't play the race card, im not saying the "white man", which includes me, is always out to get blacks...but i am stating what happened.....once again, this has nothing to do with nazi party at all...and u want complete sentences? Fuck you.


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« Reply #12 on: November 22, 2004, 06:29:00 PM »

You do not understand what I am saying, I agree there is still some racism but it is minuscule, and people who keep trying to fucking make racism the big issue are fucking bigots. First I'd like to say that blacks make up less than 10% of the population, on that note, they really wouldn't have made a big difference in Florida, considering Florida's population is comprised largely of Hispanics (most of which vote republican anyway), and whites. Yes extreme racism existed in the 1800's, and that was about 200 years ago (although it was still extreme in the south up until the late 70’s, and still is in some rural areas) so what the fuck does it have to do with now? Nothing. Racism isn't what it used to be, but if you continue to preach this preach this prejudice bullshit that everyone is still racist and the "white man" is still out to fuck over everyone else who isn't white, you only feed the problem. Also drug prohibition isn't founded on racism it was founded on science, if someone goes and shoots up PCP they are producing far more adrenaline than the average human, thus they are not going to be able to make a sound decision, and will be unable to act responsibly as a result of taking that drug. Have you ever seen a crack whore or a junkie, do those people look healthy to you? Do they look like responsible citizens? Maybe the government should help take care of them? You know what, fuck that, I'm not paying for someone who willing goes out shooting up crack all the time, and ends up having their life turn to shit, because it's not my fucking problem. Hey if you are fine with someone taking PCP, crack, etc. then going around making an ass of themselves and starting shit with everyone, then by all means use that on your pro drug platform, otherwise fuck off.


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« Reply #13 on: November 22, 2004, 07:05:00 PM »

once again, u fucking amaze many times do i have repeat myself till it gets thru to u? i just said that the white man isnt always out to fuck over the blacks, take the time to read the post directly above yours....that being the drug are absolutely lol, that may be the reason they claim not, but it wasnt back then...again, research before u open ur was NOT based on science AT ALL, the first drug prohibition was in california in 1875 on smoking opium, the preferred method my chinese immigrants, who no one wanted you call that science? Mr. Anslinger was a fucking right-wing hypocrite nutjob that whose views are a lot like the "reefer madness" propaganda on the 1930s, again, these are the facts....and he shared a lot of the views you share....for some reason i doubt that uve ever taken any drugs because u have no idea what u r talking about...ill list some drugs ive taken not to brag, but to prove a point...xtc, cocaine, crack, weed, alcohol, codein, hyrdocodone, vicodin, perkasets, lsd, lsa, psyilocin, psyilobin, prescription amphtamines, salvia, and probably a few others...that being said, i was valedictorian of my high school, am getting paid this quarter to go to college(majoring in pharmacy wink.gif), and other than drugs have never committed a crime in my life....i don't kill people, i dont rape people, i am not a thief, and yet someone like you would like to see me put behind bars for the rest of my life,a nd if i got caught for every did i used drugs i probably would tell me if thats justice...drugs dont make people bad, people do....and the bottom line is that drug use is a consensual "crime," i choose to use drug..i dont go crazy when i use them, i dont commit other crimes, most of the crimes involved with drugs r from dealer disputes...i use them on occasion and do so responsibly...thats why i urge people not to believe all the bullshit they read and hear on tv...drugs have power, and the govt, religion, and other groups will do whatever it takes from keeping people from what they truly are and what they truly can do....if all the stuff ive read were true id be dead 100 times over and be about as intelligent as u r, but im not, am i?


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« Reply #14 on: November 22, 2004, 08:07:00 PM »

QUOTE (tupac @ Nov 23 2004, 04:08 AM)
i don't kill people, i dont rape people, i am not a thief, and yet someone like you would like to see me put behind bars for the rest of my life,a nd if i got caught for every did i used drugs i probably would tell me if thats justice...drugs dont make people bad, people do....and the bottom line is that drug use is a consensual "crime," i choose to use drug..i dont go crazy when i use them, i dont commit other crimes, most of the crimes involved with drugs r from dealer disputes...i use them on occasion and do so responsibly...

Try PCP then come back and say that. The thing is while you might be responsible, not everyone else is, and that is why they are prohibited.

QUOTE (tupac @ Nov 23 2004, 04:08 AM)
thats why i urge people not to believe all the bullshit they read and hear on tv...if all the stuff ive read were true id be dead 100 times over and be about as intelligent as u r, but im not, am i?

Keep taking it and you will be wink.gif. People don't know the long term repercussions of a lot of those drugs.
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