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Author Topic: Sign This Petition If You Agree..  (Read 525 times)


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« on: March 18, 2004, 07:45:00 AM »

Did that guy say gas was 1.20$? Where the hell des he live. Its !!!2.20$!!! in LA!!!. 1.20.. God I remember when it was 99cents. Ah the good old days. When're we gonna swtch to hydrogen?



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« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2004, 12:48:00 PM »

I don't think 99.9% of active politicians should be elegible for nobel peace prize awards, as it seems there's alot more diplomats or orginasations that actually have to deal with the messes left behind by the countries trying to make 'peace', (i.e. red cross and the likes, it's easier to bomb and leave then to help with the after math face to face)


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« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2004, 05:17:00 PM »



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« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2003, 11:36:00 AM »

QUOTE (Ace25 @ May 20 2003, 03:27 PM)
I guess some idiots thought it would be nice to nominate Prez Bush Jr and Tony Blair for the Nobel Peace Prize this year.. insane or what? Sign this petition if you disagree.. not that I think the petition will really mean much as I don't think they have a snowballs chance in hell at getting it, but just in case, I signed..


Is there one for those of us who AGREE to the nomination?

They are FAR better choices than Arafat!

If anything, ridding the region of Saddam puts a LOT of pressure on the Pan-Arab world to take peace initiatives seriously... the current spasm of violence is the last gasp of a breed of hatred that knows its days are numbered. All they are accomplishing is further justification to wipe terrorists off the face of the earth - a good thing.


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« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2003, 11:41:00 AM »

While I agree, they are marginally better than Yasser Arafat winning the Nobel Peace Prize in '94, I don't think Arafat cause as much death and hatred around the world that year than Bush/Blair have done this year towards our own countries.. This is the Nobel PEACE prize, how can anyone that KILLS THOUSANDS of innocent people even be remotely considered for a "Peace" prize?  unsure.gif


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« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2003, 11:49:00 AM »

QUOTE (BenJeremy @ May 20 2003, 08:36 PM)
QUOTE (Ace25 @ May 20 2003, 03:27 PM)
I guess some idiots thought it would be nice to nominate Prez Bush Jr and Tony Blair for the Nobel Peace Prize this year.. insane or what? Sign this petition if you disagree.. not that I think the petition will really mean much as I don't think they have a snowballs chance in hell at getting it, but just in case, I signed..


Is there one for those of us who AGREE to the nomination?

They are FAR better choices than Arafat!

If anything, ridding the region of Saddam puts a LOT of pressure on the Pan-Arab world to take peace initiatives seriously... the current spasm of violence is the last gasp of a breed of hatred that knows its days are numbered. All they are accomplishing is further justification to wipe terrorists off the face of the earth - a good thing.

I also want to know if there is a petition FOR  them.
I believe that they are simply doing the only responsible thing any president could have done. This is simply Blair/Bush's attempt to erradicate any serious danger to the world, i think that they deserve this, however it will never happen unsure.gif


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« Reply #6 on: May 20, 2003, 12:19:00 PM »

I have no problem with them getting the nobel peace prize. I really don't care.  biggrin.gif


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« Reply #7 on: May 20, 2003, 12:36:00 PM »

There really are better ppl that deserve it (French President for example biggrin.gif).
The only thing these 2 guys bring is not freedom, its death. For both of them this was and still is an interests (personal and national) war.
And btw Us and Uk ppl have been manipulated without being aware of it : it s really really sad to see that after all what humanity goes through...
Gone signing the petition.


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« Reply #8 on: May 20, 2003, 12:49:00 PM »

no people/country should police the world, especially we all live under one planet and same species..

a peace prize shouldn't involve any military involvement in my opinion but rather reflects actions of individuals or groups of ppl in successfully endure hardship and maintain peace without any sacrifice of lives....this may be impossible in the not-so-perfect world that we live in but well... can't hurt to try...

There are many people of different opinions in this world and to say i support these nominations well i have no opinion whatsover... frankly i think it wouldn't make much of a difference to our daily lives (most of us anyway). It is just cash rewards and honorary title... after 10 years it means zip ....



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« Reply #9 on: May 20, 2003, 01:58:00 PM »

I think that anyone who believes that the whole war on Terrorism and the war with Iraq was just a big Power high and Oil robbing attack needs to get there head outa there ass.

What should we have done? Not retaliated against the people that brought so many innocent deaths to our country? And what about Iraq? Ya, lets let them kick out the UN Inspectors CONSTANTLY, what does that tell us? They got something to hide, just because we havnt found anything yet does not meen we never will. It's a damn big country. And even if we dont, they agreed to letting inspectors in, and then kicked them out countless times, what are we suppose to do? Obviously 12 years of Inspectors and "Talks" havnt done jack shit. We had no other choice with them. Ya, I do think Bush's "Excuse" for going into Iraw was complete bullshit, but I also believe it's about damn time we did go take that faggot out.

But what, you want us to just sit on our ass and WAIT untill they decide to hit us with something? It's called taking the Initiative, and sometimes it has to be done to protect ourselves and our Allies.

Should they be nominated? You bet. I sure do think so. You ever here the phrase that For peace you need war? Well, its unfortunatly true. Doing what we did will save more lives in the near/far future then if we had done nothing at all, and thats the plain and simple fact.
Sitting on our ass doing "Peace Talks" is not going to solve our worlds problems. Nor will war, but at least War can postpone problems like this untill we somehow find another Solution.

So, yes, I think they should win the damn thing. They saved more lives in the US and in Iraq that would have been taken if we had sat back and done nothing.

Oh, and I'm not trying to attack you directly Ace25, just stating what I think about this in general.


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« Reply #10 on: May 20, 2003, 02:01:00 PM »

QUOTE (Lizard_King @ May 20 2003, 10:41 PM)
Oh, I get it.  Americans and British are manipulated, but the French are on the ball.  Yeah, that makes perfect sense.  Why don't you just broaden it appropriately, and say "everyone who agrees with me is brilliant and clearsighted, those who don't are delusional if not evil"?  At least be honest about your worldview,and the fact that you have no intention of debating honestly, but would rather rely on vague conspiratorial accusations.

I rather stay vague because I don t really think this thread is the appropriate one.
All I see is that Americans got interests making war in Irak, this is reality and not conspiratorial accusations or even MY worldview. Ace25 explained it very well.


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« Reply #11 on: May 20, 2003, 02:23:00 PM »

Fuck yes I signed it, and my comment was "Bush is a coke-snorting fool who has done for peace what Hitler did for genetic diversity."


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« Reply #12 on: May 20, 2003, 03:04:00 PM »

I agree somewhat that the war was partially about oil.
You know what, so fuckin' be it.... I am tired of paying
$1.55 for a gallon of gas. Gas is down to around $1.20
now. I say kick more ass, and let me get my gas for
.25 cents per gallon.... That would ROCK!
Fuck any country that didn't back us, and I pray
that when they need us (and they WILL need us)
that whoever the president at that time remembers
them turning their backs on us...and I hope he tells them to fuck off.

My country can kick your country's ass!




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« Reply #13 on: May 20, 2003, 03:57:00 PM »

To answer what I personally think should have been done instead of war to Iraq, seeing they were just kicking out inspectors left and right, is to do exactly what the world has always done in the past.. espionage.. you know, good ole spying.. ya, I know where were.. but come on, take it up a notch and actually get your hands on that smoking gun before just accusing someone.. by our own standards and laws in the US, its supposed to be innocent until proven guilty. We know thats not always the case, but that is part of what the US is supposed to be about. Saying that, should we not, the US/UK, have had definitave proof of actual WMD before blowing the crap out of them? Its like hanging a guy for murder just because he wouldn't cooperate. You show me ONE country that would like have have inspectors from other countries looking at every weapon and medical program. The US would never stand for an inspection team from N. Korea and China to have full access to every weapons program the US has... why should we expect other countries to do what we wouldnt do ourselves.. heck, we the American people can't get a strait answer out of our own Gov't, why would they be any more forthcoming to outsiders wanting a peek in?

One thing I don't want to hear about is the atrocities commited by Hussein on his own people to be any arguement what so ever for the reason for war.. WE, the US, caused a majority of those atrocities by Daddy Bush invading and causing an internal uprising when we left and did nothing. If we truely wanted to help for humanitarian reasons, we would have finished the job in '91. Instead we sat back for over a decade and just watched and heard about these massacres happening, and did nothing. Same with North Korea at this point.. their ruler is killing around 1/2 a million of his own people each year, killing off entire families, including relatives like aunts, uncles, cousins, just because one person might have said the slightest thing offensive about Kim Jong II.

ok, anyway.. this is getting a lot more deep than I intended.. I just don't feel Bush or Blair has done anything to deserve even a nomination for "Nobel Peace Prize" .. that's all. smile.gif  beerchug.gif


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« Reply #14 on: May 20, 2003, 05:38:00 PM »

Ok guys I admit I did not read every post in this thread but its the same old shit as usual.

Heres the deal.....innocent people die in wars, conflicts and operations. Its called casualties of war. Yes its a sad thing that innocent women, men and children died in bombing or firefights in iraq and afghanistan but guess what until we have computer controlled weapons that can make bombs hit only the bad guys by just knowing their personal history or stop civilians from being fuckin stupid and running roadblocks after theres been suicide attacks....well until then PEOPLE WILL DIE. In every war going way back since there were organized armies innocent people get hurt or killed. Believe it or not We went over there to protect our way of life. You can say oh its all about the oil or its all about us being in charge of the world or whatever the fuck you want to whine about on that street corner with a protest sign or in some can do that because thats your right and the united states military is here to protect those rights. If we didnt retaliate in afghanistan then there would be a whole lot more terrorists around plotting more then if not. If we didnt go into iraq then he would eventually build his forces up again AND his weapons and even though we would still kick ass....more people would die including his own people from his own actions. Im so fuckin sick of people whining and bitching about bush and blair and whoever else. Im so sick of people who have never stepped out of this country or even their own city/town and seen how life is in third world and terrorism supported states or maybe they have and only see what they want to see  or allowed to see(sean penn),say how bad our government is. And yes I have been many places over past 5 years. Some of these people have legitimate arguements because they know but i guarantee the majority of these people dont know shit but what they hear through the news or learn in a frigin classroom. It really annoys me that people cant see the greater cause here and this is gonna sound like im all ate up and shit but We dont and wont know everything that goes on in politics and behind the scenes. In the end, actions our government takes even as stupid or inhumane it may still falls into protecting our country and the freedom we take advantage of and keeping us in power so no one can harm that way of life and stability. Sometimes that involves setting up a strategic base in the middle east just in case or sending in troops to protect an ally who cant fend for himself against a greater enemy because he is a trade partner. Yes we tend to be the worlds policemen and it doesnt always make us popular or seem neccessary. Honestly would you all rather live in a country whos a  stable superpower and feel the freedom everyday or live in a small third world country that limits your freedom and still does public executions etc. Guys there will never be peace and there will always  be shit ends to a deal. Bad things happen. I dont always agree with every action our government takes but these people think out every possible solution, angle and result. They arent just sitting around going "hey fuck iraq..lets bomb their asses george"They try for most simple solution and it goes from there. In the meantime Im happy with what we got going here. I know you all dont feel as Im referring to and besides you have the right to disagree and thats fine but god some of these people basically just need to shut the fuck up and go home....whats done is done. I apologize if you find my post offensive or just stupid but this shit is getting old everywhere...I dont even mean neccessarily on this thread so relax guys. I know some people are gonna talk so much trash to me... lol

This is what comes down to it for me....I am a member of the United States military and Im a citizen just like everyone else....I support my actions, my opinion, my president, my be it.
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