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Author Topic: Sign This Petition If You Agree..  (Read 559 times)


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« Reply #45 on: May 24, 2003, 10:16:00 PM »

                               (I'm making the rest small cause it doen't have much to do with the Nobel prize as more about scotty)
also (just for the record) "eveyone has a biased opinion" means even you scotty .
your bias is that no matter what, your presidant is always right (cause your a serviceman) : when he says "jump" you say "how high sir?" . No diss, I guess it's part of your job.
If you were the Iraqi information minister then your bias is: no matter what happens Saddam's army is winning.

Next the thing about idiots and traitors is basicly "don't judge a book by it's cover".So just because some US clerks got captured it doesn't mean that the entire US army will get captured , does it ?  Just becauce Chiraque has made a stupid decision (yes he did) to stay out of Iraq then it doesn't make all frenchmen like myself retarded.
(By the way the scotish and figi army wear cermonial skirts not the french.)

Fianly the reason I got upset is cause your whole remark about the UN is so arogant "the world can't live without the US" when in fact Gulf War 2 was not suported by the UN at all .

b legit

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« Reply #46 on: May 25, 2003, 01:08:00 AM »

the worlds to fucked up. everybody should jus go on a shooting rampage


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« Reply #47 on: May 25, 2003, 07:00:00 AM »

your from the northen hemisphear right Legit ? ok good, stay there ...
quitE being your self Legit ...

ha ha ha!


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« Reply #48 on: May 25, 2003, 01:33:00 PM »

QUOTE (survivorejam @ May 25 2003, 07:16 AM)
a joke ? then why didn't you post it in the COMEDY forum wiseguy ?  blink.gif
                               (I'm making the rest small cause it doen't have much to do with the Nobel prize as more about scotty)
also (just for the record) "eveyone has a biased opinion" means even you scotty .
your bias is that no matter what, your presidant is always right (cause your a serviceman) : when he says "jump" you say "how high sir?" . No diss, I guess it's part of your job.
If you were the Iraqi information minister then your bias is: no matter what happens Saddam's army is winning.

Next the thing about idiots and traitors is basicly "don't judge a book by it's cover".So just because some US clerks got captured it doesn't mean that the entire US army will get captured , does it ?  Just becauce Chiraque has made a stupid decision (yes he did) to stay out of Iraq then it doesn't make all frenchmen like myself retarded.
(By the way the scotish and figi army wear cermonial skirts not the french.)

Fianly the reason I got upset is cause your whole remark about the UN is so arogant "the world can't live without the US" when in fact Gulf War 2 was not suported by the UN at all .

Survivorejam, you couldnt be more wrong. JUst because im a serviceman has nothing to do with shit. I do NOT agree with everything my president says and I'll tell you what even though Id take some heat for it..I wouldnt do something if I didnt agree with it. Im not some brainwashed kill-people-and-blow-shit-up with no remorse programmed troop. That bullshit.

I have no idea why you even brough that joker iraqi minister of info into this. Hes is funny though.

Your whole dong judge book by its cover explaination still has me lost. Im not seeing the connection youre trying to make with what i said. Also arent you from australia or something and only have french in your heritage? So basically youre not really  "my countrymen" french anyway right? Correct me if im wrong of course. Never the less thanks for the history lesson you included on the end there. I still think you dont understand what i was making fun of though...i didnt mean..oh forget it lol

Last but not least yes I know this recent conflict was not supported by the UN. Which kinda goes with my point....Who would have stepped up? Yes the US is very important to the power behind the UN. You dont have to like it but its true.


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« Reply #49 on: May 25, 2003, 03:29:00 PM »

My grandfather (born is Algeria but NOT arab) was an oficer in the foreign legion (officers are from the regular army). During Veitnam france was also fighting in Algeria. So all my famiy were fighting the arabs. When Charles Degaul (the then President of France) betrayed all the french in Algeria by giving up on Algeria : then the foreign legion revolted and refused to leave . My family were forced out and burned all their busineses
when they left (so the arabs wouldn't get them). But since the french from France are so arogant : most of my family scatered acros the world ...

SO you see scotty even though the President of France is an idiot at this time (for not suporting Bush and Blaire) That does not make the entire french army "fagots in skirts" . ph34r.gif

besides I find all this thread prety funny (you can say outrages things here)


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« Reply #50 on: May 25, 2003, 03:37:00 PM »

Ok I dont think all the french are fagots in skirts lol Trust me I respect any man or woman from any country who puts on a uniform. Not everyone can or wants to do it. I was only jumping on the whole "make fun of the french" bandwagon. Obviously your relatives put alot of blood and sweat into their service. But hey like you said France is just bitchy right now and they need to take the buttplug out of their ass.....and NOT only because they dont agree with the USA thank you very much.

Ok so we friends now? Let have some french crepes and french vanilla coffee and makeup...just no french kissing dude lol

Large Dopant white

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« Reply #51 on: May 25, 2003, 04:49:00 PM »

Giving someone who initiated a war that ended in mass disorder a prize to represent their peaceful actions is completely 'against the grain' of what peace is.
They don't deserve it. The US and the western European countires involved have this little peice of propaganda drilled into their heads at a very, very young age: the US is the only country doing it right, and it shall always be this way. Yes, our country is the most successful in a capitalistic sense. However, it's also suffering from hubris and severe moral rot (it's now acceptable to have ANY casulaties of war? How many die before it's considered a unneccessary mistake?).
Now we're going to go in there and 'save' them from their own native religion. Well, gee golly, guys, did it ever occur to you that Christianity isn't the ONLY right religion? That, perhaps, other religions have good people also? If they WANTED our religion, our belief system, or our social mores, they'd come over here and partake in it. In my eyes, it's a crime to go over there and claim that they cannot know 'truth' or 'freedom' until they have our 'truth' and our 'freedom'.
Yes, Lizard King, come around and belittle me for not holding the same flag-waving beliefs as you. Call me a moron. Even more, prove my point about US citizens feeding their own blinding pride.


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« Reply #52 on: May 26, 2003, 06:44:00 AM »

cool !

Je suis hereux que tu es un vrait homme d'honneur qui sait demander pardon quand il a commit une ereure. De toute facon je voulait seulement avoire une baggare de mot avec toi car le sujet du prix Nobel est mort il-y-a longtemps deja ... ha ha ha !


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« Reply #53 on: May 27, 2003, 09:39:00 AM »

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