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Author Topic: Do You Think Games Like Gta Should Be Banned From Retail?  (Read 4906 times)

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Do You Think Games Like Gta Should Be Banned From Retail?
« Reply #45 on: December 08, 2005, 07:26:00 PM »

I've always said that Americans need to stop saying "What can my government do for me and how can I exploit it?" and start saying "What can I do to make my country better for everyone?" Until selfishness and ignorance are overcome, nothing will change. So many people complain about hw bad things are, but what are they doing to improve the situation? Look at how people act on the highways, in shopping malls, in the streets and ect. When we will we take accountability for our own actions?


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Do You Think Games Like Gta Should Be Banned From Retail?
« Reply #46 on: December 09, 2005, 06:15:00 AM »

First of all im sick of hearing parents whining about how violent a game is, and about the sex related material in games. Wow, so what this is 2005 about to be 2006 the world revolves around Sex,Drugs and Violence. Do you honently think the world will stop all because of a game? NO! So stop buggin the game developers telling then what they can and cannot put in games. Game developers make certain games cause they know they will sell. So why ban something when your the dumb ass that bought it for your kid. If you see something that says "Mature 17+" 80% percent of the parents will buy the game this complain later and when you ask the parent why did you buy the game what's their favorite response? "Well my child wanted it" I want to be filthy rich but do you see anybody giving me a million dollars a day? I'am also tired of hearing people trying to ban certain games, its not going to pass people so give up! Just like they tried to ban Mortal Kombat it didn't pass,BMX XXX I don't know why they got rid of that gay ass game it was stupid from the start, now they are aiming to get rid ot GTA:SA all because of the hot coffee mod, how are you going to try to ban a game that because of a user created mod? Game Developers have no control over users so why ban it? Oh I forgot because I'm a relentless computer generated model that goes around killing people, stealing cars, and gangbanging. For instance 25 to Life game hasn't came out already and parent's are bitchin for crying out loud get a life its just a game this isn't a new drug that hittin the streets!

Let me tell why games are made. Games are made to keep idiots from doing something stupid that could get themselves locked up,killed and who knows what else can happen. You can basically say games are a virtual version of Human life. So would you want to kill somebody in real life and spend 10-20 year in a cell or will you rather kill somebody in a game and spend 2.5 seconds in jail and right back on the street or should I put it into a scenario? "Mommy, im so mad, today jim pushed me down the slide and I hurt my elbow, tomorrow when I go to school I'am going to shoot him just like I seen on Grand theft auto" or how about this "Mommy, im so mad, today jim pushed me down the slide and I hurt my elbow, so im going to go play Grand theft auto and take my anger out there" Pick your poison.

The thing is, you people need to get your lives together and worry about bigger things like the war in iraq and the Katrina victims. Your more worried about how games are violent and show a lil nipple, you parents must forget your the one who brought this upon yourself you brung us into this world and we made it to suit ourselves. If you don't like how games are being developed who really cares cause honestly if the games makers cared they wouldn't be making it so give up on banning shyt. If you think the violence,sex and drugs are bad right now....just wait another 5-10 year it will be worse!

So, I disagree on banning games their is no point!


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Do You Think Games Like Gta Should Be Banned From Retail?
« Reply #47 on: December 09, 2005, 06:30:00 AM »

i think games rated m should not be banned. The parents are too busy to notice what their kids are playing, and then when they find out, "OH MY GOD!" No. Parents, look at the game 1st. Now, There is also a difference between Halo2 and GTA, and many cn tell just by looking at the graphics. If you see an Elite walking down the street in a cop's uniform, let me know. GTA is realistic, and that's why it sells. Rock* Makes money off that. IF you parents are too retarded to look at a game, don't blame them. There's a big white "M" on the game for a reason. Halo, on the other hand... I don't see why a mature teeager cannot play games such as Halo. If a 15-year-old picks up a copy of Halo, he'll enjoy it. I have actually seen a mother and a 9-year-old child walk out of a GameStop with a copy of GTA:SA and Vice City. This i blame (but only slightly) on the retailers and employees. Age limitations are going a little far, but if it needs to be done...


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Do You Think Games Like Gta Should Be Banned From Retail?
« Reply #48 on: December 09, 2005, 09:22:00 AM »

I'm not gonna debate this here.  There are more intelligent forums for discussion over social issues.


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Do You Think Games Like Gta Should Be Banned From Retail?
« Reply #49 on: December 09, 2005, 10:35:00 AM »

I've got nothing against the GTA games, as long as Chavs dont take them seriously and start acting like CJ.
The only problem is they spawn terrible clone games, like true crime, and that new game starring that pillock 50 cent.


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Do You Think Games Like Gta Should Be Banned From Retail?
« Reply #50 on: December 09, 2005, 11:04:00 AM »

no one has someone holding a gun to their head about buying this game freedom of choice, plus its games like this that make us Americans being able to go commit massive genocide in a is alot better than going and doing it at your local mall.  Being able to play a game like gta gives someone somewhat amount of responsibility on being able to tell between reality and non reality.  Plus they have the game ratings for reasons like this, parents are able to prevent their children from playing certain types of games so dont hate the player or the game, hate the people who try to ban amazingly fun games like this...


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Do You Think Games Like Gta Should Be Banned From Retail?
« Reply #51 on: December 09, 2005, 04:04:00 PM »

M 17+ means contains thing suitable for ages 17 plus. That pretty much tells that you shouldn't play this game unless you are over 17. How much more descriptive do you need to be? But on the other hand it's still going to be hard to keep younger katz from playing these type of games you must remember...they have siblings and friends that can buy the game for them.


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Do You Think Games Like Gta Should Be Banned From Retail?
« Reply #52 on: December 09, 2005, 04:19:00 PM »

Exactly.  What's to stop them from pirating the game or just buying/borrowing it from an 18+ friend.  This whole issue is being blown out of proportion.  Hell, I was playing GTA at 12/13 and I am better behaved than most of the other idiots out there.  If you are mature enough to handle the product, then you should have the right to enjoy it.  Making it illegal for minors to buy would cut down on alot of inappropriate sales, but there is a deeper problem.


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Do You Think Games Like Gta Should Be Banned From Retail?
« Reply #53 on: December 09, 2005, 04:28:00 PM »

We had an incident over here in Britain where some 13 yr old kid had been playing the game Manhunt with his m8 and supposedly 1 of them got the idea to kill the other from the game. As a consequence the game was banned in loads of stores.
 Now dont we have to ask ourselves where he got this game - most probably from his parents for his birthday - as so many kids got GTA. So who is to blame here. Sorry if i've been ignorant with facts but this is the outline.


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Do You Think Games Like Gta Should Be Banned From Retail?
« Reply #54 on: December 09, 2005, 04:54:00 PM »

QUOTE(StepsAscend @ Dec 9 2005, 05:29 PM) View Post

I'm not gonna debate this here.  There are more intelligent forums for discussion over social issues.

Wow, We that was totally uneeded. Just becuase 1500 people disagree with you doesnt mean the forum is neccesarily stupid. Refrain to my first post on peoples opionions.

Moving on
I really love debating about this to tell the truth. Also I have loved reading all your guys posts on this subject. This really isnt all about gta though games like F.E.A.R and others are under fire from people aswell. Also What i meant was theres no real way to change parents i ment the goverment isnt going todo anything. Aside from meaning that they will most likely not change anyways


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Do You Think Games Like Gta Should Be Banned From Retail?
« Reply #55 on: December 09, 2005, 05:21:00 PM »

I'd like to know why they would take down and industry that obviously boosts the whole country's economy...


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Do You Think Games Like Gta Should Be Banned From Retail?
« Reply #56 on: December 09, 2005, 06:53:00 PM »

Absolutely not. Stores and RESPONSIBLE parents should stick by, and enforce the ESRB ratings. You should be free to purchase what you want to, provided that you meet the criteria to make the purchase, IE Purchasing Guns or ammo requires a FAC, or tobacco and alcohol purchases require that you are of the age of majority. Games rated "M" (Mature) are 18+. Parents should be taking a more proactive role in determining appropriateness of the games and movies/shows their children watch.

I'm sick of playing Halo 2 with 9 year old kids who are better than me.  jester.gif

Violent K

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Do You Think Games Like Gta Should Be Banned From Retail?
« Reply #57 on: December 09, 2005, 09:02:00 PM »

Its to the parents, these kind of games should not be banned.


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Do You Think Games Like Gta Should Be Banned From Retail?
« Reply #58 on: December 10, 2005, 04:21:00 AM »

Here's my take....
I agree parents should have a more proactive role.. BUT, Are games as graphic as GTA really needed??
I am personally not a fan of them, I find them to be very boring...
But they ARE marjeted to Kids, no one here can deny that.. you look at the ads in print, and on TV and they are CLEARLY trying to get kids to buy it...A few changes and The game could be kid friendly too.. lose the language (Not needed, wouldn't lessen the precieved "Fun")... Lose the needless violence, you wanna hijack a car or rob someone, fine, but beating the crap out of them with a baseball bat?? WAAAAAY over the top and not needed...


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Do You Think Games Like Gta Should Be Banned From Retail?
« Reply #59 on: December 10, 2005, 08:52:00 AM »

QUOTE(IlcoopIl @ Dec 7 2005, 10:38 PM) View Post

I like the game but some of the shit just goes to far.  Being able to kill cops?  Try this for just as a test.  Play need for speed underground 1 or 2, or any other similar real life racing game.  Play for a couple hours if you can.  Now go get behind the wheel of a car and drive on the highway.  Tell me if you notice any difference in your behavior.  Chances are your driving was effected by the game and you did drive more dangerously than you usually would.  Anyway thi s is just my example but think what this game does to people that play it consistently.  The game really does have an affect on people's behavior.  I don't think the game should be banned and I totally agree with enforcing the age limit.  Some companies just take things too far.

that only happens when I play those games on acid.......never play racing games tripping, and then  but seriously, I've never had a desire to kill a cop, no matter how many hundreds of cops I've wasted in video games....videos games influence us no more than every other visual media

QUOTE(IlcoopIl @ Dec 7 2005, 10:38 PM) View Post

I like the game but some of the shit just goes to far.  Being able to kill cops?  Try this for just as a test.  Play need for speed underground 1 or 2, or any other similar real life racing game.  Play for a couple hours if you can.  Now go get behind the wheel of a car and drive on the highway.  Tell me if you notice any difference in your behavior.  Chances are your driving was effected by the game and you did drive more dangerously than you usually would.  Anyway thi s is just my example but think what this game does to people that play it consistently.  The game really does have an affect on people's behavior.  I don't think the game should be banned and I totally agree with enforcing the age limit.  Some companies just take things too far.

that only happens when I play those games on acid.......never play racing games tripping, and then  but seriously, I've never had a desire to kill a cop, no matter how many hundreds of cops I've wasted in video games....videos games influence us no more than every other visual media
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