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Author Topic: Xbox Web Browser?  (Read 301 times)


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Xbox Web Browser?
« Reply #30 on: December 01, 2003, 07:28:00 PM »

i can't imagine why someone wouldn't just get their lazy ass up and go to the PC to use the web or check email...unless it was their little sister's turn to use the computer or something like that smile.gif

even if you assembled a team of the greatest minds on earth and gave them years to develop a native xbox browser, it would have to be crap...the native xbox environment just isn't suited for it.  it would be so simplistic in feature-set or unwieldy to use.  arguments against this will fall on deaf ears with me.

if you want to use your xbox like a PC, install linux.  i don't really understand the compulsion to run linux on the xbox either tho...unless there were some emulator that ran better/had higher compatibility on xbox-linux (but seems doubtful to me) OR if you wanted a cheap, linux firewall/router (but since there's only 1 ethernet port, doubt that would be a big performer)

to mod or maintain a modded xbox, you really need a PC anyway.  so if you want to run linux, install it on the PC.  if you don't want to give up Windows, dual-boot or get a swappable drive rack for $20 bucks and an old hard-drive from ebay to install to.

i would like to hear some other reasons for running linux on xbox though...


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Xbox Web Browser?
« Reply #31 on: December 02, 2003, 08:44:00 AM »

It's mostly a novelty, but I've foud a use. I'll be leaving the country for a while, and am not taking my computer along. It'll make it easier to check the Xbox-Scene from time to time, or even download new emulators to it.
You can also use it to turn it into a PVR with Freevo. It makes sense, as I put a much bigger HD in the Xbox than my home computer.


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Xbox Web Browser?
« Reply #32 on: December 02, 2003, 01:18:00 PM »

when i had my 56k and was using my dreamcast (which i still use)
i was loving the dreamcast browser.

so ill quote a comment made by a sega programmer that i remember from an old DC article,.
this was right before the DC browser came out.

"If i wanted to make a browser, i could, and easily in a weekend. it would be lacking many features but it would be fully functional"

and that was a DC,, now you talk about a console not meant to run programs like windows i think there is your console.

i would like to see a push for a browser, i for one would be loving an xbox browser,, looking up cheats, and codes, and game reviews,,  forums, and such.

its just a coooool idea.

btw, Since MS own WebTV (which i also owned and LOVED, webtv was cool when you couldnt afford a PC, i learned alot of html from that thing)  it would be cool to actually push MS to code a browser or something like webtv for the xbox.  but FREE.

but again that falls into M$ not wanting to make the xbox into a pc, which is just assinine.  they think a mouse and keyboard will make it too much of a pc clone,,  they really need help over there.
a mouse and keyboard would make their FPS game sales go thru the roof.


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Xbox Web Browser?
« Reply #33 on: December 02, 2003, 05:30:00 PM »

It's mostly a novelty, but I've foud a use. I'll be leaving the country for a while, and am not taking my computer along. It'll make it easier to check the Xbox-Scene from time to time, or even download new emulators to it.
You can also use it to turn it into a PVR with Freevo. It makes sense, as I put a much bigger HD in the Xbox than my home computer.

that is most interesting.  the one thing i have not done, but would very much like to do.  i had given up hope for doing such a thing.  how in the world do you get video INPUT into the xbox?  is there some USB video capture device or something?

The unProfessional

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Xbox Web Browser?
« Reply #34 on: December 03, 2003, 10:01:00 AM »

No doubt your boy is a good programmer, but three days to write a browser from scratch is ridiculous.  My guess is he used existing activex controls, such as SHDocVw.

You know; many developers are writing software for the xbox, but some people are just never pleased.  Who'd have thought we'd eventually have a game console that could be easily modified to do nearly everything a PC does... and I emphasize "nearly".  Be happy, and stop asking for the same things over and over again.  At least three threads addressed the browser issue for weeks in the past.  SEARCH AND READ!

I'm sick of:

"I'm not a programmer, but a browser should be pretty simple... we could just port it from the PC or something."

Right... you're not a programmer, so you're speculating.  Take our word for what it's worth now and then.


"I know a guy who can write a complete browser in (insert obnoxiously short time frame here)... I'll see if he can crank it out for us."

Hmm... funny how we never hear about this again.  Shoot, with your friend in the house, we can just forward all requests to him and he'll be done in a month.

In reference to the DC browser, I believe the DC used a Windows CE (or derived) OS.  WinCE has a GDI, and developing for it is much like developing standard windows apps.  Mind you, even in windows, development of a browser from scratch is months to years of work.  How else would entire companies exist solely on their browsers?  Do you really think it's 3 days of work?  That Sega dev was just being cocky.  Don't believe everything you read (even this) without doing your homework.

Don't respond by saying I'm being a jerk about this.  It's great to see people request useful tools.  But if it's something that's been addressed so much in the past, you'll annoy people.

This post has been edited by The unProfessional: Dec 3 2003, 06:13 PM


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Xbox Web Browser?
« Reply #35 on: December 03, 2003, 09:53:00 AM »

Okay, I am just sick of hearing "Just install linux".  Why did someone write XBMP?  Why did someone write BoXplorer?  Why did someone write DVD X2?  They could have just installed linux and saved them selves the touble.  Give me a fucking break, I installed linux, it takes like 5 minutes to boot and its slow as hell and half the stuff in it is broken.  Not to mention that its taking up over a gig on my HDD.  And for what?  To be just a web browser?  And simply put, most people don't like it.  What is the problem with a little program that loads up in a couple of seconds and displays a single web browser window?  Why must linux be the final, end all, be all answer?  The mentality of linux is why settle for what you have when you can make something better?  Why install linux on a PC?  Just install Windows!  Can't someone do a simple port of Mozilla or Opera to the xbox?  Use the MS XDK for all I care, I have no problems with morality like the linux community seems to have.  Hell, if someone can port dozens of console emulators to the xbox so we can play PSone games or SNES games, surely it can't be too tough.  The MS XDK includes net access examples.  Are you telling me it would take years of development to send a "GET" request to a server?  It doesn't need to be more complicated then lynx to start with, IMHO.  Sorry to rant, but this thread was the end of my patience with the high and mighty linux community.


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Xbox Web Browser?
« Reply #36 on: December 03, 2003, 11:03:00 AM »

I'm going to have to agree with all of the people requesting the web browser.  First off, I don't think people would mind a limited feature web browser.  I know the networking code works (like FTP and BoXlink) and I know you guys know how to put items on the screen (menu text, et al).  I've even written a Java web browser for school and I know hardly jack about programming.
So my question now is this:  Why is it next to impossible to write a small, limited feature web browser on the xbox?  I'm sure as long as they can visit sites like or our lovely they will be satisfied.  I know for myself I'd like to have it when my gf's on the pc.  Thanks for hearing me out, and three cheers to everything you developers have done for us so far!  

Potato Bob

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Xbox Web Browser?
« Reply #37 on: December 03, 2003, 11:45:00 AM »


Do u even know what it takes to run a web browser?

Have u ever used a program tat didnt need drivers or somthing similar?

Well most of what we need is in linux  biggrin.gif

and besides running linux just for a web broswer is pretty fast
considering i use gentoox xfce.
and it doesnt even com minutes near 5mins to boot  rolleyes.gif

besidesyou could just stip the os down if u just wanted a web browser from linux


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Xbox Web Browser?
« Reply #38 on: December 04, 2003, 06:25:00 AM »

just a short bit of info for the anti linux crew and the pro linux crew.

what os has thru history and currently, more bugs and security issues than windows ??
say all you want,,  but its the truth,.

and as for linuXbox  well  blah not gunna happen for me at least and MANY MANY others.

if not using the os and using the web browser was a choice,,  which im not aware of it being. .. ??  i mean how do you skip an OS just to use a web browser.

why not rip linux and keep mozilla  and the kernel ??

is this possible ??

remove all the shit that is in linuXbox, and just keep mozilla and the kernels required for it ?  install it and tadaaa  you have your browser.


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Xbox Web Browser?
« Reply #39 on: December 04, 2003, 06:30:00 AM »

the only browser that dont use exsisting kernels of windows is netscape.

yes he used SOME of the IE drivers and kernels but he still used most of his own programming.

theres no doubt about it guys its gunna take someone with some linux or xbox knowledge to do it. and i am pretty confident that there is enough of a demand for it.
now all we need is someone with the time and skills to make it.

there are pro's and cons,, people for and against it.
but fighting about it isnt doing anything.
if you dont like the idea thats cool if you do thats cool.
but to tell people its stupid or they are stupid or whatever isnt really good.

ALOT of people either dont like linux or dont understand alot of it, so installing it is not an option.

and a basic web browser HONESTLY isnt going to be that hard to make.  just a basic window/skin with the programming for java and other things.  it dont need to be the king of browsers.  the dreamcast one wasnt but it did the job and did it well.

i hope to see this browser happen, i really do.


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Xbox Web Browser?
« Reply #40 on: December 04, 2003, 09:38:00 AM »

QUOTE (The unProfessional @ Dec 3 2003, 06:50 PM)
*Good, and as ever repeated points, for idiots who can't search.*

The words "Here, here!" come to mind.

Will people please look at that Search button. Seriously, look real close and then use it before starting exactly the same topic as has been covered dozens of times before.
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