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Author Topic: Organized Religion  (Read 1272 times)


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« Reply #30 on: October 24, 2005, 01:23:00 PM »

QUOTE(puckSR @ Oct 24 2005, 07:26 AM)
OOh, i understand the concept that God doesnt come down and say "Hi" so that we have the freedom to choose.  The problem is that if you read the bible, he was frequently performing massive miracles(parting of the red sea, manna, destruction of sodom and gomorrah...etc)  this is very different than today, where he has apparently taken a laissez faire attitude towards humanity.  Why the change?  Why not the occasional supermiracle?

The only difference lies in how we interpret highly improbable events.  Most of the "miracles" in the bible can be explained as rare natural events with impecable timing.  Back then, when something very rare occured that went in there favour they would thank g-d for it.  Now days, we simply say, "Wow, what a random natural event that happened to go in our favour" and really dont seek anything spiritual out of it.

Wow, so if two straight people are having sex, and one has AIDS, it is hard to transmit? Didnt know that

Not that i am rushing out and testing these studies personally, but aids in america is pretty hard to transmit.  Aids is especialy hard to transmit from the person being penatrated to the penetrator as long as no other std's are in the picture.  There are multiple studies that demonstrate this.
Heres one article summerizing a study
I found this particularly suprising:
Each time an uninfected man engages in unprotected receptive anal intercourse with an HIV-positive partner, for example, chances are 1 in 120 that he will become infected with the AIDS virus.

summerizing article
penatrator to penatraty: 1:120
penatraty to penatrator: 1:1666
penatrator to penatraty(vaginal): 1:1000-2000 (depending on study)


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« Reply #31 on: October 24, 2005, 02:21:00 PM »

Edit: deleted because its not worth wasting my time


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« Reply #32 on: October 25, 2005, 11:42:00 AM »

QUOTE(puckSR @ Oct 24 2005, 04:46 PM)
awww, thats sweet,


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« Reply #33 on: October 25, 2005, 07:53:00 PM »



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« Reply #34 on: October 25, 2005, 07:53:00 PM »

wow deftone, isnt one of the primary tenets of Christian faith that you care about your fellow man.

Hipocrasy, all religon is full of it and is pretty much the only reason I dont accept any religon.

Freedom of Choice.

God I wish I had you for my Uncle, he keeps telling me I'm going to hell if I dont accept Jesus Christ as my lord and savior... Doesnt sugarcoat it or anything, just flat out "your going to hell"

The only difference lies in how we interpret highly improbable events

The huge tidal wave in Indonesia (and surrounding courntires): huge flood sent to purge the land of non-followers, or just a freak wave? Depending on the time frame, it could be either one to you.

Organized religon is good, as long as its followers accept that there are others that dont follow what they do. We have wars in the name of religon, I'm sorry, thats just stupid...

You know, its not god I have a problem with, its his fan clubs I cant stand...


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« Reply #35 on: October 25, 2005, 09:19:00 PM »

The only difference lies in how we interpret highly improbable events. Most of the "miracles" in the bible can be explained as rare natural events with impecable timing. Back then, when something very rare occured that went in there favour they would thank g-d for it. Now days, we simply say, "Wow, what a random natural event that happened to go in our favour" and really dont seek anything spiritual out of it.

Actually, that is not what we do.  Nowadays, we explore possible understandings of the unknown.  We know that God didnt cause the tsunami, that an earthquake caused the tsunami.  We also know that the earthquake was caused by pressures in the tectonic plates beneath the earth.  The occasional earthquake occurs because of this pressure.  This also explains why earth quakes occur only in areas where tectonic plates meet.  

Back before the naturalistic method, and before stronger communications, one might think that certain areas were cursed, or hated by God(i.e. Sodom).  Now we know that isnt true, so we can abandon the attached mythology.


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« Reply #36 on: October 25, 2005, 09:51:00 PM »

QUOTE(puckSR @ Oct 25 2005, 09:30 PM)
wait, deftone, so the one "typical" christian belief you dont accept is compassion for your fellow man?  Excuse my "arrogance"; but didnt the "founder" of your religion(JESUS) teach that the most important thing was compassion for your fellow man? 


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« Reply #37 on: October 25, 2005, 10:31:00 PM »


You are quite the romantic aren't you?


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« Reply #38 on: October 26, 2005, 01:02:00 AM »

I just get sick and tired of this crap

Oh, you dont believe what i believe
You must be a liberal, smartass, atheist, sinner, materialist........

Maybe, just maybe, i dont agree with you bluedeath?

Maybe im just as religious as you, maybe i am even a better christian(hypothetically) than you?  It doesnt matter.  

You insult me(unchristian).  
You judge me(unchristian)
You doubt the works of God(unchristian)
You believe the works of man over the works of God(blasphemy)
You worship the bible(idolatrous)
You listen to a false prophet, Dwight L. Moody(unchristian)
You are a hypocrite(unchristian)
You try and teach by words, and not by example(unchristian)

Finally, why is it that the atheists seem to be better at helping out their fellow man than Christians?  They dont get bogged down in the message, they just help.

I dont know if all of this describes any one person on this forum, but in general, Christians suffer from all of the above issues.


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« Reply #39 on: October 26, 2005, 07:44:00 AM »

QUOTE(puckSR @ Oct 26 2005, 09:13 AM)
I just get sick and tired of this crap


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« Reply #40 on: October 26, 2005, 10:44:00 AM »

QUOTE(puckSR @ Oct 26 2005, 12:38 AM)
I am smart enough to study God's true works, and not the works of man.

rotfl.gif You contradict yourself so much it isnt funny. You do know that science are the works of another man. You also always use science to prove something of god wrong. I don't know what is going through your head, but that is studying the works of man.

Science -  The observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena.

Now I will break it down. To say something has been observed, a man must observe it. To identify something, a man must identify it. To have a description of something, a man has to descibe it. For experimental investigation, a man must perform an experiment and investigate it. Last but not least, man is the only one who can create a theory. This would mean man gave his theoretical explanation of a phenomena.

You insult me(unchristian).

As if no person has ever been insulted by you. Eye for an Eye, you should expect the same treatment that you dish out. wink.gif
You judge me(unchristian)

A Judge, judges people everyday, does that make them unchristian? rolleyes.gif Jesus died for our sins. To judge someone is a sin. Even if someone sins, that doesnt make them unchristian. Every person on the earth commits sin, even christians.
You doubt the works of God(unchristian)

Would that not be you?
You believe the works of man over the works of God(blasphemy)

A stupid opinionated point if I have ever seen one. To you, the main points of the Bible are not the works of God, but that does not hold true for everyone.
You worship the bible(idolatrous)

You always assume things, jump to conclusions and worship yourself.
You listen to a false prophet, Dwight L. Moody(unchristian)

Who the hell is this guy? Aside from that, the same can be said about any religion/belief/faith but your own.
You are a hypocrite(unchristian)

Where does it say you are unchristian if you are a hypocrite? I hate to tell you the late breaking news, but you are a hypocrite also.
You try and teach by words, and not by example(unchristian)

I don't see anyone here trying to teach anything, but only people displaying their opinions. You seem to be the only one here who is "preaching"

Moving to your idiotic response about compashion for the fellow man. Having compashion for the fellow man does not mean subject yourself to their torture for their good fortune. If you don't believe what I say thats not my problem, and I will not force them upon you. I do have compashion for my fellow man, but I can't change their views. If I tried, you would be the opposite of your response and call me a fundamentalist that is trying to convert you. You are the hypocrite. Everything always has to fit your agenda. You are the one who always wants to label someone. Don't believe me, just let me know and I will quote every instance where you have done such in this thread alone.

I await your next highly contradictive response.


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« Reply #41 on: October 26, 2005, 11:48:00 AM »

QUOTE(puckSR @ Oct 26 2005, 01:29 PM)
I know that you fear that invalidating any part of the bible would invalidate your entire belief structure, but think of it this way.

Another assumption from you. Quit assuming things and jumping to conclusions. You also have no clue what my belief structure really is.


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« Reply #42 on: October 26, 2005, 10:45:00 PM »



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« Reply #43 on: October 26, 2005, 11:53:00 PM »

....jesus was an anarchist


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« Reply #44 on: October 27, 2005, 01:37:00 AM »

Well puck you certainly have a great deal of time on your hands to preach so much in here.  You should setup a tent by the river and gather your flock.  You really are dellusional.  You spend all kinds of time typing amongst the rabble.  Do you think you are some kind of savior to us?  I know shutin programmers who start to act all dellusional after they spend weeks on end coding never leaving the house.  They act exactly like you do.  If you really are so special then why cast your pearls before swine.  It's quite confusing to me.
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