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Author Topic: Fight At Vibe Awards  (Read 696 times)


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Fight At Vibe Awards
« Reply #45 on: November 23, 2004, 09:52:00 PM »

I have to say what happened was just plain hilarious. It shows how stupid things really are in the rap world.

If you ask me it was a publicity stunt.

"Yo Fifty, that's about all your albums are worth wanna beat some people at the awards so we can boost sales?"

Hercules Q Einstein

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Fight At Vibe Awards
« Reply #46 on: November 23, 2004, 10:01:00 PM »

QUOTE (makaveli91 @ Nov 24 2004, 05:46 AM)
OK, for those of you's who are lazy ass bitches that want proof that he actually shot a couple of cops heres a link to the story:  Cops shot

It explains why the charges were dropped, and why it started in the first place.  OK???  Now instead of sitting around saying thats bullshit blah blah blah..  read something.  Do some research.. It took me not even 2 minutes to find this.

Well that doesnt prove it completely because there is nothing official its just some dude who has a tupac fan page (no real offical documents).

Anyway though his story is ALOT more beliveable, i will put the parts you left out or changed in Bold. Its says two OFF DUTY (this is big because cops are treated much different when on duty, like you said they were) cops were HARASSING TUPAC (you said it was some random dude they were harrasing) and THREATNING HIM WITH A STOLEN GUN all while drunk.

See i said it was either BS or you left alot out and you did have the story completly wrong. This wasnt Tupac shooting some cop this was clear self defence.

QUOTE (makaveli91)
DID you know that he IS one of the only MC's to actually shoot and actually wound a couple of cops? Lots say it. Hardly any do it....Just the fact that he WAS keeping it real.

QUOTE (makaveli91)
And I don't idolize Tupac for the things that he did outside rap, like the shootings,

These two quotes seem to contradict each other a bit. The reason i brought this up is because you were glorifying 2pac for shooting 2 cops (even though he didnt know they were cops). You said 'Alot of rappers claim to shot cops but pac actully did it'. Why would it matter he shot cops unless you felt that gave him an edge on other rappers some how???

EDIT: And for the record i do like Tupacs music.


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« Reply #47 on: November 23, 2004, 11:38:00 PM »

QUOTE (mike96sc2 @ Nov 24 2004, 05:19 AM) "The Official Unofficial 2Pac Site"

Wow, way to quote some reliable sources there, I mean they're the official unoffical site. I like the way the article is basically a glorified nut licking to him too about what a "gangsta" he was.

All I got to say is do people really think "creditibility" is worth dying for?

I know all rap isn't about what I posted above but a lot is, and I would think of all people, those who came from nothing would be the first trying to change things around to help others get out of it instead of glorifying such idiocy.

its not "credibility," its pride and honor, and yes, sometimes it is worth dying for...


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« Reply #48 on: November 24, 2004, 06:18:00 AM »

I'm not glorifying anything. I am just saying that he actually did the things other rappers only make up or say that they do but really don't. And yeah, i might have gotten a few of the points mixed up, because it was like 8 years ago.. The point was made. And PAC didn't need an edge on other rappers. Do you think someone would shoot at some cops with the expectations of getting an edge?? Man, i can't even believe that you are not understanding what i mean. Maybe i don't talk thorough english? Maybe your from another country? Who knows. I'm done on this subject. For all you haters out there go f$ck yourselves. Don't bash a genius because you don't like his art form. And for those who don't think its art, that its a talentless genre, try to kick a 30 second freestyle.. Try to rap... I bet you can't because its too damn hard for you's..

Soo....uhh....whens tupac coming back from the dead?...i heard he's gunna come walking down the road with elvis and john lenon and al lthe other dead music stars .....difference will be that tupac will be the only one outta them that has no talent wink.gif....."spitting ;yrics" has no place in the music world, i love to listen to it all the time but i dont think of it as a musical break from the world, i find it just entertaining at how well the rap to music they stole off REAL artists wink.gif.

Hercules Q Einstein

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Fight At Vibe Awards
« Reply #49 on: November 24, 2004, 01:10:00 PM »

QUOTE (makaveli91 @ Nov 24 2004, 07:14 AM)
Don't bash a genius because you don't like his art form.  And for those who don't think its art, that its a talentless genre, try to kick a 30 second freestyle..  Try to rap...  I bet you can't because its too damn hard for you's..

Who are you talking to??? Look at my previous post from topic like Favortie CD and such. Its always rap i pick. I like tupac. I think he had talent.

I just dont like fans like you that say hes god and than when defending him use things not even related to music (such as shooting cops). You were glorifying him just admit it.


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« Reply #50 on: November 24, 2004, 07:17:00 PM »

we can all agree that rock


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« Reply #51 on: November 25, 2004, 02:40:00 AM »

I dont get why anyone would be surprised.  This is what they proclaim to be with all of their "music" so it makes sense that this is how they act out in public.  They were maybe fighting over who had more "bling".  That or a peice of chicken but Im betting on the bling.  Yep, definately bling.


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Fight At Vibe Awards
« Reply #52 on: November 25, 2004, 04:08:00 AM »

I have been listening to rap almost all my life (along with other genres) and just recently have came to terms with it. Most my life I lived or hung out in bad parts of the city and went down the wrong path every time untill I joined the ARMY. Anyway the point is, I am almost totaly removing rap from my collection, and my mind, and you should to. Ask yourself a question... do you live in the ghetto? Do you act like most rappers, or act like the image they are trying to portray excluding dress style? Probably not, so grow the fuck up and get on with your life, anyway, when you reach that point and time in your life when you do start to grow up, you will notice most mature or decent peers do not listen to rap, AS ITS MUSIC FOR SCUM. What ever friends I still have left that listen to rap are also trash, sorry to admit it.  its a pretty big wave and most people grow out of it.

Its not that I ever bought in to the music of rap, or did anything they said, well to an extent, but I noticed growing up that mostly everyone in the ghetto or inner city listened to rap and acted just like the rappers they listened to, its now safe to say most of my old friends now reside in prison, one is dead. Of cource I would never blame any of this on rap music, but the point I am trying to get accrost is quite simple, rap, rappers, and many people that listen to it are fucking TRASH.  

I agree with many black senior citizens, rap is horrible and should be removed from the market if not censored, it corrupts young minds to an extent, even if one knows right from wrong. I tell you right now If my kid ever idolized someone like snoop dog or 50 cent, I would be kind of worried, wouldnt you? Look at it that way, it tends to open eyes more if you place your kid or future seed in those shoes.  Well thats where the current generation is headed, and its only paving a way for horrible future. Now this specific debate here can easily branch off into all media outlets, and it shuld but for now I guess its just  a RAP DEBATE.  But, yeah, the country of the United States is going to hell in a hand basket, and I blame working mothers, and music mainly, as music is how most people live a life by. Sound crazy? Not really everyone has a specific style of dress, and most can be related to a specfic genre of music except for the average prep.

Its pretty much ALL  trash, rap that is. From a guy growing up listening to N.W.A. trust me its all trash. Listen to the fucking words...... fuck that ho, kill that niggah, take that money, make that money, beat that niggah down, break out the 45 niggah ill shoot you in da back of the fuckin skull, sell that coke, what ever the list fucking goes on and on, keep in mind our young people look up to filth like that.  What does most rap consist of? Fucking scum bags with money, just about all black/white rappers are trash, so throw the race card at me if you want to but yeah I said it, most rappers and people that live in the ghetto, and are white, or USUALY black trash. I know because I used to be the biggest fuck up in the world. There are not many decent rappers left, about the only rap I can still listen to are people like nelly, mase and kane west as they are not all about killing/fucking sluts/stealing/selling/mad dough ect ect.

A fight at the vibe awards does not shock me, kind of like a fight on the basketball court or a prison cell. Its how  they act and portray themselves, its how they want to be seen, they want to live that lifestyle, and dont fucking argue with me and call me racist for stating the truth, as they say it again and again in the lyrics they spit. (insert trash here)

All I can be sure of however, is that our country will be going to hell, and banning rap, or giving it a larger user base, will not matter much.

One word though before i go

ron_artest_is_a_rapper LMFAO


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Fight At Vibe Awards
« Reply #53 on: November 25, 2004, 10:31:00 AM »

I'm completely neutral on whether you should or shouldn't listen to rap.  But ask yourself this: 9 times outta 10... what's the theme of the song?  And you'll find that most - and i say most - rap songs out there promote some sort of hate and pessimisim on something or someone... aka complaining as to why it is the way it is... and sometimes including what should be done (according to the rap artist) about it.  Now throw in pop culture nowadays and, you can see its just so fucking fake and materialistic.

Rap isn't the only music to blame here... I'm sure the other genres of music out there (especially metal) send the same messages... but - IMO - not as much as rap.

Now, some rappers have actually come out and stated this - albeit in their own slang way.  Jay-Z was on Conan not too long ago and was pretty serious about stating to the viewers out there that life is not a music video.

I see young people today - and at times it's so sad it makes me laugh out loud - tryin to be like their idols in the music videos.  I've seen 16-18 year-olds at the local bus terminal act like they're in a gang - wearing red/blue bandanas and talkin' smack.  I should ask them if they go by the "City Bus Bloods" or Crypts.

Like i said, pop culture is fucked up nowadays - and its too much to explain to certain peeps, especially girls.

I'm applaud you if you can notice this.  Most people can't.  I'm not trying to disgrace nothing.  All I'm saying is, people need to watch what type of music they choose to listen to.  Because it is a drug and can turn your perception of the "little things in life" up-the-fuck-side-down.  I've been there and like many others have noticed this and am still trying to move on.

I still rap, still love listening to rap, but I know when not to cross the line in terms of tryin to be someone I'm not.

I don't hang with a group.  Like race, people are hobitually diverse and like different things... including - Guess What!?!? - music.  I don't think I don't look "cool" hanging with someone who dresses like a gino or cowboy or whatever.  I also don't see myself as superior to him/her.  That's a big problem with pop culture these days.

Another example... J-Kwon who's single "Tipsy" debuted at number 1 a while back was asked if he really meant what he said in his lyrics.  What i heard from him shocked da shit outta me:  "Kids, don't be somebody you're not.  Be real.  Stay in school."  Among other things.  My point is - once again - life is not a music video.  These artists have ups and downs just like you and me.  They grow old, fat and get bad teeth.

Maybe if everyone learned to look past the whole - bein cool - concept and learned that materialism - whether it be physical or mental - is wrong and so fucking fake, we'd all be at peace with this music.


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« Reply #54 on: November 26, 2004, 07:20:00 AM »

QUOTE (_SCaRfaCe @ Nov 25 2004, 07:34 PM)
Like i said, pop culture is fucked up nowadays - and its too much to explain to certain peeps, especially girls.

Ha ha, could not have said that better myself, I wanted to talk about that as well, but might as well save it for a women rant, something I could probably do for 50 pages, or as rappers would put it.... 800 bars. =)

P.S. hiya HSdemonz



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« Reply #55 on: November 26, 2004, 12:22:00 PM »

QUOTE (makaveli91 @ Nov 20 2004, 06:11 AM)
Edit: -->EverythingButAnAnswer<--  Your an ass maggot too sayin hip hop should die..

I am too, because I think it should (american hip hop that is).


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« Reply #56 on: November 26, 2004, 06:46:00 PM »

QUOTE (makaveli91 @ Nov 26 2004, 06:25 AM)
Kanye, Nas, Jay-Z, pac, and em...  These are off the top of my head the only MC's that actually have songs with meaning..

 rotfl.gif Your mind is diseased.


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« Reply #57 on: November 26, 2004, 07:34:00 PM »

QUOTE (Heet @ Nov 25 2004, 11:43 AM)
That or a peice of chicken but Im betting on the bling.  Yep, definately bling.

Haha Heet you're my new best friend, that was classic  rotfl.gif


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« Reply #58 on: November 27, 2004, 08:51:00 AM »

QUOTE (Mage @ Nov 26 2004, 10:56 PM)
This is a topic I really like, when people discredit rap and then list other "music" which still very basic from music theory standpoint.

The artists you listed people mostly loved them not for the music itself, but the lyrics and main theme that follows them.  The lyrics invoke more emotion out of most people than music, so I don't think that is a good way to judge the music itself.

It seems foolish to go that route when all popular music is going to be fairly simple.  It is music for the masses afterall.  Bach, Mozart, Barber, Bartok, Mussorgsky, I could go on forever, those are all people who have real talent when it comes to the music itself, not just filler for lyrics.

 blink.gif  ok im not sure if your agreeing with me or disagreeing with me, i just woke up so my brain hasnt had time to warm up yet so just ignore me well i do a cold reboot on my head wink.gif
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