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Author Topic: Cnn Poll On 9/11 Government Coverup.  (Read 536 times)


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Cnn Poll On 9/11 Government Coverup.
« on: November 11, 2004, 11:04:00 AM »



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Cnn Poll On 9/11 Government Coverup.
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2004, 12:55:00 PM »

This QuickVote is not scientific and reflects the opinions of only those Internet users who have chosen to participate. The results cannot be assumed to represent the opinions of Internet users in general, nor the public as a whole. The QuickVote sponsor is not responsible for content, functionality or the opinions expressed therein.

From the poll itself.  <

The unProfessional

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Cnn Poll On 9/11 Government Coverup.
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2004, 01:05:00 PM »

89%... yet somehow my friends and family don't feel that way.  Yeah, that's an accurate sample set...

CNN Internet Poll... gimme a break.  <


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Cnn Poll On 9/11 Government Coverup.
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2004, 07:16:00 PM »

to be honest i don't even think that poll is real.  not even 5000 voted in that, and it's not uncommon for a cnn poll to have a quater of a million votes.  There is a poll up right now that has been up for less than 4 hours and has almost 30,000 votes.

even if it's not fake less than 5000 people voted, that's not accurate  <


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Cnn Poll On 9/11 Government Coverup.
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2004, 08:55:00 PM »

Fox's polls and Cnn's polls mean nothing.  The liberals go to Cnn's site and the conservatives go to Fox.  Thats like asking blacks what they think about reparations, then asking whites.  You will get two completely different responses.  

*I hope thats not where your getting your information psyber, but judging from the types of topics you post, im betting it is.   dry.gif


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Cnn Poll On 9/11 Government Coverup.
« Reply #5 on: November 13, 2004, 07:19:00 AM »

High ranking wankers in the CIA/FBI along with Bush/Cheney plotted 9/11 so they could use that as an excuse to start a war on terror.

A missile struck the Pentagon, not a plane, FACT!!!

The 2nd plane that struck the twin tower was a cargo plane not a passenger plane, FACT!!!  <


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Cnn Poll On 9/11 Government Coverup.
« Reply #6 on: November 13, 2004, 09:45:00 AM »

Watch the live feeds of the commercial airliner hitting the 2nd tower. An AIRPLANE struck the Pentagon, FACT. Bullshit propaganda = bullshit propaganda, not facts.  <


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Cnn Poll On 9/11 Government Coverup.
« Reply #7 on: November 15, 2004, 03:18:00 PM »

yo brandick.You cant prove anything.You only can be a fucking sheep and agree with whatever the Tv or government tells you.

I cant say a place hit the pentagon cus there is no evidence.I saw a fucking hole but lots of shit could do that...

Think for 1 minute.Were talking about the pentagon,the center of the US military,which is the most powerful and most funded in the world.

Couldnt they get a security camera installed?

And you must know by now that a steel building has never collapsed due to fire?You knew that was the primary cause given for the collapse right?

nearly 100 percent of the jet fuel was ignited outside of the building.You know that fireball,that was jet fuel,NOT burning on the INSIDE of the building.The smoke was black also a sign that the fire that was burning was ineffeciant.Also the people standing around the gaping holes were waving shirts and all kinds of things trying to signal for help.If there was a huge fire going on that was hot enough to melt steel then those people had to be some kind of mutants or maybe aliens,possibly mexicans to withstand the temperature of 2800°F.

All you have to do is look at evidence provided by third parties to see these things.I wouldnt trust any media to decide fact from fiction and neither should you.


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Cnn Poll On 9/11 Government Coverup.
« Reply #8 on: November 15, 2004, 06:04:00 PM »

I belileve there is footage from the Pentagon available on the internet. If this was all a conspiracy, CNN would have reported it 3 years ago. Shut up, the conspiracies are ALL bull shit. No one has changed their mind on this based on your posting of pure crap, and no one will. Get a life and try to change the world in a positive way.  <

The unProfessional

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Cnn Poll On 9/11 Government Coverup.
« Reply #9 on: November 15, 2004, 07:22:00 PM »


Couldnt they get a security camera installed?

And you must know by now that a steel building has never collapsed due to fire?You knew that was the primary cause given for the collapse right?

Yeah... because security cameras shoot down rogue planes.

Also, steel buildings haven't collapsed due to fire.  However, they also haven't been pumped full of jet fuel.... the hottest burning fuel used in combustion engines.  Wake up.  I believe it burns at roughly 2000-3000 degrees fahrenheit (correct me if I'm wrong).


nearly 100 percent of the jet fuel was ignited outside of the building.You know that fireball,that was jet fuel,NOT burning on the INSIDE of the building.The smoke was black also a sign that the fire that was burning was ineffeciant.Also the people standing around the gaping holes were waving shirts and all kinds of things trying to signal for help.If there was a huge fire going on that was hot enough to melt steel then those people had to be some kind of mutants or maybe aliens

Continuing to ramble on... making no sense.  Making of numbers, etc.  grr.gif

Black smoke is generated when things like plaster, drywall, carpet, desks, walls, and the link are BURNING.  It has nothing to do with efficiency.  You're probably simply thinking about cars, and how they generate black smoke when they start to burn oil.   rotfl.gif

The planes did partially explode when they hit the building.  However, their wings are filled to the brim with jet fuel.  Do you honestly think that all the fuel (or even most of it) combused in an instant when the plane hit the building?  Gimme a break.

It's also clear that you know nothing of metal working, chemistry, or physics for that matter.  As materials heat up, and surpass temperatures specific to their characteristics, they soften.  Metal doesn't immediately turn to liquid when heat is applied.  Here in the real world, it would continue to soften under the relentless heat of thousands of gallons of burning jet fuel until it succumbed to the force of the floors above.  It would take some time.  In fact, the steel beams in the WTC were designed to withstand only a few hours of extreme heat.  Even still, it clearly didn't live up to it's full potential.

Think... then type.  It really does work.


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Cnn Poll On 9/11 Government Coverup.
« Reply #10 on: November 15, 2004, 09:19:00 PM »

QUOTE (brandogg @ Nov 15 2004, 07:56 PM)
I belileve there is footage from the Pentagon available on the internet. If this was all a conspiracy, CNN would have reported it 3 years ago. Shut up, the conspiracies are ALL bull shit. No one has changed their mind on this based on your posting of pure crap, and no one will. Get a life and try to change the world in a positive way.

What you believe is wrong.Youre a fucking tool.There is no tape dumbass.  <


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Cnn Poll On 9/11 Government Coverup.
« Reply #11 on: November 15, 2004, 08:27:00 PM »

QUOTE (The unProfessional @ Nov 15 2004, 10:25 PM)

Yeah... because security cameras shoot down rogue planes.

Also, steel buildings haven't collapsed due to fire.  However, they also haven't been pumped full of jet fuel.... the hottest burning fuel used in combustion engines.  Wake up.  I believe it burns at roughly 2000-3000 degrees fahrenheit (correct me if I'm wrong).

Continuing to ramble on... making no sense.  Making of numbers, etc.  grr.gif

Black smoke is generated when things like plaster, drywall, carpet, desks, walls, and the link are BURNING.  It has nothing to do with efficiency.  You're probably simply thinking about cars, and how they generate black smoke when they start to burn oil.   rotfl.gif

The planes did partially explode when they hit the building.  However, their wings are filled to the brim with jet fuel.  Do you honestly think that all the fuel (or even most of it) combused in an instant when the plane hit the building?  Gimme a break.

It's also clear that you know nothing of metal working, chemistry, or physics for that matter.  As materials heat up, and surpass temperatures specific to their characteristics, they soften.  Metal doesn't immediately turn to liquid when heat is applied.  Here in the real world, it would continue to soften under the relentless heat of thousands of gallons of burning jet fuel until it succumbed to the force of the floors above.  It would take some time.  In fact, the steel beams in the WTC were designed to withstand only a few hours of extreme heat.  Even still, it clearly didn't live up to it's full potential.

Think... then type.  It really does work.

No security cameras dont shoot anything but VIDEO!
And there isnt any like I said.
The fucking pentagon has not 1 damn security camera?Why dont you look at the fucking obvious shit right in your stupid face?

Hey smart guy...why dont you go get some gasoline and throw it on the ground then light it on fire.You know what happens??Its burns a hole straight to I mean it burns for like a few seconds then goes out.The same rules apply to jet fuel.
And as stated before most of the fuel exploded outside of the buildings.Even if 10,000 gallons of jet fuel were pooled up inside the towers it would burn up in 5 minutes.After that was gone it was just those other things burning like you said.those things couldnt heat up enough to melt steel.

When there is black smoke it means that a fire is starved for oxygen.Dont disagree unless you have some science to back you up.

user posted image


Anyway douche's,youre fools for not looking for the truth or the facts.
Keep thinking that the government is on your side and Ill keep writing my wish lists to Santa.


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Cnn Poll On 9/11 Government Coverup.
« Reply #12 on: November 15, 2004, 09:38:00 PM »

Maybe not from the actual Pentagon, but I have seen (posted on this forum) video of the plane hitting the pentagon.  <


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Cnn Poll On 9/11 Government Coverup.
« Reply #13 on: November 15, 2004, 09:41:00 PM »

And dumbass. Pour thousand of jet fuel on the ground and see how quickly it burns up. You also forget to realize this, as the fuel burns, guess what else catches on fire...ok, I'll answer for you, EVERYTHING THAT THE FIRE TOUCHES THAT'S FLAMMABLE. Fires burn things.  <


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Cnn Poll On 9/11 Government Coverup.
« Reply #14 on: November 15, 2004, 09:48:00 PM »

NO you have not!

There is no video.
You want me to believe someone on the XBOX scene forums has this one of a kind video and CNN or any fucking new channel hasnt shown it?BULL SHIT.

Like I said 10,000 gallons would burn in 5 minutes.
You fucking idiot.

So after that jet fuel was gone I guess you think the carpet was able to burn hot enough to melt the steel right?
I guess youre still in 5th grade or something and dont know how things are.
Certain things burn and melt and other things burn and turn to ash(everything else in the WTC besides the steel).Ash isnt hot.Ash wouldnt melt steel.I could put your trailor in a steel box and set it ablaze and it wouldnt melt that box.
Damn youre really stupid.
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