
Author Topic: Affirmative Action  (Read 415 times)

xbox beat box

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Affirmative Action
« on: October 20, 2004, 12:34:00 PM »

Ok..first off..I am not a racist..let me make that clear.

I work for the Canadian Gov, and am currently in the process of being laid off.

Affirmative action is alive and strong in the Canadian Gov, and I am being replaced by a minority who clearly does not posses the skills to take over my job, yet the only reason she got the job is because she is a minority.

This and all the other shit I see around here is really stirring up some racist thoughts in my head. I saw a chinese lady here at work the other day, could hardly speak english, yet she was givin a job in the IT sector in which I was just laid off from. I apllied for the same job, yet they gave it to someone who could barely speak english and no experience work for the CGOV.
Heres the rough part, I caught myself thinking.."go back to china bitch, this is my fucking job, I wish all these fuckers would go back to THE HOMELAND so us born and bred Canadians can work".......this scared me, I am not racist, but due to affirmative action I could not help it.

I dont want to think like this and I have not since, But I still see affirmative action as an attack on me and my well being. I am being replaced by someone who came to Canada to exploit it.

Canada should be taking care of me, a taxpayer who has been paying $800
in taxes every 2 weeks for 4 years now.

Instead, I am being replaced by someone else because of race and not "best man for the job"

I really cant stop myself for thinking like that.......

Fuck it..I need a stiff drink.

This post has been edited by xbox beat box on Oct 20 2004, 07:52 PM

The unProfessional

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Affirmative Action
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2004, 01:11:00 PM »

Perfect example of my signature.  Since you've now been replaced, you're of course pissed, yes?

So can anyone tell me how AA is a means to fight racism?  Seems to do nothing more than fan the fire, to me.


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Affirmative Action
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2004, 01:14:00 PM »

Believe me, it isn't just Canada - here in the UK political correctness has just gone too far and become unfair on the majorities.  There is talk here of the police force having to reach a quota of people from ethnic minorities, regardless of whether they suit the job best.  On almost every form to fill in there is a section where it is necessary to state your racial and economic background - if there was no selection bias then there would be no need to state that sort of thing.  
Then there are other stupid things like people wanting to ban the nursery rhyme "Ba Ba Black Sheep", people complaining because there is a lack of Asians playing football, the government saying Oxford University should reach a quota of pupils from state schools regardless of academic acheivement, and the fact that anyone "odd" will probably get preferential treatment in the education system - I bet if I had put a bolt through my nose at my Oxford interview it would have greatly increased my chances of being accepted.

xbox beat box

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« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2004, 01:18:00 PM »


Yesterday was my breaking point, i almost verbally attacked someone because of the skin color. I took a deep breath, a triple screwdriver, and a fat joint and cooled off. Today back at work and the same thoughts are running through my mind.

Sometimes my own temper scares me, and the day that I get laid off may become a very bad day indeed. Sometimes I think I am not going to stand by and watch this happen.


The unProfessional

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« Reply #4 on: October 20, 2004, 01:28:00 PM »

You're a victim of institutional racism.  It's no different than the racism african americans (and others) experienced, especially in the job market, for many years.  The fact of the matter is, it's still racism - exclusion/disadvantage based on skin color.  The pendulum is simply swinging back and forth, never coming to rest.

Many would respond by saying "Finally, the white man gets his...", but do you see the inherent problem there?  

If the goal is to guarantee that at any given time everyone is pissed, then Affirmative Action is a fantastic way to accomplish that goal.


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« Reply #5 on: October 20, 2004, 10:45:00 PM »

You're a victim of institutional racism

I am too.  Canadian 'visual minorities' rules make my job a lot harder than it needs to be.

The way the government throws money at Natives in Canada is just brutal as well.

It sounds really nice, but really they have just shoved them all out to reserves and fed them a steady dose of my tax money and made everything free so they won't come back to the cities. No intergration whatsoever, there are reserves in my province that repairman and soliciters can't go without police escorts because people will take pop shots from the houses.  

This post has been edited by Colonel32 on Oct 21 2004, 05:52 AM


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« Reply #6 on: October 21, 2004, 02:35:00 AM »

^sorry in advance for going slightly off topic^

as it doesnt directly affect me as much as scholarships, workplace affirmative action doesnt piss me off nearly as much...

scholarship oppratunities in texas are fucking rediculous... about a third go to hispanci people in general, another third to female hispanics and about a sixth to other minorities... the only ones im personally qualified for (as a white male from, at best, the lower middle class) are so selective its, to use the word again, rediculous... i could have spent my entire high school years doing homework to maintain a 4.04 grade point average, do ludicrous amounts of community service and spend my free time working on my essay and speech writing skills only to be lucky enough to be choosen to get 500 a semester*... FUCK THAT... so what if im white? i shouldnt come anywhere near free money? i should have to work extra hard because i wasnt born a minority**?

i fully agree there is way too much "reverse" racism in 'the system'... imagine how crazy people would go if there was a scholarship that the main requirement was that you had to be a white male... theyd riot in the streets...

no i am nowhere near racist but i can point out where someone is getting a free ride where others have to struggle (and i would if the shoe were on the other foot)... im from a not so privelegded background and my pell grant doesnt even cover classes, let alone books or living costs...

why not just be a country with free higher education?

*which, as anyone who has been to college knows, is nothing...

**though where ive lived im most def in the minority...


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« Reply #7 on: October 21, 2004, 08:04:00 AM »

QUOTE (The unProfessional @ Oct 20 2004, 08:28 PM)
You're a victim of institutional racism.  It's no different than the racism african americans (and others) experienced, especially in the job market, for many years.

 That is NOT a fair comparison. You cannot compair affirmative action with what the black people had to go through.

Now, I'm also against affirmative action, since I can't see how it'll make anything better to use reversed racism. The white people will in a small portion get to feel how it is to be treated like they black once were. But no white person will think they deserve to be out of job because of affirmative actions.

Most of the young white people that can't get a job due to AA, never participated in any racism. If this was done in the 50-60's, I could understand it, since they directly participated in the discrimination, but I wouldn't promote it then either since there would be even more racial hatred. If you break a law in N.Korea they send you to a concentration camp, and for three generations your offspring will also have to spend their lives in concentration camps. You can't punish the people that had nothing to do with it.
However, something must be done. Company's don't want to hire you if your name is Mohammed, eventhough you have great grades, but if your name is Anderson your grades are automatically better. Something needs to be done, but AA is not the answer.


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« Reply #8 on: October 24, 2004, 12:27:00 AM »

Afirmitive action is bullshit.  But When you get into the high tech industy I don't think they take that into account.  There are about 300 people who work in the building I do.  About 25 of them are black maybe 50 of them are wemon and the rest are white males.

It doesn't seem like afermative action makes a diferance here.

xbox beat box

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« Reply #9 on: October 25, 2004, 01:53:00 PM »

Your joking right?

There is no chinese working there? In the High Tech?


i say fuck em all


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« Reply #10 on: October 25, 2004, 02:33:00 PM »

I work at a local power company, I say local, but we're the second largest power company in the southeast. All of the engineers are white males, mainly baptist. We have a fair ratio of females, mainly in customer service and receptionist positions. Again, the majority of our linemen are white males, with a good bit of black males. Our company doesn't seem to be affected by AA, whomever seems to be qualified for the postition seems to get it.


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« Reply #11 on: October 25, 2004, 03:57:00 PM »


Texas has the top 10% program.
If you were in the top 10% of your class you would automatically be accepted to any institution in texas.  So shut-up cause theirs alot of Latins and Blacks that get A in other states that wont be accepted to any good colleges becuase of the where their from (School is not a high ranked HS).  If you cant afford your school get a loan.  Your parents should've went to college so they could afford to pay for yours.
My father was born in the US in 1933 as a non white male.  What oppurtunities do you think he had.  So don't Bitch and moan about AA cause less then 10% of all minorites have recieved any AA.  The real fact is white women get the most benafit from Americas AA program.


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« Reply #12 on: October 25, 2004, 04:10:00 PM »

To the rest of you,

I highly doubt your employer laid you off just to make room for a minority to fill a quota.  More likely they laid you of to Hire a minority for less money!  Or they laid you off cuase you Boss' are racist and they think Chinease are good with computers and numbers, and do not socialize in the office, therefor making them more desirable employees, you know typical stereo types.  I've seen it first hand, what was funny was the guy was almost retarded. 6 months on the job and Had no Clue.  So don't just run out and say it's AA.  Cause believe me the Status Quo ain't never agree to something that may jepordise it's existance.  Money is behind everything nowa days.  The Minorities Rule.... but not the Latins, Blacks, Asians or whatever they are where you live it's the few Guys that got all the Money fuckin it up for everyone else!!!

The unProfessional

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« Reply #13 on: October 25, 2004, 05:06:00 PM »


That is NOT a fair comparison. You cannot compair affirmative action with what the black people had to go through.

Okay, but how does affirmative action HELP the minority community?  
Any response to that can easily be rebutted.

GCSkate: I had a 4.0, a couple varsity letters, community service, and a damn good essay.  The only scholarships I could come close to qualifying for either [A] didn't offer much help at all or required extreme academic records, such as a 1500+ SAT.  In the end I just worked through school to pay the bills.  I had some help with tuition.  Scholarships, in their current form, are Affirmative Action whether we like it or not.

This post has been edited by The unProfessional on Oct 26 2004, 12:09 AM


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« Reply #14 on: October 25, 2004, 04:11:00 PM »

first off, mc 365, i wasnt bitching about affirmative action at all...  rolleyes.gif

secondly, i wasnt in the top 10% (#69 out of around 450 wink.gif ) in my high school because i realised what a joke it was and didnt do anything for pretty much the whole final year*... thankfully im actually quite smart, if you base intelligence on test taking, and could get into loads of schools based on my SAT scores and gpa...

Texas has the top 10% program.
If you were in the top 10% of your class you would automatically be accepted to any institution in texas. So shut-up cause theirs alot of Latins and Blacks that get A in other states that wont be accepted to any good colleges becuase of the where their from

well then blacks and latinos here get in if theyre in the top 10% also... reread my post, am i complaining about scholarship or school policies elsewhere? no im not, so you can stop right there...

If you cant afford your school get a loan.

i have because i have to, im going to graduate with crazy amounts of debt while others can get money more easily (at least statistically with the amount of scholarships and grants aimed at them because they are minorities)... and you can bet that upsets me...

Your parents should've went to college so they could afford to pay for yours.

how about i say this about all minorities? ohh they have a harder time going to college because their minorities? hey i have a hard time even paying to be in college... seems about equal... they have a hard time getting in? so would i have had if i didnt do well in school... my family is far from being well off but i still do fine...

My father was born in the US in 1933 as a non white male. What oppurtunities do you think he had. So don't Bitch and moan about AA cause less then 10% of all minorites have recieved any AA. The real fact is white women get the most benafit from Americas AA program.

dont try and turn this over and say that i cant bitch about a system i disagree with because other people think they have it harder... i wasnt complaining about AA in the slightest and what your father went through has abs nothing to do with me...

*obviously i did do some work our i wouldve failed, but it was just enough to get by...