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« Reply #15 on: July 29, 2004, 06:41:00 PM »

Believe me, I know all about the winter solstice , and the pagan birthday celebration of mithras.  I know more about religion and faith than you know about crackpot doomsday theories.  It was just a joke, don't take it too seriously, like you seem to take your religion.  I'm pretty sure Jesus, and furthermore, God wouldn't be against you celebrating something unrelated to himself (ie: your own birthday).

Then again, your religion is pretty looney anyway.  laugh.gif


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« Reply #16 on: July 30, 2004, 03:26:00 PM »

Boy do you not know what your talking about! You really have some messed up info budy!

Tell me what you think I believe.

Not found on the bible? Then why are we the only people that do as it says in Matthew 28
"19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

That was from the New International Version. The one we use is called "New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures"  the only difference in mine from that is "to the conclusion of the system of things".

So you speak Greek. I mean you must right? You arent just going by what your Bible says?

Here are a few translations:

58Jesus answered, "The truth is, I existed before Abraham was even born!" from the New Living Translation

58   Jesus answered, `I tell you the truth. I already was before Abraham was born.' from the Worldwide English

58 Jesus said to them: "Most truly I say to you, Before Abraham came into existance I have been" NWT

I AM is not a name!

What god said to Moses after he ask what to say to the sons of Israel if they ask his name: 14At this God said to Moses: "I SHALL PROVE TO BE WHAT I SHALL PROVE TO BE." And he added: "This is what you are to say to the sons of Israel, 'I SHALL PROVE TO BE has sent me to you.'  That was from the translation I use at home.

The Contemporary English Version says this in a footnote: The Hebrew text has " Yahweh," which is usually translated "LORD" in the CEV. Since it seems related to the word translated "I am," it may mean "I am the one who is" or "I will be what I will be" or "I am the one who brings into being."

That brings us back to What I posted before:

(Je·ho´vah) [the causative form, the imperfect state, of the Heb. verb ha·wah´ (become); meaning "He Causes to Become"].

The personal name of God. (Isa 42:8; 54:5) Though Scripturally designated by such descriptive titles as "God," "Sovereign Lord," "Creator," "Father," "the Almighty," and "the Most High," his personality and attributes-who and what he is-are fully summed up and expressed only in this personal name.-Ps 83:18.

Correct Pronunciation of the Divine Name. "Jehovah" is the best known English pronunciation of the divine name, although "Yahweh" is favored by most Hebrew scholars. The oldest Hebrew manuscripts present the name in the form of four consonants, commonly called the Tetragrammaton (from Greek te·tra-, meaning "four," and gram´ma, "letter"). These four letters (written from right to left) are ???? and may be transliterated into English as YHWH (or, JHVH).

So the translation Yahweh or the English pronunciation Jehovah literly means: "He Causes to Become" or "I am the one who brings into being"  Not "I AM". That is part of a sentance or and introduction " Hi I am Mitch".

Plus what about the scripures that said Jesus was the son of God like: After Jesus was baptized at Matthew 3:17 "Look! Also, there was a voice from the heavens that said: 'This is my Son, the beloved, whom I have approved.'"

Or John 3:16: For God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life. 17  For God sent forth his Son into the world, not for him to judge the world, but for the world to be saved through him. 18  He that exercises faith in him is not to be judged. He that does not exercise faith has been judged already, because he has not exercised faith in the name of the only-begotten Son of God. 19

But you being a "jesusphreak" all ready knew that right?

There is so much more I could show you, and from any Bible you want. But I think it would be a wast of my time to get you to reson.

So for you sake, I'd really do some study on Jehovah's Witnesses and what we (i.e. I) believe and what Christianity based on the Bible really believes.

You can do that here: http://www.watchtowe...=article_03.htm

It was just a joke, don't take it too seriously, like you seem to take your religion.

Arent you ment to take your religion seriously! Its a way of life not a just Sunday thing.

I'm pretty sure Jesus, and furthermore, God wouldn't be against you celebrating something unrelated to himself (ie: your own birthday).

Well if Jesus wanted us to celebrate his birthday he would have told us in the Bible. And why celebrate mine, I'm not more important the Jesus! And its my choice. I still get gifts throughout the year, and I'm going to have graduation party soon. So I'm not really missing out on anything.


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« Reply #17 on: July 30, 2004, 04:12:00 PM »

Matthew 28
"19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

That's funny that you guys are the only ones that do that....

Because actually right now I'm living in South Dallas, helping the poor and drug addicted and telling them about Jesus Christ. Guess what, i actually preached a sermon last night, and I talked to a guy afterwords who wants to get baptized.


That was from the New International Version. The one we use is called "New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures" the only difference in mine from that is "to the conclusion of the system of things".

Only in this verse. But if the difference between this verse and the one in the NIV is that different, how different must the whole BIBLE be???


So you speak Greek. I mean you must right? You arent just going by what your Bible says?

That's funny, because one of the missionaries on my team took Greek as a major......Oh, and he speaks German.....


I AM is not a name!

It's not?

What god said to Moses after he ask what to say to the sons of Israel if they ask his name: 14At this God said to Moses: "I SHALL PROVE TO BE WHAT I SHALL PROVE TO BE." And he added: "This is what you are to say to the sons of Israel, 'I SHALL PROVE TO BE has sent me to you.' That was from the translation I use at home.

And this is exactly what Christ said. He said, before Abraham was born, "I AM".

If he said anything less than this, the Jews wouldn't accuse him of blasphemy and attempt to stone him.....


(Je·ho´vah) [the causative form, the imperfect state, of the Heb. verb ha·wah´ (become); meaning "He Causes to Become"].

The personal name of God. (Isa 42:8; 54:5) Though Scripturally designated by such descriptive titles as "God," "Sovereign Lord," "Creator," "Father," "the Almighty," and "the Most High," his personality and attributes-who and what he is-are fully summed up and expressed only in this personal name.-Ps 83:18.

Correct Pronunciation of the Divine Name. "Jehovah" is the best known English pronunciation of the divine name, although "Yahweh" is favored by most Hebrew scholars. The oldest Hebrew manuscripts present the name in the form of four consonants, commonly called the Tetragrammaton (from Greek te·tra-, meaning "four," and gram´ma, "letter"). These four letters (written from right to left) are ???? and may be transliterated into English as YHWH (or, JHVH).

Yes, but what is incorrect about this, is in translation from Hebrew, there are no vowels. Jehovah is not Hebrew. YHWH is an accurate translation, but Jehovah is a mistranslation that originally comes from German.

So the translation Yahweh or the English pronunciation Jehovah literly means: "He Causes to Become" or "I am the one who brings into being" Not "I AM". That is part of a sentance or and introduction " Hi I am Mitch".


this is the same thing as "I AM". We are argueing about translations. These can all be translated differently, but what it comes down to is Jesus calling himself God and not just a son. Again, I repeat, if Jesus had said anything less, he would not have been accused of blasphemy and almost stoned.

Plus what about the scripures that said Jesus was the son of God like: After Jesus was baptized at Matthew 3:17 "Look! Also, there was a voice from the heavens that said: 'This is my Son, the beloved, whom I have approved.'"

Or John 3:16: For God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent forth his Son into the world, not for him to judge the world, but for the world to be saved through him. 18 He that exercises faith in him is not to be judged. He that does not exercise faith has been judged already, because he has not exercised faith in the name of the only-begotten Son of God. 19

I don't doubt nor disagree that the Bible calls Jesus, God's son. But he is not literally God's son. It's the only way we can understand it in reference to God being a father.

In the same vein that you are using,

"For this reason the Jews tried all the harder to kill him; not only was he breaking the Sabbath, but he was even calling God his own Father, making himself equal with God." - John 5:18

This verse right here has Jesus calling himself Son, but implying that he was God. Straight from the Bible....

Not only this, but Jesus's actions such as forgiving sins, healing, etc....were thought to the Jews of the day as things that only God could do.


But you being a "jesusphreak" all ready knew that right?

Nice cheapshot. :/


So for you sake, I'd really do some study on Jehovah's Witnesses and what we (i.e. I) believe and what Christianity based on the Bible really believes.

You can do that here: http://www.watchtowe...=article_03.htm

I really am not interested. I know what the Bible teaches. According to the Bible, it is the Word of God. That's all I need to know. I don't need the Watchtower to tell me how I must interpret or see the Bible...

I take instruction, but I am not obligated to follow any group's interpretation.

BTW, something to chew on:

  Remember Deut. 18:22, "If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the LORD does not take place or come true, that is a message the LORD has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously. Do not be afraid of him." If someone makes a false prophecy, and they have claimed to be a prophet of God, then they are false prophets and are not to be listened to.
     Do the Witnesses claim to be the prophet of God? Yes, they do.

    In 1972 the Jehovah's Witness Watchtower claimed to be the prophet of God.

IDENTIFYING THE "PROPHET" -- "So does Jehovah have a prophet to help them, to warn them of dangers and to declare things to come? These questions can be answered in the affirmative. Who is this prophet?...This "prophet" was not one man, but was a body of men and women. It was the small group of footstep followers of Jesus Christ, known at that time as International Bible Students. Today they are known as Jehovah's Christian Witnesses...Of course, it is easy to say that this group acts as a ‘prophet' of God. It is another thing to prove it." The Watchtower, 4/1/72, p. 197. (See Deut. 18:21)

1897 "Our Lord, the appointed King, is now present, since October 1874," Studies in the Scriptures, Vol. 4, page 621.

1899 "...the ‘battle of the great day of God Almighty' (Revelation 16:14), which will end in A.D. 1914 with the complete overthrow of earth's present rulership, is already commenced." The Time Is at Hand, page 101 (1908 edition).

1916 "The Bible chronology herein presented shows that the six great 1000 year days beginning with Adam are ended, and that the great 7th Day, the 1000 years of Christ's Reign, began in 1873." The Time Is at Hand, page ii, (forward).

1918 "Therefore we may confidently expect that 1925 will mark the return of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the faithful prophets of old, particularly those named by the Apostle in Hebrews 11, to the condition of human perfection." Millions Now Living Will Never Die, page 89.

1922 "The date 1925 is even more distinctly indicated by the Scriptures than 1914." The Watchtower 9/1/22, page 262.

1923 "Our thought is, that 1925 is definitely settled by the Scriptures. As to Noah, the Christian now has much more upon which to base his faith than Noah had upon which to base his faith in a coming deluge." The Watchtower, page 106 4/1/23.

1925 "The year 1925 is here. With great expectation Christians have looked forward to this year. Many have confidently expected that all members of the body of Christ will be changed to heavenly glory during this year. This may be accomplished. It may not be. In his own due time God will accomplish his purposes concerning his people. Christians should not be so deeply concerned about what may transpire this year." The Watchtower, 1/1/25, page. 3.

1925 "It is to be expected that Satan will try to inject into the minds of the consecrated, the thought that 1925 should see an end to the work." The Watchtower, Sept, 1925 page 262.

1926 "Some anticipated that the work would end in 1925, but the Lord did not state so. The difficulty was that the friends inflated their imaginations beyond reason; and that when their imaginations burst asunder, they were inclined to throw away everything." The Watchtower, page 232.

1931 "There was a measure of disappointment on the part of Jehovah's faithful ones on earth concerning the years 1917, 1918, and 1925, which disappointment lasted for a time...and they also learned to quit fixing dates." Vindication, page 338.

1941 "Receiving the gift, the marching children clasped it to them, not a toy or plaything for idle pleasure, but the Lord's provided instrument for most effective work in the remaining months before Armageddon." The Watchtower, 9/15/41, page 288.

1968 "True, there have been those in times past who predicted an ‘end to the world', even announcing a specific date. Yet nothing happened. The ‘end' did not come. They were guilty of false prophesying. Why? What was missing?.. Missing from such people were God's truths and evidence that he was using and guiding them." Awake, 10/8/68.

1968 "Why are you looking forward to 1975?" The Watchtower, 8/15/68, page 494.

     If the organization so often in the past has been wrong, what keeps anything it says from being wrong?. Will what you are being taught now change also?



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« Reply #18 on: August 01, 2004, 03:37:00 PM »

QUOTE (BigMitch @ Jul 30 2004, 07:29 PM)
Well if Jesus wanted us to celebrate his birthday he would have told us in the Bible. And why celebrate mine, I'm not more important the Jesus! And its my choice. I still get gifts throughout the year, and I'm going to have graduation party soon. So I'm not really missing out on anything.

Jesus never tells anyone to eat, and christians, including witnesses, don't feed jesus, but does that mean it's wrong to eat?


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« Reply #19 on: August 01, 2004, 11:36:00 PM »

I'm one of Jehovah's witnesses too. I'm not going to argue with someone about religion though. That would not help me or you.

You have to admit. Since 1914, the world has gotten worse than ever before. For the first time ever, the entire world was engulfed in a war. Twice. Over 45 million people died during the 2nd world war alone. Hundreds of millions of people have died in countless wars since then. Food shortages, ethnic cleansings, natural disasters, all have increased since 1914.

Sure, all of these things happened before. But it is very noticeable that since 1914, the number of these terrible events has skyrocketed.


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« Reply #20 on: August 02, 2004, 02:04:00 AM »

Thought I'd join in on this lil discussion too! lol

Jehovah's Witnesses are generally known as a cult inside of Christianity.

And Christianity should be considered a cult inside of society.  laugh.gif

Since 1914, the world has gotten worse than ever before.

huh.gif ...where'd you get that date from.  I mean, it's a lil specific, so it sounds... weird...  Tha main reasons that there are more deaths in war is because there are more people in tha world, more people in organized countries/civilizations, and more killing technology (planes to go trans continental, guns, bombs, etc.). (All in relation to... let's say... tha 1400's(random date))


I AM is not a name!

It's not?

It is?

(As a side note... translations are just... stupid.  Take Nostradamus for example.  Every one of his prophecies are able to be translated in several different ways.  So don't take things so literal)

It's funny to watch( these different religious people fight over what tha bible does and doesn't state and is or isn't right according to tha bible.  It's like tha Trekies and Star Wars people fighting over what tha messeges/philosophies behind tha movies were and what they say about how they should live their lives.

As for evolution... IT HAPPENED... now get over it! haha laugh.gif ... it's not tha first time tha bible (or vatican(sp?)... same thing though) has been proven wrong, and it DEFINATELY won't be tha last.  'Nuff said.

*(If someone asked me what religion I was apart of, and had to call it something... I would say i was an athiest.  But I consider myself reallist.  Tha truth is I don't know and YOU DON'T EITHER!  So stop talking as if ur higher among all just because you think being a christian, jahovah's, or whatever puts you above everyone.  If, becuase I think this, I'm going to hell... I'll see you all there!  Because from what I know of all tha religions, ur all hipocritical sinners muhaha.gif ! hahaha laugh.gif I have nothing against religious people (cuz most my friends are... and I think that if religion is what you need to get by, then by all means, adopt it), I have a problem with people who think they are better than anyone who's not apart of their religion.)

And to clear things up... Athiests don't believe in heaven or hell.  For some reason, people have an idea in their heads that athiests are some kind of satanic devil warshippers that live lonely, depressed lives.  Just because we don't have a "god" to turn to when we have problems, doesn't make us depressed goths.  We don't rely on a mythical being to solve all our problems for us.  I can handle my problems myself.  I live a happy, enjoyable, stress free life.  What's so great about "knowing" there's someone watching ur every move, every mistake, judging you about how you live your life?  "Enlighten" me...  ...actually no... don't enlighten me... I think I've heard enough.  tongue.gif  laugh.gif


Mr. Chips

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« Reply #21 on: August 02, 2004, 07:07:00 PM »

I can handle my problems myself. I live a happy, enjoyable, stress free life

that was a good post, I found it really funny.
but as for what you said there, I would guess you suppose what Theist's beleive God to be a crutch who puts out love love looove 24/7 and doesn't care when we mess up, forgives always and is never angry.  Well, wouldn't it be a shock if you were to be enlightened to the fact that he is a vengeful supernatural being?  We all deserve death and I know that, ...and has any one ever said to you they are better, because they have religion and you do not?  But is clear you do have a system of beleifs (religion) even athiesm can be classified as a religion.  Nuff said. biggrin.gif

Mr. Chips


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« Reply #22 on: August 02, 2004, 11:51:00 PM »

QUOTE (Mr. Chips @ Aug 2 2004, 07:10 PM)
...and has any one ever said to you they are better, because they have religion and you do not?

From what I understand of the christian religion, and what was said to me by a pastor(sp?), if you are not christian, you will go to hell... meaning if you are christian, you are better than anyone who isn't. (Although I guess ur supposed to be able to ask for forgiveness after you die, then everything is alright... a lil odd lol)  That's where I get that from.

But is clear you do have a system of beleifs (religion) even athiesm can be classified as a religion.

I don't have a system of beliefs.  I told you that I don't know anything, and you don't either.  I go by facts that are presented to me.  Not stuff out of a book that was written 2000 years ago. (It can't even exactly be proven that it was written back then... not arguing that it wasn't... just saying... or maybe it can hahaha... i dunno.  I guess someone point me to a place that does)  If I was presented proof of what is stated in tha bible is true, then my thoughts would change on things because I (unlike most religious people) have a pretty open mind when it comes to things like this.  It just so happens that tha facts of science out weigh tha statements in tha bible.
EDIT: and I wasn't arguing that Atheism wasn't a religion, I was saying that if I had ta choose a religion, that's what I would call myself.

Mr. Chips

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« Reply #23 on: August 03, 2004, 09:11:00 PM »

QUOTE (owtlaw333)
I don't have a system of beliefs. I told you that I don't know anything, and you don't either.

that's close to the truth.  But not correct.
we know very little about things there is to know.  Yet we still know certain things, so it's incorrect to say everyone individually knows nothing.  Still I am sure some new-age loonies agree with you.  It's like a statement such as we are not really here, we only THINK we are here

we are not in the matrix, ok?


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« Reply #24 on: August 03, 2004, 09:14:00 PM »

episcopalian - Protestant

I have only been to Church like 3 times so I do not know what it makes me.  Not a real faith loving family.


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« Reply #25 on: August 04, 2004, 01:14:00 AM »

I believe that you should all start living in the real world free from your imaginative fairy tales.

Think with your own mind instead of someone elses bullshit.

Believe what YOU believe, not what someone has engrained in your mind since you were young.

OH and on a side note, I was just in hell for the past hour looking for the Soul Cube, and let me tell ya. It aint purty.



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« Reply #26 on: August 04, 2004, 01:29:00 AM »

QUOTE (Mr. Chips @ Aug 3 2004, 09:14 PM)
QUOTE (owtlaw333)
I don't have a system of beliefs. I told you that I don't know anything, and you don't either.

that's close to the truth.  But not correct.
we know very little about things there is to know.  Yet we still know certain things, so it's incorrect to say everyone individually knows nothing.  Still I am sure some new-age loonies agree with you.  It's like a statement such as we are not really here, we only THINK we are here

we are not in the matrix, ok?

Yeah... cuz I meant it in a literal sense [sarcastic].  I meant that you don't KNOW that there's a god... just like I don't KNOW there isn't.
I'm keeping this to a friendly, kind discussion... but if you wanna be a dick about, I can easily do tha same dry.gif

ooh gota change the story again

Tha thing is, is that every religion does that... always changing their story

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« Reply #27 on: August 04, 2004, 01:40:00 AM »

Yeah... cuz I meant it in a literal sense [sarcastic].

How am i supposed to know you were being sarcastic?
I'm keeping this to a friendly, kind discussion... but if you wanna be a dick about, I can easily do tha same dry.gif

I wasn't being a dick about it.  I can't determine your manner of speech the same as you can't assume mine.  Unless you posess the power to read a persons emotion through text, that is.  [sarcasm as well]

I meant that you don't KNOW that there's a god... just like I don't KNOW there isn't.

if that is what you meant, why say the opposite?  We can't read your mind and you make yourself look misinformed in the process.
Then nemt shows up and flames you, LOL


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« Reply #28 on: August 04, 2004, 01:45:00 AM »

Still I am sure some new-age loonies agree with you.

...Sounds kinda dick to me.  I don't know how you can take that in a friendly way.

if that is what you meant, why say the opposite?

Opposite of what?

Mr. Chips

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« Reply #29 on: August 04, 2004, 01:48:00 AM »

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