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Author Topic: What Religion Do You Follow?  (Read 5665 times)


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« Reply #120 on: April 14, 2004, 04:30:00 PM »

QUOTE (talic @ Apr 11 2004, 01:53 PM)
Do u even know what it means lol?


Might not want to post the name of God in vain on a forum which constantly disses Him.



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« Reply #121 on: April 14, 2004, 06:02:00 PM »

Posted by UndercoverPunker
but I personally feel that churches really ruin the entire idea of religion...

I don't think it so much churches ruin it, its the fales teachings of man rather than God that ruin it.

Posted by [-MXB-]xmaniac
Yup yup why beleive in something that is prolly made up anyway i meen look at the bible it was prolly a made up story and the saying that adam and eve(prolly mispelled it) were the first 2 ppl ever to be on the earth is already proven false so my point is made.

You want to clue the rest of us in on how the they proved Adam and Eve were not real?
Oh, and buy the way, you misspelled “mispelled”

I too am a Catholic and I'm proud to be because one is given the whole truth about god

our souls will live forever and ever and nobody can take away that from us....whether we live eternally in Heaven or hell.

God is also waiting for us in HEAVEN

As you said, you a Catholic. How can you state that you have been given the whole touch about God? This is coming from some one who believes God, his Son the “master worker” (Jesus Christ), and the holy spirit are all one in the same… Let me ask you, where in the bible dose it say that?

Our souls do not live for ever, we are souls. Gen 2:7 says: “And Jehovah God proceeded to form the man out of dust from the ground and to blow into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became to be a living soul” It dose not say he has a soul, it says he IS a soul. When we are dead, we are dead until we are resurrected. Ecclesiastes 9:5 says it best: For the living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all"

And God is not waiting for us in Heaven. Well not most of us any way. A limited number of men and women will be resurrected to life in Heaven. As kings and priests with Jesus, they will share in undoing all the effects of death that mankind inherited from the first man, Adam. Only 144,000 will go to Heaven as stated in the book of Revelation. Rev 14:1 says “And I saw, and, look! The Lamb standing upon the Mount Zion and with him the hundred and forty-four thousand having his name and the name of his Father written on their foreheads.” Also backed up by, Rev 7:1

Rev 14:1 - This would be Jesus standing in Heaven with the selected 144,000 to co-rule paradise.  Most of the people will be resurrected to a paradise earth. (Psalm 37:11, 29; Matt: 6:10)

And whats up with “our souls will live forever and ever and nobody can take away that from us....whether we live eternally in Heaven or hell.”
How can you say that? For one, where in the Bible dose it say “hell” is even real? Give ya a glue, it doesn’t. This is one of man’s teaching. Mostly brought about by the Catholics. Same gos for Purgatory. The Bible makes no referee to it, and is you really research it, it’s a pagan belief that sins can be “burned away with fire”

Next your going to tell me Jesus was born on Dec 25th too?

Theres a lot of other things I really want to comment on, but thats for a later post.


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« Reply #122 on: April 15, 2004, 05:39:00 PM »

IMO religion is just a way to keep ourselves sane. think about it

it doesnt matter what religion you are because even if you follow the same religion as someone else, you will still have different beliefs.

...just my beliefs


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« Reply #123 on: April 28, 2004, 10:35:00 PM »

QUOTE (BigMitch @ Apr 29 2004, 03:59 AM)
I dissagree with you. I bet that if you asked myself or rms2001 a guestion realated to God or the Bible we would give you pretty much the same answer FROM THE BIBLE ONLY.

hmmm true, beliefs in the bible yes but a question about god, you can get mixed opinions even if your from the same religion.


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« Reply #124 on: April 29, 2004, 11:27:00 AM »


athiests say no
agnostics say there is no proof at the current time.

and there is no proof. just stories and insane people that like to ring my door bell ph34r.gif



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« Reply #125 on: April 29, 2004, 04:38:00 PM »

I just ate a pizza... which brought me to the conclusion...

Pizza is god... and beer are my bitches...



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« Reply #126 on: April 30, 2004, 03:20:00 AM »

well as far as the bible is concerened if everything is true then why did the bible say the earth was flat? that unicorns exsist the earth is the center of the universe. so and and so forth. it continues. and there is no real proof that noahs ark exsisted!! and out of the billions and billions of objects in the universe no act of god could have been needed to make the earth a certain distance from the sun. im not saying your wrong just that i dont belief anything that said that donkeys talked.
(i would continue but this is not the forum to dis religions) i had to reply tho tongue.gif



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« Reply #127 on: April 30, 2004, 07:59:00 AM »

well as far as the bible is concerened if everything is true then why did the bible say the earth was flat?

Look at Isaiah 40:22  22"There is One who is dwelling above the circle of the earth,"

that unicorns exsist

The King James, Douay, and other versions, mention unicorns. But that is not so with modern versions that accurately render the Hebrew.—Psalm 22:21; 29:6; 92:10 (21:22; 28:6; 91:11, Douay).

You can check these scriptrures out below if you don't have a Bible.

Online Bibles

the earth is the center of the universe.

Pope Urban VIII and the theologians of the Roman Inquisition did in fact condemn the Copernican theory, claiming that it was contrary to the Bible. Galileo’s adversaries referred to Joshua’s statement, “Sun, stand thou still,” which, according to their reading, was to be understood literally. (Joshua 10:12, King James Version) But does the Bible really contradict the Copernican theory? Not at all.

The contradiction lay between science and an obviously incorrect interpretation of Scripture. That was how Galileo saw the matter. He wrote to a pupil: “Even though Scripture cannot err, its interpreters and expositors can, in various ways. One of these, very serious and very frequent, would be when they always want to stop at the purely literal sense.” Any serious student of the Bible would have to agree.

An honest reader will readily admit that a statement about the sun standing still in the sky is not meant as a scientific analysis but as a simple observation about how things appeared from the standpoint of human eyewitnesses. Astronomers, too, often speak of the rising and setting of the sun, moon, planets, and stars. They do not mean that these heavenly bodies literally revolve around the earth but, rather, that they appear to move across our sky.

i dont belief anything that said that donkeys talked.

Why not? You don't think that the allmighty God could make a donkey speak? Didn't even satan take control of a snake?  Plus there has been accounts in the bible and in mondern times of deamons posseing people. Even man has been able to remote control mice, to make them go were they want. I think the one that could create the whole universe could make a donkey speak.



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« Reply #128 on: April 30, 2004, 10:23:00 AM »

not saying its impossible but improble. the second my dog tells me to get off my fat ass and get him some food and im not insane or high is the day ill change my mind.  beerchug.gif

and satin. there is a real satin. his name is dr. phil


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« Reply #129 on: May 03, 2004, 03:59:00 PM »

I am a strong Christian. Yes.. beerchug.gif < Sprite


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« Reply #130 on: May 04, 2004, 10:46:00 AM »

Yes..  < Sprite

lmfao laugh.gif


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« Reply #131 on: August 04, 2004, 02:52:00 AM »

QUOTE (Arvarden @ Apr 30 2004, 05:41 AM)
/Slams door in BigMitch's face


That is kinda sad you have that attitude. Heres a guy who is trying to teach you some thing and as soon as you see he says hes a Whiteness you ‘slam the door’ in his face.

I come across people like you every day and you know, it doesn’t really bother me as I’m sure it doesn’t really bother Mitch that much either. Simply just turn around and go to the next door and hope maybe some one has enough brains to listen and think “Well hey, they mite be right.”

If you actually lessened to what a Witness has to say you mite learn some thing. That some thing mite just change your life. I think you just hate the Witnesses b/c every one else “hates” us. I also think people don’t like us b/c we tell you the truth, no sugar coated crap the rest of the churches teach.

For the most part the rest of the churches don’t even teach from the bible, and when they do its twisted and wrong. Mostly mans teachings other than God’s teachings. Take the Mormons for example. They teach from “The Book of Mormon” You have to stop and ask your self, is this really the truth? A book some crack pot found under a rock? Come one man.

I thought it was rather interesting Mitch recognized me as a Witness. Even if he didn’t he recognized the fact I was telling you the truth. And hes right, we are not insane. We are only doing what God has commanded us to do.

I really encourage you to at least listen to the next Witness that comes to your door. Don’t just slam the door in their face. At least see what they have to say and maybe take a magazine, there maybe an interesting article in there that mite just help you.


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« Reply #132 on: August 04, 2004, 11:23:00 AM »

QUOTE (Arvarden @ Aug 4 2004, 04:33 AM)
Your a witness? you are the lowest form of life apart from the odd terrorist here n there IMHO.

/slams door in rms face

I've listened to your types on many talk to the door cus this bitch aint listening.


Okay, let me ask you this. If I wasn’t a Witness, would you listen? Lets say I was a Mormon, they go to door to door as well.


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« Reply #133 on: August 05, 2004, 01:48:00 PM »

QUOTE (Arvarden @ Aug 5 2004, 07:07 AM)
user posted image


So is it religion or Witnesses that your mad at? Don't really want to push the issue, b/c that would get us no where, but it seems that you must have a reason.

Mr. Chips

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« Reply #134 on: August 05, 2004, 04:35:00 PM »

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