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Author Topic: x2 4979  (Read 530 times)

Large Dopant white

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x2 4979
« Reply #90 on: November 27, 2003, 02:08:00 PM »

Ubergeek, I don't know what PS2 scene you're referring to, but as far as I can tell, most of their projects are open source. I can also tell you (with far more confidence than the last point) that you must not have been or be involved in too many scenes if you're saying the XBox scene is one of the most "sharing", as the DC and GBA scenes have an almost 100% opensource "rate" among the projects (i.e. virtually every project is opensource).
I think you fail to see the difference between pride and possession. You can be proud of something even if you don't have exclusive rights to it- if everyone respect you and your group as much as you hope they do, due credit would be given to you when the source is used. If they don't, everyone will know where it probably came from, anyway, if you make enough news about said project or program being opensource.
Or are you afraid that everyone will give your group the amount of respect we all give M$? Are you afraid that people are going to rip you off the same way- steal it, bastardize it, and change it? I smell a palable aura of fear on you, and I don't buy that "pride" crap- as said, you can have pride in something you created without having sole possession of its workings. Hell, if your shit was opensource, your work could possibly pass down into other projects, and, in way, you would have contributed to more projects than you've actually sat down and coded (I'll make a bet that the guys working on XBMP/C get a tinge of pride whenever someone uses a snippet of their code, for example).
Sorry, Ubergeek, but you just sound like you're pumping out excuses, and they're paper-thin ones, at that. I don't know about this whole thing between you and Rodent, nor do I care about how much money you make (though, by sheer quantity, you must make at least a decent amount- I don't dog on capitalism, however).
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