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Author Topic: Ellipsis XBMC Skin W.I.P.  (Read 443 times)


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Ellipsis XBMC Skin W.I.P.
« Reply #45 on: October 22, 2009, 12:06:00 PM »

QUOTE(doeman @ Oct 15 2009, 08:57 PM) View Post

Eagerly awaiting the Arrival of eX....any ETA BlackBolt?

You should check out:

You could be using Ellipsis 2 weeks tomorrow wink.gif


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Ellipsis XBMC Skin W.I.P.
« Reply #46 on: October 25, 2009, 03:46:00 AM »

QUOTE(ultimate509 @ Oct 22 2009, 08:23 PM) View Post

Anyone who pays for the beta through "donate" is an idiot, this skin should have been released to the public mandatory as far as paying for any other skin teamblack bolt will release in the future is cool shit Ill prob donate for the experience skin or any other future endevors,but again for ellipsis the wait for that is dam right ridiculous.smh ph34r.gif

Do you realise how much work has gone into creating Ellipsis? It's taken me a very long time to create this skin, sacrificing so much free time amongst other things. That is why its taken this long. I have a life, I have a job, so free time for this project has been extremely limited.

What I don't need is people like YOU thinking that for some unknown reason I owe you something. I don't owe you or anyone else anything, you choose to get involved, or get hyped about something, I cannot be held responsible for your dissappointment, only you can be responsible for that. At the core of it, I make skins for me and if other people like them so be it, you're lucky I can be bothered to spend the time and energy making skins, making a website, paying for the website, bandwidth, hosting, domains etc that come with that. If you're unhappy with how I run this operation, then you're more than welcome to move along and use the default PM3 skin or any other skin.

I have every right to release Ellipsis any way I want to, if I so chose to, I could charge for it outright forever and never make it free. But I choose not to. Ellipsis isn't some amateur skin, its an extremely solid and well made product and that is why it has taken so long.

If more people take the attitude you do, then I might just start charging for everything in future as the number of respectful users happy to wait for something that is free is starting to outway the moaning losers who believe everything should be free for them.

ultimate509, I would like to hear why YOU think Ellipsis should have been released already? Because you seem very unhappy about it and the fact that I am looking for people to help test the skin and give reports back, something YOU would never probably want to do, which is why the donation entry to the beta program works so well, it stops people that just want something for nothing from wasting our time. Everyone will get Ellipsis once testing is complete, if you can't wait I suggest you find something else to do with your time instead of making posts like that on here.


Edit: I see in your moderation history ultimate509 that you've been modded for requesting game files, meaning your a pirated software user and basically a free loader, so that explains it all.


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Ellipsis XBMC Skin W.I.P.
« Reply #47 on: October 26, 2009, 08:22:00 PM »

We'll just saw this today and will be the last time I post on this thread since Im not gonna derail the topic...ha thanks for the novel it was fun to read and the back ground check a classic, did I get the job?

Edit:Argg! Shiver me timbers there she blows... wink.gif
Edit2: "YOU" (sorry had to steal that from you blackbolt) FattyPatty should check up a lil more often on the Blackbolt site alot of good skins are coming out of those groups of individuals/artist, that skin thats being discussed on in this thread has been being worked on for a couple of years now...


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Ellipsis XBMC Skin W.I.P.
« Reply #48 on: October 28, 2009, 02:43:00 PM »

QUOTE(ultimate509 @ Oct 27 2009, 03:22 AM) View Post

We'll just saw this today and will be the last time I post on this thread since Im not gonna derail the topic...ha thanks for the novel it was fun to read and the back ground check a classic, did I get the job?

Edit:Argg! Shiver me timbers there she blows... wink.gif
Edit2: "YOU" (sorry had to steal that from you blackbolt) FattyPatty should check up a lil more often on the Blackbolt site alot of good skins are coming out of those groups of individuals/artist, that skin thats being discussed on in this thread has been being worked on for a couple of years now...

You're wrong, Ellipsis has been worked on since Jan 2009, it has been in planning stages since about 2007 when we finished MC360 1.0, but then planning slowed right down for a long time due to real life commitments.
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