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Author Topic: About Halo 2  (Read 3543 times)

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About Halo 2
« Reply #15 on: November 11, 2004, 07:58:00 AM »



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« Reply #16 on: November 11, 2004, 05:34:00 PM »

I too was disappointed in the game, overall. After watching the teasers and E3 movies for months, I was looking forward to being blown away by the technological masterpiece that Halo 2 was touted to be. I didn't fall into the hype trap, no, I was expecting more on the technical level. The only things about the game that I found exceptional were the environmental sound effects and Marty O'Donnell's musical score. He's a genius. The graphics, they were choppy, low-res images all the sudden popping into high-res when you get close to them, that's gay. Jagged edges on everything when you're zoomed in - ridiculous. The first game was just soooo smooth, graphics-wise. I would have rather H2 used the same quality of graphics in H1 than what they did here. The "improvements" they made don't quite seem to offset the flaws enough for my liking. One thing I miss is the health bar, especially in multiplayer. I used to gauge how "healthy" I was when I was attacking, so that if I was fairly evenly matched with a foe, I could break off my attack and take cover before I died. The new shields/health thing sucks, IMO, plus, I don't like it at the bottom over the gaydar. I don't like the new menu system. I find it clumsy and awkward. The H1 menus were so straightforward and simple. I do like being able to adjust controller settings inside the match though. That is a nice improvement. In single-player mode, I don't like how you switch sides during the game. The story could have been told (better) differently if you played the campaign through once as one side, and then again as the other side, similar to how Star Wars: Battlefront does it. It was difficult for me to be in the mindframe of the main character in one storyline and then all of the sudden, cutscene, and now I am a different player and have to take a few seconds to rewind the story in my head, remember my objectives, what weapons I'm holding, where I'm at on the map, etc.

I could go on, but this is getting long enough. Bottom line, I did like the game, but it didn't live up to my expectations of a game that's been in dev for three years. Sorry, but I have to give this a 7/10.

(BTW, for the post that mentioned how MC and Cortana's voice sounded different when they were in the bomb area, that's supposed to sound that way. It is because they are out in SPACE, not inside the ship.)


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About Halo 2
« Reply #17 on: November 11, 2004, 05:59:00 PM »

QUOTE ( @ Nov 11 2004, 12:01 PM)
no half-life 2 will own halo 2 because it doesnt have gay colors that make you dizzy, no cheers for you  dry.gif

wow... I feel sorry for you.  you're so narrow minded that you're missing out on some great games.

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« Reply #18 on: November 12, 2004, 05:51:00 AM »

wow... I feel sorry for you. you're so narrow minded that you're missing out on some great games.

No i'm not narrow minded obviously if i am taking time to review the game you will have to see that I have played it and do enjoy some aspects of it, for anyone that doesnt own a pc and/or doesnt enjoy pc gaming then this game is their savior, dudu man before you have this post put in the garabe bin like the other halo 2 post that was bashing this game, why dont you have an open mind and understand that i agree the fact that console gaming is fun without a question. if you look at my review you can see, but FACE REALITY !! First person shooters are typically very poor compared to the PC Gaming industry, consoles get there technology from PC's but the biggest kicker is that you can upgrade processors,graphic cards, etc.... So get a grip we understand the fact that your whinning is due to the fact the eagles lost so bad to the raiders 19+ years ago which is probably older than yourself


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About Halo 2
« Reply #19 on: November 12, 2004, 12:39:00 PM »

correct me if im wrong - and i know this is going towards pc platforming but who gives a shit nowadays with all the windows media centre pcs and whatnot - but why in the blue fuck doesn't no one consider having a precise aiming accessory (aka possible a mouse) available for a console.  there's no comparison between using a mouse to aim vs analog sticks.  hopefully ms or sony will improvise when their new consoles hit the street.  and the mouse wont have to be generic lookin... im sure they could add some eye candy.  picture a trackball for example with the trackball glowing green with an xbox logo somewhere on it?  i'd line up at midnight to buy that.  thats my 2 cents anyways.


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« Reply #20 on: November 12, 2004, 02:29:00 PM »

QUOTE ( @ Nov 12 2004, 09:54 AM)

No i'm not narrow minded obviously if i am taking time to review the game you will have to see that I have played it and do enjoy some aspects of it, for anyone that doesnt own a pc and/or doesnt enjoy pc gaming then this game is their savior, dudu man before you have this post put in the garabe bin like the other halo 2 post that was bashing this game, why dont you have an open mind and understand that i agree the fact that console gaming is fun without a question. if you look at my review you can see, but FACE REALITY !! First person shooters are typically very poor compared to the PC Gaming industry, consoles get there technology from PC's but the biggest kicker is that you can upgrade processors,graphic cards, etc.... So get a grip we understand the fact that your whinning is due to the fact the eagles lost so bad to the raiders 19+ years ago which is probably older than yourself

wow... where do I start?

ok... maybe saying "narrow minded" was a bit harsh seeing you took so much offense to it.  But if you read your own review what else am I, and everyone else who reads it suppose to think.  I at least can say PC gaming is great, better than console?  thats a matter of opinion.  you say it's better because you can upgrade it?  once again... opinion.  some people still say the best games were on their 2600 way back when.  It really truley seems you went into this game wanting to not like it.  If I'm wrong I aplogize, no need to waste more of this thread with flames.

As for the other threads bashing this game... guess who put them in the garbage.. I did.  They weren't reviews.  saying "HALo fuckin sucks 0/10" is not a review and obviously will cause a debate.  You talk as if I make myself to be all high and mighty.  I'm not.  I have a life.  I check this site for 5 minutes at night to do the moderating job that was assigned to me.

The fact that you brought up an eagle superbowl loss from 20 years ago is laughable.  It was unnesessary.  Am I offended?  hell no, like I said I thought it was funny you brought it up.  Why should I care about the past when I the present to keep me etertained every sunday.  was that superbowl older than I am?  nope... but I don't mind admitting I'm no more than a couple years older that it has been, I was old enough that I remember watching it with my father.  once again, why bring my age into question... it's just funny to read the same flame arguments over and over again.

I hope I haven't offended you in anyway... it was not my intention.  But take a second look at some console games you may have forgotten... technology isn't always key for greatness.

PS - Don't ever make me out to be some freakin kiddie who roams the forum looking for a flame... I'm barely on this site and spend less than an hour a day on a computer off work.  If there is anything I take offense to,  it's people trying to make other people out to be something they're not.  Now back on topic.  Flame Ends here....this is your ONLY warning.. if you want to reply to this it better be a mature post or if you can't help yourself, then PM me about it.

So halo 2....


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« Reply #21 on: November 13, 2004, 05:26:00 AM »

I think that bungie's crew made a great game Halo1. Then when M$ came into the picture and they took what was an awesome spin off for the future of Halo 2 (BUNGIE) and crapped all over HALO 2 as well as us, the consumer, all the 1.5 million of people who either preorder or bought Halo 2.
I believe that this is not the end of HALO 2 due to the annoucement that xbox live content will fuel the game's ongoing levels of play. Yet, I deeply sad for the Halo 2. What a wait for an ordinary game!!!
__________The gameplay was not there M$ / BUNGIE.____________
Who ever is the responsible party for the game play failed!
Go back to the drawing boards people, maybe this time lock the door behind you and leave the "strong arms" out! You just might get some work done!

Take care


P.S. Could I atleast get 25.00 back off the price for an 8 hour run through of HALO2 M$? Only seems fair.



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About Halo 2
« Reply #22 on: November 13, 2004, 05:47:00 PM »

QUOTE ( @ Nov 11 2004, 09:43 AM)
I have to say, everyone that posts in here can agree the game was overhyped, I do find myself still playing xbox live on it getting waxed by 12 yr olds but its great, single player is crap and the soundtrack is amazing, though, it still bewilders me how some game magazines rate this game so high, maybe they are on m$ payroll ? who knows, they are def more about gaming then any of us to an extent I imagine but I cannot say for sure, any how broken down here is my review after playing the game for some time..

Graphics (6.5)- Somewhat blocky characters and studio 51 flameboy colors that make you want to puke. Could of been better for all the delays

Sound (9.5)- Not much to say here other than it is very well produced

Replay Single Player (-.15915) - Ha single player YEAH RIGHT !! Any halofanboy will either admit it or deny it and know in the back of their peebrained mind that this is horrible !!! ABSOLUTLY DISAPPOINTING... I get more amuzement scratching my balls.

Replay Multiplayer - (8.5) This is very entertaining on xbox live, runs hella smooth and multiplayer is very easy to join

Overall = 6.16

Do the math it works smile.gif

You are really on crack. To give a game like Halo 2 a 6.5 in graphics you must have had a real life perspective of the game in your head and you have too high of expectations to be giving Halo 2 a 6.5 on graphics. Everything in the game is made up and it's made up well with good graphics. What kind of crack are you on?  dry.gif


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About Halo 2
« Reply #23 on: November 13, 2004, 11:59:00 PM »

QUOTE (Shadow_Ryo @ Nov 9 2004, 04:22 PM)
I not saying the acting was bad, It's just Cortana and MC sound wierd some times
like at a part with the bomb he doesn't sound like MC,
and by load I meant each level sperately (Otherwise the levels preload)
and no ATV's

Keep in mind this is MY opinion, you don't have to listen, you many have a totally diffrent  view on it, everybody's diffrent.

He was in space. Hes supposed to sound wierd. Notice that when you walk into space in the first level, your voices and gun effects and many other sounds get muffled. A very cool thing Bungie was able to do. Also graphics are top-notch. This game handles Rag Doll Physics unlike any game I've played before. Also normal mappin according to many many reviewers out there is a tought beast to tame and Bungie also did an excellent job with this. The cinematics have a tought time in the beginning because its all on the Game Engine and it is really stressing the XBox to its limits that is why there is an abrupt sort of loading of particles as the scened play. And loading times are non-existant as the game does the loading under the guise of cut-scenes. If you actually took your time to play the game beyond the first level, you'll notice that you can make it to the middle of the game(where I am now) with no load screens except for the first one. Just some corrections as the OP seems to have played the first level only. This is not a flame. Please respond back with rational comments. Halo 2 did disappoint many but remember there is still XBox Live Downloadble content on the way. A link I found while browsing on XS. Click me, Im a link


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About Halo 2
« Reply #24 on: November 14, 2004, 12:51:00 AM »

only it's Halo ......1 on........, going 130 ......miles per hour ................through a hospital zone, ......................
being ......cha..sed by helicopters and ninj....aas ... Andd,,,,,,,, the ninjas all o...nn fiiiiiiiire, toooooo..rrrrZZZZzzzzZzZzzZzZzZ sleeping.gif  sleeping.gif  sleeping.gif


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« Reply #25 on: November 15, 2004, 10:40:00 AM »

Hopefully not already mentioned, but the Multiplayer Fucking Sux!!!! What kind of dumb ass set up the Multiplayer engine so poorly.  Annoying as hell that after every game you have to wait to rejoin a game.   Just when you are getting warmed up and into the game, you have to wait a few minutes for everyone to reassemble for a new game.  Talking about Big Battle, not sure about smaller 4on4 games.  But this is so lame, I sold my copy back to Gamestop.

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« Reply #26 on: November 15, 2004, 11:37:00 AM »

You are really on crack. To give a game like Halo 2 a 6.5 in graphics you must have had a real life perspective of the game in your head and you have too high of expectations to be giving Halo 2 a 6.5 on graphics. Everything in the game is made up and it's made up well with good graphics. What kind of crack are you on? 

Coming from someone who's name is master cheif i'm not impressed, try using something more creative, for instance, instead of crack, use crystal methamphetamines or maybe on acid mixed with free base, words like these will draw more conclusion to the point your trying to make. Also like everyone else in this thread we were all under the impression halo 2 was real, and would include such gaming enhancements as smell-o-vision with neuron inhibitors ? what happend?!? high expectations, never !! only that everyone waited 2 years for a game how could i get higher expectations... Flame on little solder flame on...  dry.gif


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About Halo 2
« Reply #27 on: November 16, 2004, 07:01:00 AM »



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« Reply #28 on: November 17, 2004, 12:20:00 AM »

holy cow XBL sucks
i dont care if your in a 16 player party or a 6 player party
gernades disappear, maps shift suddenly, you kill someone but get no credit
and its laggy and glitchy to the fucking max
MS charges for these subscriptions?
its like paying my light bill nad have the fucking lights flicker constantly
they are ripping gamers off and making them take it up the ass in the name of capitalism on XBL
i was and still am pissed because i thought i could handle a little lag but the amount of shit i had to put up with for hte past couple of days is horseshit
i even lost sound because it couldnt process a dam fucking thing.  i couldnt respawn for about 20 seconds becaues the stupid xbox or XBL servers didnt know what hte fuck was going on
in all honesty fuck halo2 and fuck xbl off big time
they can take their lag and go fuck themselves up the booty hole


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« Reply #29 on: November 17, 2004, 01:30:00 PM »

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