
Author Topic: Gilbert Arenas Nba Player Caught Boosting  (Read 81 times)


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Gilbert Arenas Nba Player Caught Boosting
« on: October 22, 2007, 11:28:00 AM »

Some have probably already seen this, but didn't see it posted here and only found out about it today.

From a gamestop article

Gilbert Arenas admits to padding Halo 3 stats

It's no secret that Washington Wizards guard Gilbert Arenas is a gamer. The NBA all-star expressed his genuine exuberance over landing the cover spot of Electronic Arts' NBA Live 08, and blogged about celebrating the launch of Halo 3 by playing the game for 16 hours straight.

It turns out he's so into games, and Halo 3 in particular, that he's willing to manufacture stats in order to reach the game's higher rankings. According to The Washington Post sports writer Dan Steinberg, a reader tip sent him to the forums, where a thread had started accusing the NBA star of stat-padding by creating nonranking games of Halo 3 and playing against dummy accounts in order to quickly and easily boost his gamertag's skill level.

Steinberg went straight to Arenas to confront him with the allegations, which he readily admitted to.

"It's a glitch in the game," Arenas told Steinberg. "I seen some kids that were like 600s, they won 600 Halo games and we only had that game for two weeks. And all the kids go to school. So I'm like, 'What the hell you all doing?' And they said that's what they doing, two-on-two."

As for Arenas, he didn't really understand why people were getting upset about the matter.

"Who is it hurting," he asked Steinberg. "It's two dummy players playing against each other. It's not messing with anybody. I have my friend, it'll be him and his fake friend, me and my fake friend, we'll take turns losing back and forth. There's nobody involved. I can see if we were playing against other people, [but] it's not ranked games, it's social games."

Pretty sad when someone that's already a star and famous has to go and cheat to get a better status at a video game.  laugh.gif

Also, from BUNGIE.NET weekly news update for anyone that wants to boost.

Just like Santa, there are two lists. The Naughty and Nice – there’s something for folks on each list.


Harbinger of Doom

There are those of you doing things you shouldn’t be in Halo 3. Some of you have gotten a little too famous for your own good. This ain’t a church and there is no redemption or salvation once you have been judged. Apologies are now officially too late to save you.

The storm approaches.

Love, Bungie


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Gilbert Arenas Nba Player Caught Boosting
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2007, 02:35:00 PM »

I actually read this a few days after it popped up on the forums...  I had no idea it got any real news coverage...

tens of thousands of halo 3 players boost.... I guess because the guy is famous people are interested in it.

I suppose as a someone who plays a game/sport professionally and someone who sponsors a professional Halo 2 team he should be held to a higher standard but meh... I don't even know who this guy is and I couldn't possibly care less about it  laugh.gif


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Gilbert Arenas Nba Player Caught Boosting
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2007, 12:30:00 PM »

QUOTE(dpbmt @ Oct 23 2007, 01:28 PM) View Post

saw this on a couple of weeks ago,
all these people can boost all they like, but as soon as the big guns get to the top ranks all the boosters are gonna be dropping ranks a helluva lot fasta then they got there in the first place

I think they are boosting to get the EXP points not, the ranks in games.  I think they are doing it to get up to Major ranks and Brigadiers and Generals.  I have played with some really shitty people that were Majors and up.  So you would think playing so much they would be good, but they arent.


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Gilbert Arenas Nba Player Caught Boosting
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2007, 01:59:00 PM »

Why does it matter that some random basketball player was cheating at Halo? I know lots of people that "cheat" at Halo, where in reality they are just trying to get to a point where the game is fun. Simply put, in the lower levels of Halo 3's matchmaking system, the system is broken. Anyone under  a level in the low 20's probably isn't there because they generally suck at Halo, it's because they havent played enough games in that particular playlist to show their true Rank. Case in point: I played a game of halo the other night, dont remember the playlist, and all of our opponents were levels varying between 12 and 15. We got completely schooled. It was no contest, these guys were awesome. I checked their service record after the game, and they were all level 49's!! By ranking up to your "true" rank as quickly as possible, you avoid annoying games like this and get to have fun with groups among your own skill level.
 My proposed solution to deter people from boosting (although admittedly, this will do nothing against the idiots trying to make their E-penis bigger) is to make a slight change to matchmaking, where no matter the playlist, every single rank would be half of your rank in your best playlist, rounded down to take odd numbers into account. This way everyone is significantly closer to their true skill level right from the get go, so statistically speaking, your chances of getting into a game with a bunch of Halo robots is much lower than before.
 Also, on the topic of cheating, people that whine because someone used the language glitch to get the Acheivements really fast need to get a new hobby. I'll be the first to admit that I was one of the people in the chinese room getting the acheivements as fast as possible. I'll also admit that I felt bad doing it.
 One of the big features that I was looking forward to for Halo 3 was getting all of the acheivements. When I found out that the acheivements were fairly easy to get, I was a little annoyed. Earning acheivements is supposed to give you that feeling of accomplishment, instead they ended up being sort of a chore. I then found out 90% of the acheivements could only be unlocked in ranked Rumble Pit and became downright disapointed. Honestly though, who plays Runble Pit? I play halo to socialize with my freinds that went to different schools, and rumble pit doesn't allow me to do this. If I didn't have anyone else to play Halo with, I'd go outside or do some asignments or something.... You can't even talk to people during the matches. If the group of people shooting each other aren't all on the same couch as you, free for all just isn't any fun.
 So now I have two conflicting desires: the desire to get acheivements, and the desire to avoid Rumble Pit at all costs. All I had to do was go in the chinese room and get all the acheivements in 3 games. Problem Solved.
 Sorry Bungie, FFA acheives were a terrible Idea.
 sorry for the rant