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Author Topic: It's coming: Bungie is getting the Halo 3 ban-hammer ready  (Read 689 times)


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It's coming: Bungie is getting the Halo 3 ban-hammer ready
« Reply #60 on: October 24, 2007, 11:32:00 AM »

You know i was going to come on here and say i think ban for everything but glitching , but after going back and reading the Tos i say what the hell ban for that too.
I can deal with running into 1 or 2 cheaters a day but when it seems like everyone is doing it makes the game suck.
Like in halo 2 when you had to play unranked games to escape the cheaters that sucked. but i dont recall how soon the cheaters showed up after the games was released it seems like a good year or so. in halo 3 it took weeks. Oh well

I think they should do away with all online achievements.

Ps. i find this thread very funny with some of the responses,



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It's coming: Bungie is getting the Halo 3 ban-hammer ready
« Reply #61 on: October 24, 2007, 02:58:00 PM »

Everyone needs to take a step back and realize one thing.  The number of cheaters/glitchers is likely much less thsn the number of legitimate players.  The ones they will likely be banning are those that truly exploit holes in a game for an advantage in matchmaking.  These are likely the people who have been reported.  Had it been a case of someone glitching and didn't do anything to provide an advantage would likely go undetected.  That said, Bungie and MS has a much larger purpose in this industry than simply banning people.  They need to uphold the integrity of internet gaming on their system and in their games.  Failure to do so can affect their game and hardware sales through poor reputation.  So does it make good business sense to ban the relatively small number of folks who cheat to keep legit players happy and avoid potential sales loss by not resolving the problem?  Absolutely.  The TOS is your contract with MS for XBOX live.  It was likely put together by a group of attorneys to cover their butts.  So before someone thnks that running to your attorney is the answer, consider that teh TOS probably has few holes, if any, that might apply to this situation.  It is ultimately a business decision.  When a person decides to take a road that is largely seen as unacceptable by the masses (especially in moral situations), then you tread at your own risk.  They won't find any sympathy.  It's a fact of life.  

Frankly, I think it might be important that they try to effect this early.  It would perhaps deter others from doing it and limit the impact on how many players are affected.  Waiting too long would likely lead to a larger number of people being banned as they pick up and learn about the cheats that are available.


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It's coming: Bungie is getting the Halo 3 ban-hammer ready
« Reply #62 on: October 26, 2007, 06:40:00 AM »

Id like to add on to this. Halo 3 should be like ghost recon used to be IE grecon 2. I dont know about modern graw I dont own it.

But in real life if you run into someone with a gun shooting madly at close quarters (less than 5 feet) and they are shooting you also there is a good chance both you and them are going to die.

They need to get rid of shields completely. Its like riding a bike with training wheels or going swimming with float things around your arms or bowling with ballons in the gutters. Its an absolute joke.

If they arent going to get rid of shields they need to up damage done by weapons esp. grenades ALOT more.
If a grenade goes off right next to you you should be dead. Ask people in the military about this.

I miss swat. And swat was a popular playlist. Why? Because it was based more on real combat skill not running blindly into a bunch of dudes who in real life would have killed you about 5 seconds into your rambo type charge.

This is not Ghost Reacon or any other 'swat' game.  I am going to assume you paid exactly zero attention to the story or any campaign gameplay for that matter.

The game is set 500 years in the future.  Bungie didn't design the game to be played like a present day shooter.  The shields are part of the gameplay.  Master Chief has shields on his armour (as do the Elites).  It wouldn't make sense to remove that from multiplayer.  Maybe, just maybe, it is those same shields that protect the player from a direct grenade blast.  It wouldn't even be fun if you died at the sight of every grenade.  (And everyone knows that grenades are flying everywhere).  I like the fact that spikers and stickys kill in one hit, but only if you stick the person.

I don't even understand why anyone likes the swat gametype.  All the people I know who actually like it are huge tools.  The reason I like Halo so much is because its not another damn Rainbow Six or Ghost Reacon or (insert WWII game here).

Aside from that, I can't wait till the banhammer falls.  If you need to cheat (at a videogame dry.gif ) to feel better about yourself, then get the hell out of here.  Hell, I feel bad when my internet screws up and lags because I know its ruining the game for everyone else.


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It's coming: Bungie is getting the Halo 3 ban-hammer ready
« Reply #63 on: February 02, 2020, 06:01:00 PM »

Responding to as many as possible, plus adding my own insight.

For those (or was it one) that want Halo to play like *** game, remember this - it's Halo 3, NOT *** game. If you preferred how *** game plays, then play *** game, or any of a thousand other games that play like *** game. Remember, even Halo has its clones, and you may find that one of those might have a better style of gameplay (at least for your tastes).

Secondly, and this is in answer to all those who want dedicated servers as well, CUSTOM GAMETYPES. I don't play ranked matches. Personally, I'm not one who likes to play "the way the game was intended" but that does not mean that I want to play Ghost Recon, or glitch to cheat, or whatever. Perhaps the ranked games need to be played on Dedicated servers, but I personally LOVE some of the game types I've made, including Invisirocket (my own creation - all shields off, only rockets on field, everyone invisible, and no radar - VERY HECTIC gameplay), and other gametypes like Achilles Heel which helps to teach headshot over bodyshot, and Mano a Mano.

And yes, to you who would rather play like Ghost Recon without shields, you can play like that, look up Custom Gametypes, you'll enjoy it.

As far as glitches, and exploiting them, etc. Sometimes glitches enhance the game, sometimes they detract from it. Two glitches come to mind - Snaking, and skiing. Anyone who's played Mario Kart knows about snaking - and some hate it, some love it. Take it or leave it, it's there to stay, and it DOES enhance the game for those that enjoy it. What's more is that it's readily available to everyone; you're not "out of the know." Skiing is found in numerous FPS by means of rocket jumping, or other similar high speed air-style movement - upon landing, jump immediately as the game doesn't register that you've actually touched, and therefore allows for continuous falling speed, allowing for very high speed chases, etc. Same issue as snaking.

The difference between these glitches and the type that people abuse to cheat is their relative ease of execution, and the cost/benefit they give. Sometimes companies will leave in a glitch because of this, and because of the factor that it may introduce more problems than it solves.

Also remember the difficulty, in Halo 2, of abusing the rocket/sword glitch (I don't remember what it's called, but most people know about it)? Some people spent days, if not weeks trying to perfect that so that it could be executed in game, and abused ad infinitum. Your average normal player won't do this.

All in all, Leaving the glitches in probably does less damage than fixing them (and banning abusers). I remember a certain few games that had regular updates, and every update lead to more problems being found and more and more people complaining about how they wish it was more like it originally was, because everything they'd changed affected how the game played to begin with.

The fact is, as it is, the majority of players are happy with Halo 3 in its gameplay. It's the few who HAVE to abuse these factors that are causing the major problems, and I'll be happy to see them go.

In the end, you wanna cheat/screw around with gameplay - do it on your own dime, on your own time, and make damn sure you're not ruining the experience for everyone else, or there will be no end of people happy to see you go.

-Tak out

P.S. I'm tired and I'm sure I've rambled a bit, sorry for that. Hopefully this post helps more than it annoys - heh.
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