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Author Topic: Odamex  (Read 2840 times)


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« Reply #15 on: February 10, 2010, 11:19:00 PM »

I remember how nuts those zDaemon games got... I'm glad to see some more development on the xbox with such a great game! Good luck, I can't wait to see how it all turns out.


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« Reply #16 on: February 11, 2010, 02:47:00 AM »

QUOTE(flux2k @ Feb 11 2010, 06:09 AM) View Post

Would there be splitscreen multiplayer?

Carcharius' Doom Legacy port has split-screen multiplayer for 2 players, and the classic Doom that comes with Doom 3 has it for 4 players. Legacy doesn't have proper analog control like DoomX though, not sure about the D3 ports.


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« Reply #17 on: February 12, 2010, 12:14:00 PM »

QUOTE(Clockface @ Feb 12 2010, 06:55 AM) View Post

This is fantastic news! DoomX (XBox) is already brilliant, and to me it only lacks three things;

- the ability to play some maps, such as the Aliens mod, and other Dehacked stuff (or whatever it's called, I'm not up on the technicalities),

Odamex supportes dehacked and boom maps. I just loaded AliensTC to see if those specific wads work and they worked fine.

QUOTE(Clockface @ Feb 12 2010, 06:55 AM) View Post
- an option to make the text larger, as in high resolution mode the text is hard to read as it stays in low resolution so it's very small,

Odamex already has this option. You can enable or disable the scaling of text. I like the text small so I don't scale it but it will be scaled in my next video.

QUOTE(Clockface @ Feb 12 2010, 06:55 AM) View Post

- the ability for the program to use different save slots for each map. As it is, all save slots for any one Doom version are used for every map for that Doom version, so that (for example), Doom 2, Doomed to Die, and any Doom 2 maps all save to the Doom 2 save slots. So you have to manually remember which save slot is for which user made level you saved it in, which is very impractical.

It would be fantastic if your version of Doom when you add it to the XBox could either have different save slots for each map file that was loaded, or if every save slot was automatically named in the format:

[map name] + [date] + [time]

so that, for example, if the date and time was 20/12/2010 and the time was 5:17, then for a save done in a map that came as part of Doom 2, the the save name would be:


but if the map loaded was a user made map called, say, Marsatt, then the save file would be called:

Marsatt 20-12-1010--05-17


Please consider these requests, as they would make the game much better on the XBox.

I have been thinking about this myself. First, I will be automatically inserting the date into the save slot. I can add the name of the wad as well but I will probably have to limit it to the name of the first wad loaded only. You can stack wads and were I to insert them all it could get messy.

Also, I plan to implement an onscreen keyboard so you will be able to insert your own text into the field. If someone happened to have a USB adapter to plug into their controller port (which can be had for a couple bucks) you would also be able to use a regular keyboard. You could use a keyboard and mouse to play if that is what suites you. It is important that you be able to insert text though as people playing on other platforms may talk to you while you are playing online. We wouldn't to appear to be rude by not responding.  tongue.gif

Currently Odamex uses the same save slots no matter what you have loaded (even between different iwads.) This is something I think the Odamex team could consider.

Thank you for your interest.


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« Reply #18 on: February 12, 2010, 12:55:00 PM »

I have a new video for you all... Progress Report #1:

In this video you are going to see:

 - A working console
 - Working music
 - Working menus
 - Increased Resolution (640x480 vs. the 320x200 that was displayed in the previous video)
 - The Overscan option which replaces the Fullscreen option on consoles. I implemented this the night I shot the video.
 - Mouse and keyboard working
 - The control binding menu
 - Actual gameplay footage!

This will be the last video for a little bit as I am now working working on a branch with planned implementation. When I have something significant to show I will do another video.



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« Reply #19 on: February 12, 2010, 02:02:00 PM »

Lovin the video! Any plans for some kind of aspect ratio correction? Things look a little squashed there on a widescreen TV. No problem if not, my TV has a button somewhere that fixes it.

Being able to play with people using other platforms is a great idea though when playing with a controller will probably mean getting butt-raped by people using mouse and keyboard.

You should have left your little girl talking loudly in the vid. Sooooo cute!  happy.gif


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« Reply #20 on: February 12, 2010, 02:21:00 PM »

QUOTE(Likklebaer @ Feb 12 2010, 03:02 PM) View Post
Lovin the video! Any plans for some kind of aspect ratio correction? Things look a little squashed there on a widescreen TV. No problem if not, my TV has a button somewhere that fixes it.

At this moment Odamex only supports changing FOV. So that is one step towards widescreen support but obviously there is more that is needed. It is not an immediate goal but if you use the minimal HUD and set your FOV (100 for 16:10 or 106 for 16:9) you will find that it is not as bad. The other option is to hit the button on your remote that changes your display to 4:3 like you said. While current SDLx does not support HDTV resolutions I fully intend on supporting HDTV resolutions in the future. At that point there will need to be a lot more consideration as to how we want to approach widescreen.

QUOTE(Likklebaer @ Feb 12 2010, 03:02 PM) View Post
Being able to play with people using other platforms is a great idea though when playing with a controller will probably mean getting butt-raped by people using mouse and keyboard.

I would imagine that there are some people who are good enough with the controller to be competitive. I know I have watched videos where people demonstrate great accuracy with a controller. But there is no doubt that a controller is more than acceptable for playing coop no matter what platform your teammates are on. Keyboard and mouse support will be there so anybody who wants to go that route can. I got those two adapters, which are very nice quality, from a discount shop on ebay and both adapters + shipping cost me less than $10.

Allowing Xbox players to play with people on other platforms really was never a question though. I don't think about what I am doing as porting a Doom source port to Xbox. I think about it as porting the Odamex client to Xbox. One of the main purposes of the Odamex client is to connect to Odamex servers. These servers are the same regardless of your platform. I think when you consider the fact that Xbox Live is shutting down for the original Xbox it seems even more important to have ports like this where the online aspect of the game is a primary consideration during porting. I have some ports that you can play online with but it is obvious that this wasn't the primary focus during porting. When this port is ready it will be able to do everything that the PC, Linux, OS X, etc. ports can do. And I hope there are people who choose to actively play Odamex on Xbox.

QUOTE(Likklebaer @ Feb 12 2010, 03:02 PM) View Post
You should have left your little girl talking loudly in the vid. Sooooo cute!  happy.gif

Thank you for that.


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« Reply #21 on: February 14, 2010, 08:15:00 PM »

I'm so glad to see this and hope you don't run into many roadblocks while porting :-) Would love to play Doom online from the box!


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« Reply #22 on: February 14, 2010, 10:08:00 PM »

QUOTE(Pulsemasta @ Feb 14 2010, 09:15 PM) View Post

I'm so glad to see this and hope you don't run into many roadblocks while porting :-) Would love to play Doom online from the box!

I was playing some coop with it today. It is coming along nicely. The work I had done up to the point of my second video was pretty hacky to more proof it than anything else. I am now doing proper implementation so I spent the last couple of days reimplementing the original stuff and this allowed me to get some stuff I didn't already have in. That includes the network support, more thorough handling of paths which led to working saving/loading, passing command-line params and more. Overscan is the only thing that hasn't gone back in yet but there is a lot there that wasn't in the proof version and it has been a lot more stable along the way. I started the proper development by creating a branch in our svn and you can follow the development there. You can see a short log immediately on the homepage and you can select a more detailed changelog or even browse the svn if you would like.

Thanks for your interest and support!


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« Reply #23 on: February 14, 2010, 11:57:00 PM »

Nice work, Ill checkout that source and see whats up smile.gif


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« Reply #24 on: February 25, 2010, 12:03:00 PM »

I want to let you guys know that this is still progressing. You can follow the progress on our svn. Currently I have most of the multi-platform joystick support in. What remains to make the Xbox controller fully functional is hat support (which will enable the use of the d-pad) and using a joystick for menu navigation. As it is you need a keyboard plugged in to navigate to the joystick menu and enable/configure the controller, to the customize controls menu for setting the button bindings, and for starting a new game. The game is fully playable with the controller minus the d-pad.

The controls are analog. When auto-run is enabled you will run at full speed when pushing the analog stick to an extreme. When you hold the run/walk button the character will move at the full walk speed when the analog control is pushed to an extreme. In either case the speed is adjusted over the full range of analog control. So if you are "walking" and you barely push the analog control you will move very slowly and the speed will increase as you push the analog control further. If you are running the same thing holds true and the speed can be instantly changed by pressing the run/walk button. When auto-run is disabled the same things apply except that the run/walk button will have the opposite affect and you will walk by default.

For those that do not want to use analog controls I plan on adding an option to disable analog control. At that point you will be able to bind analog controls in the "Customize Controls" menu as if they were buttons which will affectively make them act as digital controls. You will also be able to assign the d-pad the same way if that is what you prefer. I think the analog controls feel great and I would not prefer two-step control over analog control but I do like options and I know there are some out there who will choose to bind their controls this way. I can't guarantee that this option will be ready for the 0.5 release of Odamex but it is on my list of things.

Obviously with the analog controls implemented and working I want to move to the next priority and knock things out in order of importance. I would say that order at this point is menu navigation, hat support, launcher interface, anything else. At this point the game is fully playable (both Ultimate Doom and Doom 2 have been extensively played by me), wads can be loaded, connecting to servers works, a usb keyboard is now fully functional including working with the console and chatting with other players, games can be saved and loaded, original demos are working without de-synching, and I would probably be getting this done faster if I wasn't having such a blast playing it. The biggest piece left to do is the launcher but I realize how crucial it is to calling an Xbox port complete. I am really enjoying the work and I expect things to continue to progress at a good speed.

Don't let anyone tell you the Xbox homebrew scene is dead. There are good things coming. Ask me. Ask SirLemonhead (who has been hard at work. wink.gif  )


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« Reply #25 on: February 25, 2010, 01:54:00 PM »

Thanks for the update. It's exciting to hear how well this progressing! Please keep them coming. Sounds like this is going to be the perfect excuse for some serious Doom playing.

Would love to see some more projects like this in the Xbox's future.  happy.gif


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« Reply #26 on: February 25, 2010, 02:06:00 PM »

Agreed....really looking forward to this. Doom is still one of my fav's....cutting edge when it came out. Keep the updates coming please, thanks


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« Reply #27 on: February 26, 2010, 09:38:00 AM »

First off!
Hyper Eye, you are one of these guys that shows that the Xbox is not dead!
Great great Work you make there!

I have a few questions about this port:

1. I another Xbox Doom-Port (don´t know which was it), there was a Xbox Option to add Bots in the Multiplayer, so you can play it also alone with Computer Enemys. It would be so cool to bring this in your Port!

2. Will there be MP3 or WAV Support? I mean, so that you can change the Background music or other Sounds!
Or is it Midi?

3. Will there be also a deh-Support from the Wads? So that i can play finally Goldeneye. Because i know all Wads with a deh in it don´t working in the Doom-Ports before!

Hope you can answering all my questions!
Have a nice Day and good Luck on the Port!


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« Reply #28 on: February 26, 2010, 12:48:00 PM »

QUOTE(rubarb @ Feb 26 2010, 03:39 PM) View Post

One thing though, if you are adding rumble, please can you have an option to turn it OFF, thanks.  wink.gif
this is the only thing that I didn't like about doomx, I use doom legacy at the moment instead.

Seriously? I always thought the rumble in DoomX made using the weapons so much more satisfying.


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« Reply #29 on: February 26, 2010, 03:18:00 PM »

QUOTE(rubarb @ Feb 26 2010, 07:39 AM) View Post

thanks hyper eye this sounds great.

One thing though, if you are adding rumble, please can you have an option to turn it OFF, thanks.  wink.gif
this is the only thing that I didn't like about doomx, I use doom legacy at the moment instead.

There will be an option to enable or disable rumble. Pretty much anything that was not found in classic Doom is optional in Odamex. Being able to have that classic feel is important to the Odamex team. That is why I will leave the ability to change the resolution in even though SDLx only truly displays 640x480 and scales anything else. If I were porting something else I would just set the resolution to 640x480 and leave the option out (until I get around to supporting HD resolutions which will require changing SDLx.) With Odamex I want you to be able to select 320x200 so that you can get that classic feel if you want it. As with many options I like playing with higher resolutions but the option will be used by somebody.

QUOTE(Likklebaer @ Feb 26 2010, 01:48 PM) View Post

Seriously? I always thought the rumble in DoomX made using the weapons so much more satisfying.

I agree. Rumble feels good in DoomX.
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