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Zsnexbox Faq
« Reply #45 on: July 02, 2006, 01:54:00 AM »

hey guys im wodering bout my emulators they are showing a lil too big on my tv....bout a quarter of an inch too big on all there a way to fix this i havent found it been messin round with it for a while. anyone gotta fix
thanks in advance


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« Reply #46 on: July 02, 2006, 04:11:00 AM »

You can easily resize the screen in the options menu.


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« Reply #47 on: July 12, 2006, 01:50:00 PM »

Ok well i got the zsnex emulator for xbox and i got it on a dvd but i want to copy it onto the hard drive
the only problem is when i try to the bar freezes at 16 percent, i tryed deleted the games it says its freezing on but it doesnt work it still freezes on 16 percent, i tryed copying it to E:\Games, am i supposed to copy it somewhere else or what can i do?


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« Reply #48 on: July 12, 2006, 02:10:00 PM »

Sounds like you made a bad burn or are using poor media.

How did you delete a game off a burned DVD?


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« Reply #49 on: July 12, 2006, 04:45:00 PM »

i deleted the rom off my computer in the roms folder before i even put it on the dvd the dvd works perfectly fine its just that i cant copy it onto the xbox.


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« Reply #50 on: July 12, 2006, 04:53:00 PM »

What is the error you are getting?

Are the rom names in fatx format? That's the only thing I can think of that would stop a transfer other than a bad burn or not enough free space on the hard drive.


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« Reply #51 on: July 30, 2006, 01:11:00 PM »

Sorry this is old, but I had to dig it up to see if my answer was here. I added several new roms to my folder, and the pack from had png's for most of these new roms. Names are identical, but not showing up. Do I need to re-scan or something...if so, can someone tell me how. I've looked & can't find it...Thanks huh.gif


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« Reply #52 on: August 13, 2006, 09:29:00 AM »

QUOTE(nes6502 @ May 1 2006, 04:42 PM) *

Updated 31-Jul-06

Q: Where can I download it?
A: No idea

Q: How do I install it?
A: Download the ZsnexBox archive. It may be in multiple parts. For example ZsnexBox1.0.part1, ZsnexBox1.0.part2, ZsnexBox1.0.part3, etc... In this example you would use winrar and extract the ZsnexBox1.part1 files. Otherwise it will all be in one archive (in rar or 7z format). Use winrar or 7-zip to extract it. Copy the entire extracted folder to your Xbox or burn an xISO of the emulator. Run the "default.xbe" to start the emulator if running off the hard disk. Boot the disk like a regular XBOX game if burned to a disk.

Q: How do I get previews to work?
A: Put previews in the E:\ZsnexBox\prev folder

Q: Where can I get previews?

Q: Where can I get roms?
A: No idea

Q: The screen has garbled graphics?
A: Assuming you have support for 720p or 1080i, open the ZsnexBox.ini and change HDMode to HDMode=1 (for 720p) or HDMode=2 (for 1080i)

Q: Is there going to be netplay support?
A: No

Q: Why isn’t there going to be netplay support?
A: I hate Network programming

Q: Is there going to be SMB support?
A: No. There doesn’t seem to be a real need for this. It would be a lot of work for something that isn’t really needed (in my opinion). After all, the entire USA set will fit on one CD-R.

Q: How fast is ZsnexBox?
A: Blazingly fast! Auto frame skipping is set to on by default. This means that if the emulator can't keep up it will skip frames and the FPS display will drop below 60. You will be hard-pressed to find ANY games (other than SuperFX) that drop below 60 FPS for more than a second or two (even with most graphics filters turned on).

Q: Are you going to implement <insert feature here> in the next release?
A: Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe never.

Q: What version of ZSNES is this?
A: Currently the code is using the 2-28-05 WIP version.

Q: When is the next release coming out?
A: When it's ready.

Q: Can I be a beta tester?
A: Thanks, but I will send out requests for beta testers if I need some in the future.

Q: Are you going to release the source?
A: Yes. I will release the source when I am finished with the project (worst case scenario) or maybe earlier. The code needs a lot of cleanup, optimizations, etc… and it would be most beneficial to future developers if the code was released later rather than sooner.

Q: Are you going to merge your changes with the official ZSNES?
A: That will be up to the ZSNES developers. They will receive the source and they can do with it what they wish.

Q: <insert game here> crashes.
A: Does it crash in the 2-28-05 windows version? If it does, then there is nothing I can do about it. Otherwise, please post the issue on the xbox-scene board.

Q: Are you going to update ZSNES to newer code as it is released.
A: Yes. This will be done through a multi-core architecture. The user will be able to select the core they wish to use on a per game basis. This will most likely be done last.

Q: Do my roms have to be zipped?
A: No.

Q: Can ZsnexBox be run off a DVD/CD?
A: Yes. An XISO must be made before burning.

Q: Can you change where the rom path starts initially?
A: Yes. Change the RomPath.ini

Q: I found <insert problem here> with ZsnexBox?
A: Is it related to the emulation? If so, does it do the same thing on the 2-28-05 WIP version? If so, then there is nothing I can do about it. Otherwise, post the bug on the forum and I will look into it.

Q: Can I change the background music volume?
A: Yes. The right analog stick can be used to increase or decrease the volume.

Q: My savestate doesn't work anymore, but I know I have one because it was working fine.
A: There is a bug in ZSNES where it will incorrectly name the savestates. This usually happens with games that have a "." in the name. Like Final Fantasy III (1.0).zip. Sometimes ZSNES will name the savestate "Final Fantasy III (1.zst0).zst" or something similar. It puts the "zst" extension at the wrong place. Just rename the savestate to fix the problem. I am looking into a fix for this problem. If you are trying to use a savestate generated with an earlier version of ZsnexBox there may be a savestate compatibility issue.

Q: Does Starfox 2 work correctly?
A: Not currently. Starfox 2 will be supported in a later release. The ZSNES developers are making great strides in the emulation of this game.

Q: Are you going to continue updating ZsnexBox?
A: Yes. I am trying to make ZsnexBox as polished as possible. However, that doesn't mean I'm going to add every feature imaginable.

Q: I see there is surround sound. How does that work?
A: This is a 2 channel surround sound emulation provided by ZSNES. If the game that is being played has a surround sound feature, then disable the ZSNES option if the game option is used.

Q: What is the Low Pass Filter?
A: This is a feature that ZSNES provides that will add extra bass to the SNES audio. It is not native to the SNES.

Q: ZsnexBox won't start.
A: Make sure you have the full installation. If it still doesn't start, you might need to patch the default.xbe to make it retail. Some users have had to do this. It is set as debug by default.

Q: Some of my games work and some don't.
A: Your ROMs may be corrupt. Verify your roms with the free tool NSRT. This is the best tool there is to determine if an SNES rom is good or bad.

Q: Can I donate any hardware or money?
A: Thank you, but I must decline. I don't want people to get the wrong idea about why I am doing this project. It's not for money or anything else. It's for myself as well as for all the SNES fans using emulators on the XBOX. If you really want to help, the best thing would be to help answer questions in the various ZsnexBox threads.

Q: What is the best sound frequency to use?
A: 32000. 44100 and 48000 do offer improvements but some audio will not sound SNES accurate if the frequency is increased.

Q: What are all these graphics filters? Which one should I use?
A: These are filters that will enhance the SNES graphics to make them look better than they did on the actual SNES. The most popular ones seem to be either Advance MAME 2X (produces a high quality look) and Simple 2X (produces a more authentic SNES look). It is really a matter of preference. Try all of them to determine the one you like the best. Filters do take extra CPU power to use. Using them doesn't usually affect games running full speed, but this can happen at times. HQ2X is the most CPU intensive and very few games will run full speed with this filter.

Q: Would you be interested in porting something else?
A: Maybe. After I'm done with ZsnexBox, I "might" look into porting other projects. That all depends on whether Xport (or anyone else) is working on the ones I am interested in, my interest is still there, and I have time.

Gostaria de saber, se não tem uma pretenção de fazer um Emulation : ZSNexBox v2.4  
Posté par DJ-yOyO le 11/8/2006 13:53:36 (489 lectures)  
Nes6502 nous propose une nouvelle version de son émulateur Super Nintendo pour XBox, basé sur le célèbre émulateur PC ZSnes. Beaucoup de changements sont à noter.

- Ajout de deux nouvelles skins pour l'émulateur (Zelda et Metroid)
- Animation ajouté à la skin Metroid
Possibilité de changer de skin. Jusqu'à 15 skins sont supportées. Ajoutez vos skins dans le répertoire Skins. Dans chaque répertoire placez une copie du fichier ZsnexBox.ini comportant le chemin correct des images/texte vers le répertoire en question. Il doit avoir le même nom que le répertoire. Par exemple, la skin Metroid se trouve dans le répertoire /skins/Metroid qui contient le fichier Metroid.ini
- Ajout de nouvelles options de positionnement de texte. Dans l'absolu, tous les textes peuvent être ajustés
- Changement des textes d'options du menu principal, des controllers et de l'émulateur qui sont à présent centrés
- Ajout d'une option de Menu Help/FAQ. Cette options contient de informations sur l'utilisation de ZSNexBox ainsi qu'une FAQ mise à jour
- Ajout d'une option pour ajuster la fenêtre "pop-up" pour le texte d'aide
- Ajout d'une nouvelle image de fond pour l'écran d'aide
- Optimisation du code de timing et d'animation. Les animations sont à présent plus douces
- Fix du problème graphique de corruption en HD que certains utilisateurs pouvaient rencontrer. ZSNexBox devrait afficher à présent correctement le 720p et 1080i pour toutes les versions de XBox
- Fix des contrôles pour les joueurs 3 et 4
- Ajout de la possibilité de modifier le texte du RomBrower. La longueur peut à présent être allongée ou raccourcie
- Création d'un nouveau menu nommé GUI Options. Les options d'image et de texte y ont été déplacées
- Ajout d'une transition de l'interface entre les écrans. La durée de fondu peut être ajustée
- Possibilité de zoom du logo/graphique pour le RomBrowser
- Fix d'un bug où le texte était trop à droite en modes HD
- Fix du bug des numéros invisibles du menu de triche en modes HD
- Changement de toutes les images de l'interface au format PNG. Le JPG n'est plus du tout supporté, ce qui permet de libérer prés de 4MB de RAM. Toutes les préviews HQ fonctionnent à nouveau à présent, et l'interface semble plus agréable.
- Modification de l'option "Show ROM Info" qui passe à OFF par défaut
- Fix d'un bug au niveau de l'écran d'option
- Fix d'un bug où les valeurs de bordure de prévisualisation n'étaient pas savegardées correctement
- Ajout d'un écran de confirmation pour sortir de ZSNexBox
- Ajout d'options pour changer les animations de zoom du logo du menu principal et du RomBrowser. Les valeurs pouvant être modifiées sont : taille minimum, taille maximum et vitesse de l'animation
- Réduction du temps avant que l'animation du RomBrowser ne se répète
- Ajout d'une options pour changer la distance de déplacement des personnage animés du RomBrowser. Par défaut la valeur est 100. Une valeur de 50 fait que l'animation se répète 2 fois plus souvent

 ZSNexBox v2.4

Gostaria de saber, se vc não tem uma previsão de um emulador para Mega Driver/CD/32x e Master tipo:
ZsgenBox v1.0 para o xbox...


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Zsnexbox Faq
« Reply #53 on: August 13, 2006, 05:10:00 PM »

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: The games show up in the rom browser, but when I
start one, the Xbox freezes.
A: You most likely edited the Path.ini rompath value
and put a "\" at the end of it. Delete the ending
backslash to solve this problem. Another reason  
this will happen is if you try to load a rom in 7z,
jma, or rar format. The rom could also be corrupt.
It can be verified with NSRT and goodsnes.

Q: When I start ZsnexBox, the skin doesn't load.
A: Delete the ZsnexBox.ini on the save partition
and make sure all the skin files are present. Then
restart the emulator.

Q: Some of the text is not aligned correctly or how I
would prefer.
A: Nearly all the text can be adjusted in the "Text
Options" menu.

Q: How do I get previews to work?
A: Put previews in the E:\ZsnexBox\prev folder. If you
changed the partition letter in the Path.ini to F or G,
then put the previews in the F:\ZsnexBox\prev or
G:\ZsnexBox\prev folder.

Q: Where can I get previews?
A: http:\\

Q: My previews don't show up
A: They must match the game name exactly. must
have a preview named SMW.png. They also must be in the
prev folder created by ZsnexBox. If they still don't
show up, try changing the partition ZsnexBox uses in
the Path.ini. You may have a corrupt filesystem on the
default partition.

Q: Where can I get ROMs?
A: No idea. All requests will be ignored.

Q: Is there going to be netplay support?
A: No

Q: Why isn't there going to be netplay support?
A: I hate Network programming

Q: Is there going to be SMB support?
A: No. There doesn't seem to be a real need for this.
It would be a lot of work for something that isn't
really needed (in my opinion). After all, the entire
USA set will fit on one CD-R.

Q: How fast is ZsnexBox?
A: Blazingly fast! Auto frame skipping is set to on
by default. This means that if the emulator can't
keep up it will skip frames and the FPS display will
drop below 60. You will be hard-pressed to find ANY
games (other than SuperFX) that drop below 60 FPS
for more than a second or two (even with most
graphics filters turned on).

Q: Are you going to implement <insert feature here>
in the next release?
A: Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe never.

Q: What version of ZSNES is this?
A: Currently the code is using the 2-28-05 WIP version.

Q: Why aren't you using the latest ZSNES code?
A: Because it is not stable enough. However, versions
1.0 - 1.2 use code from around 3-29-06. If you are
having trouble with a game, you could try one of
these versions since they have a newer ZSNES core.

Q: Are you ever going to update ZSNES to newer code?
A: Yes. This will be done through a multi-core
architecture. The user will be able to select
the core they wish to use on a per game basis.
This will most likely be done last.

Q: When is the next release coming out?
A: When it's ready.

Q: Can I be a beta tester?
A: Thanks, but I will send out requests for beta
testers if I need some in the future.

Q: Are you going to release the source?
A: Yes. I will release the source when I am finished
with the project (worst case scenario) or maybe
earlier. The code needs a lot of cleanup,
optimizations, etc... and it would be most beneficial
to future developers if the code was released later
rather than sooner.

Q: Are you going to merge your changes with the
official ZSNES?
A: That will be up to the ZSNES developers. They will
receive the source and they can do with it what they

Q: <insert game here> crashes, has graphics problems,
sound distortion, etc...
A: Does it occur in the 2-28-05 windows version? If it
does, then there is nothing I can do about it.
Otherwise, please post the issue on the xbox-scene

Q: Do my ROMs have to be zipped?
A: No.

Q: Does ZsnexBox support 7z or rar?
A: No and it will never support them.

Q: Can ZsnexBox be run off a DVD/CD?
A: Yes. An XISO must be made before burning.

Q: Can you change where the ROM path starts initially?
A: Yes. Change the Path.ini

Q: I found <insert problem here> with ZsnexBox?
A: Is it related to the emulation? If so, does it do the
same thing on the 2-28-05 WIP version? If so, then there
is nothing I can do about it. Otherwise, post the bug on
the forum and I will look into it.

Q: Can I change the background music volume?
A: Yes. The right analog stick can be used to increase
or decrease the volume.

Q: My savestate doesn't work anymore, but I know I have
one because it was working fine.
A: There is a bug in ZSNES where it will incorrectly
name the savestates. This usually happens with games
that have a "." in the name. Like Final Fantasy III
(1.0).zip. Sometimes ZSNES will name the savestate
"Final Fantasy III (1.zst0).zst" or something similar.
It puts the "zst" extension at the wrong place. Just
rename the savestate to fix the problem. I am looking
into a fix for this problem. If you are trying to use
a savestate generated with an earlier version of
ZsnexBox there may be a savestate compatibility issue.

Q: Does Starfox 2 work correctly?
A: Not currently. Starfox 2 will be supported in a
later release. The ZSNES developers are making great
strides in the emulation of this game.

Q: Are you going to continue updating ZsnexBox?
A: Yes. I am trying to make ZsnexBox as polished as
possible. However, that doesn't mean I'm going to add
every feature imaginable.

Q: I see there is surround sound. How does that work?
A: This is a 2 channel surround sound emulation
provided by ZSNES. If the game that is being played has
a surround sound feature, then disable the ZSNES option
if the game option is used.

Q: What is the Low Pass Filter?
A: This is a feature that ZSNES provides that will add
extra bass to the SNES audio. It is not native to the

Q: Some of my games work and some don't.
A: Your ROMs may be corrupt. Verify your ROMs with the
free tool NSRT. This is the best tool there is to
determine if an SNES ROM is good or bad.

Q: Can I donate any hardware or money?
A: Thank you, but I must decline. I don't want people to
get the wrong idea about why I am doing this project.
It's not for money or anything else. It's for myself as
well as for all the SNES fans using emulators on the
XBOX. If you really want to help, the best thing would
be to help answer questions in the various ZsnexBox

Q: What is the best sound frequency to use?
A: 32000. 44100 and 48000 do offer improvements but some
audio will not sound SNES accurate if the frequency is

Q: What are all these graphics filters? Which one should
I use?
A: These are filters that will enhance the SNES graphics
to make them look better than they did on the actual
SNES. The most popular ones seem to be either Advance
MAME 2X (produces a high quality look) and Simple 2X
(produces a more authentic SNES look). It is really a
matter of preference. Try all of them to determine the
one you like the best. Filters do take extra CPU power
to use. Using them doesn't usually affect games running
full speed, but this can happen at times. HQ2X is the most
CPU intensive and very few games will run full speed with
this filter. My opinion to get the best looking graphics
is: Advance MAME 2X + Flicker Filter of 0 + Soften turned
off + Hardware Filtering set to Bilinear.

Q: Would you be interested in porting something else?
A: Maybe. After I'm done with ZsnexBox, I "might" look
into porting other projects. That all depends on whether
Xport (or anyone else) is working on the ones I am
interested in, my interest is still there, and I have



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Zsnexbox Faq
« Reply #54 on: August 15, 2006, 07:59:00 AM »

force pal games to 60fps

Excuse me if this question is a redundant one,
I'm just a french speaker and i would be glad to force some 50hz pal proctected (that detect ntsc hardware) games playing in 60fps, this option just seems to have disapeard from the previous early xsnes version.  Anyway thank you all for your efforts, this emu is not far long away from perfection what an amazing progression !!  blink.gif


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« Reply #55 on: August 15, 2006, 10:40:00 AM »

QUOTE(zorglub @ Aug 15 2006, 02:30 PM) View Post

force pal games to 60fps

Excuse me if this question is a redundant one,
I'm just a french speaker and i would be glad to force some 50hz pal proctected (that detect ntsc hardware) games playing in 60fps, this option just seems to have disapeard from the previous early xsnes version.  Anyway thank you all for your efforts, this emu is not far long away from perfection what an amazing progression !!  blink.gif

Emulator Options->General Options->Region: Auto, NTSC, or PAL


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« Reply #56 on: August 15, 2006, 11:45:00 AM »

QUOTE(nes6502 @ Aug 15 2006, 06:47 PM) *

Emulator Options->General Options->Region: Auto, NTSC, or PAL

Thank you for answering this fast but, i speak of "protected" games like

pal Pop_N_Twinbee (E)
Act Raiser 2 (E)
With the NTCS region chosen, they hangs on the boot screen with an irritating message like "this videogame has been designed for pal-euro system only "  they work indeed, PAL mode enabled with a choppy and slow 50 FPS, that's why i asked..
It happens the more often with later european releases to prevent i don't know what.  
You could naturally answer me, get the damn NTSC version of the game you wanna play in 60 FPS but i play rather european translations.


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« Reply #57 on: August 15, 2006, 01:04:00 PM »

QUOTE(zorglub @ Aug 15 2006, 06:16 PM) View Post

Thank you for answering this fast but, i speak of "protected" games like

pal Pop_N_Twinbee (E)
Act Raiser 2 (E)
With the NTCS region chosen, they hangs on the boot screen with an irritating message like "this videogame has been designed for pal-euro system only "  they work indeed, PAL mode enabled with a choppy and slow 50 FPS, that's why i asked..
It happens the more often with later european releases to prevent i don't know what.  
You could naturally answer me, get the damn NTSC version of the game you wanna play in 60 FPS but i play rather european translations.

Start the PAL game in PAL mode
Play past the warning screen (usually let the game run for 5 seconds)
Make a savestate
Exit the game
Change the region to NTSC
Load the PAL game (you'll get the error screen)
Load the savestate and it will take you past the warning.

Result: PAL game now running at 60FPS.

There are also SNES rom tools that can disable the protection check on PAL/NTSC roms.

Either way should beat the protection.


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« Reply #58 on: August 16, 2006, 03:43:00 AM »

there's several different method cartridges use to lockout pal in ntsc consoles.
the savestates trick does work, but if you want a more permanent solution i suggest uCon64 (copier tool).
you just select the rom, and if the lockout method it uses is known, itll properly patch it.

One thing worthy of mention tho, either way you use to force a 50hz rom to run at 60hz, most (all?) of the time you'll run into sync problems, especially the music will be off whats going in the game, and things will overall run faster than they should (by 16 2/3 % to be exact)

Sometimes worse effects can be also seen and it can severely mess up a game in a variety of different ways, depending how much and what relies on vsync for internal game mechanics.

I'm not sure what you mean by "european translations". In the SNES era, except a few exceptions, the game were always released in japan, then translated for the USA market, and THEN from that usa release they were brought and adapted for the PAL system.

Of course there were a handful of europe exclusives (well more than a handful, according to my own set wich i build with info from nsrt's comparison feature, there are 77 europe games not released in the USA).

Some popular ones were also hand-edited to fix the sync problems (only one i know of is terranigma, wich has an IPS patch available for that purpose)

It is also thought that some games that had notorious bugs in the (U) release might have had them fixed for the later european one.
I've tryed to ask around for people who played both version alot a while back, and the only game i was able to find that had bug fixed in a european release was Lufia II (wich had a weird room with scrambled graphics later on in the USA release).
It's worth nothing that this particular bug wasn't found in the original japenese version, and what introduced with the english localization.

OK so i think i went a bit overboard here,but there you go, all you'll ever need to know about SNES european releases.


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« Reply #59 on: August 18, 2006, 12:32:00 PM »

Ok, many Thanks to both of you to provide many ways to solve my problem  love.gif ..

I will try this ASAP. when back from vacations.
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