
Author Topic: Xdsl Suggestions (fan Speed, ...)  (Read 23 times)


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Xdsl Suggestions (fan Speed, ...)
« on: April 24, 2005, 01:05:00 AM »


To whomever is working on xdsl and reading these posts, I just wanted to say, thanks a lot! I'm very impressed. I am a linux software engineer at a mega-corporation and I have to say that I had never been more confused than when I tried to get linux on my xbox! I finally gave up and just used XBMC, since it did most of what I wanted, but then I saw xdsl and I was encouraged with how easy it was to get going, and how small it is.

I have a couple of suggestions for the developers, hopefully not too uninformed.

1) Is there a way to manually or automatically control the fan speed? This is them main reason I'm not able to leave XBMC completely right now.

2) Bigger/clearer fonts! I am using a 8" LCD monitor and the already blurry/small fonts are not very readable, especially in XMMS, etc. I haven't played with this much, and I'm sure there's more I could do through the config, but it isn't obvious I guess.

3) Those of us stuck with the crappy 1.6 video controller can't see the whole desktop. I know others have bitched about this one, but I thought I'd mention it too. A vnc server included in the distro might alleviate some of this problem, since at least I would have a frame of reference for what the hell that thing is on the left of the screen!

That's it for now. Again, thanks a lot, and good job!
