
Author Topic: I Believe I Had Just Kill My Xbox  (Read 125 times)


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I Believe I Had Just Kill My Xbox
« on: October 07, 2004, 02:27:00 AM »

Recently I had heard so much good thing about xbox modchip from my friend, he even told me about this website.  From what he told me, the modchip installation was quite easy.  Therefore, I brought my modchip and brought another harddrive since he told me is better to get another one if I still want my old save files.  Anyway, so I got my harddrive and chip, and I put it in about two days ago (I use the pin head method, since I don't know how to solder), and flash it with x-bit software (and like everyone else I also have problem while flashing, anyway we'll come back on that later).  Guess what, I got the FRAG problems like anyone else.  First, I was freak out, then I figure out I must havn't position it right, then I reposition it again.  Still the same problem...After about 10 tried, I give up and take the chip out and it boot fine from the MS bios.  The next day, I look thorugh many of topic on the forums and decide to go try again.  of course, it doesn't work again.  I then try to flash again and again on my xp.  I have to use the old x-bit program since the xp file doesn't allow me to format my chip for some reasons.  Everythings went well, and I write it the bios on 5 without verifying at first.  (my mistake)  Then I went back and tried again, guess what, it still didn't work.  Now, I went back to the computer and verify the chip this time  (while the chip connect to my xb), it gave the the content doesn't match.  Well, so I try the xp version of x-bit software and try to write something in since I figure I already did the formating on the old version.  Then it just keep on earse block till like 20000+ blocks which I know the chip only have like about 30 blocks or so.  so I force the program to quit.  I went back to my room, and try to plug in everything again with out chip on, guess what......?  Now I have FRAG problems without the chip in there..... :grr:   Is kinda irony that I just spent like a 100 bucks (chip and HD) to break my xb so I can get a new one.  I don't know, maybe I am just a stupid ass.......
Well, I am a noob in modding my system, but I already encounter so many problems on my xb after I brought my chip and look through like 100+ posts, and learn all the terms such as FRAG and stuffs....Well, I really hope that someone will have solution on this, maybe KENWOOD you have one, since I see you reply on many topic.  I would really appreciate if someone have a way of fixing this, and hopefully no one will have same kind of problems as I did.....Anyway....I felt kinda sad now.....just lost a job and have not much money to replace my xb... :(
Well, anyway thanks for listening guys......


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I Believe I Had Just Kill My Xbox
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2004, 10:50:00 AM »

You told that your Xbox is fragging (flashing red and green) without the chip. Are you sure it is not flashing yellow and green (which means AV cable problem)? Anyway, you should solve that problem first. Succesfull mod chip installation could remove the problem, but you cannot disable your chip. I would investigate d0 whereabouts to see if the motherboard has damaged (d0 via has damaged or some trace has been cut).

Which Xbit version do you have? I guess it is v1.0, if the old flash software version works. V1.5 flash software versions are for Xbit v1.5 only and v1.0 flash software version is for Xbit v1.0 only.

If you are not sure how to set the dips, use format 6, format bios bank 6 and set dips 1=on, 2=off, 3=on, 4=off. Check that you have not damaged the black wires and that the connectors are properly attached.

Which bios are you using?


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I Believe I Had Just Kill My Xbox
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2004, 12:09:00 PM »

Kenmood,  :rolleyes:
  Thanks for reply, well, actually my xb is not flash orange and green, I did check all my connection, about 4~5 times.  It does flash red and green like FRAG as everyone have been posting.  And that mean I have open my xb and check everything from inside out.  But is really weird tho, I don't know why I didn't sold or anything, and the d0 and trace seem fine, except there is a slight mark left on the trace at where the 2nd control pin had been placed. (The first one is d0 pin).  Beside that I don't see any other problems.  By the way my version is v1.0 and I did use the old version of x-bit but when I force write it, it look fine, and it even give me a done message.  But when I verify it, then it say the contect not match.  I am using the x2_4983.67 bios, which my friend send it to me through email since I can't find anyway online.  He told me he is using the same bios and it work fine on his xb.  I am going to bring my xb to his house tonight and see if I can get my chip flash.  Hopefully will work with chip at least.  But I still don't get it how I have mess up my board.  I only position the chip several times and that cause the damage to the board?  Or could it be the X-bit software mess up my original Bios (is that possible? )  That's the only two solutions I can come up with after reading most of posting on this forums.  Like I say I am still only a newbie, but I still don't see how that would happen tho?  But thanks for the reply tho, it really help me to confirm my soultion.  And for people who are new to the x-bit modchip pin install might want to avoid what I did.  (maybe is better to flash your chip before you even put it in the system)  :(


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I Believe I Had Just Kill My Xbox
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2004, 04:12:00 AM »

I went to my friend's house tonight and flash my chip again,  but you know what the chip write successifully and verify successifully and we position the chip correctly according to the d0 point, and it still gave me the FRAG.  Did my xb motherboard really fried up?  And please where can I can a cheap working on....please not from ebay.  Those people sell non-working motherboard with insanely price.  I also just brought a new xbox today, I haven't open it sin cethe it was made 8-2004 and made in China, I am suspect to be a v.1.6 and I don't know how to solder.  I might return it tomorrow since I havn't open it yet, but another question is where can I get another xb with version v.1.0-1.5?  PLease help!


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I Believe I Had Just Kill My Xbox
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2004, 11:16:00 AM »

The two d0 pogo pins are sharp so they may even cut traces while you turn and adjust Xbit. I think that the unused d0 pogo pin stands on a trace on v1.0 Xbox and if the protective layer on that trace has damaged, Xbit will pull that trace to ground as it does for d0. Double check that trace, and if it is not cut, just insulate the trace from the pogo pin by applying a tiny piece of paper between. However, as your Xbox frags without the chip, I suspect that there is some physical damage on motherboard. If just d0-d7 traces have damaged, installing a mod chip will make Xbox to boot again. If some other trace has damaged, it need to be fixed or your Xbox won't boot with or without a mod chip.

Btw. You cannot accidentally flash onboard bios as you have to enable flash writing by soldering.


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I Believe I Had Just Kill My Xbox
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2004, 06:11:00 PM »

I see, thanks kenmood.  I think that I might have damamge the trace.  But I also suspect that my mod chip is defective eventhough the led on the 2nd piece lit up.  And it flash successfully.  But I am pretty sure even before I miss up my xbox, it still won't let me boot up from the chip.  So I am suspect is the problem with the chip, otherwise it should still boot from the chip.  I just don't know what I do.  And I also wondering how I can buy another old version of xb, I have looked everywhere now....Bestbuy, fries, walmart, gamestop....etc.


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I Believe I Had Just Kill My Xbox
« Reply #6 on: October 09, 2004, 03:33:00 AM »

If you are not too expert on repairing electronics, I recommend that you find someone to fix your Xbox. A broken trace is not too difficult to fix, but it requires some experience.

Modchip Installers
Expert Repair, Installation, Custom Mods

I am not able to tell you where you could buy an old Xbox as I don't live in US.


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I Believe I Had Just Kill My Xbox
« Reply #7 on: October 09, 2004, 09:52:00 AM »

agreed with kenmood...i think u cut a trace while moving it


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I Believe I Had Just Kill My Xbox
« Reply #8 on: October 10, 2004, 04:22:00 AM »

Well, thanks for everyone's reply especially to Kenmood.  Today I actually brought a pre-mod xbox a guy who work in some retail video game store.  I paid him $200 for the xbox with Aladdin chip installed, and I also gave him to x-bit chip that I have.  Well, since he know how to solder so he might make a good use off from it.  I test out the system today, and it work fine.  Althouh is a old system.  (made in 08-2001)  Well, but as long as it work then I am happy.  Since I already spent so much money into it.  200GB hard drive - $100, x-bit chip $45, and a pre-mod xbox $200 :(   Well, but I guess is still worth it.  :rolleyes: And I will keep my old xb in case I need to replace certain part such as DVD drive or other tiny stuff.  Thank for all your help tho!


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I Believe I Had Just Kill My Xbox
« Reply #9 on: October 10, 2004, 04:58:00 AM »

What happened to that 200GB hard drive? Are you going to install that?


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I Believe I Had Just Kill My Xbox
« Reply #10 on: October 11, 2004, 05:23:00 PM »

I actullay install my harddrive in there already, since I already know how to take the xbox apart.  This time I am being extra careful...I install the harddrive and then install the slayer dashboard.  (according to my friend is the newest one)  I didn't not flash the bios tho, I think the bios they were using when I brought it is evolution or something.  The new harddrive work, but the only thing is that the bios only reconiginze up to 120G or harddrive space.  I know that if I flash newest bios the harddrive will then recongize up to 120G.  But I don't know how to flash that since is a chip I am not famillilar with.  I am also worrying about that if I reflash the bios I might have to reinstall the bashboard and then reformat my harddrive again rite?  This way will I lost my save file for the burnout 3 that I was playing for the past few days?  Well, I didn't make much progess but still is a time investment.


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I Believe I Had Just Kill My Xbox
« Reply #11 on: October 12, 2004, 12:29:00 PM »

If you reflash your chip, you won't loose anything. I recommend that you flash Xecuter2 4979.67 or newer (latest is 4983.67). As you have formatted your hard drive already, use .67 version (not .06) and you won't have to format the hard drive again. You won't have one big F drive (partition 6), but you can have the rest as G drive (partition 7). Just use EvolutionX to format G drive for you, I think there might be some guide on Xbox-Scene tutorials.


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I Believe I Had Just Kill My Xbox
« Reply #12 on: October 13, 2004, 12:43:00 AM »

Thanks Kenmood,
  I have another question.  Is there no way that I can transfer my old drive files to the new harddrive, well, since my original xbox is fried, and I heard that you have to unlock the drive with the original motherboard first before you can put on a different xbox to transfer files to PC.  I play huge amounts of games and I really would want to have those hours of gameplay back.  Thanks!


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I Believe I Had Just Kill My Xbox
« Reply #13 on: October 13, 2004, 09:53:00 PM »
