
Author Topic: Newbie To Modding  (Read 50 times)


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Newbie To Modding
« on: August 30, 2002, 11:49:00 PM »

1. I know there are mod chips (Xtender, Enigma, etc..) and there are Programmable Chips such as the OpenBox PC-BioXX. Am I correct in saying that the Programmable Chip will do what I want it to do once I load a bios on it?

Answer - Yes

2. Can I load a bios on it without having another mod chip (such as the Enigma) installed?

Answer - Yes, the PC-BioXX is a modchip

3. If Number 1 is correct, Can I then load EvolutionX onto my Xbox and then play games that are copied onto the HD?

Answer - Yes, needs Evo2.3 bios for  HD swop though

I guess in a nutshell, I am asking if the following will work:

Buy a PC-BioXX chip, install it (I know that the release date is very close)
Flash a bios onto it (what is recommended?)
Load EvolutionX

Should I then be able to perform all of the functions that I wanted to perform? (I do know that to play backups I will want to use CDRWs or DVDs)

Answer - EvoX BIOS 2.3.  Yes.  Can have problems with some CDRW's and DVD brands, test some before buying bulk.


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Newbie To Modding
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2002, 07:29:00 AM »


Thank you very much.. I am glad that I was able to sort through everything and get it clear.

There is quite a bit of information out there..

Now hopefully the PC-Bioxx chip will be released soon



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Newbie To Modding
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2005, 03:34:00 PM »

ya i kno dude i cant wait