
Author Topic: Create Multi Disks Using Isocraxtion 3.1  (Read 322 times)


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Create Multi Disks Using Isocraxtion 3.1
« on: May 15, 2004, 01:00:00 AM »

there are many ways people do this, this is the way i create them without any problems and takes half the time if you don`t create the final iso.

get your background pics .png format if you want to add any or your background music .wma format if you want to add one.

1st they say its best to backup both mxm and menu x default xbe files, and replace the menu x default xbe with the mxm xbe file.(it has less bugs so they say)

open isocraxtion application and in multigame disk option choose Menu X disk wizard a new window will appeare. to add iso`s and folders.
at the bottom you can change the disk menu theme if you have imported any others you may have downloaded or just leave it as default.

now start to add the games 1 by 1, once you have added all the games you want to be in the multi disk click NEXT, iso craxtion will patch all xbe files if needed in the process of adding each one. now yopur on STEP 2 of the wizard.

this is where you can add background pics .png dont worry about the sise isocraxtion should resise them for you name for game is usualy the default name so doesnt need changing, you can ad sub menu info if you want but dont make it to long,then finaly you can add the background pic if you have one for that game. 1st game done now click NEXT ISO and do same with 2nd game etc etc till all the games have been done.

once all have been done click NEXT at botom right, now your on STEP 3.

if you chose a differant them at the start the background and wait screen options will allready be done either with default or a theme you imported and chose. top option is where you can add the wma music file, if you dont know how to convert mp3 or wav file to wma there are a few tools out there that can do this , i use jetaudio to convert them.finaly select the directory you want to create all this in.

create a new folder and name it i.e MULTIDISK on your HD, then using the drop down menu`s search your hard drive till you find the folder and double click on it so it appeares opened, then click CREATE ISO, it will ask you to give it a name, type the name you want then click OK.

it now starts to extract all the games one by one, you will see a progress bar at top telling you what the wizard is doing.for now it will show as ISOCRAXTION  FILE EXTRACTER once all have been extracted it will start to create the iso it will show the name you typed earlier for the name of the iso MULTIDISK and it it will state creating multidisk iso.

this is where you stop the wizard, click ther X on both windows to close them , then press CTRL+ALT+DEL and in process you will see XIMAGE.EXE running END THIS PROCESS, you dont want it to create the iso file if you dont stop this it will create the iso and delete the tmp folder, the files inside the tmp folder is what you want to burn to disk.

in the directory you told isocraxtion to create the iso you will find a TMP folder and a partly createed iso file. you can delete the iso file.
inside the TMP folder you will have the game folders a menux folder and 3 xbe files, using isocraxtion again , patch the 3 xbe files. its just the default.xbe that needs patching but do all 3 just incase.

open up nero bruning rom 6 and choose DVD-ROM(UDF) in the option at top for UDF check the box to FORCE COMPATABILITY for xbox, this has to be ticked or it wont work. now press NEW.. add the files and folders inside the TMP folder using the explorer windows and drag n drop them over to the left. now burn the disk and you should have a fully working multi disk :-) half the time because your not creating the iso so it has less chance of going wrong.

there are many ways of doing this but that is how i create mine 100%