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Author Topic: Benefit Of X2 Pro Over Matrix  (Read 221 times)


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Benefit Of X2 Pro Over Matrix
« Reply #15 on: November 26, 2002, 10:28:00 AM »

The Matrix had a couple of nice innovations.

What now, though? Clearly the time has passed, just like it passed for Enigmahs and X1.1s.

At least the X2 team isn't reasting on it's laurels relying on fanboys and half-baked (and laughably misleading) charts to push near-obsolete product out the door.


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Benefit Of X2 Pro Over Matrix
« Reply #16 on: November 26, 2002, 10:41:00 AM »

You say a matrix is obsolete?

and you talk about misleading?

Matrix will be in the scene for a long time and you know it.
(so does EvoX)



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Benefit Of X2 Pro Over Matrix
« Reply #17 on: November 26, 2002, 10:49:00 AM »

It sounds to me like Xodus were the market leaders.
First with no wires.
Internal & external flashing wasn't 100% new, but now Team X is following suit with that. It's easy to make something slightly 'different' if you already have something to copy.
Remember Team X's first flashing


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Benefit Of X2 Pro Over Matrix
« Reply #18 on: November 26, 2002, 11:05:00 AM »

"Near-obsolete" is not the same as "obsolete" - but nice misdirection, anyway.

I would consider X1/1.1 mods obsolete, as I would Enigmahs. These are dead-end chips.

I don't consider flashing the TSOP as a particularly "must-have" feature, because of the risk.

The 256k onboard flash limits Matrix's usefulness in the future. A software hack to load BIOSes from the HD would be great (I've been discussing that possibility for a couple of months now), but it's a hack - a decent one, if they pull it off, but a hack, nonetheless.

The OpenXBox is probably one of the best designed mods out.

The Matrix innovated with Pogopins and an alignment LED. The rest was easily gleaned from the work of others (CheapMod LPC). I couldn't see buying a 256k mod when it came out, and I see less of a reason now (back then it was due to my desire to run the 512k Debug BIOS, now it's more to do with the enhanced BIOSes that will be coming out).

It's near-obsolete. Like the earlier (and obsolete mods), it can get the basic job done, but it is berift of many key features that users will/do want. Want gameshark functionality? Won't happen onboard a Matrix, plain and simple. Want to run Debug BIOS? Won't happen onboard a Matrix. The hack might extend it's life, but there will be issues with HD loaded BIOSes, as well.

Nothing misleading there.


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Benefit Of X2 Pro Over Matrix
« Reply #19 on: November 26, 2002, 11:12:00 AM »

QUOTE (frekkle @ Nov 26 2002, 05:09 PM)
who is being a fan boy now? what ? ruined the scene? (now thats a laught)

opinions are made by the people that actually have the chip and those that want to know about it... not fed by ops or people that are fans of other chips

I was once a n00b on this but i sat down and did my research and got a MatriX (one of the first orders sent out i must say)

Its a damn good chip and I put my word on it that it did everything it promised! and more
Yes it has external support by other groups like EvoX and such but Xodus offer a great support
when it comes to their product (not like other makers) I have been treated so good with the support scheme they have and I must admit they are realy profesional with their work.

So what if they didnt code a bios! neither did PC-BIOXX/OpenXbox... I dont see you guys bashing at them... its clearly made known that Xecuter lost alot of sales due to the MatriX since its release and they are trying to badmouth every move they make by saying "oh they cant make bioses"

Hello!!! They are a legal chip making group (like Bioxx) Its clear that they dont want to end up in courts (like how Xecuter might do if they keep up their cheering about their Bios)

I myslef think its great that EvoX decided to keep the MatriX project alive by supporting it the way they do, and i expect to see more from them since they have proven that their skills are great. (love your dash Evox!)  The scene wouldnt be anywhere without the Evox Dash and harddisk patch!

So enough already about no support! Its all a fable and the bashing should stop!

                                    you are so stupid if you think pc bioxx is legal

dont kid yourself into think you are not still a noob


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Benefit Of X2 Pro Over Matrix
« Reply #20 on: November 26, 2002, 11:55:00 AM »

I would consider X1/1.1 mods obsolete, as I would Enigmahs.

By your thinking anything but the best PC's currently available are obselete, x-ecuter mods still do almost exactly the same thing as the current generation of bioses do

The Matrix innovated with Pogopins and an alignment LED. The rest was easily gleaned from the work of others (CheapMod LPC).

The exact reason why i personally would never buy one.

It's near-obsolete. Like the earlier (and obsolete mods), it can get the basic job done, but it is berift of many key features that users will/do want. Want gameshark functionality? Won't happen onboard a Matrix, plain and simple. Want to run Debug BIOS? Won't happen onboard a Matrix. The hack might extend it's life, but there will be issues with HD loaded BIOSes, as well.

it wont be obsolete untill evo-x release 512k bioses and judgeing by evo-x's current standpoint, this could be some time

I don't consider flashing the TSOP as a particularly "must-have" feature, because of the risk.

neither do i personally, but i assure you there will be loadsa' people that will, such as the bloke at my local computer fair that chips your X-box for about 50 quid. compared to the PS2 he dosent get much cash from it, but with a matrix he could do it for as cheap as he wants to.


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Benefit Of X2 Pro Over Matrix
« Reply #21 on: November 26, 2002, 12:15:00 PM »


By your thinking anything but the best PC's currently available are obselete, x-ecuter mods still do almost exactly the same thing as the current generation of bioses do

In this case, I think of obsolete as something that costs about the same but does less. Would I recommend an Enigmah or X1.1 to somebody? No. A Matrix? Depends.

it wont be obsolete untill evo-x release 512k bioses and judgeing by evo-x's current standpoint, this could be some time

Will Evo-X release greatly enhanced BIOSes? I've been pushing for Gameshark functionality on the X2 BIOSes. Whether or not it happens, depends on a lot of things, but if it does, how will Evo-X manage that in 256k? Fiddling around with a few things here and there is all fine and dandy. Removing the animation even gives you some breathing space, but most of that 256k is packed with kernel code, required for Xbox games to run.

Is there a Debug BIOS running @ 256K?

neither do i personally, but i assure you there will be loadsa' people that will, such as the bloke at my local computer fair that chips your X-box for about 50 quid. compared to the PS2 he dosent get much cash from it, but with a matrix he could do it for as cheap as he wants to.

Yes, I know this, Pogopins certainly makes it an easy proposition, though I have heard a few people grumble about TSOP flashes, when they thought they were getting modchips.


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Benefit Of X2 Pro Over Matrix
« Reply #22 on: November 26, 2002, 12:30:00 PM »

new features can be built in the dash!

bios just has to boot the dash and then its done from there


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Benefit Of X2 Pro Over Matrix
« Reply #23 on: November 26, 2002, 12:41:00 PM »

QUOTE (frekkle @ Nov 26 2002, 03:30 PM)
new features can be built in the dash!

bios just has to boot the dash and then its done from there

                                    Um, NO.

For Gameshark functionality, for example, you HAVE to have your hook in the BIOS. I have been round and round with people who should know a LOT about the BIOS and execution process on how such an enhancement must work. Same thing goes for IGR.

What the X2 team has put together for BIOS development could also probably be used to add networkable drives, too, among other things. Since they've hooked into the controller routines, we might also see support for mice (I really, really need to use my trackball for FPS games!!) to supplement controller sticks.

There's plenty, and none of it can happen from a dashboard.


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Benefit Of X2 Pro Over Matrix
« Reply #24 on: November 26, 2002, 01:15:00 PM »

QUOTE (Canuck77 @ Nov 26 2002, 04:03 PM)
That's one of the gripes that are "misleading" about Xodus' cute little chart there.

                                    You mean perhaps the dashloaded BIOS?

I originally took that to mean they were simply referring to flashing their chip from the dash, but now it looks as though somebody is seriously looking at loading a BIOS into the RAM Cache area.. which would be a cool trick (one that any mod chip should be capable of), if it can be done.

Like I said, I've been trying to get something going on that front for some time... but with no luck, shot down by some people who probably know quite a bit about the whole thing.

If it works, then certainly a 1MB BIOS could be used, but it also has a disadvantage: complexity. The boot process would get more complicated. Using an ini file to automatically load a BIOS is even worse, because then there is risk if there is a problem with the HD.

At any rate, I would consider this a nice, but 'slightly' irrelevant hack with regards to mod chips. It would extend the life of 256k mods, and probably only those that can be flashed. Owning a PS2 and familiar with that scene, I can tell you that most 'common' users are likely to find trouble with anything less than 'instant on' usage.


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Benefit Of X2 Pro Over Matrix
« Reply #25 on: November 26, 2002, 02:57:00 PM »

QUOTE (frekkle @ Nov 26 2002, 07:30 PM)
new features can be built in the dash!

bios just has to boot the dash and then its done from there

                                    oh god you really have no idea do you

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