
Author Topic: How To Flash This Modchip  (Read 912 times)


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How To Flash This Modchip
« on: August 27, 2013, 04:55:00 PM »

take a pic of the chip could help us..
generally they will either have a switch to enable writing.
a solder point.
a set amount of time you have to hold the power button to enable it..
or some of them just arent really flashable..

as for your softmodding..
your best bet is to buy a soft mod kit.
all it really is is a memory card with game save exploits, and a copy of a exploitable game "usually splinter cell"

you could just buy splinter cell and then make a usb adapter t connect a usb pen drive to your xbox and transfer the game saves like that..
but because you already have a modified xbox. you could just use an xbox memory card and not worry about the usb things.
Just download the game save exploits to your pc/laptop FTP them to your modified xbox. copy them from the xbox to the memory card and your ready to go..

or if you are super cheap. "and i mean willing to possibly brick your xbox because you dont want to spend $1-$3 on a game"
then you could hotswap.
