
Author Topic: Tips For Getting That Matrix To Work On 1.1  (Read 1440 times)


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Tips For Getting That Matrix To Work On 1.1
« on: April 25, 2003, 09:34:00 PM »

ok i also got mine going after literally a day and a half of trying. here are some pointers that i had to do.

download a colored bios - i have

flash it... hold the chip and the programmer together while its doing it

flip the dipswitches on the chip to another of the modes. I have mine on 1=on , 2=off

disconnect the fully the hard disk and the dvd drive

put the screw in and tighten it a little so it can still move but yet tight enough so you can leave it when you've got it aligned

next when ur lining it up - put your face as close to the damn board as possible and watch the d0 pin connect with the d0.

NOTE: the green light on the matrix seems to like going on even if its not really aligned.
IF YOU HAVE A 1.1 box.. the alignment mode will not work but it in one of the other modes.

if you've done it right.. after the flubber animation you will see a blue logo after the animation =(the large X and the word "xbox" will both be blue) even when the HD and DVD are disconnnected you will still see the blue logo.. i know this for fact.

if the above didnt work after tons of trying, you can fill the lpc holes like i did with solder... but you probably dont need to do this, but its recommended by many on here.

close her up and enjoy...

because of everybodys great help to me on this board i will gladly help anyone who needs it

pic of my LPC (soldered) kinda messy but worx:
user posted image

pic of my chip when installed:
user posted image

what you'll see if you've done it after the animation (even with HD and DVD disconnected):
user posted image



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Tips For Getting That Matrix To Work On 1.1
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2003, 02:25:00 AM »


I couldn't get mine to work in the end by alignment, the chip just stopped working one day so I assumed it was broken, I bought an X2Lite and spent all day trying to get it to work before having to send it back for being faulty. But I decided to have one last attempt with the matrix and made a cable to connect to the X2Lite pin header which I then soldered into my matrix and connected the d0 and ground to the D0 and ground of the X2Lite wire. I think it looks pretty neat and I'll take a pic when I open up the box to put my new X2Lite in. I also found a real easy way to get the pin adapter into a Ver1 Xbox without removing the solder.