
Author Topic: enigmah works then doesnt eject  (Read 30 times)


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enigmah works then doesnt eject
« on: July 07, 2002, 09:31:00 PM »


I don't actually have a solution for you but I wanted you to know that I don't think this is restricted to an enigmah problem. If you read the post "X-Box Extender Bug?" you'll see that I am having almost exacly the same problem as you.

It would be interesting to find out what is making this happen on two seperate chips.



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enigmah works then doesnt eject
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2002, 07:00:00 AM »

yes it does sound familiar... what gets me is that i took it apart last night and used my multimeter and didnt see anything wrong.. put it back together... and it worked.. and is still working.. i didnt change anythign on the chip or wires.  I let it play for 30 mins then hit eject and it worked.. then let it play another 30 mins w/another game and it still ejected.  I dunno but i hope we find an explaination so if it happens to arise again i will know what to do..