
Author Topic: Upgrade Hd Question?  (Read 36 times)


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Upgrade Hd Question?
« on: November 05, 2006, 03:44:00 AM »

Okay so I picked up a brand new seagate 120gb hd and I haven't even taken it out of the box. Ayways, I was going to use xbox clone but I need a floppy drive to creat the image. I was wondering if I could still plug up everything as usual (setting the stock hd to master and the new one as a slave) and then copying the data over? or do i need to unlock both of them or something first?? or do I have to format new drive first???

Second question I have is that I have a softmodded box with unleashx on it. First, is ther anyway to get files onto the hd by cd or just by by plugging it into my computer? Also, how do I get msdash back in my C drive? I must have deleted it. thanks