
Author Topic: Trouble With Gcue's Blue Dash  (Read 52 times)


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Trouble With Gcue's Blue Dash
« on: October 13, 2003, 09:58:00 PM »

sad.gif . What am I doing wrong unsure.gif ? here my config.xap:


function setvar()
    configloaded = 1;

// Set the main menu items
// You can set them to whatever you like
// Set to true to use the 5 Button Main Menu // Set to false to use the 4 Button Main Menu
// Note: When using the 4 Button Main Menu the MainMenuItem3 and MainMenuLaunch3 will be removed

    use5ButtonMainMenu = false;

    MainMenuItem1 = "MEMORY";
    MainMenuItem2 = "MUSIC";
    MainMenuItem3 = "MUSIC";  // This will be removed when using the 4 Button Menu
    MainMenuItem4 = "SETTINGS";
    MainMenuItem5 = "RESET";

    // Set the Launcher menus to launch from the main menu (requested)
    // Doing this will skip the Settings style menu and bring you straight to your launch menu
    // If you would like to use the Settings Style menu just set to 0;
    // Options you can use:
    // 0 = Settings Style Submenu
    // 1 = Apps menu
    // 2 = Emus menu
    // 3 = Games menu
    // 4 = Dashboards menu
    // 5 = Original Music menu
    // 6 = Original Settings menu
    // 7 = Original Memory menu
    // 8 = Launches Xbox Media Player straight from the Main Menu (Requested)

    MainMenuLaunch1 = 7;
    MainMenuLaunch2 = 5;
    MainMenuLaunch3 = 5;  // This will be removed when using the 4 Button Menu
    MainMenuLaunch4 = 6;
    MainMenuLaunch5 = 0;

    // Set path to Xbox Media Player

    XBMPpath = "DeviceHarddisk0Partition6AppsXBMP";

// Set the SubMenu Items
// You can set them to whatever you want
// Set how many SubMenu items you are goin to use

    SubMenuItems = 2;  // 6 or less

    SubMenuItem1 = "REBOOT";
    SubMenuItem2 = "SHUTDOWN";
    SubMenuItem3 =
    SubMenuItem4 =
    SubMenuItem5 =
    // Set what Menus you want to launch from each SubMenu item
    // Options you can use:
    // 0 = Dashboards Menu
    // 1 = Apps menu
    // 2 = Emus menu
    // 3 = Games menu
    // 4 = Reboot Xbox
    // 5 = Shutdown Xbox

    SubMenuLaunch1 = 4;
    SubMenuLaunch2 = 5;
    SubMenuLaunch3 =
    SubMenuLaunch4 =
    SubMenuLaunch5 =

    password = "LRxa"; // Dont use b

    // Left Trigger = L // Right Trigger = R // X button = x // Y button = y // A button = a //
    // White Button = W // Black Button = B //
    // D-Pad Up = u // D-Pad Down = d // D-Pad Right = r // D-Pad Left = l //

    nPsswrd = 0;  // 0 = No Password // 1 = 1st Menu // 2 = 2nd Menu // 3 = 3rd Menu // 4 = 4th Menu // 5 = 5th Menu // 6 = 6th Menu

// Set the name of the Dash/App/Game/Emu to the same name as the folder it resides in on your xbox hard drive
// And set the two paths to the main directory of your games/apps/emus/dashes

    dashsMenuName = "DASHBOARDS";
    numberOfDashs = 4;  // 10 or less for now
    dashespath = new Array ( "DeviceHarddisk0Partition1Dashboards",
         "DeviceHarddisk0Partition2" );

    dashname = new Array ( "EvolutionX",
       "Media X Menu",
       "DASH10" );


    appsMenuName = "APPLICATIONS";
    numberOfApps = 3;  // 15 or less for now

    appspath = new Array ( "DeviceHarddisk0Partition1Appz",
       "DeviceHarddisk0Partition6Appz" );

    appname = new Array ( "Xbox Media Player",
      "APP15" );


    emusMenuName = "EMULATORS";
    numberOfEmus = 5;  // 15 or less for now

    emuspath = new Array ( "DeviceHarddisk0Partition1Emuz",
       "DeviceHarddisk0Partition6Emuz" );

    emuname = new Array ( "Mame",
      "Nintendo 64",
      "Sega Genesis",
      "Super Nintendo",
      "Atari 2600",
      "EMU15" );


    gamesMenuName = "GAMES";
    numberOfGames = 6; // 50 or less for now if you want more just ask

    gamespath = new Array ( "DeviceHarddisk0Partition1Gamez",
        "DeviceHarddisk0Partition6Gamez" );

    gamename = new Array ( "Ballzy",
       "GAME20" );



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Trouble With Gcue's Blue Dash
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2003, 08:21:00 AM »

nm fixed it...


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Trouble With Gcue's Blue Dash
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2003, 04:54:00 PM »

I would also be interested in hearing your solution as mine freezes anytime I load submenus besides "settings"