
Author Topic: Help Updating To Live Dash With Software Exploits.  (Read 60 times)


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Help Updating To Live Dash With Software Exploits.
« on: September 09, 2003, 06:38:00 PM »

Hey everyone, I've searched for this but can't find it.
Here's the scoop. I have the original dash and reloaded fontz with pheonix running right now. I want to update my dash so I can get into hacking it etc.
Here's what I'm thinking,
if I run the dash update off of a backup I'm hoping it will soft reboot, thereby leaving pheonix in the memory and loading evox again right away. I'll ftp into the box and replace the fontz with the reloaded fonts again (of course backing up the originals). Than I should be able to shut it off, it will load the m$ bios which will start the font hack and load evox again. What do you think?
That or if I get ahold of an evox install cd will it have the font files and new dash files on it so all I have to do is replace the m$dash.xbe and put the fonts on?
Thanks in advance for your help.